Uit Sunday Times:
Die IEC het 20.67 miljoen mense wat geregistreer is om aan die verkiesing
deel te neem. Daar is 'n moontlike 27.4 miljoen stemgeregtiges ( gebaseer op
wat wonder ekke).
Dit beteken dat slegs 75% van die stemgeregtigdes geregistreer is.
Van die 20.67 miljoen het net 86% te kenne gegee dat hulle sal of miskien
sal stem ( dis nou volgens die Markinor opname).
Dus behoort daar 17.7 miljoen te gaan stem.
As deel van die 27.4 stemgeregtigdes sal daar dus net 64% mense wees wat sal
66% van hierdie getal werk uit op 11.6 miljoen mense.
Dit beteken dat 11.6 miljoen kiesers of 42.6% van die stemgeregtigde
kiesers sal die regerende party 'n 2/3 meerderheid gee.
Dus word 'n 2/5 meerderheid 'n 2/3 meerderheid.
Ek lees van die vrou in Bloem wat se man haar verneuk het en toe gaan slaat
sy sy kar des merdes. Glo oor die R100 000 se skade! Blykbaar nie 'n
paneel op die Audi is onbeskadig nie en die mense wat dit gesien het,
polisiemanne inkluis, het maar op 'n afstand gebly. Enige ou wat 'n vrou
ken, staan mos maar wyd as hulle die moer in loop raak...................
Die vrugte van die aarde het hy gebring:
druiwe, rooi granate, 'n skepel graan -
van maande al die sorge en hunkering -
maar die rook op sy altaar het neergeslaan.
Sy broer daarnaas, die teer hande rooi
van bloed van lammers op die offersteen -
sy vlam het welgevallig uitgeplooi
en snel verteer dit vel en vlees en been.
Toe het die waansin hom gegryp: die haat,
van wie in eie hart sy skande weet,
van wie die offer, agteloos versmaad,
'n oordeel is ... Met één vervloekte kreet
gryp hy die herderstaf en slaan en slaan
tot voor sy hand die hemele opegaan
Anglo en nou ook het SANLAM skenkings aan die politieke partye gemaak.
Persoonlik glo ek hulle gebruik hulle verspreidingsformule om gat te kruip
by die ANC.
10 uit 10 vir Mulder en die VF+ wat hulle R10,000-00 teruggegee het. Sy
optrede het my ook 'n besluit laat neem in die verband.
Volgens statistiek SA is ons omtrent 46 miljoen siele hier. Volgens die
stem-mense is 20.6 miljoen mense geregistreer om te stem in die verkiesing.
Hoekom lyk die vergelyking so skeef?
Die ander motte was dom en dwaas,
Maar ék sal vér van die kers af bly;
Hier vér uit die skemerte sal ek kyk,
Hier vér is dit veilig en kyk is vry.
Maar ek hoef nie van éenkant net te kyk -
Ek vlieg op dieselfde afstand om,
Dan weet ek van álkant hoe hy lyk
Om beter te sorg om nie nader te kom.
My sirkel is skeef en ingebuig,
Maar dáar ook nog, waar ek naaste was,
Het daar niks gebeur - ek maak verniet
My velling so groot en so vér van die as.
Die wieletjie draai ál vinniger om,
En die lig en die gloed word ál groter genot:
En die vellings word nouer ál rondom die as -
En die end van die wiel is die as van die mot.
Die fliek begin vandag hier te draai. Gister in Argus was daar menings van 6
mense oor die fliek.Baie interessant.
Kort opsommings ( in Engels) 1)Filmkritikus: You will get some people who
will pay good money to watch nearly two hours of a man being beaten, flayed
and nailed to a cross. The film is not about good moviemaking. It is about a
man with enough money to bring his own vision to the sscreen. The film has
merit in that it is convincingly portrayed in Aramic and Latin, and
excellent cinematography.If you are not familiar with the story, you will
probably get a bit lost and confused.
2) The Atheist: The production is of superb visual quality. How can any one
fail to be moved by such a story? Clearly illustrated by the philosophic
remark: men never do evil so completely as when they do it from religious
conviction. The bible books Mark and Matthew, source of the crucifixion
story, does not have acknowledged authors, so the stories are by word of
mouth, speculative and most probably fictional to some extend. Dated about a
generation after the crucifixion, they were improved by the passing of time.
I dispute the violence as depicted in the film for it is not reflected in
the biblical accounts.
Mark 15:15 and Mathew 27:26 each note in one verse only that he was scourged
just prior to the crucifixion.
3) The Muslim ( Shafic Morton - Voice of Cape Radio): I was initially
sceptical. The three great monotheistic faiths are uninanimous about the
status of Abraham, they are not when it comes to the son of Mary. Stunning
camerawork, evocative soundtrack and raw suggestive emotion carry the day.
By limiting the time frame, the film stays fairly close to the Christian
interpretation. Muslims will disagree with its content. The Islamic faith
believes that Jesus was not crucified, another person being substituted on
the cross. Jesus is one of Islam's most loved prophets. He is regarded as a
Rasul. A Messenger. In the film, where Jesus cries that God has forsaken
him, most Muslims will recoil with horror. Men of God represent the ultimate
in faith.It is simply inconceivable that a kind and compassionate Creator
would ever abandon his beloved, or sacrilege that one of his beloved would
ever think this.
4) The Catholic ( Lawrence Henry - Archbishop)
I found the film very faithful to the gospel. I found it very uplifting.
What was shown is the way we understood it to have happened. Some people in
the audience was very emotional. The allegations that the movie is
anti-semetic, can also be levelled as anti-Roman. But we, as Catholics,
understand that we are all responsible for the suffering of the Lord. That
is our belief that he suffered for our sins. Everyone should see this film.
Even young people - to appreciate the gravity of the sin.
5) The Jew ( Milton Shain - Director Jewish Studies UCT) Those who attend
the film will bring with them a certain baggage, Committed Christians will
refract the movie through a different lens to that of Christians with a
secular cast of mind. Jews will vies it through a prism of centuries of
Christian persecution. The movie did not convey my worst fears, but is
nevertheless harrowing. It is 126 minutes of unrelenting violence and blood.
A 14th century Passion play in 21st century celluloid.
Mel Gibson ignores decades of scholarships, effectively challenges the
theological decisions of Vatican 2 . Jesus's death is attributed slolely to
bloodthirsty and vengeful Jews. Given the power of cinema, the more
egregious errors in the movie will not be easily corrected by theologians.
6)The Pastor ( Errol Naidoo - His People Christian Church) Having heard and
read the story hundreds of times, nothing could prepare me for the
incredible moving experience that is Mel Gibson's movie.
The scourging and crucufixion scenes are particularly disturbing. The
brutality of the crucifixion is dealt with factually rather than
What is clear is that the narrative unfolds to scriptural authenticity. Only
someone with complete ignorance of the doctrine of salvation will seek to
apportion blame to any particular group for the death of Christ. The
undelying message of the story of salvation is that the very purpose for
which Jesus was born was to die on the cross. The movie is a powerfull and
thoughtprovoking cinematic experience. I left the theatre emotionally spent
and decidedly more grateful to the humble carpenter from Nazareth.
In Duitsland is daar 'n orkes wat sit met 'n probleem wat wêreldwyd kan
uitbrei. Die vioolspelers eis hoër betaling omdat hulle meer note moet speel
as enige ander groep. Gaan hulle nou noot vir noot betaal word? Dan kan die
blaasinstrumentspelers ook mos meer eis omdat hulle fisies meer insit, die
spelers van groot instrumente meer eis omdat hulle swaarder intrumente
hanteer en die slaginstrumentspelers meer eis omdat hulle so lank moet
stilsit en tel.