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RE: sex en christene

Thu, 11 January 2007 22:33

Persoonlik sou niemand geinteresserd moet wees in andemens se sex gewoontes nie,
of dit nou tussen manne en manne is of vrouwens en vrouwens, of dat wat gebruiklik lyk te wees tussen manne en vrouwens.
Ek interesseer my nooit in andermens se sex gewoontes nie, dis aan hulle self
hoe wat en wanneer dit te beleef en hoe dit uit te voer, wat te doen en so
m.a.w. bemoei jou self met jou eie sake!

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

A good boER?

Thu, 11 January 2007 06:29

Skop engelsmansgat

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Torreke en sy kerk

Wed, 10 January 2007 09:44

Nog 'n vraag aan jou. Die kerke gebruik wyn vir nagmaal. In die Bybel
word gepraat van die gebruik van drank. Nou is dit ook so dat alkohol die
gevaarlikste dwelm bekend aan die mens is wat die grootste skade aan die
mensdom aanrig. Tog gaan die kerke voort om dit te gebruik? Daar is
mense wat vir jou sal sê dat die gematigde gebruik van alkohol is niks mee
verkeerd nie, maar wat van die gematigde gebruik van ander dwelms?

Geloof & kerksake | 88 kommentare

Toyota creating alcohol detection system

Mon, 08 January 2007 19:19

Bes moontlik sal daar oor 'n jaar of twee
donkerbrille en handskoene in sommige
bestuurders (wat dit nooit gebruik het nie)
se paneelkissies wees.

Toyota creating alcohol detection system

TOKYO - Toyota Motor Corp. is developing a fail-safe system for cars
that detects drunken drivers and automatically shuts the vehicle down
if sensors pick up signs of excessive alcohol consumption, a news
report said Wednesday. Cars fitted with the detection system will not
start if sweat sensors in the driving wheel detect high levels of
alcohol in the driver's bloodstream, according to a report carried by
the mass-circulation daily, Asahi Shimbun. The system could also kick
in if the sensors detect abnormal steering, or if a special camera
shows that the driver's pupils are not in focus. The car is then
slowed to a halt, the report said.

Wiele | 3 kommentare

Dagse Almal

Mon, 08 January 2007 09:56

Goeie dag aan almal en 'n "Happy new Year" sommer so op die koop toe.

Vandag weer vir die eerste keer vandat ek op verlof was hier ingeloer en ek
sien die hare waai nog steeds tussen Suidwester en Torreke. Ek sien ook 'n
paar ou bekendes soos Annette het weer kop uitgesteek na maande van stilte,
en natuurlik ons varksige vriend met die honderd en een skuilname weet nou
nog nie hoe om KAK te spel nie.

My nuwe jaar wens vir die groep is

Suidwester - Om vir ons te vertel wat is sy regte naam, en in watter sport
het hy springbok kleure gekry, asook die naam van sy Swop Shop

Gloudina - On minstens een gediggie hier te plaas wat rym

Annette - Meer as 5 mense in die gehoor te he tydens hulle koor opvoerings

Torreke - Tot die besef sal kom dat jy op die NG bitter moeilik enige
persoon tot ander insigte sal oorhaal

Die Res - Nie sal toelaat dat enige persoon deur middel van persoonlike
aanvalle jou van bydraes tot die NG sal weerhou nie

Koeitjies & kalfies | 18 kommentare

Torreke en gays

Mon, 08 January 2007 05:53

Jy kruip weg. Sê vir ons of gay-wees volgens jou sonde is of nie?

Koeitjies & kalfies | 11 kommentare

Profile - Profile.jpg (0/1)

Sun, 07 January 2007 17:27

Dit sou miskien interessant gewees het vir 'n sielkundige
maar andersins is dit dieselfde tipe scrap as wat hy op
dié nuusgroep skryf. Elke keer 'n ander naam. Hy is
heel kokai. Lees hierdie profile en dan kan julle ook
gaan lees wat hy alles kwytraak 'moment after moment'.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare


Sat, 06 January 2007 08:36

As daar 4 - 5 dieselfde antwoorde deurkom.
Dis nie dat ek deur herhaling 'n feit wil vestig nie:))
Die spook genaamd 06/01/07 is net blerrie stout.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 7 kommentare

Oor ongeloof en geloof (Torreke)

Fri, 05 January 2007 18:46

Torreke, hier is iets wat ek nogal interessant gevind het. Dalk wil
jy so bietjie daaraan kou, en jou gedagtes plaas? As jy lus is :) 2/gods_enemies_are_m\

O.a hierdie 3 aspekte van sy artikel. Ek pos nou maar die gedeelte,
net ingeval jy nie die skakel kan lees nie:

"As someone who has spent the last few years publicly
criticizing religion, I have become quite familiar
with how people of faith rise to the defense of God.
As it turns out, there aren't a hundred ways of doing
this. There appear to be just three: either a person
argues that a specific religion is true, or he argues
that religion is useful, or he simply attacks atheism
as intolerant, elitist, irrational, or otherwise
worthy of contempt. Any conversation between atheists
and believers is liable to fall into one or more of
these ruts, or lurch back and forth between them:

1. Religion is true:
There are two problems with arguing that any one of the world's
religions is true. First, as Bertrand Russell pointed out a century
ago, the major religions make incompatible claims about God and about
what human beings must believe in order to escape the fires of hell.

> Given the sheer diversity of these claims, every believer should expect damnation on mere, probabilistic grounds.

The second problem with arguing for the truth of
religion is that the evidence for the most common
religious doctrines is terrible or nonexistent—and
this subsumes all claims about the existence of a
personal God, the divine origin of certain books, the
virgin birth of certain people, the veracity of
ancient miracles, etc.

For thousands of years, religion has been a haven for
dogmatism and false certainty, and it remains so.
There is not a person on this earth who has sufficient
reason to be certain that Jesus rose from the dead or
that Muhammad spoke to the angel Gabriel in his cave.
And yet, billions of people profess such certainty.
This is embarrassing. It is also dangerous—and we
should stop making apologies for it.

2. Religion is useful:
The argument that religion is useful is also problematic—and many of
its problems are enunciated daily by bomb-blasts. Can anyone
seriously argue that it is a good thing that millions
of Muslims currently believe in the metaphysics of
martyrdom? Is it really so useful that many Jews
imagine that the Creator of the universe gave them a
patch of desert on the Mediterranean? How
psychologically beneficial has Christianity's anxiety
about sex been these last seventy generations?

The worst problem with arguing for religion's
usefulness, however, is that it is utterly irrelevant
to the question at hand: the fact that a belief might
be useful is no argument that it is true. While there
are many ways to illustrate this, here is how I
recently made the point in an online debate:

> The fact that certain religious beliefs might be
> useful in no way suggests their legitimacy. I can
> guarantee, for instance, that the following religion,
> invented by me in the last ten seconds, would be
> extraordinarily useful. It is called “Scientismo.”
> Here is its creed: Be kind to others; do not lie,
> steal, or murder; and oblige your children to master
> mathematics and science to the best of their abilities
> or 17 demons will torture you with hot tongs for
> eternity after death. If I could spread this faith to
> billions, I have little doubt that we would live in a
> better world than we do at present. Would this suggest
> that the 17 demons of Scientismo exist? Useful
> delusions are not the same thing as true beliefs.
3. Atheism is bad:
Rather than argue for the truth of
their religious beliefs, or produce evidence that
religion is useful, apologists for God often attack
atheism as though it were another religion. We are
told that atheism is dogmatic, intolerant, irrational,
etc. This homily has the virtue of being easy to
remember and reproduce—and it now reverberates
ceaselessly within the echo-chamber of American
religious discourse.

It relies, however, on a many false ideas about
atheism. On Christmas eve of this year, I published an
essay in the Los Angeles Times entitled “10 Myths –
and 10 Truths – about Atheism” in which I attempted to
set the record straight. I won't repeat these points
here. Those interested can find this article on my

Geloof & kerksake | 39 kommentare

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