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Re: Plan for evacuation of whites from South Africa

Tue, 24 September 2002 08:08

Do you fucking people have nothing better to do than check other people's
spelling all the time? It seems as if you have a lot of time on your hands
to do nothing but check fucking spelling. Perhaps you should go and work for
a newspaper and edit some text all day long then perhaps you can get to lose
some of that steam you seem to have pressurising in your arsehole. Because
unlike most English people I know you are a real fucking pain in the arse
and I would frankly like to kick your behind from here to Egypt you silly
twit. Perhaps you would be less inclined to use the word Dutchman in such a
derogatory manner once I've beaten your little shitbrick skull into powder.
Because it is really easy making those remarks in cyberspace, but I wonder
when last you had the guts to say it into a "Dutchman's" face? If it was
recently I would bet you are still recovering in hospital you small minded
spell-checking freak and the reason you are stupid enough to do it again is
because you suffer memory loss. So take your spell checking RED NECK arse
and go check somebody else's spelling!

"lez" skryf in boodskap news:raSj9.124134$
> You can see this is some thick dutchman.What is "Do anybody know who is
> ......".Fuck if I had to leave this country it would be because of Thick
> Rocks like you.Oh and please write back and threaten to "Fro me wif a stone"
> "Down With Telkom" wrote in message
>> Do anybody know who is making plans for the evacuation of whites from South
>> Africa when the ANC government falls from power and hardliner blacks come to
>> power?
>> I heard some people are in talks with foreign governments on this issue. It
>> has to do with plans on making it easier for whites to move to Europe and
>> Australia and even the USA. Anybody have clue?
>> Regards

Koeitjies & kalfies | 14 kommentare

Re: Plan for evacuation of whites in South Africa

Mon, 23 September 2002 21:43

Hello Frikkie, ek sien jy is nie meer by AOL nie :-)

"Down With Telkom" skryf in boodskap
> Do anybody know who is making plans for the evacuation of whites from South
> Africa when the ANC government falls from power and hardliner blacks come to
> power?
> I heard some people are in talks with foreign governments on this issue. It
> has to do with plans on making it easier for whites to move to Europe and
> Australia and even the USA. Anybody have clue?
> Regards

Koeitjies & kalfies | 9 kommentare


Mon, 23 September 2002 14:16

In my tyd ( ek is bietjie ouerig) het ons nooit gehoor van motorongelukke na
die matriekafskeid nie.
Nou net oor die nuus weer twee in PE wat dood is.
Toentertyd het die ouers die kinders by die skool afgelaai, die klomp grend
matrieks is per skoolbus na die funksie ( ons s'n was by Maselspoort -
Vrystaat by die see:)) ) per bus terug en die ouers het ons weer kom haal.
Ek kan nog ietwat onthou wat 'n dol dag dit was - eers 2.30 van die skool af
by die huis gekom, vinnig aangetrek want die Jeugkoor moes by Sand du
Plessis die middag optree om 4nm, toe 'n dolle gejaag terug huistoe om 6nm
betyds by die skool te wees vir die bus.
Gelukkig was dit nog die dae toe Kapsels en Lang Aandrokke en Gesig Inkleur
nog nie vreeslik in die mode was nie - 'n kort mini was die inding:)))

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Die Rede

Mon, 23 September 2002 13:00

Hoekom daar so baie eenrigtingstrate in Pretoria is:
Sodat die Staatsamptenare wat vroeg huistoe gaan nie vasry in die
Staatsamptenare wat laat vir werk is nie.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

'n Ander Siembamba

Mon, 23 September 2002 12:52

Hier is die advertensie vir Pretoria Kindersorg se


Siembamba, mamma se liefling
Siembamba, pappa se speelding
As ek saans in my bedjie lê
bly ek stil en doen wat hy sê

Siembamba, mamma se liefling
Siembamba, pappa se speelding
Draai my nek om, gooi my in die sloot
Trap op my kop, ek wens ek was dood.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

aardklop verblyf

Mon, 23 September 2002 11:17


1)Kamer beskikbaar met 2 enkel beddens, R120/nag/persoon, vir 26-28
September(Donderdag, Vrydag en Saterdag).
2)Enkel kamer 26-27 September. R120/nag
3)Dubbelbed beskikbaar 24 September. R120/nag/persoon
Veilige parkering en kontinentale ontbyt is ingesluit.
Skakel (018) 290 6782 vir meer informasie.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Brand jou plaas as jy af gevorseer word / Burn your farm if forced to leave

Mon, 23 September 2002 10:42

Aan alle boere daar buite. As jy van jou grond afgejaag word sonder
vergoeding, BRAND DIE PLAAS AF!!!!

To all farmers out there, if you are forced to leave your farm without
proper compensation. BURN IT!!!!

Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare

Trots SA dag

Mon, 23 September 2002 05:20

Moet nou nie vergeet vandag is die dag om Trots SA te wees nie.
Maak seker dat julle slegs klere dra wat in SA vervaardig is.
Eet en drink slegs produkte wat hier verbou en verwerk is.
Gebruik slegs produkte wat in SA vervaardig is
Wonder wat die gholfspelers vandag gaan maak:)))

Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare

Al- Cadac

Mon, 23 September 2002 05:16

Die nuwe naam vir die lot wat die WSSD wou opblaas met bomme in die

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Mal Mugabe en Miesies Monica ChinaMasa in Marondera

Sun, 22 September 2002 21:35 7340.html

Chinamasa's wife grabs prime farm
9/20/02 9:36:49 AM (GMT +2)

By Pedzisai Ruhanya Chief Reporter

MONICA Chinamasa, the wife of the Minister of Justice, Legal and
Parliamentary Affairs, Patrick Chinamasa, has joined other VIPs in the
scramble to take over prime farms under the pretext of resettling landless

Jenni Williams, the spokesperson for Justice for Agriculture, a
farmers' group fighting for the cause of evicted commercial farmers and
those facing dispossession, said the minister's wife arrived on Rockland
Farm in Marondera last week and produced a letter from the Lands Committee,
dated 28 July 2002, signed by the district administrator. The letter
authorised her to take up 432 hectares of the property, which is owned by
Peter Baker, and comprises the homestead, all the buildings and the most
productive fields. Chinamasa yesterday said his wife had been lawfully
allotted the farm in a transparent manner and there was nothing sinister
about it.

He said: "I am aware that she was allocated that farm after she
applied for it. There is nothing irregular about that because she was
legally allocated that land." Chinamasa said his wife was in the process of
occupying her property. She joins other high-ranking Zanu PF officials,
senior civil servants, business people and top military officials who have
acquired prime land under the government's controversial fast-track land
resettlement programme. The farm, which was issued with a preliminary notice
(Section 5) in July, does not have a compulsory notice of acquisition
(Section 8) order, Williams said.

Chinamasa early this month threatened to sue South Africa's Business
Day newspaper for publishing an article which said he was allocated Lot 1 of
Mirror 2 in Chipinge, and Nyamazura 1 in Mutare. On Wednesday night,
Parliament passed the controversial Land Acquisition Amendment Bill after
heated debate in which the government conceded it had bungled by failing to
serve Section 5 notices to bondholders. The Bill, which now awaits President
Mugabe's assent before it becomes law, seeks to increase fines for
commercial farmers who resist eviction and to validate preliminary
acquisition orders.But the MDC said the government was only bringing the
Bill to overturn recent High Court rulings which had declared Section 8
eviction notices illegal.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 41 kommentare

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