Hello. I'm looking for a photo of South Africa's WW1 era heavyweight boxer
George "Boer" Rodel. I have what I thought was a portrait of him, but now am
told it is not Rodel.
Vir ernstige Bybelstudie kan ek hierdie sagteware
aanraai, dit is verniet, die Ou Afrikaanse
Vertaling is nou ook beskikbaar.
Treat everybody with politeness,
even those who are rude to you; remember,
you show courtesy to others, not because
they are gentlemen, but because you are one.
Op skool het ons rugby afrigter met 'n lat agter sy span tydens oefening al
die spelers se basse warm gemaak wanneer hulle laat slaplê het.
Ek het lanklaas so 'n lustelose vertoning deur rugbyspelers gesien soos deur
die Bokke in daardie eerste 60 minute. Joost se kapteinskap het m.i. nie
gewerk nie.
Eers het die mafia haar beledig.
Dit kon sy nog hanteer. Maar nou
het iemand uit die ordentlike stand
haar ook aangeval. Nou het sy in
die hoekie gaan sit met haar gesig
na die muur.
Vrede Elaine. Kom weer uit die
hoekie. Die blad is bietjie leeg
sonder jou.
On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 15:45:54 +1200, "ur_droll" wrote in
message :
> "Jesus" wrote in message
> : On Sat, 07 Jun 2003 00:48:00 GMT, Keith E. wrote in
> : >Fri, 06 Jun 2003 12:59:41 +0200 was a day just like any other,
> : >until Jesus wrote:
> : >>On Fri, 06 Jun 2003 02:13:56 GMT, Keith E. wrote in
> : >>>Thu, 05 Jun 2003 17:36:24 +0200 was a day just like any other,
> : >>>until Jesus wrote:
> : >>>>On Thu, 05 Jun 2003 02:51:44 GMT, Keith E. wrote in
> : >>>>>Thu, 05 Jun 2003 03:25:32 +0200 was a day just like any other,
> : >>>>>until Jesus wrote:
> : >>>>>>On Wed, 04 Jun 2003 18:41:50 GMT, Keith E. wrote
> : >>>>>>>Wed, 04 Jun 2003 14:48:41 +0200 was a day just like any other,
> : >>>>>>>until Jesus wrote:
> : >>>>>>>>On Tue, 03 Jun 2003 19:47:48 GMT, Keith E.
> : >>>>>>>>>Tue, 03 Jun 2003 15:48:05 +0200 was a day just like any other,
> : >>>>>>>>>until Jesus wrote:
> : >>>>>>>>>>On Tue, 03 Jun 2003 03:26:00 GMT, Keith E.
> : >>>>>>>>>>>I'm not here for your amusement!
> : >>>>>>>>>>yer a funny guy, Keith.
> : >>>>>>>>>But I'm no mushroom.
> : >>>>>>>>do you think yer fungi II? that's a movie title, right?
> : >>>>>>>I don't know. Does that mean I _am_ a mushroom?
> : >>>>>>you sound hungup on mushrooms.
> : >>>>>>right now i'd love to bite into a large sumptious mushroom sauce
> burger.
> : >>>>>>fortunately i can, if i am prepared to get into my car and drive to
> Sea
> : >>>>>>Point. there's a place there that makes really good burgers 24/7.
> : >>>>>>but it's fucking cold tonight, so i am going to get into bed instead
> and
> : >>>>>>dream of burgers.
> : >>>>>Morel season has just ended. For the last month, tourists from
> : >>>>>the city have been cluttering up the woods, looking for them.
> : >>>>>Locals hunt for them too, because resorts around here will pay up
> : >>>>>to $50-$60 a pound for 'em.
> : >>>>>I hate mushrooms.
> : >>>>it sounds like the truffle hunt the French indulge in.
> : >>>We don't sniff 'em out like those pigs.
> : >>maybe you should.
> : >I'll die before I do anything french.
> : i wouldn't mind fucking a french woman. but she better not whisper "take
> : me there"...
> They don't "whisper"
there's this fucking Lentherec ad campaign running locally. all the cans of
spray have different numbers on them.
and this number apparently represents some statistic of this naked french
girl's passion. so in this husky french whisper, she shares with us the fact
that at the height of her passion her heart rate reaches 120 beats per
then she concludes every ad with the husky whisper, "take me there".
it's actually bloody stupid and i end up laughing at her instead of getting
all hot under the collar.
i guess South African men are not the world's greatest lovers.
give me another stuk of biltong.
Once you heard, "Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved."
I tell you now truly that only those who were pre-ordained were sealed for salvation.
To see whether you qualify please refer to: http://www.savedbyjesus.universe?surname=?firstname=?dob=
Read the Official atj FAQ here: http://atjfaq.shorturl.com
As ons almal DNA toetse moet ondergaan voor puberteit, sodat daar meer
voorkomende behandeling kan wees, wat sal die invloed wees op die
Innie armie was Pietie se briewe gesensor met 'n dik pen, maar jy kon nog
"Liewe Ma" lees bo-aan die bladsy.
Nou het party Internet Diens Verskaffers (IDVs) besluit "SPAM" (is ons almal
se probleem - ek stem) is te veel en selfs party woorde word nie meer
toegelaat nie.
Hoe nou gemaak met 'n nuus oor 'n simfonie-orkes uitvoering onder begelyding
van Richard Cock (baie bekende dirigent)?
Miskien moet hy sy van verander na "Span" soos in "span jou geweer", want
"cock your gun" gaan nou nie meer werk nie.
Die intekenaars betaal om die nuus te kan ontvang via e-pos en hul betaal
vir die IDV (wat dit nie aflewer nie) se dienste.
Hoe voel julle oor vrye spraak en die sensor se pen?
PS: 'n Oulike bietjie sagteware vir SPAM en meer:
Gratis by www.mailwasher.com vir skoon e-pos.