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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.


Wed, 30 July 2003 07:42

Die nuwe reeks het gisteraand begin. Ek het dit vreeslik geniet en my
huishouding kom tot stilstand wanneer dié program sy opwagting maak.
Die interaksies tussen die verskillende mense is vir my van die
wonderlikste! En gisteraand het die reeks verras met n vrouespan
teenoor n mannespan! Ek het werklik die eerste verskil tussen die
manne en vroue so geniet toe die manne n baie goeie skuiling begin bou
het en die vroue hulle wasgoed begin was het omdat dié glo gestink

Werklik vir my skreeusnaaks.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 22 kommentare


Wed, 30 July 2003 07:06

Daar is vanoggend aangekondig dat van die 4 groot banke hier, die publiek
die mees tevrede is met ENB, en die minste tevrede met Absa.

Vir my hang dit egter van tak tot tak af - en ek sal sê vir my is die tak
van ENB naby Nobelpark loshande die swakste tak van alle banke in SA.


Ekonomie & geldsake | 9 kommentare

" Heilige Beeste " deur D.J. OPPERMAN

Tue, 29 July 2003 22:30

D.J. Opperman

Heilige beeste

Dit is my laaste besit
wat ek bedags langs die Taka verdedig
en snags in die kraal tussen kiepersol en klip:

hulle wat wei
waar die hadida in die noorsboom wag
bo peule, miershoop en gras;

hulle wat afhanklik is
van die bul wat die sand krap
en die reuk van die koei nog vat;

hulle wat afstam
van kuddes deur dansende impi's omring
in die koningskrale van Senzangakona en Dingaan;

hulle my drie drifte:
die aardse, die vrou en die Groot-Groot-Gees
oor die kraal tussen kiepersol en klip.

Prosa & poësie | 0 kommentare

Cremora koffie vir Tobie

Tue, 29 July 2003 20:48

Tobie, ek kon net een van jou poste sien. Katryn het vir my die ander
gestuur. Oor die webwerf, dankie vir die verduideliking, dit klink na 'n
interessante projek. Was jy self weer Angola toe na die oorlog daar?


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare


Tue, 29 July 2003 16:01

Die verwydering van Kruger se standbeeld beteken seker maar dat daar geen
sprake van versoening is nie.

Dit bevestig ook maar seker wat die ver-regses die heeltyd vermoed het.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Regte en Voorregte

Tue, 29 July 2003 09:05

In Huisgenoot is daar 'n artikel van 'n oudonderwyser wat beweer dit is die
ouers se skuld as hul kinders stout en onbeheerbaar is.
En die medisyne is nie Retalin nie, maar geld.

Ek stem natuurlik nie saam nie - want die kind moet eerstens leer dat hy/sy
nie iets kan verdien sonder om take te verrig nie.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 38 kommentare

Krediet vir Steve

Tue, 29 July 2003 07:04

Ek sê vanoggend beleefd vir 'n man dat hy op sy werk moet begin konsentreer.
Tog my ontnugtering, uiter hy: "You are just saying that because I'm black"
Toe kom ek op 'n stuk wysheid van Steve Biko af:

Being black is not a matter of pigmentation-being black is a reflection of a
mental attitude.
Stephen Biko (1946-1977), South African political activist, 1971.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 11 kommentare


Tue, 29 July 2003 05:27

Bob Hope is oorlede op 'n ouderdom van 100 jaar. Dit was 'n ongelooflike
lang lewe. l

Koeitjies & kalfies | 4 kommentare

Re: AT LAST! LAND FOR OUR MASSES + starvation and squalour

Mon, 28 July 2003 19:46

On Mon, 28 Jul 2003 21:29:25 +0200, "Skokkie" wrote:

"Bodie" skryf in boodskap
> "Speedy Gonzales" wrote in message
>> On Fri, 18 Jul 2003 22:27:44 +0200, "Knop Kop" wrote:
>>> "Speedy Gonzales" wrote in message
>>>> On Fri, 18 Jul 2003 21:39:18 +0200, "Knop Kop" wrote:
>>>> >e. Loop bou jou eie huis en los myne uit, anders gaan ek
>>>> >my "1994 oordentlikheid" vergeet...
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> Waar wil jy nou meer van erkentlikheid hé,
>>>> dat die pampoen wat nou sy huis wil beskerm
>>>> een van die gekke was wat die anc ingestem het?
>>>> Speedy
>>> Jy dink tog seer sekerlik nie die Afrikaanse Teenstand Beweging gaan joune
>>> beskerm nie??
>> Nee, beslis nie, maar beslis kyk ek in die spieël, en sê aan die ou
>> wat terug kyk. dat hy tevrede kan wees omdat hy geen aandeel het
>> in die huidige toestand nie.
>> Speedy
> My afrikaans is nie van die beste nie, maar ek dink die volgende is van
> toepassing.
> Hoor, hoor!
> Bodie. (hopefully I got that right)
You are always hopeful, but as usual, missed again!

> "Bodie" wrote in message

>> "Skokkie" wrote in message
>>> "Andries Joubert" wrote in message
>>>> the time is very high for all our landless brothers
>>>> and sisters to claim land from the setlars who
>>>> robbed us from our belovd african soil long ago.
>>>> today i see a very intresting newspapar article
>>>> in the rekord of city tswane wich make me very
>>>> proud and happy to include the same article here
>>>> below. now at last we have the hope for the future
>>>> and for our childern. we want our land we want
>>>> our houses!
>>>> uhuru africa! amandla!
>>>> (anfortunatly it is in afrikans and not only in english
>>>> as it must have been.)
>>>> justus for africa
>>> Landless Brother
>>> You were originally permitted to occupy your land under permission from a
>>> form of liege that is known in certain parts as AmaKhosi or Inkosi. Your
>>> forefathers never owned it themselves. The Inkosi were displaced by the
>>> colonialists and their re-establishment following the demise of colonialism
>>> is currently being phased out by the Social Democratic (some say just plain
>>> socialist) government.
>>> The economics of food production for a population of over 40 million rule
>>> out the possibility of communal production for self consumption. Large scale
>>> commercial farming is required in order to produce the food that is required
>>> for the majority of South Africans to comfortably enjoy the freedoms that
>>> were won for them at such a great cost. The quality of traditional
>>> lifestyles that remain amongst people like the AmaNchunu (SP?) is being
>>> eroded by people who feed them political nonsense that comes from beyond
>>> their frame of reference. They have always been hard working people who
>>> deserve to see change in the quality of their lifestyle but not its
>>> essential character. They no longer store grain as they have been told that
>>> it is the governments undertaking to provide this through donations from
>>> people who owe them some sort of debt.
>>> The houses that you are currently being provided are of a similar size to
>>> those that the people occupied during pre-colonial times. They were adequate
>>> then as they were out in the wide open spaces. The acres of boxes that you
>>> are now readily accepting as homes for free represent an undersupply as you
>>> should have something much larger in order to meet your needs in a modern
>>> society. They are merely houses and not homes, and they represent a
>>> developing social problem as existing neighbourhood and familiar structures
>>> are ignored and over ruled in the need to "roll out" supply. The government
>>> does not have the resources to provide you with a house that is sized
>>> according to modern requirements, something significantly larger than the
>>> pre colonial version that you propose as a model for restitution. If you are
>>> to achieve the quality of life that your liberating fathers intended for you
>>> there will have to be some sort of toil and input on your behalf and there
>>> are not enough white men for the government to dispossess in order to
>>> furnish your expectations for a free ride.
>>> According to current government policy, the land that you may be given will
>>> be subject to rates and taxes and this will mean that you effectively do not
>>> own it and if you fall behind in payments the result will be dispossession.
>>> You could opt for some sort of campaign of resistance and refuse to pay
>>> saying that it is the whites who must pay. There are not enough of them to
>>> carry you. This is a function of the demography that allows you to enjoy
>>> majority rule
>>> Get in tune with the 21st century my man, There are plenty of people in
>>> Zimbabwe who are chanting "uhuru africa! amandla!" and are trying to live
>>> on tree bark to survive. The government has not been able to meet everyone's
>>> expectations and so only those close to the ruling clique are catered for.
>>> The brothers there are unable to even think about enjoying a nice beer after
>>> work as they cost over Z$ 650.00 which is more than the officially mandated
>>> minimum monthly salary. They are available to wealthy tourists only. Their
>>> money is no longer flowing into the economy as they are being chased away
>>> because they are regarded as targets for redistribution and if they are not
>>> exploited by strange financial coercion such as entry taxes or carbon taxes
>>> they are hit by self justified empowerment and redistribution operators who
>>> rob them and / or kill them.
>>> So what is the use of being given land if you are unable to grow anything on
>>> it, and you cannot raise a family on it, and you cannot make a home on it,
>>> and you are responsible to continually pay for the use of it in the face of
>>> a lack of employment and ..............
>>> It is clear that a more responsible method of land acquisition is required,
>>> something that is more practical than the dreams set out in your messages.

>> My word, I must be getting ill.
> Bodie - what a real breakthrough this is for you to realise that you are
> ill. All of my words have not been in vain, some have hit home.
>> You post actually made sense and echo's most of what has already been
> said,
> So I suppose that you are going to start harping on about plagiarism again
> then
>> and no doubt will continue to be said, about the land issue in Africa.
>> It is a fact that the politically/economically naive will be the first to
>> shout for land and it stands to reason they will also be the first ones in
>> the queue with their grubby paws outstretched for food aid.
> This is not true at all. The degree of naivety and economic activity does
> not mitigate against the fact that they did have the land swiped from them
> in the first place and thay should have their concerns addressed. The issue
> is that they must come to the party in the modern world.
> "they will also be the first ones in the queue with their grubby paws
> outstretched for food aid." - please retract and revisit that statement as I
> do not believe any sane and sensible South African in the 21st Century could
> still think like that. Bodie the other stuff in the other threads has been a
> lot of fun but I really cannot bring myself to believe that you actually
> think like this in the serious world.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 4 kommentare

Griet skryf 'n sprokie

Mon, 28 July 2003 17:34

Die boek het in 1992 verskyn. Nie te lank daarna nie het 'n soort
parodie/satire daarop verskyn, geskryf vanuit die man se oogpunt. Ek het die
boek gelees en interessant, hoewel soms ietwat smaakloos en dikwels baie
eksplisiet gevind. Maar nou ek om die dood nie die titel of die skrywer
onthou nie. Ek dink die titel het 'n man se naam in gehad, en die skrywer
het 'n skuilnaam gebruik. As iemand weet waarvan ek praat - kan jy dalk
asseblief die titel en skrywer noem? Die hoofkarakter se naam was Mot, en ek
het 'n gedagte die titel het ook dalk "Mot" in gehad.
Dis net een van daardie goed wat jy probeer onthou maar toetentaal net nie
kan oproep nie.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 5 kommentare

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