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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

"lekker slaap" toegewens in verskillende lande

Tue, 04 March 2008 06:25

In Nederland: "Goeden nagt"

In Australië: "Night Mate"

In die VSA: "Goodnite"

In Duitsland: "Schlaf wohl"

"Is al die veiligheidshekke en deure gesluit?
"Is die vensters toegemaak?"
"Is die karre ingetrek, die motorhuisdeure gesluit, en al die alarms
"Is die Rotweilers binne?"

en dan:

"Lekker slaap"
"Moenie oor die ligte worry nie, Eskom sal dit afsit!"

Humor & grappe | 0 kommentare

Suidwester, Swart Simon en ander ouens wat van karre en fisika en sulke goete weet....

Tue, 04 March 2008 04:14

Hi Almal,

Het gister hierdie een per epos ontvang. Die eerste "tip" maak nogal sin,
maar ek wonder of maak dit werklik soveel verskil. Daardie tenks word
redelik diep ionder die grond begrawe en mens wonder of die temperatuur
onder die onmiddelike grondoppervlak dermate styg dat dit 'n beduidende
invloed op die volume van die brandstof kan hê?

Natuurlik sal daar 'n styging wees, maar so dat dit 'n beduidende invloed
het op hoeveel brandstof mens in jou 60-80 liter voertuig tenk ingooi? Sal
seker ook afhang van waar 'n mens in die land woon en die verskil tussen dag
en nag temperature; die verskil sal aansienlik groter in die Kalahari of die
Namib wees, as by die kus, OL of Durbs, waar dag- en nagtemeprature nie so
baie verrskil nie.

Wat dink julle?

Hi, I think every South African Motorist needs to read this:
TIPS ON FILLING YOUR CAR(S) (Good information) I don't know what you guys
are paying for petrol.... but here in Durban we are also paying higher, up
to R7.35 per litre. But my line of work is in petroleum for about 31 years
now, so here are some tricks to get more of your money's worth for every
Here at the Marian Hill Pipeline where I work in Durban, we deliver about 4
million litres in a 24-hour period thru the pipeline. One day is diesel the
next day is jet fuel, and petrol, LRP and Unleaded. We have 34-storage tanks
here with a total capacity of 16,800,000 litres.
1) Only buy or fill up your car or bakkie in the early morning when the
ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have
their storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground the more
dense the fuel, when it gets warmer petrol expands, so buying in the
afternoon or in the evening....your litre is not exactly a litre. In the
petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the petrol,
diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important
role. A 1-degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But
the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.
2) When you're filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast
mode. If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3)
stages: low, middle, and high. In slow mode you should be pumping on low
speed, thereby minimizing the vapours that are created while you are
pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapour return. If you are pumping on
the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapour.
Those vapours are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank
so you're getting less worth for your money.
3) One of the most important tips is to fill up when your tank is HALF FULL.
The reason for this is, the more fuel you have in your tank the less air
occupying its empty space. petrol evaporates faster than you can imagine.
Petroleum storage tanks have an internal floating roof.
This roof serves as zero clearance between the petrol and the atmosphere, so
it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations, here where I work,
every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every litre is
actually the exact amount.
4) Another reminder, if there is a fuel truck pumping into the storage tanks
when you stop to buy, DO NOT fill up-most likely the petrol/diesel is being
stirred up as the fuel is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the
dirt that normally settles on the bottom.
Hope this will help you get the most value for your money.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 11 kommentare

" Wat die hart van vol is " deur PETER BLUM

Tue, 04 March 2008 01:47

Uit "Wat die hart van vol is"
Peter Blum

So lê u spore diep in my. U het my bitter
denke bekeer, my bitsig-bose tong
geleer om soet te buig, eers tot u eer,
toe ook met ander lof. 'n Duister, jong,
verstokte vasteland het u laat skitter
met kenbaarhede; heidense kontrei
het u welluidender vernoem - gedoop
in 'n nuwe taal wat oor die landkaart sprei
(waardeur ek groei, maar wat deur my ook groei)
- pleknaam tot pleknaam Kaap die Goeie Hoop.

Prosa & poësie | 0 kommentare

Vir Ferdie

Mon, 03 March 2008 16:43

Hi Ferdie,

'n Mens sien maar van tyd tot tyd dat koerante vir 'n storie betaal. Nou as
dit die geboorte van een of ander celebrity se kleintjie is, dan hang dit
seker af hoe gewild sy is en wie met die beste aanbod kom. Speel die media
teen mekaar af?

Maar as dit nou Eugene de Kock se storie is? Of die sg Skêr-moordenares?
Hoe bepaal die koerant wat dit werd is? - watter invloed it op
sirkulasie-syfers sal hê?

Vir wat se stories is die koerante bereid om te betaal en wat nie? Sal
hulle byvoorbeeld betaal vir 'n politieke inside-storie?

Vertel ons asseblief? Bloot nuuskierig, maar ek dink ander op die ng sal
ook graag wil weet.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Suidwester - Torreke

Mon, 03 March 2008 07:58

Kan een van julle asb aan my verduidelik hoe 'n dubbel dekker bus dit regkry
om nie om elke hoek en draai om te val nie. Ek het al gesien hoe van daai
busse om 'n draai kom en erg skuins oorval, maar om een of ander rede nie
omval nie.

Toe ek nog student was, het ek geweier om bo in so bus te sit.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

vir Elke Deelnemer en Verbyganger...

Sun, 02 March 2008 20:23

Jare gelede het 3D prente vir 'n tyd groot aanhang geniet.
My vrou en ek het dit geniet en ek kan onthou dat ons dit opgegaar
het. Daardie prente wat jy moet leer om te sien, omdat jy moet leer
hoe om daarna te kyk, en dan verstom is oor wat jy in die eerste plek
nie raak gesien het nie, maar nou raaksien omdat jy bereid is om verby
die oppervlak te kyk. Ek het selfs op 'n tyd stereogramme op rekenaar
gebou, want dit het my gefassineer.
En omdat ons geweet het hoe om 3D raak te sien, het ons somtyds
3D effek gesien waar dit nie verwag was nie. Maar ons was ingestel
om dit raak te sien en het dit juis daarom raakgesien selfs sonder om
daarvoor te soek.

What is a stereogram?
A stereogram is a two-dimensional, computer-generated, graphic image
that has a 3-D image hidden in it. A stereogram is sometimes called a
"Magic Eye Picture."

This hidden image can only be seen when viewed from the proper
perspective. A stereogram has two levels of reality. There is the
surface level which often appears chaotic and disorganized with its
variety of colors and patterns. There is also the deeper and hidden
level of reality, the hidden image, that contains the real meaning of
the stereogram.

The Parable of the Stereogram

The last thing fish would ever discover is water. Fish live, move, and
have their being in water, but it is invisible to them. What is the
last thing that human beings are likely to discover? It is that they
are surrounded by and live in the Kingdom of God. Whatever surrounds
us becomes ordinary and common place. Eventually, it is no longer
recognized for what it is. We live in the extraordinary but do not
know it. We live in the Kingdom but do not experience it.

The Kingdom of God is a quality of life. It is a way of living in the
world. It has been described as the present participation in a future
possibility. It is a paradox. The Kingdom is both present and coming.

All spiritual traditions try to awaken us from illusion to the reality
in which we live. These traditions try to help us see the “unseen”
which is the really real.

Jesus of Nazareth came preaching the Kingdom of God. He proclaimed the
inauguration of the Kingdom of God and told us that it is like a
mustard seed that grows, yeast which spreads, and a treasure hidden in
a field. The Kingdom is not something easily observed. It exists both
within us and among us. The Kingdom is a private reality that must be
given expression in relationship with others. We must love God, love
ourselves, and love our neighbor. Loving our neighbor even means to
love our enemy. We are actually surrounded by this reality, which
exists as a potential for us, but we must be awakened to it. It is a
quality of living that is always available.

Jesus used parables to help us understand what the Kingdom is like. A
modern parable is that the Kingdom of God is like a stereogram. A
stereogram is a two-dimensional, computer-generated, graphic image
that has another 3-D image embedded in it. On initial viewing the 3-D
image is not seen. It is hidden. It is not obvious but is present. The
image can be seen only when viewed from the proper perspective. The
task is made difficult if you try too hard. You must use a special
non-focused attention. You almost have to look beyond the present
reality to see the hidden one. When the hidden image is discovered,
the surprise is that it was there all the time. If you look away to
tell a friend, when you look back it will be gone and must be found
again. If you have the image in sight and try too hard to see it with
increased clarity, it is often lost. However, only a glimpse is needed
to know that it is real and can be found again. Once you have seen the
image it is difficult to show it to other people. Only general
instructions can be given. Others cannot find the image through your
experience. They cannot look over your shoulder and see what you see.
They can trust your testimony and search for themselves. You can point
the way and invite them to see the Kingdom, but they must do it on
their own.

Once you have experienced the Kingdom of God, even if it is only for a
moment, then you know that it is a reality. We live in it, but our
eyes have to be opened to it. Sometimes the beauty of nature opens our
eyes. Sometimes it might be the love of or for another. Even the
struggle with life crises of suffering and loss can make it visible.
Once found it can be a source of strength that empowers us to love and
accept ourselves and others. Through the hidden reality of the Kingdom
of God we find that we are all bound together in the common experience
of the human condition. We are surrounded by what we need, but only
realize it when we can open ourselves to the extraordinary - the Holy-
that is found in the ordinary moments of life.

So, the Kingdom of God is like a stereogram. Have you seen the Kingdom
of God? Can you share it with others?

The Kingdom Stereogram

How to view a Stereogram

A stereogram is a two-dimensional picture that has a 3-D image hidden
in it. The hidden image is not on the surface of the monitor screen.
To find the hidden image you must focus you eyes through the screen.
Pretend that you are looking through the monitor to the distant
background. This causes you to switch from "near point" to "far point"
vision and will allow the hidden image to come into view.

* Put your face close to the screen. Pretend to look through the
* Now, very slowly move back from the screen and as you do so the
image will come into view.
* This may take several attempts.
* Please be patient, and you will be rewarded with the hidden

Did you know that viewing a stereogram will reduce eyestrain?

The Stereogram and Eyestrain

If you frequently use a computer, then you are forced into
"near point" vision as you look at the monitor screen . When looking
at something that is close to you, the eyes must converge on the
object and be held in this position. This often requires the eye
muscles to keep the same degree of contraction for long periods of
time. The result is eye strain or muscle fatigue which is often
accompanied by headaches.

In order to see the hidden picture in a stereogram, you have to use
"far point" vision. To do this you must relax the muscles around the
eyes as if looking at something in the distance. This relaxation of
the muscles can give relief from eye strain and its accompanying
headaches. Looking at a stereogram for a few moments several times a
day can keep you fresh for work on your computer.

file:///E:/Nuut/1%20-%20The%20Parable%20of%20the%20Stereogra m/parable.htm

Koeitjies & kalfies | 21 kommentare

Die Kovsie Video

Sun, 02 March 2008 15:24

Wanneer spoeldiamante ontdek word sak delwers dieselfde lappie grond
toe. Wanneer 'n nuwe besigheid begin word sak versekeringsmense dit
toe en wanneer 'n ongeluk op die pad gebeur jaag al wat 'n tow-in van
die omgewing daarheen.

Joernaliste is soos aasvoëls. Almal sak nou toe op die huidige
sensasie en maak meer skade as wat hulle besef. Al wat 'n koerant is
publiseer dit, en die tema is tot vervelens toe dat ons nie regtig
'so' is nie. Op hul knieë voor die swart massa.

Wanneer blankes vermoor word, dood gemartel word, kry dit nie
naastenby soveel mediadekking as die siek storie wat nou op die
lamppale en voorblaaie pryk nie.

'n Kennis en haar man is vermoor in hul plaashuis. Sy is met
skoenveters verwurg. Ek het dit in geen koerant gesien nie.
Wanneer mense vermoor word, haal dit somtyds, nie eens altyd nie, 'n
klein beriggie in die binneblaaie; en word direk daarna vergeet.
Tensy dit iets is wat baie mense se emosies kan opsweep - en koerante
verkoop. Soos nou:-( Dit is siek.

Ek verwerp wat die studente gedoen het. As hulle dit regtig gedoen
het, is dit swak swak. As dit hulle idee van 'n grap is, is dit 'n
swak grap. Dit verander nie die feit dat ek nog nooit, na enige wrede
moord op blankes gepleeg is, gesien het dat die swart koerante
uitbasuin dat hulle nie almal 'so' is nie. Hulle ignoreer dit finnish
en klaar. Of plaas miskien 'n beriggie daaroor (sal nie weet nie want
ek lees dit nie,) maar as hulle soos die blanke koerante sou optree,
sou niemand dit kon mis nie.

Die wreedste moorde op blankes veroorsaak nie so 'n bohaai in die
koerante nie.

Dit is simpel, gatkruipend en voetesoenend:-(

En as enigiemand enige kritiek op hier op het, lees weer wat ek
geskryf het. Lees dit stadig en herhaaldelik indien dit nie
verstaan word nie.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 30 kommentare

" Sondag van 'n Kind " deur D.J. OPPERMAN

Sun, 02 March 2008 14:04

D. J. Opperman

My vader, moeder, broer en ek
het rape uit die land getrek,

hulle in die spruitjie skoon gewas
en saam gaan eet op klawergras.

Later toe ons by 'n waenhuis kom
was al die bure saamgedrom,

en by die een vervalle hoek
lees iemand vir ons uit 'n boek.

Klip na klip word van die muur gerol
tot by 'n lam met raapwit wol.

Prosa & poësie | 0 kommentare

Daar bloei ook blomme in Bloemfontein

Sun, 02 March 2008 13:58

Midde-in rasspanning kry studentekerk swart leraar
Mar 01 2008 01:20:31:433AM - (SA)

Terwyl die rassespanning op die Vrystaatse Universiteit se kampus
hoog loop, is 'n swart proponent opgewonde oor die beroep wat hy van
die NG Studentekerk in Bloemfontein gekry het.

Prop. Simon (Sigh) Melaletsa is Sondag deur dié gemeente beroep om hul
Sotho-talige bediening te kom behartig.

Hy het sy teologiese opleiding in Bloemfontein gekry en is 'n
gelegitimeerde proponent van die NG Kerk in Afrika. Ds. Christo Louw,
predikant van die Studentekerk, sê hulle wil 'n multikulturele
gemeente wees.

Daarom het hulle naas hul Afrikaanse bediening ook 'n Engelse en 'n

Louw sê elke taalgroep word in sy eie taal bedien, maar daar is ook
gesamentlike lofprysings- en ander dienste.

Daarby is daar een kerkraad en gesamentlike komitees waarop al die
studente dien. Louw sê hulle ervaar geen rassespanning in die gemeente
nie. Die gemeente is opgewonde oor Melaletsa se koms.

Melaletsa, wat al as student by dié gemeente betrokke geraak het, sê
hy het gebid vir so 'n beroep.

Kerke fokus volgens Melaletsa soms op wat mense wil hê. Hy dink dis
belangrik om te fokus op wat God wil hê. - Neels Jackson

Geloof & kerksake | 0 kommentare

Vir Jimmy en die syne

Sat, 01 March 2008 14:59

Gesien en gehoor van die varksige video wat Afrikaanssprekende Kovsie
studente gemaak het?
Gesien en gehoor wat Afrikaansprekendes in Lady Selbourne met die vensters
gedoen het en hulle bromfietse?
Gesien en gehoor wat daardie Afrikaanssprekende man in die toilet in
Bloemfontein gedoen het?

Dis wat mense met julle houding bereik!!!!
Dis julle skuld dat Afrikaners steeds as skuim beskou word!!!
Dis julle en julle rassisme wat grotendeels die skuld moet kry oor die
wanopvatting wat in die wêreld oor wit Afrikaanssprekendes bestaan!!!
En ek hou julle en julle haat teen swartes verantwoordelik vir elke
plaasaanval waarin bejaarde wit Afrikaanssprekendes wreed aangeval en
vermoor word!!!

Julle wil nie vrede maak nie!!!
Julle wil nie swartmense as mense soos ek en jy erken nie!!!
Julle gun hulle nie hulle hul regmatige plek onder die son in hulle eie land
Dis julle en julle haat wat die vlam van wraak aan die brand hou!!!

Koeitjies & kalfies | 11 kommentare

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