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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

het lied Mijn sarie mareis.

Fri, 09 January 1998 00:00

Wie kan mij de tekts van mijn sarie marijs sturen.
heb dit lied in de school in belgie gezongen .
ben nu 53 jaar en heb de tekts vergeten.
woon sinds 1966 in berlijn duitsland.
met beste groeten uit berlijn René

Musiek & liriek | 8 kommentare

Re: No Rights

Fri, 09 January 1998 00:00

Ja dit is. Maar wel van pas.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Oor ysstorms en noodtoestande

Thu, 08 January 1998 00:00

Hulle het vandag die Kanadese Weermag begin uitroep
om te help. Oostelike Ontario en Westelike Quebec lyk
soos 'n oorlogsone. Die strate is vol takke en elektrisiteits-
drade wat deur die omgevalle bome na die grond gesleep
is. Alles is bedek met 'n dik laag ys. Die takke van die bome
word te swaar en dan val hulle grond toe. Dit is as gevolg
van 'n "ysstorm" wat noual die afgelope vier dae omtrent
stilstaan oor die streek.
'n Ysstorm duur in normale omstandighede nie lank nie,
gewoonlik net 'n paar uur. Dit vind plaas waar 'n hele klomp
reën skielik 'n koue front ontmoet en die reën dan op die
takke vries, voordat dit nog kouer word en die vogtigheid
dan as sneeu begin val. Maar hierdie keer wil dit nie oorslaan
na sneeu toe nie. Alles wat uit die lug val, vries en word ys.
Gister het hulle 'n noodtoestand in Montreal verklaar, vandag
in Ottawa. Die troepe word nou uitgestuur om strate te help
opruim, elektrisiteit te help terugbring, paaie te patrolleer.
Mense word gevra om so min as moontlik van die paaie gebruik
te maak. Een van die grootste bekommernisse nou is die toestand
op die plase, waar koeie nou al vir 'n paar dae nie gemelk kon
word nie.
Ons bly gelukkig in 'n deel van Ottawa wat nie elektrisiteit
verloor het nie. As ek na buite kyk, lyk dit soos 'n spookstad.
Die hele landskap is wit. Ek kan nie onthou wanneer laas ons
die son gesien het nie. Dit lyk soos daardie beskrywings van
die aarde na 'n atoombom-oorlog. 'n Mens let op dat daar
subtiele verskuiwings in die emosies van die mense om jou is.
Hulle is soms manies bly dat hulle nog nie geteister word nie,
maar meeste van die tyd depressief oor die moontlikheid dat
hulle ook getref sal word.
Die laaste dag of so is die toestand ook besig om te versprei
na noordelike New York staat, New England en die Maritimes.
Hulle het ten minste die voordeel dat hulle weet wat aan die kom
is, en dus gouer kan begin maatreëls tref.
Intussen sien ek uit na die eerste keer wat ek weer die son kan
sien. Dis asof my geloof dat die son wel daar is, 'n skok gekry
het. Asof dit my gladnie sal verbaas as ek nooit weer die son
te siene kry nie.

Gloudina Bouwer

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

China 1942 - NSA 1998?

Wed, 07 January 1998 00:00



One of the first acts of the new government was to put up posters
announcing its policies:release of all prisoners;the closesure of all
pawnshops - pawned goods could be recovered free of charge;brothels were to
be closed and prostitutes given six months'allowance by their owners;all
grain stores were to be opened and the grain distributed to those most in
need;all property belonging to Japanese and collaborators was to be
confiscated;and Chinese-owned industry and commerce was to be protected.


The main thrust of the Communists'policy was to reduce the rent and
interest on loans the peasants had to pay to the landlords.They also
confiscated grain and clothing from landlords and distributed them to the
poor peasants.

(Toon dit 'n ooreenkoms met die motorskakings, inbrake, diefstalle,ens.)

The Chayong government sentenced Jin to death by shooting,but the family of
the man who had been burned to death,with the support of the family of
other victims,determined to kil him the same way.As the flames began to
lick around his body Jin clenched his teeth,and did not utter even a moan
until the moment the fire surrounded his heart.The Communist officials sent
to carry out the execution did not prevent the villagers from doing this.
Although the Communists were opposed to torture in theory and on
principle,officials were told that they should not intervene if the
peasants wished to vent their anger in passionate acts of revenge.

People such as Jin were not just wealthy owners of land,but had wielded
absolute and arbituary power,which they indulged wilfully,over the lives of
the local population.They were called e-ba( "ferocious despots")

In some areas the killing extended to ordinary landlords,who were called
'stones' - obstacles to the revolution.
Policy towards the 'Stones' was: 'When in doubt, kill'

When she had first seen the "wanted" posters and heard about this dangerous
'bandit' from her relatives,my mother could tell that they admired as well
as feared him.Now she was not a bit dissapointed that the legendary
guerilla did not look at all warriorlike."

Bl170: line with the new Communist moral code,which,in a radical departure
from the past,enjoined that men and woman should be equal......

After hearing each others frank account of their past lives,my father said
he was going to write to the Jinzhou
City Party Committee asking for permission to 'talk about love' with my
mother,with a view to marriage.This was the obligatory procedure.My mother
supposed it was like asking permission from the head of the family,and in
fact that is exactly what it was:the Communist Party was the new patriarch.


Womans'Federation...which dealt with women's affairs:it supervised the
freeing of concubines and shutting down brothels,mobilized women to make
shoes for the army,organized their education and their employment,informed
them of their rights,and helped ensure that woman were not entering into
marriages against their wishes.


Hui-ge was not regarded as an ordinary prisoner of war.
Because of his family's influence in Jinzhou,he fell into the category of
'snakes in their old haunts,'meaning established powerful local
figures.They were especially dangerous for the communists because they
commanded loyalty
from the local population,and their anti-Communist inclinations posed a
threat to the new regime."


The communist had embarked on a radical reorganization not just of
institutions,but of people's lives,especially the lives of those who had
'joined the revolution.'The idea was that everything personal was
political;in fact,henceforth nothing was suppose to be regarded as
'personal' or private.Pettiness was validated by being labeled
'political',and meetings became the forum by which Communists channeled all
sorts of personal animosities.

My father had to make a verbal self-criticism,and my mother a written one.


Her sense of being caught up in impossible dilemmas was heightened by what
was happening to several of her relatives and many people close to her.When
the Communists arrived,they had announced that anybody who had worked for
the Kuomintang intelligence had to report to them at once.
Her uncle Yu-lin had never worked in intelligence but he had an
intelligence card,and felt he should report to the new authorities....he
felt to tell the truth.He was in a difficult situation.If he had not turned
himself in and the Communists had discovered the facts about him,which was
highly likely,given their formidable organization,he would have been in
dire trouble.But by coming forward,he himself had given them grounds to
suspect him.

The Party's verdict was:'Has a political blemish in his past.No
punishment,but can only be employed under control'.
This verdict,like almost all others,was not delivered by a court,but by a
Party body.There was no clear definition of what it meant,but as a result
of it,for three decades Yu-lin
life would depend on the political climate and on his Party bosses.In those
days Jinzhou had relatively relaxed City Party Committee,and he was allowed
to go on helping Dr.Xia in the shop.

My grandmother's brother-in-law, 'Loyalty' Pei-o,was exiled to the country
to do manual labor.Because he had no blood on his hands,he was given
sentence called 'under surveillence.'
Instead of being improsoned,this meant being guarded (just as effectively)
in society.

When they finished their term of formal surveillance they would join people
like Yu-lin in a looser category of 'quiet' surveillence.One common form of
this was the 'sandwich'- being kept under close watch by two neighbors who
had been specifically assigned this task,often called 'two reds sandwiching
a black.'

The 'people's justice' was watertight,and was a central instrument of rule
because it enlisted so many citizens in active collusion with the state.

Mense wat bruikbaar was,was nie vervolg nie.


The Communists also spared big shots like the 'last emperor,'Pu Yi,and top
generals - because they were 'useful'
Mao's state policy was:"we kill small Chiang Kai-sheks.We don't kill big
Chiang Kai-sheks.' Keeping people like Pu Yi alive,he reasoned,would be
'well received abroad'.


He told her that she must be strong,and that as a young student 'joining
the revolution,she need to go through the

five mountain passes'- which meant adopting a complete new attitude to
family,profession,love,life-style,and manual labour,through embracing
hardship and trauma. The party's theory was that educated people like her
needed to stop being 'bourgeois' and become closer to peasants,who formed
over 80 percent of the population.


He was travelling around the country most of the time,investigating
conditions in the rural areas,hearing the peasants'complaints,and dealing
with every kind of problem,particularly ensuring the food supply.



Immediately after this,land reform started in the Yibin area.The Communists
had passed an agrarian reform law that summer,which was the key to their
program for transporming
China.The basic concept,which they called 'the land returning home,' was to
redistribute all farmland,as well as draft animals and houses,so that every
farmer owned a more or less equal amount of land.

Chinese saying:

"When a man gets power,even his chickens and dogs rise to heaven."


China is a developing country,'they would intone,'and will stand forever by
the side of the oppressed and exploited masses in the third world in their
struggle against the American imperialists and the soviet revisionists."
The blacks would look baffled but touched.Sometimes they embraced the
Chinese men,who returned comradely hugs.


The other hallmark of Maoism,it seemed to me,was the reign of
ignorance.Because of his calculation that the cultured class were an easy
target for a population that was largely illiterate,because of his own deep
resentment of formal education and the educated,because of his
megalomania,which led to his scorn for the figures of Chinese culture,and
because of his contempt for the areas of Chinese civilization that he did
not understand,such as architecture,art,and music,Mao destroyed much of the
country's cultural heritage.He left behind not only a brutalized nation,but
also an ugly land with little of its past glory remaining or appreciated.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Matriek Uitslae

Wed, 07 January 1998 00:00

Ons het almal daarvoor gewag: As jy varking stupid (Ooops! Intellectually
disadvantaged) is dan blameer jy apartheid daarvoor! Baie dankie aan mej.
Mary Blame-it-on-Apartheid Metcalfe. Dit sou 'n moerse teleurstelling
gewees het as niemand dit gesê het nie.

Du Toit

Onderwys & opvoeding | 3 kommentare

Oor miere en sprinkane

Wed, 07 January 1998 00:00

"Leendert van Oostrum" writes: >

> Behalwe natuurlik as jy Gloudina is, oënskynlik glo dat die Afrikaner die
> erfsonde van die mensdom is (Een vir Azasel) en die een of ander agenda het
> wat alle Afrikaners verantwoordelik wil maak vir die gebreke en sondes van
> almal in die land.]
> Groete, Leendert

Nee, Leendert, dis die apartheidsvarke
wat die Afrikaner in die modder laat
beland het (en hulle was nie almal
Afrikaners nie; sommige van hulle het
Nederlandse vanne gehad) en NIE ALLE
Afrikaners is verantwoordelik vir die
gemors wat die apartheidsvarke veroor-
saak het nie. So klim nou maar af van
jou seepkissie en hou op Afrikaners
beswadder wie se voorouers al meer as
driehonderd jaar gelede na SA verhuis
het. Julle Oostrums is maar sommer


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Oor miere en sprinkane

Wed, 07 January 1998 00:00 (Key Bored) writes: > (jopie) wrote:
>> Ja, ek IS skaam vir die kultuur en verlede waaruit ek kom. Enigeen wat
>> daarop trots is, ken niks anders nie.

> Solank jy glo daar is iets soos "Afrikaner kultuurgoedere" of "die
> Afrikaner", ja. Maar dan val jy mooitjies vir die nasionalistiese
> mite wat deur generasies Apartheidsdenkers (amper se ek varkies,
> Gloudina!) opgekook is: dat daar ooit so iets soos 'n enkele, homogene
> Afrikanerkultuur is.

> Andries

>> Ek weet beslis wie ek is, en ek IS trots daarop. Ek mag Afrikaans
>> praat (dis maar net 'n taal), maar ek kan nie meer my met die
>> Afrikaner assosieer nie. Dit het 'n twyfelagtige verlede en 'n baie
>> swak toekoms, want daar is tans meer as 40 miljoen Suid-Afrikaners
>> waarvan die meeste net die slegte kant van die Afrikaner ken.
>> Jopie

Ek dink ons moet almal, buite en binne Suid-
Afrika, hard werk daaraan om die Afrikaner te
redefineer. Ons moet nie vir ons dissosieer
van die konsep "die Afrikaner" nie. Ekself
hier in Kanada noem myself nou weer om elke
hoek en draai 'n Afrikaner, selfs al is my
huistaal vir 20 jaar al nie meer Afrikaans nie.
En 'n mens verbaas jou oor hoeveel welwillend-
heid daar vir Afrikaners is, sedert 1994.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare


Tue, 06 January 1998 00:00

Beeld se hoofartikel "Nog 'n skeuring" (20 Nov 1996) oor die Afrikaanse Handelsinstituut en sy ongelukkige vennote het my verbaas. Veral die slot, wat lui: Enige etniese groep wat dink hy kan in ons multikulturele land sy heil in isolasie soek, lewe in 'n droomwereld." Laat die AHI daar, hulle leef in 'n droomwereld, en, verbasend, vermoedelik ook Beeld.
Volgens Beeld leef die mense wat hul heil in isolasie soek in 'n droomwereld. Gegewe die huidige norm leef die volgende in 'n droomwereld:
a.. Diegene wat glo dat die huidige Afrikaanse koerante die onvermydelike en tragiese politieke lot van die konserwatiewe en minder bevoorregte Afrikaner kan verander.
b.. Diegene wat glo dat die SAKP nie in beheer van die ANC is nie;
c.. Diegene wat glo dat die ANC die doodstraf sal instel voordat hulle die finale fase van hul ekonomies-maatskaplike revolusie afgesluit het;
d.. Diegene wat glo dat die moorde op plaasboere nie 'n ongeskrewe politieke mandaat het nie;
e.. Diegene wat glo dat die ANC met 'n groot omvattende opposisie in toom gehou sal kan word;
f.. Diegene wat glo dat ons voorgeslagte se stryd om vryheid net 'n droom en illusie was;
g.. Diegene wat glo om arm om die lyf met die ANC te sit die wel en wee van die Afrikaner positief sal rig;
h.. Diegene wat glo dat bloed en trane wat vir vryheid gestort is in die aardkors wegsink om in vergetelheid te verdwyn;
i.. Diegene wat glo dat die Afrikanervolk nooit weeer as 'n soewereiene volk hier iewers aan die suidpunt van Afrika sal regeer nie;
j.. Diegene wat glo dat ons nageslagte nie ons brouwerk en politieke verraad in ere sal herstel nie;
k.. Diegene wat glo dat die honderde Suid-Afrikaners vlae op die huidige rugby toer almal lede van ondersteunersgroepe is en nie van gewetenlose staatkundige weghardlopers is nie; en
l.. Diegene wat glo dat om as Afrikaners al hoe meer betrokke te raak by multikulturele politieke, maatskaplike en ekonomiese dissiplines die voortbestaan van die AFrikanervolk sal verseker.
Hierdie brief is gestuur deur Gysbert Kloppers, aan Beeld op 05/01/98.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Julle is net BEK!!!

Tue, 06 January 1998 00:00

Ek voel jammer vir die Afrikaner
Soos altyd in die verlede is julle net bek en wat julle doen laat veel te

Koeitjies & kalfies | 7 kommentare

Ons is bang

Mon, 05 January 1998 00:00

Ons boere is bang want ons staan nie saam nie.
Die vyand het ons presies waar hy ons wil he omdat hy weet dat ons nooit
sal saam staan nie

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

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