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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

Tragedie in Bloemfontein

Fri, 12 March 2004 04:42

Ses babas is dood nadat hulle besmette aarvoeding in 'n hospitaal in
Bloemfontein gekry het.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 4 kommentare

The theme from time

Thu, 11 March 2004 21:24

Het iemand dalk vir my hierdie ding (by gebrek aan 'n beter woord) in MP3

The Theme from Time, so soort van 'n praterige storie met musiek op die
agtergrond deur Sir Lawrence Olivier. Ek kan dit nie in enige CD winkel
opspoor nie.

Soois die soeker

Koeitjies & kalfies | 9 kommentare

" Rooibekkies innie mieliesaad " deur BOERNEEF

Thu, 11 March 2004 15:35

Boerneef (I.W. van der Merwe)
Rooibekkies innie mieliesaad
Rooibekkies innie mieliesaad
hoe loop mens tussen goed en kwaad
die lekker vannie paradys
lank voor sy tyd was Adam grys
rooigeid vannie daeraad
ek korswil met jantataraat
raai bietjie wat ek met hom praat
die duisterheid van 'n gedig
maak goeiste weet die donker lig

Prosa & poësie | 1 kommentaar

Kan iemand my in Afrikaans sê...

Thu, 11 March 2004 13:51

...hoe ek 'n DVD kopieer.


Rekenaars & selfone | 22 kommentare

Re: Recep - Troll Kaalgat Dief

Thu, 11 March 2004 03:28

"An Metet" skryf in boodskap news:f175fddefb8e8501d5c63db326c2d6c5@aonymous.poster...
| NOTICE: This message may not have been sent by the Sender Name
| above. Always use cryptographic digital signatures to verify
| the identity of the sender of any usenet post or e-mail.
| Hello almal.
| My naam is Sarie, ek woon in Engeland.

< klomp kak gesny>

Weer die Kaalgat Dief vat no die naam An Metet gebruik.

Meer inligting op die onoslike doos Kenneth Wayne Mitchell die "Troll" vat
gebruik maak van name soos An Metet, Nude Raider, Dingus, Rainbow Demon,
Anonymous, Nomen Nescio, A Melon, Jack Ass, Anonymous Sender, starwars,
Tarapia Tapioco, George Orwell, Anonymous via the Cypherpunks,

As you have noted the Troll , Kenneth Wayne Mitchell , has a personal
hatred towards Jews, Afrikaans, South African's, Free Mason's,
................. and the list goes on.

He posts to news groups using sock puppet names such as An Metet, Nude
Raider, Dingus, Rainbow Demon, Anonymous, Nomen Nescio, A Melon, Jack Ass,
Anonymous Sender, starwars, Tarapia Tapioco, George Orwell, Anonymous via
the Cypherpunks

Take a look at the below URL's where the truth about Kenneth Wayne Mitchell
is exposed.

He's holding onto his last remaining ISP by a thin thread.

In article , An
Metet wrote:

> On Fri, 04 May 2001 18:41:04 GMT, MAR...@CANCELBOT.COM (NAZIHUNTER) wrote:

An Metet... hmmm.... you wouldn't be THIS An Metet, would you?

"An Metet (Anonymous Remailer used by him
before) (July 10, 2000)"

Know where I found that, Ken Mitchell?

It has quote a bit of interesting information on you. Including this on

"Several folks have written to ask about Ken Mitchell's beliefs. Based
on postings to alt.freemasonry under his 60+ 'disguises', it's hard to
comprehend just what this individual thinks. We know from past posts
that he considers himself a Christian yet we cannot understand why
someone who engages in such deceit and does such hurtful things would
also think himself part of a religion which practices concepts like
"Love thy neighbor" and "Do unto others". We've questioned Mr. Mitchell
(under one of his many screen names) about his church membership, hoping
to garner some insight into this matter. The replies were predictably

However, from past writings and from viewing several nearly identical
web sites which Ken has created over the past months, it appears that he
has three ideological 'heroes':

David Duke - The white supremacist turned politician (whom he claims is
'just a local politician';

David Irving - The Holocaust denier (whom Ken thinks is wrongly defamed
- and says so on a couple of his web sites!);

Ernst Zundel - another, and perhaps the most noted Holocaust denier; and

'Pastor' Arnold Murray - the radio and television preacher from Arkansas
who hosts a daily Bible study program on radio and via satellite
television. It's also available on the Internet."

The site also claims you use the nym "Nomen Nescio
(Anonymous Remailer)," another rabid hater we've seen here in

I'm sorry to disappoint DEM, but I believe this is not Scott Bradbury,
but probably a "fan" of his.

You'll also note that this same "An Metet" sent threatening e-mail to me
the same day as this post.

Here's the complete list of An Metet's other aliases:

A.Melon (October 17, 2000) - Amazing how
this hidden identity was able to post a message from 1998 relating to
Ken - and yet, he claims that there's no proof that this identity is
really him!
Anonymous (September 11, 2000)

Secret Squirrel (First date unknown) An
interesting choice of remailers as this one is also used by a frenetic,
hate-filled anti-Semitic sub-human to post on the alt.conspiracy
newsgroups. Could Kenny be that identity as well? While we'd certainly
hope not, it's clear that much of the antagonism against certain Masons
seems now to stem from his hatred of certain religious beliefs....

Nomen Nescio (Anonymous Remailer) (July 16, 2000)
**This 'name' (or lack thereof) is also in use by another anti-Mason
described elsewhere on this site! It can be SO confusing in the world of
anti-Masonry obfuscation sometimes....

An Metet (Anonymous Remailer used by him
before) (July 10, 2000)

Anon (Anonymous Remailer) (June, 2000)
Anonymous Sender (Anonymous Remailer) (May
17, 2000)

Bilgates Remailer

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Die tale wat ons praat . . .

Wed, 10 March 2004 16:05

by Eleanor Lombard

Net toe almal wil-wil ontspan oor die taalbeleid van die Universiteit
Stellenbosch, vlam die taaldebat weer op.

Die Black Students Association (kan julle jul indink wat die reaksie
sou wees as wit studente so 'n vereniging stig?) en die ANC-jeugliga het
gedreig om te betoog teen die universiteit se taalbeleid. Die betoging sou
saamval met die toekenning van 'n eredoktorsgraad aan president Mbeki. Mnr.
Zim Ceko, SR-lid vir studentepolitiek, het die optrede geïnisieer.

Die Wes-Kaapse leier van die ANC het tussenbeide getree en die
situasie voorlopig ontlont deur in gesprek te tree met die betrokke partye.

Die studentekoerant "Die Matie" lewer hierdie kommentaar: "As jy
Afrikaans verkies, dan kies jy Stellenbosch. As jy Engels verkies, kies dan
'n ander universiteit." US is die enigste (deels) Afrikaanse universiteit in
'n provinsie waarin meer as 60% van die inwoners Afrikaanssprekend is. Daar
is twee Engelse universiteite.

Tydens 'n opname het 86% van die US-studente aangedui dat Afrikaans
hulle voorkeurtaal is, maar 48% van hierdie studente het gesê dat hulle
inskiklik vir ander opsies is. Lees 'n prikkelende artikel deur dr. Dan
Roodt oor Stellenbosch se taalkwessie by

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare


Wed, 10 March 2004 14:52

>> How many people do you know that would want to Win the lotto? 10 to 20?
>> How many people do you know that is PLAYING lotto? 10 to 20?
>> How many people do you know that would want to take a LONG HOLIDAY but
>> have to work and can't afford six month of from work? 10 to thousands?
>> How many people you know would like to earn a RESIDUAL INCOME?
>> 10 to thousands?
>> HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO PLAY LOTTO FOR FREE week after week after week???
>> HOW? = Introduce ONLY 5 to the club and system and you play for FREE!!!
>> The 5 that you introduce would also like to play for free.
>> When they introduce any amount of people so they can play for free -
>> YOU GET PAID and paid and paid every month RESIDUAL INCOME
>> (Because the product is getting used every month. Also, you are still
>> playing lotto and could win )
>> COLLECTIVE MARKETING working for you.
>> You need a product that everybody use every month (Ongoing Residual
>> Income )
>> You do not have to sell over and over every month to make an income
>> ( Temporally Income )
>> You can decide how much you want to earn ( Introduce more than 5 )
>> WANT MORE??? Use my USER ID = fe0532 and visitor PASSWORD = yellow, and
>> GO TO : Watch the animated
>> pressitation
>> and go and make money.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare


Wed, 10 March 2004 07:01

Na aanleiding van die redenasie hierbo oor die vervoerprobleme wat stakende
taxis veroorsaak het, die onderwerp van huisbediendes [of wat ook al die
polities korrekte term vir 'n huiswerker ook al is], maar iets het my nog
altyd gefassineer: Ek het hier grootgeword en leef saam met die situasie
my lewe lank. Ek weet van weinig van die huiswerkers wat nie groot, vet
vrouens is nie. Nou weet ons almal [behalwe natuurlik wat die sielkundiges
vir die vrou vertel om haar te troos oor haar situasie en dat sy nie skuldig
voel oor nog en nóg 'n tjoklit nie!] dat daar net een manier is om vet te
raak: Te veel gaan by die bek in en te min kom onder uit. MAAR nou
word vir die publiek vertel dat hierdie huiswerkers te swak betaal word en
dat hulle 'struggle' om te oorleef. Hoe rym dit met hul dikke lywe?
Toe kliek ek eendag op 'n idee en gee vir die mense 'n opdrag. Ons
begin toe die kruideniersware in die huis merk. Nie ooglopend nie,
subtiel. Soos byvoorbeeld 'n blik met rys/koffie/enigiets.....jy merk dit
net bo die vlak van die produk met 'n kolletjie van 'n filtpen. So ook op
bottels met vloeistowwe...jy merk die vlak met 'n merkie. Vanmiddag, as jy
huis toe kom en die bediende is weg, dan gaan bekyk jy die gemerkte
vlakke......en daar kry ons die antwoord. Nie 'n enkele van die mense het
'n huishulp wat nie steel uit die huis nie! So bietjie-bietjie versorg
hulle hulle families uit die huise uit waar hulle werk. Drie is direk as
gevolg hiervan betrap en die manier wat hulle doen is nogal interessant.
Hulle vat hierdie plastiek 'Checkers-sakke of Chekas soos hulle dit noem, en
dan knoop hulle die porsies rys, meel, koffie, watookal so in 'n string
daarin toe en bind dit om die lyf en stap uit met 'n glimlag.
Dit mag dalk klein klink, maar elkeen van hierdie mense het strenger
beheer oor kruideniersware begin toepas [ek self het my goete in die garage
in 'n kas toegesluit en net items uitgehaal wat nodig is vir die oomblik] en
die gevolg? ALMAL vind uit dat hulle kan met amper 50% minder
kruideniersware in die maand klaarkom...............en ¾ van ons huishulpe
het ander werk gaan soek!

Koeitjies & kalfies | 99 kommentare

'n Kanadese toets

Tue, 09 March 2004 12:47

Is jy man of muis?



Koeitjies & kalfies | 9 kommentare

waar sal ons dese scam pos meld?

Tue, 09 March 2004 11:39

Sal enig iemand ons vertel waar ons dese scam post
offisieel sal meld sodat daar 'n stop op word gesit.

Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 14:51:19 +0530
From: Richard

Greetings from South Africa,

How are you and your family I hope that you are all
okay? I want to ask you, If you are not capable to
quietly look for a reliable and honest person who will
be capable and fit to provide either an existing bank
account or to set up a new Bank a/c immediately to
receive this money, even an empty a/c can serve to
receive this money, as long as you will remain honest
to me till the end for this important business
trusting in you and believing in God that you will
never let me down either now or in future.

I am the Auditor in charge of international
transaction in one of the biggest bank here in South
Africa. During the course of our auditing, I
discovered a floating fund in an account opened in the
bank in 1996 and since 2000 nobody has operated on
this account again, after going through some old files
in the records I discovered that the owner of the
account died without a [Heir/WILL] hence the money is
floating and if I do not remit this money out urgently
it will be forfeited for nothing. The owner of this
account Mr. Robert Chapman, a Canadian, who
unfortunately lost his life in the plane crash of
Kenya Airways Flight Number 431 in Abidjan which
crashed on 3oth January 2000, including his wife. He
was former African Area Director of SIL International.

No other person knows about this account or any thing
concerning it, the account has no other beneficiary
and my investigation proved to me as well that the
account is a secret account.

The total amount involve is Eighteen million Six
Hundred Thousand United States Dollars only
[$18,600.000.00] and we wish to transfer this money
into a safe foreigners account abroad. But I don't
know any foreigner, I am only contacting you as a
foreigner because this money can not be approved to a
local person here, but to a foreigner who has
information about the account, which I shall give to
you upon your positive response. I am revealing this
to you with believe in God that you will never let me
down in this business, you are the first and the only
person that I am contacting for this business, so
please reply urgently so that I will inform you the
next step to take urgently.

I need your strong assurance that you will never let
us down, me and a key bank official who is deeply
involved with me in this business. I guarantee that
this transaction will be executed under a legitimate
arrangement that will protect you from any breach of
the law. I will destroy all documents of transaction
immediately we receive this money leaving no trace to
any place. I will use my position and influence to
obtain all legal approvals for onward transfer of this
money to your account with appropriate clearance from
the relevant ministries and foreign exchange

At the conclusion of this business, you will be given
30% of the total amount, 70% will be for us. Further
details awaits your earliest reply. PLEASE, TREAT

Best Regards

Richard Dewar.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

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