ma, die son jaag 'n wind van verder as ver
wat die helder lug bo die berg verbrokkel
bruin aan bome in die lanings vreet
en die appelkoosboom in jou agterplaas
in geel vlamme verbrand
ik ben trots, mijn tuisblad is voor een heel groot gedeelte in het afrikaans
vertaald, bedankt allemaal vir die hulp
nu kan ik natuurlik wel wat afrikaanse besoekers gebruiken
Can you beat this? For years and years, these so-called Christians were
teaching their
children in Sunday school that God designed black people to be inferior
to whites, that blacks
are a cursed race; that the Scriptures support racism. Now that
apartheid has been defeated,
they have suddenly realized that the system they were propping up was
sinful. Maybe they
only just received their first print run of an authentic new version of
the Holy Bible. Hypocritical bastards!
Dutch Reformed Church Rejects Apartheid
October 14, 1998
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (PANA) - South Africa's Dutch Reformed
Church, which for
decades sanctioned the country's hated apartheid ideology, has denounced
white rule as ''sinful'' and
announced that it was considering integrating with a large black church
At its national meeting in Pretoria Tuesday, an event which is held
every four years, church officials
adopted a resolution rejecting apartheid.
''It was wrong and sinful, not simply in its effects and operations but
in its fundamental nature,'' the
resolution stated. ''The theological justification (of apartheid) is a
travesty of the gospel and, in its
persistent disobedience to the word of God, a theological heresy.''
By finally laying its demons to rest, the church has complied with the
requirement of the World
Alliance of Reformed Churches for the lifting of its suspension.
The Alliance suspended the membership of the church in 1982 because of
its justification of
Although there was consensus on the formal apology of the church's
theology, there was resistance
to the proposal that the church should unite with the United Reformed
Church, its black counterpart.
Al ooit gewonder hoekom Solomon nooit iets sê by die vuur nie? Tussen al
daai leeus en krokodille behoort hy mos 'n storie van lewe en dood te
vertelle te hê, of hoe?
Ek sluip nou al meer as ses maande rond op die NG en vanaand het ek besluit
ek maak my veskyning --- so te sê 'n "coming out of the cupboard":-)
So een maal 'n week sluip ek tussen Gloudina, Frikkie, Leenert, Henri,
Ferdi, et al. rond en al is die nie altyd interessant nie geniet ek dit om
die Afrikaans te lees. (Ooo... Galjoen alias Onrusstooker waar is jy?)
Ek woon nou al nege jaar in Australie en is al ses jaar lank 'n Australiese
burger. My werkslewe hier is nou al net so lank as die wat ek Suid Afrika
gehad het. My kinders leef nou al langer in Australie as wat hulle in Suid
Afrika geleef het. Ons braai lank nie meer vleis nie --- hou nou net BBQ. So
ons is nou al lank goed 'n deel van hierdie land. As ek uitwerk hoe baie
belasting ek al oor die laaste nege jaar betaal het besit ek seker al ook n'
goeie deel.
Oor die jare het ek ook al in drie federale verkiesings gestem. Elke
verkiesing se uitslag was naelbytend naby. Die een verkiesing in 1996 het
tot 'n ander party in bewind gebring. Onder die omstandighede verbaas dit my
dat daar binne ses uur na die laaste stembus gesluit word kan bepaal word
watter party gewen het.
Wel hopelik spoor my "coming out" (wat sal die regte Afrikaanse woorde
hiervoor wees?) 'n paar ander sluipers aan om ook hulle veskyning te maak
met 'n bietjie meer aksie op die NG.