> Reward on cop killers' heads
> Bisho - Police offered a reward of R250 000 for information leading
> to the arrest and conviction of the persons responsible for the
> killing of two Eastern Cape policemen.
> Captain Zukile Bawuti, the acting head of the East London serious
> and violent crime unit, was shot while investigating a cash-in-
> transit heist on a farm near Stutterheim. He died on the way to the
> hospital.
> Director Gary Mclaren, provincial head of the serious violent crime
> unit said on Thursday: "He was one of my most outstanding officers
> within the serious violent crime component in the Eastern Cape.
> "His dedication led to his downfall."
> Provincial spokesperson Superintendent Mzukisi Fatyela said the 41-
> year-old captain had gone with two police inspectors to the farm.
> As they approached a house on the farm, shots were fired and the
> captain was hit in the chest.
> The attackers fled into nearby bushes, but "left behind their
> shoes".
> The police dog unit, the crime combating unit and a helicopter took
> part in an ex assisting in the search.
> A Volkswagen Golf reported hijacked in Port Elizabeth and a white
> Toyota Corolla, believed to have been stolen, were found at the
> farm.
> Bawuti is the second policeman to be murdered in the area in two
> days - on Monday, Sergeant Lindile Tempi was shot dead in Duncan
> Village.
> No arrests have been made yet in either case.
> Mclaren said police would like to question six men in connection
> with Bawuti's killing as well as the recent spate of cash-in-transit
> robberies in the Eastern Cape.
> They are: Nonelelo "Koko" Kwinti, Sithembele Lawrence Diniso, 30,
> Vumisa Vernon Nyengane, 24, Dan Nkqwiliso, Andile Booi and Vumilisa
> Skepe.
> Anyone with information on either killing can call Mclaren on 082-
> 779-7228 or Captain Bongani Maqashalala on 082-417-6956.
> Edited by Tisha Steyn
Snaakse vanne, is dit nou blankes wat dit gedoen het ?
De FIFA heeft beslist: het WK voetbal 2010 wordt georganiseerd door
Zuid-Afrika. Gefeliciteerd.
Vanmiddag op het VRT-radionieuws (Vlaamse Radio en televisie) belden
ze een Zuid-Afrikaanse sportjournalist op. Ik ben niet zeker van de
spelling maar zijn naam klonk als Johan Roessau. De uitslag van de
stemming was toen nog niet bekend. De man vertelde uitvoerig over de
kansen van Zuid-Afrika, over wat het land kon bieden, de
infrastructuur, hotels, enzovoort. Dit alles in het Afrikaans en de
VRT-man stelde de vragen in het Nederlands. Geen enkel probleem om die
Johan te begrijpen. Na de stemming, toen bekend was dat SA uitverkozen
was, belden ze hem weer op. O! Wat was die man uitgelaten en blij. En
weer dat radde voor ons zo goed te begrijpen Afrikaans. Erg leuk was
"Mandela mede-verantwoordilik vir plaasaanvalle"
Antwerp students demand withdrawal of Mandela honorary degree at
Antwerp University May 26 in protest over SA farm murders
news release from: nsv_an...@hotmail.com Van Gert Gillis,
Studenteleier NSV - Antwerpen May 13, 2004 - ANTWERP, BELGIUM.
Students at Antwerp University published a press release today
demanding the withdrawal of the university's decision to award an
honorary degree to veteran ANC leader Nelson Mandela on May 26.
Student Leader Gert Gillis said the NSV (the student society
publishing the press release today) opposed awarding the honorary
degree to veteran ANC leader -- because they they see him as being
co-responsible for the farm attacks due his "inaction' during his
presidency to stop these.
The students said Mandela, as the ex-president of South Africa and
still a highly influential veteran ANC leader, undertook nothing to
effectively stop the farm attack campaign, which started targetting
commercial farm dwellers from 1991.
"Mandela must be seen as being co-responsible for this ongoing lack of
government intervention and the lack of effective rural security
throughout the past decade -- and which thus allowed these death-squad
style attacks to continue unabated.
"More than 1,630 of South Africa's commercial farm dwellers, most of
these victims being of the Afrikaner ethnic minority, have already
been murdered since 1991," he pointed out.
He said that last month, the Antwerp students had first been alerted
to the SA farm attack problem after they had viewed "A Bloody
Harvest," the 2003 TV documentary produced by award-winning South
African investigative TV-journalist Susan Puren.
See: http://www.mnet/CarteBlanche/Display/Display.asp?Id=2265)
"With this shocking documentary still fresh in our memory, we thus
noted with total amazement the announcement by the University of
Antwerp to award Mandela an honorary doctorate.
"It is of course loudable that Antwerp University is such a strong
supporter of human rights and always throws its full weight behind the
goal to attain a more democratic, peaceful world.
"However, awarding Mandela this important academic doctorate does not
support the university's human rights policies, on the contrary."
"As former president of South Africa, and still an influential veteran
leader of the communist ANC, Mandela is and indeed must be seen as
co-responsible for this horrendous ethnic-cleansing campaign targeting
Afrikaner farmers, and which the international news media remains so
silent about."
"An annual 145 Afrikaner farmers die in these farm attacks. "
He pointed out that "while the average murder rate for all South
Africans is already high; the murder rate for SA 's commercial farmers
is an astonishing 313 per 100,000, the highest for any single group in
the world.
Appalling cruelty:
"The most alarming feature of these farm attacks is the appalling
cruelty with which these are carried out," he said.
"Besides the farm owners being gunned down, hanged, mutilated and
undergoing other forms of torture including being forced to watch the
rape of their women and children; the family members including the
smallest babies also often are tortured, raped and killed in these
appalling deeds carried out by groups of young African male attackers
against these families. Genocide Watch warns that these attacks bear
all the hallmark of a rapidly nearing genocide of this minority group.
"The fact that relatively few, if any, valuable items are stolen from
homesteads during these attacks proves that these are not primarily
motivated by robbery as is being consistently claimed by the SA
"The South African government, starting with former President
Mandela,had clearly not ever publicly condemned these murder attacks
efficiently so that they would stop. For the past decade, the
ANC-government has also neglected to provide adequate rural security
to prevent these attacks or to protect the farm dwellers.
"These attacks, we believe, are to the advantage of the SA regime
because these clearly assist their land-redistribution programmes by
forcing these terrorised commercial farm families to vacate their
dangerous homesteads," Mr Gillis said.
Ethnic cleansing of Afrikaner farmers must be placed on international
The students demand that the honorary degree not be awarded to Mandela
by the University -- in order to "send a clear signal that the issue
of the ethnic cleansing campaign targetting Afrikaner farmers must be
placed on the international agenda."news release from:
Wat is stille diplomasie, volgens my is dit gewoon, stil bly omdat hulle nie
weet wat om te doen nie.
Dit alles ten nadele van SA gevangene en de gewone bevolking in Zimbabwe,
(zero intelligence because all bloody whites emigrated ?
Stille diplomasie heers alreeds lank in SA, kyk maar na die toleransie met
moordenaars. Kyk hoe word die minderheid onderdruk in hierdie land.
Ons weet en hoor tog gereeld hoe goed en versigtig die Britse bestuurder is.
In vergelyking word ons bestuurders as swak en ongepoets beskou.
Nou is daar statistiek vrygestel t.o.v. Britse padverbruikers, en ons kan
seker die streep deurtrek na ons toe.
Daar is bevind dat dames wel veiliger bestuurders is. Die Britse syfers toon
dat in 2002 daar 1.2 miljoen verkeersoortresings was deur mans in Engeland
en Wallis, teenoor die 159819 deur vroue. Mans was verantwoordelik vir 88%
van al die oortredings. Mans was ook verantwoordelik vir 97% van oortredings
wat gespruit het uit gevaarlike bestuur, en 85% van die weens roekelose
bestuur. 94% van die 373 ( ietwat minder as in SA) oortredings wat iemand se
dood of beserings veroorsaak het, is deur mans begaan. Mans het ook 83% van
die spoedoortredings begaan.
Die oplossing? Slegs vrouebestuurders behoort op die paaie toegelaat
Okay, ek weet dis vreeslik en ek voel elkeen van die donners moet 'n stadige
pynlike dood sterwe, maar News24 het 'n berig geplaas oor die arme
ONSKULDIGE man wat deur die (moontlike Irakese "soldate?") onthoof is. Gaan
lees liewer die berig by http://www.news24.com/News24/World/Iraq/0,6119,2-10-1460_152 5962,00.html en
ook by http://www.news24.com/News24/World/Iraq/0,,2-10-1460_1526656 ,00.html.
Daar is nog links as julle meer wil weet. Onder ander hoe die FBI die
Irakese polisie gevra het om Nick aan te hou totdat hulle kan vastel wie hy
is omdat hy sonder dokumentasie "gevang" is.
Nog erger is dat die mense geen jammerte toon of voel nie. Is hulle
gebrainwash? Glo die Islams dan in onnodige moord? Blykbaar het hulle
uitgeroep "Allahu Akbar" ("God is great") terwyl hulle die daad gepleeg het.
Keur hulle god dan so iets toe? Dink hulle, hulle god sal hulle beloon vir
'n totale sinnelose moord? Ek glo nie so nie, myne sal Sy hekke vir jou
toemaak as jy so iets gaan staan en aanvang.
Ek het bietjie jammerte in my hart gehad vir hierdie "arme" Irakeërs wat nie
'n oorlog verdien het nie. Nou voel ek niks nie, maak die land level. Ek
kan nie glo mense is so ongelooflik wreed nie, en die ergste is, die "mense"
het baie ondersteuning uit baie oorde. Ek kan nie onthou wanneer laas het
iets my so ontstig of ontstel of so magteloos laat voel nie. O, die lot van
die vrouens in Afghanistan het my laas so kwaad gemaak...
EN ANTIE: As jy hammer op die verdompde vlakplaas braaivleis gaan ek en jy
woorde hê.
Okay, klaar ge"rant". Ek moes dit net van my hart af kry :)
Die eerste eienaars van plase in Namibië het skriftelike kennis gekry dat
hulle grond onteien gaan word en dat hulle moet kom na die regering met 'n
voorstel met wat hulle dink is billike kompensasie vir hulle grond.
Toevallig is dit plase waarop daar arbeidsonrus was in die verlede en word
die aksie gesien as 'n wraakaksie. Plus natuurlik die feit dat dit môre
plaaslike verkiesingsdag in die land is en hierdie ding die tonge lekker sal
laat klap. Meer ernstig egter, die boer wat nou nog geld insteek in ons
land moet sy kop laat lees! Dit beteken die begin van die einde van die
Namibiese landbou......