Die ene moet gedeel word - 'n juweeltjie in die kroon van die
ANC/SAKP/COSATU - artikel uit die "The Star" - 23 Aug 2002:
'In defence of Nthai, fine minds are scarce'
August 21 2002 at 11:08P
By Charles Phahlane and Sapa
South Africa doesn't have enough good people, and if the media continue to
question the integrity of those who come forward in sacrifice for public
office, the country will fall short of "quality brains".
This extraordinary position was presented by Smuts Ngonyama, head of the ANC
presidency, after learning that advocate Seth Nthai had withdrawn his
nomination for the post of public protector.
Nthai, the former MEC for safety and security in Limpopo, withdrew his name
a day after The Star had revealed allegations of his shocking extravagance
with public money.
Commenting on Nthai's withdrawal, Ngonyama said: "We don't have many good
people. We have a number of challenges and we have to be very careful in the
manner we treat those who are prepared to make sacrifices for our country.
"Our country will actually fall short of high-quality brains when a good
person is attacked and his integrity questioned... It is not good for our
country. We need to protect those who want to make sacrifices."
"It's a pity he has withdrawn. He's an advocate and a well-learned man with
reputable credentials," Ngonyama said.
Earlier this week, The Star revealed how, while MEC for safety and security
in the then Northern Province, Nthai was actively involved in purchasing a
building for R18,6-million to house his department when it was worth
The inflated price was discovered by the Semenya commission of inquiry. One
of the witnesses at the commission said Nthai's specifications for the
building was for a lift going directly from the basement to his office, and
a private bathroom adjacent to his office.
He was also accused of using state vehicles to send his drycleaning to
Johannesburg from Polokwane, a distance of over 300km.
On Wednesday, before answering any questions before the committee screening
candidates for the public protector position, Nthai said: "I have been
reflecting on my nomination and have decided that I will serve my country
better if I am left where I am. Therefore I am withdrawing my nomination."
He lashed out at The Star's story, entitled "Can this man protect the SA
public?" He denied that the article had led to his withdrawal.
"I have on my own taken this decision, taking into consideration my personal
circumstances and what I am doing. I came to this at the weekend, before the
newspaper reports came out," Nthai said.
He said that if journalists had read "privileged" documents, they would have
realised there was no substance to the claims about him. He said the article
contained allegations, not facts. "The journalist is confusing fact and
Vandag was daar 'n onderhoud met 'n skrydter van 'n boek oor Afrikaanse
name - sy het navorsing gedoen en die oorsprong van die name word bespreek.
Sy het ook vertel dat Dr Beyers Naudé se susters sulke interessante name
gekry het - die eerste twee kan ek nie onthou nie, maar die ander twee wel-
Himne en Ligstraal.
Dan ook modename - wat in 'n sekere tyd gewild is.
Ons weet almal van al die Morné's wat deesdae rondloop nadat Morné du
Plessis gewild geword het nadat Naas geslaan het;))
Nietemin - die naam Morné beteken:
Leeu, sonder tande, tong of kloue.:))))
It was just the other Saturday and I was screaming in the stand When the
bladdy stupid referee went and lifted up his hand "another penalty" he said
"and yet again against the boks" and something in my mind just snapped like
the elastic in my jocks. Piet Potch I said, ou boet you just can't let
this go someones gotta get out there and kill the flippin ou. I stumbled to
the field vision blurred with all the dop I fell clear over the advert board
and landed on my kop. No-one even checked me, no-one saw me coming and then
before I knew it I was up and running. Now remember boet, a wing I was when
I still played the game and when I hit my sprinting stride it still felt all
the same. The crowd they went ballistic, I was sure it was just for me
forgotten were the injuries, even the shaky knee. The ref he was still
blowing, the fools hand up in the air when I rounded past the scrum and
lined him up from there. I hit him like a whirlwind, all boep and balls and
grit. and down went the Irishman, that ugly little shit. I heard him
scream and whimper and even heard him cry and then that bladdy kiwi lock
went and hit me in the eye.
Corne was there too and I thought he'd come and help
and whip the bladdy Kiwi and make the bugger yelp.
but no, they went and left me to the mercy of the guards
and the jail and the courts, the whole nine yards.
would I do it again,,,you bet your broek I would
and so should you okes, you really really should
Coz the bokke are the bokke and no ref is ever ever fair
and they better just be careful to check that I'm not there
Weet enig iemand van julle WIE die grappie
verhaaltjie van die Witborskraai geskryf het, en het
enig iemand nog die teks? En sal iemand my verduidelik
of die teks enig politieke betekenis het??
Pos dit vir my asseblief!
baie dankies!
Ek's meestal 24 uur per dag online by die huis. Soms download ek
dinge, maar soms laat ek alles sommer net staan, ek betaal nie ekstra
Ek toets gereeld applikasies en tools van die internet. Nou't ek ook
agtergekom dat daar van die freeware is wat hulle geld maak deur
spyware op jou pc te installeer.
Nou't ek ad-aware gekry. Dis 'n tooltjie waarmee jy jou pc kan
skoonmaak van al die twak.
As ek saans my pc aan laat staan (online) en alle aplikasies afsluit,
staan daar 'n donnerse pop-up advertensie op as ek soggens daar kom.
As ek dié wegkliek, pop daar nog een uit. Ek word so die duiwel in -
en ek kan die oorsaak nie kry nie.
Ek weet hierdie is nie die regte nuusgroep om dit te vra nie, maar het
enige van julle vir my raad? (Behalwe format en alles oor installeer)
Zimbabwe's first lady, Grace Mugabe, has chosen the white-owned
farm she wants and has ordered its elderly owners and residents off
the land, it emerged yesterday.
Mrs Mugabe has picked the Iron Mask Estate, 30 miles north west
of Harare, which belongs to John and Eva Matthews, both in their
seventies. The couple abandoned their home at the weekend.
According to residents on the farm, Mrs Mugabe and a high-
powered entourage visited the property last week, said she would
be moving in shortly and told them to find alternative accommodation.
The news came as police continued their hunt for white farmers
refusing to move off their land after the passing of a deadline set
by President Robert Mugabe's regime. Mr Mugabe's supporters
have moved on to several farms in the eastern part of the country
while the owners were in police cells. Farm equipment and
personal possessions were looted, although police denied any
knowledge of the crimes.