Vir wat moet ons toeskouers geld mors. en die span tyd mors om met/teen
Zimbabwe te speel?
Moet hulle nie maar ondervinding opbou om aan ons provinsiale reeks deel te
neem nie?
"... "She asserts that when plaintiff 'delivered' his sperm, it was a gift -
an absolute and irrevocable transfer of title to property from a donor to a
donee," the decision said. "There was no agreement that the original deposit
would be returned upon request." ..."
Daar is 'n artikel oor die plek in vandag se Argus.
Jannie en Christa se vertoning na KKNK daar word genoem.
Kontakbesonderhede: 0823235538
Web-bladsy -
Die prentjie van die teaterstoele lyk snoes en luuks.
Die artikel se ook 80 - 100 toeskouers per vertoning.
Die hoenderhok lyk na 'n ou skuur, en staan glo langs 'n 200jaar oud
Kaartjies vir vertonings kos R88, wat 'n ligte ete en wyn insluit.
Kan iemand dit vertaal soos in vergelyking met Hasie-grappies..........
Well, Kenny the rooster costs a lot of money, but the farmer decides he'd be
worth it. So, he buys Kenny.
The farmer takes Kenny home and sets him down in the barnyard, first, giving
the rooster a pep talk.
"I want you to pace yourself now. You've got a lot of chickens to service
here, and you cost me a lot of money. Consequently, I'll need you to do a
good job. So, take your time and have some fun," the farmer said, with a
Kenny seemed to understand, so the farmer pointed toward the hen house and
Kenny took off like a shot.
WHAM!- Kenny nails every hen in the hen house - three or four times, and the
farmer is mega-impressed. But it doesn't stop there...
Straight after that the farmer hears a commotion in the duck pen, sure
enough, Kenny the Stud-Rooster is in there.
Later, the farmer sees Kenny after a flock of geese, down by the lake.
Once again - WHAM! He bonks the honk outta all those geese. By sunset he sees
that rabid sex maniac rooster out in the fields quelling quail and
phraternising with pheasants.
The farmer is distraught; concerned that his expensive rooster is gonna
sensually short circuit himself. Sure enough, the farmer goes to bed and
wakes up the next day, to find Kenny on his back, stone cold in the middle
of the yard. Vultures are circling overhead.
The farmer, saddened by the loss of such a vigorous and expensive performer,
shakes his head and says, "Oh, Kenny, I told you to pace yourself. I tried
to get you to slow down, now look what you've done to yourself."
Kenny opens one eye, nods toward the vultures circling in the sky and says,
"Shhh, they're getting closer".
Bababeer gaan by die trappe af en sit in sy klein stoeltjie by die tafel, en hy kyk na sy klein papbordjie.. "Wie't my pappies geëet?, vra hy in 'n huilerige stemmetjie".
Pappabeer kom by die tafel aan en sit in sy groot stoel. Hy kyk na sy groot papbord, en ook die is leeg. "Wie de duiwel het my pap geëet vra hy in 'n bulderende stem.
Mammabeer se kop verskyn in die luik tussen die kombuis en die eetkamer. Haar gesig lyk soos 'n hoëveldse donderstorm. "Genugtig, hoeveel keer moet ons met julle idiote deur hierdie proses gaan?" "Dit was Mammabeer wat eerste opgestaan het. Dit was Mammabeer wat almal in die huis wakker gemaak het. Dit was Mammabeer wat die koffie gemaak het.
Dit was Mammabeer wat die skottelgoedwasser na gisteraand skoongemaak en alles weggepak hat.
Dit was Mammabeer wat in die koue uitgegaan het om die koerant te gaan haal.
Dit was Mammabeer wat die tafel gedek het.
Dit was Mammabeer wat die blerrie kat laat uitgaan en sy sandboks skoongemaak het.
Dit was Mammabeer wat die kat en die papegaai kos gegee en versorg het.
En dit was Mammabeer wat die sitkamer aan die kant moes maak na julle TV-kykery gisteraand."
"En nou dat julle uiteindelik besluit het om julle flenter-beergatte ondertoe te sleep en Mammabeer se kombuis met julle befoeterde teenwoordigheid te kom vereer, moet julle nou mooi luister, en goed luister, want ek gaan dit nie weer se nie:
In celebration of a decade of democracy and the ten year commemoration of
the Truth and Reconciliation Commission as well as 150 years of existence of
the city of Tshwane (Pretoria), the University of Pretoria will host an Arts
and Reconciliation Festival and Conference. The aim of this event is to
redefine and emphasize the role that music, drama, films and the visual arts
play in South Africa, as well as in many other countries, to bring down the
walls of racial, political, socio-economic and cultural divisions and to
help build bridges towards healing and reconciliation.
Nobel prize laureates, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and former President
FW de Klerk will act as patrons of this initiative. Archbishop Tutu will
present a key-note lecture and FW de Klerk will deliver the closing address.
The programme consists of a number of activities: academic tracks, practical
workshops and master classes, lunch-hour entertainment, evening concerts, a
drama and film festival, as well as numerous exhibitions. Stories and
experiences from all over the world are brought together in the programme -
from South Africa and other African countries, the USA, England, Scotland,
Northern Ireland, Israel and Palestine, Iran and Iraq and the Holocaust in
Nazi Germany. Themes that will be explored are conflict, guilt, justice,
forgiveness, healing and reconciliation. The role that the arts play in the
prevention of and the fight against HIV/Aids will also be underlined'
In the lunch-hour concerts as well as in the evenings there will be music
and drama performances, film shows and poetry readings. At the opening
ceremony on the evening of Monday 14 March, Michael Moerane's famous My
Country will be performed as well as works from Beethoven and Saint-Saëns.
During the rest of the week the evening programme will include the
* Contemporary South African Films - Amandla, Red Dust and Forgiveness
* Piano and Chamber Music by Jewish Composers who escaped from Nazi Germany
* An open air performance "'n Afrikaner Waarheids- en Versoeningskommissie"
* A contemporary South African rendition of Händel's Messiah (Die
Messias -Die Jirre se seun")
* A Fusion of African and Classical Music
* A Jazz and local Festival
* Photographic exhibition, "Fatherhood" (UNICEF)
* Prominent South African artists will exhibit artworks in which the theme
of reconciliation is explored.
View the website for the detailed programme and to register for this
Registration fees
Full conference package - R950
Day delegates - R400
Student conference package - R300
Opening ceremony and concert - R60
Workshops per afternoon - R30
Drama and Music Concerts - R30
Lunch-hour concerts, Film Track and Art exhibition - Free
Picture: Yes
Submitted by Marga Hofmeyr and Janetje vd Merwe
PR Company: The Diplomat Events Office
Telephone Number: 012 344 3131
Cellphone Number: 082 883 1293
Client's name: Arts and Reconciliation Organising Committee, University of