Professor Wycliff Ogupu van Accra in Ghana, skryf die volgende:
Before leaving your lovely country to return to my native Ghana, I would
like to pen some warnings about the enthusiasm I have noted here about your
president's promotion of what he calls the " African Renaissance."
The word "renaissance" presuppose a "naissance" ( ie. a "birth" in French)
before there can be a "rebirth" or renaissance. As an African I love my
continent but, as a professor of history, it is hard for me to agree that
we have ever had our "naissance" or "birth".
I think Mbeki should speak of an African birth now becoming possible but
only because, at the bottom end of the 20th century, we Africans have begun
at last to realise the importance of the impact of European culture,
science, language and liberty upon our ways.
The North Europeans absorbed the same sort of shocks when they were
conquered by the Imperium Romaman - so much so, that the European
universities used Latin as the language of instruction well beyond their
We Africans hate to admit hard and unpalatable facts: before colonialism,
sub-Saharan Africa did not use the wheel; we had no written language or
writing, we had nothing more than myths about the universe and the stars;
our medicine was primitive and often noxious ( like placing cowdung on the
umbellicus); to this day I hear people in Gugulethu speaking of snakes in
their stomachs causing illness; our buildings ( with remarkable exceptions,
such as Napumbukwe) we built only for nomadic habitation. No: our
"naissance" or birth, a long and painful gestation, came with the European
colonisers to whom we should be grateful.
Think if we had been subjected to the Arabs, who have always ( and still do
in Sudan) treated us as fodder for the practise of slavery - they took four
to five times more Africans than the Europeans.
Think if we had been ruled by the Chinese, who have nothing but contempt
and ugly hate for us - I have experienced at first hand the overt and
unblushing racism of the Chinese at Peking University no.2, when only riots
by black students in the 1970s brought us better treatment. We were called
"monkeys" and "devils", which are bad insults in China.
No, we should be glad that Europe will bear us into the 21st century.
Despite everything, and through much cruelty from that quarter, we have
been left with the administration ethic that the Romans left the Gauls (
and don't water down your Roman-Dutch heritage) and a sense of justice
which St. Paul could have used against his Roman torturers.
But think if we had continued to rule ourselves. Our backwardness in the
20th century would have beggard description.
Think of the short period since Mbeki gave renaissance a high profile:
civil war and mercenaries in Sierra Leone; complete takeover of Congo by
General Kabila; genocide in Rwanda and Burundi; riots and anti-gay policies
in Zimbabwe; the improsonment of ex-President Kaunda; throats of thousands
slit in Algeria; overthrow of Brazzaville-Congo government by Colonel
Hardly a renaissance, I would say.
One event is consistent with my view. Anjouan, in the Comores, seperated
from the Islamic Republic of the Comores and asked reincorporation into
France as a "Territoye d'Outremer".
Too late I'm afraid: Europe doesn't want us that much anymore. At least my
French African colleagues still think of Paris as their second capital.
Our birth has still to come, let alone our rebirth.
I believe, as did Kwame Nkrumah, that "when colonialism is placed on the
scales, it will trip them in our favour".
I hope you will publish this warning so that your readers do not become
over-expectant of a new euphoria in our continent.
Ek is nie seker wat die song se naam is nie ,maar die Band is "Plexx"
Dit is die vyfde song op 'n cd genaamd "serious beats".
Asseblief mail my as jy die mp3 het of van 'n saait weet waar jy dit kan kry
Ek is nie seker wat die song se naam is nie ,maar die Band is "Plexx"
Dit is die vyfde song op 'n cd genaamd "serious beats".
Asseblief mail my as jy die mp3 het of van 'n saait weet waar jy dit kan kry
Leendert van Oostrum wrote in message 7v1g7a$59m$>...
> wrote in message
> ...
> Rhodes se grootste aanhanger skryf:
>> Om my van "Empire-sentimente" te beskuldig, is weer deel van jouaanhoudende
>> metode om almal wat nie met jou enge standpunte saam-
>> stem nie, af te rakel as iets slegs. Dit pas in by die neerbuigende
>> manier waarmee jy van mense uit ander dele van die land praat.
> Gee assebleif 'n voorbeeld van die "neerbuigende manier waarop [ek] van
> mense uit ander dele van die land praat", Gloudina.
> As jy dit nie doen, nie, bevestig jy natuurlik bloot dat jy lieg.
Geen reaksie - jy het dus bloot gelieg.
>> en heelwaar-
>> skynlik ander families wat afstammelinge van die Voortrekkers
>> was en dus militant teenoor die swart bevolking van die oostelike
>> dele van die land was, en teen die "uitlanders," maak nog nie dat
>> ander mense in dieselfde atmosfeer van antipatie grootgeword het
>> as wat jy blykbaar voel dis jou roeping in die lewe om te verkondig
>> nie.
> Gee asseblief 'n voorbeeld van die "atmosfeer van antipatie" wat ek
> verkondig, Gloudina.
> As jy dit nie doen nie, erken jy natuurlik dat jou stelling hierbo bloot
> leuenagtig is, né!
Daar is aan my laat weet dat jy my vrou is. :) En dat ons ons troue
moet vier. :) Het die "home-improvement committee" (Don Gray) enige
idees? :)))
Aan die diamantgooiers op Upington - baie dankie. Het julle name
vergeet. Wil graag pragtige advies aan julle meedeel in die persoon.
Aan my vrou, Gloudina. Baie dankie vir jou ondersteuning. En
intergrasie op hierdie ng die 2e keer toe 'n mens terug gekom het. Die
tyd het aangebreek om alles reg te maak, wat verbrou is.
Iets vir jou vanuit 'n boek van Osho, genaamd "Be Oceanic". Pragtige
dinge kom. Dit vat net tyd om dit uit te werk.
Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rashneesh) Be Oceanic.
The mystery of relationship, p 15 - 18.
But love is difficult. Fear has to be dropped. And this is the strange
thing - that you are so afraid and you have nothing to lose.
Kabir has said somewhere: I look into people. They are so much afraid,
but I can’t see why - because they have nothing to lose. Says Kabir:
They are like a person who is naked, but never goes to take a bath in
the river because he is afraid - where will he dry his clothes?
This is the situation you are in - naked, with no clothes, but always
afraid about the clothes.
What have you got to lose? Nothing.
This body will be taken by death. Before it is taken, give it to love.
Whatsoever you have, will be taken away. Before it is taken away, why
not share it? That is the only way of possessing it. If you can share
and give, you are the master. It is going to be taken away. There is
nothing which you can retain forever. Death will destroy everything.
So, if you follow me rightly, the struggle is between death and love.
If you can give, there will be no death. Before anything can be taken
away from you, you will have already given it, you will have made a
gift. There can be no death.
For a lover, there is no death. For a non-lover, every moment is death,
because every moment something is snatched away from him. The body is
disappearing - he is losing every moment. Andre then there will be
death and everything will be annihilated.
What is fear? Why are you so afraid? Even if you know about you and you
are an open book, why fear? How can it harm you? Just false
conceptions, just conditions given by society, that you have to hide,
that you have to protect yourself, that you have to be constantly in a
fighting mood, that everybody is an enemy, that everybody is against
Nobody is against you! Even if you feel somebody is against you, he too
is not against you - because everybody is concerned with himself, not
with you.
There is nothing to fear. This has to be realised before a relationship
can happen - there is nothing to fear.
Meditate on it. And then allow the other to enter you, invite the other
to enter you. And don’t create a barrier anywhere, become a passage -
just always open, no locks, no doors on you, no closed doors on you.
Then love is possible.
When two centres meet, there is love. And love is an alchemical
phenomenon - just like hydrogen and oxygen meet a new thing, water, is
created. You can have hydrogen, you can have oxygen, but if you are
thirsty, they will be useless. You can have as much oxygen as you want,
as much hydrogen as you like, but the thirst will not go.
When two centres meet a new thing is created. Mm? - that new thing is
love. And it is just like water - the thirst of many, many lives is
satisfied. Suddenly you become content.
That is the visible sign of love - you become content, as if you have
achieved everything. There is nothing to achieve now. You have achieved
the goal - there is no more goal, the destiny is fulfilled. The seed
has become a flower, has come to its total flowering.
Ek voel so moerig oor die feit dat almal die Afrikaner die toestand toesnou
van gebroke en sonder hoop. Se moer se ek nou aan almal wat die brief lees.
Die Afrikaner is al lank nie meer 'n skoot hond wat soms 'n been kry en soms
nie. Die Afrikaner in my geestes oog is 'n slapende leeu wat rus. Met die
stelling wil ek nie die tipiese Eugene Tereblanche en garde se opsweep
woorde gebruik om een of ander opstand teen die huidige regering te
beklemtoon of voor te staan nie. Die feit van die saak is, ons is 'n
slapende nasie. Ons trots het gaan le en die senuwees is lam.
My bloed is dik en sterk en as ek dinge kon voorspel sal die laaste ding
wees om te se dat ons taal nl. Afrikaans gemarginaliseer is of dat die
kultuur dood is. Net omdat ons nie meer Sondae middae familie braais het ens
nie, maak nie die kultuur dood nie. Kultuur is iets wat verander. Ons is nou
baie meer modern as wat ons ou voorsate 100 jaar terug was. Net soos hulle
moet ons vandag ook baklei vir wat ons sin is.
Een ding moet mens onthou. Die aarde behoort aan niemand nie. Nie aan die
Amerikaners nie, nie aan die Engelse nie, nie aan die Chinese nie, ook nie
aan die Afrikaner nie. Ons moet almal hulle gelyke reg op God se planeet
gee. Dit beteken nie dat elke tweede Jan rap en sy maat kan kom rond donner
met die Afrikaner se geskiedenis en toekoms soos hy wil nie. Wees bietjie
trots mense. Ons is 'n jong volk binne 'n nog jonger nasie en jong land.
Suid Afrika was en sal altyd goed wees vir ons, ons moet dit net laat
verstaan aan almal wat daarin twyfel.
Die Afrikaner moet uitstyg in tegnologie, akademie, kultuur en volkstrots.
Ons is goed, miskien die beste onder die lot in Afrika, dit sal net God
weet. Ons moet trots wees op wat ons is en wat ons in hierdie land sover
gedoen het. Die feit bestaan dat (Appartheid of nie) Suid Afrika nie sou
wees wat hy vandag is sonder ons nie. Almal weet dit! Almal is net nie ewe
lus om dit te erken nie. Kyk na Afrika en besluit self.
Afrikaners, wees trots!!! Vervlaks 'n volk maak homself, nie ander mense
Ons almal maak foute. So maak volkere ook droog. Ons fout was beslis nie die
grootste in die geskiedenis van die mensdom nie. Tragies miskien, maar nie
die grootste nie. As ander volkere in Afrika dieselfde vermoens as die
Afrikaner gehad het sou dit miskien altemit nie so kakkerig gaan namate mens
na die noorde beweeg nie.
> To the reader of this:
> This is important. This website (free, don't worry) shows a very serious threat
> to the present-day quality of life we enjoy here in America. Please take a
> moment to look at it. If nothing else, you will have spent several seconds in
> vain. I urge you, read this message.