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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

Apologie deur Mbeki/ANC

Sun, 18 August 2002 05:07

Mbeki het die week apologie aan die Ierse skeidsregter aangebied nav die
Heer van Zyl se têkkel (dit lyk meer na 'n omhelsing - wou hy soen of
Nou wonder ek of daar nie belangriker dinge is waarvoor Mbeki kan verskoning
aanbied nie - om enkeles te noem:

Waarom vra hy nie verskoning aan die boere van Zimbabwe nie - dit is juis
vanweë sy stille diplomasie dat dinge daar hand uitgeruk het.

Waarom vra hy nie om verskoning vir Ngconde Balfour en sy onvermoë om 'n
wesenlike bydrae te maak om die lot van die atlete wat onlangs aan die
Statebondspele te verbeter nie.

(Beide Balfour en Mbeki moet maar eerder fokus op sake wat 'n bietjie meer
durf sal verg.)

Sport & ontspanning | 11 kommentare


Sat, 17 August 2002 08:20

Kan iemand my asseblief sê hoe laat die wedstryd vandag is en waar
gespeel word.
Asseblief Anette.


Sport & ontspanning | 4 kommentare


Fri, 16 August 2002 19:59

Haai almal,

Ek het sit wonner of enig iemand die oorsprong van die woordjie 'baie' kan
verklaar. Op die Web kan ek nie baie hieroor vind nie.

Ek vra dit omdat ek netnou die Star Wars DVD (episode 1) het gekyk en die
ondertitels vertaal die uitspraak van Jarjar Ninks 'missa very, very scared'
met 'ikka bar, bar bang'. Dit het my doen besef dat ons woordjie 'bar' en
julle woordjie 'baie' beide 'heel erg' is. Ek het dit nog nie eerder raak
gesien nie. Is dit moontlik dat 'baie' uit 'bar' ontstaan is of dat 'baie'
en 'bar' die selfde oorsprong het?


Koeitjies & kalfies | 9 kommentare

Nog Antjie

Fri, 16 August 2002 17:59

Onlangs was daar heelwat oor Antjie Krog hier gepos, nie alles altyd
baie vleiend nie, alhoewel daar erken is dat sy met haar digkuns
maklik die eerstespan sal haal. Ek pos net die twee stukkies hieronder
om te wys dat daar 'n kant van haar is waarvan baie dalk nie weet nie.

Liedboek van die Kerk, Lied 16 (tweede weergawe), Strofe 2

Alles wat ek hier ontvang,
spreek van sorg, van U belang.
Pragtig is die deel, ek weet,
wat U sorgsaam vir my meet.
Elke insig vorm U;
snags vind ek: U praat met my.
Nooit sal ek weer struikel nie.
Altyd, voor my, sien ek U.

Lied 19 (tweede wergawe), Strofe 5

My sondes bring ek nou, / ook wat onwetend klou,
o spreek my daarvan vry!
Ek bid: Laat my nie dwaal, / vergeef my andermaal.
Heers U alleen oor my!
Die woorde van my mond, / my hart se diepste grond -
maak dit aanneemlik, Redder.
Ek het op U gebou; / my aan U toevertrou,
my Rots, ja, my bevryder.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Uit die argiewe

Fri, 16 August 2002 13:19

Ek het hierdie in die argiewe gekry en só geniet dat ek dit weer
plaas. Dis duidelik deur 'n Nataller geskryf...


You know you're a South African kid born between 1968 and 1978, if:

*Images of "Tick-tock Time", "Wielie Walie", "Rupert", "Liewe Heksie",
Gummi Bears", "Pumpkin Patch" and "Bennie Boekwurm" still float
through your

*You had to beg your parents to let you stay up to watch Dallas",
Magnum PI" "Family Ties", "Three's Company" and "Who's the Boss" at

*You thought that "Apartheid" was in existence to protect us. You
didn'tunderstand why sanctions were initiated against South Africa.

*You can name at least two people from "The Waltons" and "Little House
on the Prairie".

*You still own a pair of cut-off knitted gloves, reminiscent of the
breakdance period.

*You used words like "shot bru" (thanks, man), "kiff" (good), "lekker"
(even better), "safe" (cool), "my China" (my friend), "don't tune me
grief" (don't mess with me), "smaak" (like), "piepie-joller"
(pre-teen), "poof" (gay), "yuppie" (a wealthy know-all), "wet" (nerd),
"pillik" (asshole), "wicked" (amazing), "dude" ('cool' > guy),
"parrah" (fight), "dweeb" (stupid fool), "klap" (punch), "dop"
(drink), "graze" (food), "chow" (food), "dos" (sleep) and "my pozzie"
(my place).

*You associate a "B-52" with a pop group, and NOT a hairstyle, drink
or bomb. You remember when the Rand was 5c stronger than the GB?, 15c
stronger than the US$ and nearly twice as strong as the Canadian and
Australian Dollar.

*You remember the gold price being in excess of US$800.

*You know how to do the "Moonwalk", how to "Breakdance" or how to
"Rock the Baby" and "Do the Eiffel Tower" with a Yo-Yo.

*You KNOW who shot "JR".

*You welcomed the introduction of Compact Discs, and did not rebel
against them like our brothers and sisters born in the 50's and 60's

*You owned either a Rubik's Cube, BMX, Donky Kong Game, luminous
socks, Kung-fu shoes, Atari, walkman, Ken doll, Matchbox cars (esp.
"Hot > Wheels") or Cabbage-Patch Kid.

*You smeared "Coppertone" or "Tropitone" on just your nose, but the
best method of tanning involved "Johnson's baby oil"! You looked cool
if you sat in the sun all day and burnt yourself to a red crisp. After
all, getting some sun was healthy for you.

*Beaches and picnics were the order of the day, as were braais
(barbecues)next to the pool.

*You knew all of your neighbours and their kids.

*You went to the movies to watch "Star Wars", "Saturday Night Fever",
"Grease", "The God's Must Be Crazy", "ET", "Annie", "Rocky III",
"Superman","Flashdance", "Beverly Hills Cop", Ghostbusters", "Top
Gun", "Dirty Dancing" and "The Naked Gun".

*You visited the drive-in with Mom and Dad, wearing just your jammies
and stokies!

*You remember how large chocolate bars actually WERE!

*You remember what R5 could buy you, viz. (i) the bus into town, (ii)
a movie, (iii) a Coke and popcorn, (iv) a pie, gravy, chips and
milkshake at the "Clover Bar" and (v) the bus home.

*You were allowed time-off from school to watch Lady Diana marry
Prince Charles. At school, you were also allowed to watch Fergie marry

*You frequented the corner-shop because they had 'cool' games like
"Pac Man", "Donkey Kong", "Dig Dug", "Space Invaders", "Asteroids",
"Lady Bug", Moon Patrol" and "Defender".

*You owned a Rastafarian jersey, and said things like "yeah, mun".

*You remember the deaths of Princess Grace, John Lennon, Bob Marley,
Karen Carpenter, Rock Hudson, the crew on the space shuttle
"Challenger" and the passengers on "Pan Am 235" who died over
Lockerbie in Scotland.

*You learnt how to handle a condom before you were old enough to use
one, particularly because of the AIDS virus.

*You remember how much Margaret Thatcher supported South Africa:
"There is no need for us to continually beat the South Africans with
sticks and stones".

*You felt proud when it was known that South Africa was the only
country to manufacture Fanta Grape and Fanta Tropical.

*You attended the Coca-Cola/Fanta Yo-Yo competitions with a view to
winning a "Chopper bike", "BMX" or Coca-Cola sweatshirt.

*You associate "Band-Aid" with a group of British musicians who raised
money for African countries, and not with a plaster.

*You were part of the Teenage Mutant Ninja* turtle craze (*later
changed to "Hero").

*You remember Enid Blyton books being banned because Noddy slept with
Big Ears, and this was considered too risque!

*Haley's Comet fascinated you.

*You remember "Love Is" stickers being the craze.

*You voted or lived through the Referendum to end "Apartheid".

*You sat in front of the TV as Nelson Mandela was released from
prison, thinking "what next".

*You thought that bombings, border patrol and conscription were a
normal way of life.

*You silently clapped when radical ex-Prime Minister, PW Botha,
suffered a mild stroke and had to make way for President FW De Klerk.

*You knew how powerful South Africa's nuclear structure was, but never
spoke about it.

*You awoke at 4am to watch New Zealand play South Africa in a rugby
match marred by political slander and protests.

*You remember how cool it was to wear cut-off sweatshirts, luminous
plastic bangles and Chinese attire.

*You remember Clout's "Substitute" reaching Number One on the British,
Australian, New Zealand, French, German, Belgian, Dutch, Swiss, Irish
and Danish charts - even though South African musicians were banned
from releasing material internationally.

*You have images of Zola Budd mistakenly tripping Mary Decker in the
1500m at the Los Angeles Olympic Games [Zola Budd competed for Great

*You can only name the US presidents from Ronald Reagan onwards.

*You remember the only major international products available for
South African consumption before 1989 being Coke and KFC.

*You thought aerobics was the in-thing to do. You said "no to drugs",
but tried them anyway.

*You owned a top-loading VCR with a remote control which had to be
plugged in at source.

*The only tekkies (sneakers) available before 1989 were "Bata" plain
white tennis shoes which could be miraculously cleaned with "shoe

*You remember and enjoyed SA musicians like "Clout", "Rabbit",
"e-Void", "Via Afrika", "Petit Cheval", "Ella Mental" and "Cinema".

*You can recite, word-for-word, the lyrics to songs like "Don't Worry,
Be Happy", "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun", "Like a Virgin", "Billie
Jean", "Relax", "Club Tropicana", "Cruel Summer", "Blue Monday",
"Uptown Girl", "Major Tom", You Spin Me Round", "Safety Dance", "Oh
Lamour", "Man on the Moon", "Down Under", "I Should Be So Lucky",
"Never Gonna Give You Up" and "Taxi Man".

*You thought rap music was cool, and sang freely to songs like "U
Can't Touch This", "Ice-ice Baby", "Pump Up The Jam" and "This Beat is

* You danced through the New Wave, New Romantic, High Energy, Rap and
Dance eras.

* You remember the milk-man arriving at 4am, and didn't flutter an
eye-lid if the dogs barked.

* You could leave your doors and cars unlocked at night.

* Melrose cheese wedges, Simba Chips and Super-Moo's were your 'cool'
staple diet at school. You also got sick of peanut butter and syrup

* Your idea of fun was to slide down the banks on boxes, form little
gangs, hold charm/marble competitions and play rounders/stingers in
the street. Ever see kids doing this these days??

* You thought you were cool or a rebel if your pierced your ear.

* Your idea of good food included Wimpy Burgers, Milo, Nesquick,
Smurfers, Tinkies, Tempos, Smarties, Marmite, Fray Bentos, Black Cat
and Pronutro.

* Your favourite music station was Capitol-604, with the "Little Irish
Devil" - or 5FM and its "Coca-Cola Top 40" (still in existence today).

* Your favourite TV show as a teen was Pop Shop.

* Every household in your neighbourhood had a swimming pool built in
their back-yard.

* There was no such thing as "advanced" sneakers. Slops (thongs) were
the order of the day.

* Open-discos ruled.

* The cops/ambulance actually arrived within 3 minutes of being
called... Nowadays, a pizza arrives thrice as quick.

* A trip to the mall lasted all day, even though there were only about
5 shops.

* You remember the pandemonium that resulted when "Scope" magazine
removed the 'stars' to expose the naked female breast...

* The closest you got to porn was a look at your friend's uncle's
illegally imported "Hustler" magazine.

* Your favourite magazines or comics were "Family, Radio and TV",
"Richie Rich", "Beano", "Reader's Digest" or "National Geographic".
Theme Parks were a dream, or reserved for places like Disneyworld.

* "Instinct", "Gotcha", "Billabong", "Island Style" and "Quicksilver"
Surf-gear dominated your wardrobe during your High School years.

* You could hire videos, but could not purchase them by South African

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Idioom: "Yebo"

Fri, 16 August 2002 10:37

Please help. When someone (a South African) answers your e-mail and
starts with "Yebo", what does that word mean?

Thanks so much!

Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe | 2 kommentare

Suzman in Rooi Rose

Fri, 16 August 2002 02:04

In die Rooi Rose van April 2002 is daar 'n onderhoud met Helen Suzman.
Ek haal aan (en ek hoop en glo dat dit 'fair use' is):

Sy was in die parlement die dag toe Verwoerd vermoor is. "Ek onthou PW
Botha het op my afgestorm en my beskuldig dat ek dit gere"el het." Sy lag.
"Hy moes daarna voor almal vir my om verskoning vra. Die speaker, Henning
Klopper, met wie ek goed oor die weg gekom het, het die ge"eis."

Maar oor die algemeen is sy met groot respek behandel, onthou sy tevrede.
"Ek en Voster het heeltemal verskil, maar hy het altyd geluister en vir my
koffie aangebied. Die Nasionale Party het my ook altyd tyd gegun om te
praat. Ek is toegelaat om politieke gevangenis te gaan besoek en hulle het
altyd ingestem wanneer ek 'n vergadering wou bel^e. Ek dink Tony Leon het
dit deesdae moeiliker."

Net dat Rooi Rose nie vir my kwaad is nie - dit is 'n baie interresante
uitgawe, en dit bevat onder ander ook artikels / onderhoude met Anneline
Kriel, Patricia de Lille en Antjie Krog. Ek kan dit aanbeveel.

Ek plaas hierdie stuk sonder kommentaar, net omdat dit vir my interessant
was. (Goed, die hele artikel was interresant, maar ek gaan nie die hele
ding intik nie!)

Maak die spelfout in my epos adres reg vir my regte adres.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare


Thu, 15 August 2002 22:33

Hoe gaan dit...and that's where it ends.

I'm trying to learn Afrikaans before I travel to SA in December.

What do I really NEED to know?

Any ideas?


Koeitjies & kalfies | 8 kommentare


Thu, 15 August 2002 20:26


Kan iemand vertel my wat die beteken is vir die word Jaap of Jaapie is?

Waar ek woon noem hulle al ons Suid Afrikaaners Jaapies.

Ek is nou al hier oor die fyf jaar. Ek is 'n Englespreekende Suid Afrikaaner
dis hoekom my taal en spel hier nie soo goed is nie - jammer.

Al die jaare wat ek in Suid Afrika gewoon het het ek nooit gewonder wat to
beteekening was van die word.

Ek het getdink miskien dit is 'n boer wat soos 'n bobbejaan lyk of soo iets?



Koeitjies & kalfies | 18 kommentare

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