In watter lande gaan jule werk?
Hoeveel van die opleiers kom van Afrika?
"CICD" wrote in message .
> CICD (College for International Co-operation and Development) and
> Humana People to People movement are looking for volunteers. You can
> contribute to the fight against AIDS and poverty by joining the
> Development Instructor programme.
> A life changing experience - for yourself and the people in Africa
> you work with!
> You can work in:
> -Child Aid
> -Pre-school programmes
> -HIV/AIDS prevention
> -Environment and tree planting
> -Social work with street children
> -Education
> Previous qualifications are not needed!
> You need to be 18+, hardworking, motivated and flexible.
> 14 months programme
> -6 months training in Denmark or England (learning language, culture,
> history and more about Africa, getting practical knowledge etc)
> -6 months development work at a project in Africa
> -2 months evaluation and information work (sharing your new skills and
> knowledge with new volunteers)
> Information in English
> The Amazing Race is darem 'n klomp sussies toe hulle in Senegal kom.
Jinne hulle moan en biets van die begin tot die einde, en raak naar vir die
mense van die dorpies, en tog so arrogant. Veral die jong deelnemers. Die
een ouer vrou het darem opgelet dat hoewel die mense swaar kry en die plek
is glimlag die kindertjies en speel hulle in hul kleurvolle klere deur al
die swaar kry. "n African Amerikaan gaan baie emosioneel raak volgende
week as hy die monuement besoek wat opgerig is vir die duisende slawe wat
gesteel was uit Afrika vir die ontwikkeling van die wit settelaars in die
weste. Ek wonder hoe sal Afrika gelyk het as al die jong sterk mans nooit
hulle moederland gedwonge moes verlaat nie en hoe Amerika en al die ander
lande wat in slawe gehandel het gelyk het sonder die slawe se harde werk.
As ek na hierdie boodskap kyk wat die Amerikaner geskryf het met sy
halwe breinsel grief dit my.
Wat my ook verder omkrap in die lewe is BMW bestuurders. Laasweek het
een so 'n padvark met 'n wit BMW my vrou van die pad af probeer druk.
Ek hoop jy lees die berig jou vark. Dit is jy wat vet bleskop
afrikaanse mans met wit BMW'S 'n slegte naam gee.
Die vorige agtergeblewende mense wat altyd die fout soek by apartheid.
kan hulle nie maar vir een keer in hulle lewe verantwoordelikheid vat
vir wat hulle verkeerd doen nie.
Die SABC wat so politities korrek wil wees. Dit gee my ook 'n lekker
Mense wat met woorde speel en dit nie reglry nie. Daar was vanoggend op
RSG 'n berig gewees van 'n busbestuurder wat 'n baba van drie jaar
doodgeskiet het in 'n padwoede voorval. Dit het min of meer soos volg
gese op die lug " Die busbestuurder het skote afgetrek en die kind
noodlottig gewond. Sy het op haar Ma se skoot gesit. Mnr (Die Pa) is
ook in die hand gewond. Die vermeende (LET WEL) vermeende moordenaar
verskyn vandag in die hof. oe kna hy 'n vermeende moordenaar wees as
mense gesien het hoe hy die kind geskiet het ?
So 'n paar maande gelede het 'n man sy vriendin in Pretoria se straat
doodgeskiet en toe daaarna homself geskiet. Alles ten aanskoue van
omtrent 100 mense. Die berig min of meer Die man het vermoedelik sy
vriendin geskiet en daarna homself geskiet. Vermoedelik???? Hoe de hel
kry hulle dit nymekaar.
What a weekend! What a holiday! Millions of Americans celebrating the very
freedom they fear, and that nice man Bob Geldof telling us evil Americans
what we should be doing with the money we work so hard for! Why, we should
be sending it to Africa, that's what.
Lets give thanks that Live 8 is over. What a bunch of sanctimonious,
self-righteous, narcissistic jerk-offs. They top off their great
multi-venue circle jerk Sunday with a demand that the United States cough up
some more money for something they refer to as "aid and justice for Africa."
These rock stars have a goal. They are demanding that the evil United
States cough up 0.7% of its gross domestic product and send it to Africa.
What these footstools don't grasp is that the 0.7% isn't theirs to demand
or theirs to distribute as they see fit. That money belongs to the men and
women of the United States who got up every morning and went out and damned
well earned it. Personally, I don't give a flying fornication just how much
of our money they think should be sent to Africa. I dare say that the
average sheetrock installer in Sheboygan donates a greater percentage of his
earnings to charity than do these insipid rock stars.
And just what is it about Africa? Here is a continent with an incredible
abundance of natural resources -- and a history that speaks to nothing but
poverty. So, these Live 8 guitar players want to do something about poverty
in Africa? Maybe they should be demanding the return of land in Zimbabwe to
the white farmers from whom it was stolen! Just a few decades ago Zimbabwe
was one of Africa's richest breadbaskets. Zimbabwean farmers fed their own
country and many of their neighboring countries with the food from their
farms and ranches. Then along comes their new exalted ruler ... the great
Robert Mugabe. He sends his goon squads out to steal the land from the
white farmers - murdering many of them - and turns those farms over to his
revolutionary soldiers. What happens next? Hunger, that's what. Now
Zimbabwe can't even feed its own people, let alone the citizens of
neighboring African countries. To make matters worse, Mugabe is now engaged
in a campaign to destroy the homes of poor citizens in Zimbabwe's capitol so
that they will move back out into the bush where they won't be so visible
and problematic. So ... did you hear one of these rock stars even hint that
the United States should do something about Mugabe? Are you kidding? Sure,
they like want to fight like poverty and like all that .. but that doesn't
mean that they're ever going to like say one like negative word about any of
the like dictators who like steal so much of the aid money and like keep
their own people in poverty.
Oh .. and here's something else that these brilliant rock stars you won't
hear about. I'm talking about the birth rate in Africa. In Africa, as in
America and in so many other parts of the world, the people who can least
afford to raise children are the people with the highest pregnancy rates.
It is considered to be gravely politically incorrect in America to ever
suggest that a woman who cannot afford to raise a child should do something
to prevent pregnancy. It seems you can't address this situation in Africa
either. The solution for African women having children they can't afford to
raise is to go to the United States and confiscate the money needed to raise
The problems faced by Africa are largely cultural. Though our illustrious
rock stars wouldn't touch this, the dominant African culture is one of
irresponsible reproduction, tribal warfare, submission to dictatorial
despots, anti-capitalistic governments and unprotected sex leading to
rampant disease. Live 8 isn't going to change this, and either is
confiscating more American wealth to be poured into this mess.
The answer to African poverty may well be to shed this burden of political
correctness and to start calling the shots over there as we see them. If
these intellectually superior rock stars really want to do something about
poverty and justice in Africa a good first step might be to ask the Western
world to forcibly remove Robert Mugabe from power in Zimbabwe and return the
farming land to its rightful owners.
Yeah ... like that's going to happen.
"Look at the murdering Nazis in US military uniforms
storming through Iraq, murdering as they go."
Die naweek is daar 'n storie van die swaar oorlaaide taxi [bussie] wat
blykbaar nie in so 'n wonderlike toestand was nie en toe hulle 'n bult
uitkruie, toe vrek die enjin. Die drywer skop toe ankers en toe gee die
brieke in en die bus begin agteruit loop. Die drywer besluit toe dis tyd
vir hom om te vertrek, en hy spring by die bussie uit. Die bus is agteruit
oor die rand van die pad en rol 'n 100m teen die rant af. 'n Klomp mense
is dood. Die drywer word nou aangekla van manslag op elkeen van die mense
wat gedood het.
Nou, dit bring mens by 'n baie interessante vraag[as 'n mens vergeet van
die feit dat die kombi in 'n haglike toestand was]: Wanneer moes die man
uitgespring het....indien hy enigsins mág uitgespring het? Moes hy wag tot
op die laaste oomblik, of moes hy soos die kaptein van 'n skip, saam met sy
passasiers gesink het?
Daardie mense wat jy van praat wat jy nie meer hier sien nie, sit in die
"George Orwell" skryf in boodskap
> I say old beans what a lovely day. Especially after pondering on my recent
> activities.
> I spent twelve years living and working in South Africa and moved away
eight years ago. I was there in the hay days of that previously high handed
regime run by a pack of guttural bastards.
> Ive recently returned from South Africa after a two month visit my, my what a change. A breath of fresh air!
> Those bastards I spoke of have all but been cleared out you only get to see a few here and there, mainly sucking up to their new masters.
> Oh how my associates and I laughed! (Ho-ho haw gutchuffle!! What-O old chap!!)
> This was pleasing to the eye. How the tables had turned.
> I well remember the days when these beasts would strut about with their
chests pouched out acting in that distasteful arrogant manner of theirs.
Swaggering and carrying on. Their attitude was disgusting to say the least.
They really thought they were one out of the top draw. So it was so pleasing
to the eye to view their plight first hand.
> Oh yes, they were a cancer on the Nation, a blight on the land now they have thank God been reduced to a smelly smudge.
> I say, such a splendid happening old boy what!
> These were the same critters that tried to take us on total waste of time. Were still here, theyre gone. Bloody waste of space there were.
> So old bean, onward I say, what tally ho! Kick their filthy arses I say.
Jaap die Skaap was nog een van Zuid Afrikas so grootste skrkfers van sy tyd.
Ik onthou as ons onderwyser het ek gebliksem as ons nie elke dag een van Jaap se verse lees nie.
Jaap is bekend as die ou met die grootste poephol in Afrika zuid van die Noord Paal.
Hier dan nou is sy mees bekende een, n Boeretjie se Lament wat hy geskry het in 1842 met n pen wat in sy hol gesteek het. Hy het sy boude geskyf heen en weer en die pen het mooi op die papier geteken.
n Boeretjies Lament
Oe hoe lekker is my kraak
Net soos sy ouma se snaak
Die Boome is vol blaaie
En en soek iemand om to naaie
Ik sing soos n doos wat wil aasem kry
Aasem baasem knaasem blaasem
Oe die varsheid van die nuwe lewe
Die nuwe Zuid Afrika met al sy wonderbar
My nuwe baase is soo lekker
Hulle gee me n paar pennies as en die tuin mooi kry
My nuwe baas is donker bruin
En skree vir my dat is is dom
Maar ek is soo bang vir hom hy laat my poep
Poep in my broek poep inmy broek
Ek moet nou my eie broek was
Omdat ek is die tweeklas mens in hierdie land
Oe mei lekker lament is nou amper oor
Ek stand en huil omdat eks n boer
Ja my mens ons was altyd groot poepholle
Dit was net dat ons dit nie wil of het gesien het nie
Nou kan julle maar sien hoekom die afrikaaners en boere hierdie Jaap de Skaap so lief gehadt het.
Ek sien vanoggend op TV dat daar van die Amerikaners is wat nou in hul klere
skeit omdat Meksiko besluit het om een van hul bekendste 'cartoon'-karakters
te vereer deur dit op hul posseëls te sit. Nou is die snaakse mannetjie
toevallig swart en met dik lippe. Dis nou onvanpas en rassisties. Nou
wonder ek net of iemand iets sou gesê het as die snaakste ou wit was of
iemand sou gekla het? En, swart mense hêt dik lippe en ís swart!