Daai Moegoe is net uit om vir Schalk swak te maak, enige ander bok
ondersteuner sou hom geskaam het as hy teen Schalk se kar gebots het. Daai
dronkgat Moegoe soek geld en lime light, Moer hom sommer regtig.....
Ek ry Sondag aan Muizenberg se kant daar waar die ouens so hengel en ek let
op dat die seewater rooi is. Kan enige een vir my vertel wat dit is wat die
water so vuul rooi maak?
Nou weet ons hoekom die Japanese soldate so maklik Hara Kiri gepleeg het;))
Op 'n meer ernstige noot - sal vergoeding ooit genoeg wees vir 'n lewe wat
opgemors is?
Japan Ends Aid To "Comfort Women"
25/01/2005 - Reuters
Japan will dissolve a private fund set up to compensate women, mostly
Asian, who were forced to provide sex for Japanese soldiers during
World War Two, in March 2007, saying it had reached its goals.
Japan has not paid direct compensation to any of the estimated
200,000 mostly Asian women forced to work in brothels for the
Japanese military before and during World War Two, saying all claims
were settled by peace treaties that ended the war.
Instead, in 1995 Tokyo set up the Asian Women's Fund, a private group
with heavy government support, to make cash payments to surviving
wartime "comfort women".
The scheme stoked controversy because the fund was based on private
donations, with state money used only to pay operational costs and to
pay for living expenses and health care.
Angered by the lack of state compensation, some former comfort women
have refused to accept the payments.
The fund will be dissolved after projects to build facilities for the
elderly in Indonesia are completed in March 2007, officials said on
Monday, adding that the fund had achieved its aims despite
"Regarding the conduct of atonement projects there were various
opinions both domestically and overseas and we faced various
difficulties," said Tomiichi Murayama, president of the Asian Women's
Fund, who was prime minister when the fund was set up.
"But ... we have been able to carry out atonement projects to those
former 'comfort women' who desired them. In that sense we think that
the fund's atonement projects have basically achieved their aims,"
Murayama said in a statement.
The fund paid 2.0 million yen (103,000 pounds) in "atonement fees" to
each of 285 former "comfort women" in the Philippines, South Korea
and Taiwan from private donations. The Japanese government has
extended 1.2 million yen to 3.0 million yen per person in health
The fund also gave government-funded medical aid to 79 women in the
Such projects ended in September 2002.
Historians estimate that during World War Two as many as 200,000
women, mostly from the Korean Peninsula, were forced into sexual
slavery in Japanese military brothels.
It was not until 1993 that Japan acknowledged that the Imperial Army,
and not private companies, was responsible for forcing women into sex
slavery during World War Two.
Interessante hofsake staan in 'n ry om mediadekking te kry:))
Tans is die leeuhoksaak aan die gang, en binnekort is dit weer die
Shaik/Zuma sirkus en die BoereBrigadeBomplanters, wat seker met nuwe griewe
vorendag gaan kom.
Lees Sondag dat Winnie nog steeds besig is om te stry teen haar
Die leeuhoksaak se uiteinde gaan seker wees dat net die eienaar gevonnis
gaan word, want die ander twee medepligtiges beweer hulle het glo slegs 'n
opdrag van hom uitgevoer.
Ek het nie eintlik veel van 'n probleem om te aanvaar dat ons die toetsreeks
gaan verloor nie.
Wat my egter kwel is dat die hele wêreld se boulers weet wat om te doen
omSmith uit te haal, en hy besef glo ook wat sy probleem is, maar ooglopend
lyk dit nie of hy enige werk daarvan maak om iets daaraan te doen nie.
Ons Krieketkaptein is blykbaar nie 'n genie nie:))
Hallo NG lesers!
Ons soek na die kinders van 'n sekere JOHANNES SMIT,
hy sal omstreek 1912 of in Nederlandsch Indie, of
in Den Haag Nederland gebore wees.
In die jare 1930 het hy na Durban gekom, hy het daar
in die huwelik getree met 'n vrou van Durban.
Sy beroep in Durban was "Hawemeester"
Wie verskaf ons meer informasie oor hom en sy familie?
Baie dankies vir julle antwoorde.