As iemand sê "die winter het sy tol ge-eis", hoor ek dit en nét dit. Iets
wat ek vreeslike waardering voor het, is as iemand ook "die winter het sy
tol ge-ys" hoor, want my breintjie werk nie so nie. En dis dan wanneer
grappies soos "hoekom is die ysbere impotent?" ontstaan (want die winter het
sy tol ge-ys!)
Nog een wat ek gister gehoor het is, 'n ou gaan uit met 'n regtig baie
minder mooi meisie en nou wonder almal of hy ernstig is en of hy net die
draak steek!
The old station on the corner of Pine Street and Gardiner Street
(which currently houses Tourist Junction) was built in 1892 with a
roof that can support 16 foot of snow. This was apparently the result
of a mistake by the architects in London who sent the roof plans for
the Toronto station to Durban and the plans for Durban station to
Toronto. The roof which had been designed for Durban did not cope
at all well with the snowy conditions in Canada and collapsed during
the first winter.
from 'Facts About Durban' Second Edition by Allan Jackson
First Edition 2003. Reprinted 2003,2003,2003
Second Edition 2004. Reprinted 2004. Edtion 2.1 2004
Ek het sommer 'n vraag van my, as oningeligte Suid-Afrikaner in die donker
Die idee van "crossing the floor" (sien berig hieronder) - beteken dit
letterlik dat ek byvoorbeeld vir 'n DP verteenwoordiger kan stem en hy/sy
tydens die "oorloop sessie" na die ANC kan oorstap? As dit wel so is, waar
pas die spesifieke gebruik in 'n "gesonde demokrasie" in? Word die stem van
die mense nie juis verkrag daardeur nie? Miskien kan van die meer
polities-ingeligtes van die nuusgroep dit bietjie uitlê...
Floor-crossing heats up
30/08/2005 13:22 - (SA)
Cape Town - Tactics used by some political parties to prevent members from
crossing the floor were "disgusting", the African National Congress said on
The 15-day window period during which MPs and MPLs can change parties
without losing their seats begins at midnight on Wednesday.
"We'd like to express our disgust at the underhand tactics being employed by
some political parties aimed at barring their members from joining other
parties," said caucus spokesperson Mpho Lekgoro.
"This infringes on the fundamental constitutional rights of individuals to
join any political party of their choice."
He said some parties had also sought to shelve the so-called potential
floor-crossing suspects until the expiry of the window period.
Others had forced them into "amoral contracts".
"We urge political parties to act with restraint and desist from hassling
this free and fair democratic process," Lekgoro said.
Melkweg - Dit is as 'n vrou 'n "Cleavage" het.
Intelligensiemengsel - Dubbel Rum en Coke.
Boosdoos - Die Engelse noem dit die dogbox.
Rimpelkring - As iemand regtig 'n @sshole is kan jy hulle 'n rimpelkring
Knaterflater - Soos die Engelse sal sê is dit 'n balls-up
Bekotsenswaardig - As iets regtig sleg is.
Wolfdrol - 'n Lekker woord vir 'n patat.
Melk-en-koekie-doekie - 'n Bikini
Kombikraal - 'n Ander woord vir 'n taxirank.
Hoerboer - 'n Hoerboer is 'n pimp.
Flaterwater - 'n Mooi Afrikaanse woorde vir Tip-ex
Plooipleister - 'n Minder mooi woord vir "makeup"
Strikkie griep - MIV/VIGS.
Gemoedsbekakking - Dit is as jy depressief is.
Kuberknippie - Dit is darem nou 'n lekker woord vir cybersex.
Hoerberoerte - Dit kry 'n mens as jy verby jou skarnier kwaad is.
Bergieparfuum - Brandewyn.
Koerhoere - Back-up sangers.
Ponkerlong - 'n Ander woord vir liefdemaak.
Doefpoef - 'n Plaas toilet of longdrop.
Troosdoos -'n Blow up doll.
A courtesy walk on Melville Koppies WEST, on Saturday, September 3 at 07:30.
Meet at the cul-de-sac off Arundel Road, Westdene. Good walking shoes.
Children and dogs are most welcome. Details: Wendy Carstens, 011 482 4797,
or visit for more information.
Melville Koppies
Sunday, September 4: Open from 15:00 - 18:00. Explore this pristine
indigenous nature reserve. Park opposite the entrance at Marks Park Sports
Club in Judith Rd, Emmarentia. Optional guided tours leave at opening time.
No dogs here please. Donations. Details: Wendy Carstens, 011 482 4797, or
visit for more information.
A walk in The Wilds
Join a walk at The Wilds in Houghton/Killarney/Parktown on Sunday September
11 at 8:00am. Secure parking at the end of St Patrick Rd cnr Houghton Drive
(M31S). Children and dogs (with leads) are welcome. Good walking shoes.
Donations. Tel TJ 082 554 9972, or visit for details.
Melville Koppies
Sunday, September 11: Open from 08:30 - 11:30. Explore this pristine
indigenous nature reserve. Park opposite the entrance at Marks Park Sports
Club in Judith Rd, Emmarentia. Optional guided tours leave at opening time.
No dogs here please. Donations. Details: Wendy Carstens, 011 482 4797, or
visit for more information.
Delta Park
The Delta Users Committee will conduct a walk around Delta Park on Sunday
September 18, leaving the main car park at Delta Environmental Centre, Road
No 3, Victory Park (off Rustenburg Road) at 08:00 and returning at about
10:00. As you enter the park turn left and follow the road to the parking
ground. No charge, children and dogs are most welcome. Contact: Clive
Fletcher, 082 688 1879.
Melville Koppies
Sunday, September 18: Open from 15:00 - 18:00. Explore this pristine
indigenous nature reserve. Park opposite the entrance at Marks Park Sports
Club in Judith Rd, Emmarentia. Optional guided tours leave at opening time.
No dogs here please. Donations. Details: Wendy Carstens, 011 482 4797, or
visit for more information.
A walk in The Wilds
Join a walk at The Wilds in Houghton/Killarney/Parktown on Saturday
September 24 at 9:00am. Secure parking at the end of St Patrick Rd cnr
Houghton Drive (M31S). Children and dogs (with leads) are welcome. Good
walking shoes. Donations. Tel TJ 082 554 9972, or visit
for details.
A walk in The Wilds
Join a walk at The Wilds in Houghton/Killarney/Parktown on Sunday September
25 at 8:00am. Secure parking at the end of St Patrick Rd cnr Houghton Drive
(M31S). Children and dogs (with leads) are welcome. Good walking shoes.
Donations. Tel TJ 082 554 9972, or visit for details.
Ek besef jy is 'n groot Toyota fan, maar as jy nou 'n 4x4 moet koop en jy
gaan hom net gebruik "soos 'n kar" en jy bly so 15 KM van die werk af,
watter 4x4 sal jy aanbeveel en hoekom.
Die rede hoekom ek vra is ek wil regtig vir my een koop, dit kan ook die 2x4
wees dit hoef nie 4x4 te wees nie, wat ek net wil gebruik soos 'n kar in die
sin ek wil my kinders by my in die kar he, maar 'n ou het mos maar altyd die
ding of 2 wat jy wil aanry / wegry en dan moet jy iemand anders in die oe
A courtesy walk on Melville Koppies WEST, on Saturday, September 3 at 07:30.
Meet at the cul-de-sac off Arundel Road, Westdene. Good walking shoes.
Children and dogs are most welcome. Details: Wendy Carstens, 011 482 4797,
or visit for more information.
Melville Koppies
Saturday, September 3: Open from 15:00 - 18:00. Explore this pristine
indigenous nature reserve. Park opposite the entrance at Marks Park Sports
Club in Judith Rd, Emmarentia. Optional guided tours leave at opening time.
No dogs here please. Donations. Details: Wendy Carstens, 011 482 4797, or
visit for more information.
Melville Koppies
Sunday, September 4: Open from 15:00 - 18:00. Explore this pristine
indigenous nature reserve. Park opposite the entrance at Marks Park Sports
Club in Judith Rd, Emmarentia. Optional guided tours leave at opening time.
No dogs here please. Donations. Details: Wendy Carstens, 011 482 4797, or
visit for more information.
A walk in The Wilds
Join a walk at The Wilds in Houghton/Killarney/Parktown on Sunday September
11 at 8:00am. Secure parking at the end of St Patrick Rd cnr Houghton Drive
(M31S). Children and dogs (with leads) are welcome. Good walking shoes.
Donations. Tel TJ 082 554 9972, or visit for details.
Melville Koppies
Sunday, September 11: Open from 08:30 - 11:30. Explore this pristine
indigenous nature reserve. Park opposite the entrance at Marks Park Sports
Club in Judith Rd, Emmarentia. Optional guided tours leave at opening time.
No dogs here please. Donations. Details: Wendy Carstens, 011 482 4797, or
visit for more information.
Delta Park
The Delta Users Committee will conduct a walk around Delta Park on Sunday
September 18, leaving the main car park at Delta Environmental Centre, Road
No 3, Victory Park (off Rustenburg Road) at 08:00 and returning at about
10:00. As you enter the park turn left and follow the road to the parking
ground. No charge, children and dogs are most welcome. Contact: Clive
Fletcher, 082 688 1879.
Melville Koppies
Sunday, September 18: Open from 15:00 - 18:00. Explore this pristine
indigenous nature reserve. Park opposite the entrance at Marks Park Sports
Club in Judith Rd, Emmarentia. Optional guided tours leave at opening time.
No dogs here please. Donations. Details: Wendy Carstens, 011 482 4797, or
visit for more information.
A walk in The Wilds
Join a walk at The Wilds in Houghton/Killarney/Parktown on Saturday
September 24 at 9:00am. Secure parking at the end of St Patrick Rd cnr
Houghton Drive (M31S). Children and dogs (with leads) are welcome. Good
walking shoes. Donations. Tel TJ 082 554 9972, or visit
for details.
A walk in The Wilds
Join a walk at The Wilds in Houghton/Killarney/Parktown on Sunday September
25 at 8:00am. Secure parking at the end of St Patrick Rd cnr Houghton Drive
(M31S). Children and dogs (with leads) are welcome. Good walking shoes.
Donations. Tel TJ 082 554 9972, or visit for details.
Interessant vir my was die storie die naweek oor die kinders wat in 'n skool
gestraf word met 'gemeenskapsdiens' vir oortredings en dan vir 'n tyd met 'n
rooi 'overall' diens moet doen by die skool, gedurende skooltyd. Nou is
ouers op die oorlogspad om dit verban te kry want dit is vernederend vir die
kind. Hulle reken daar is meer redelike maniere om die kinders te straf.
Vanaand wonder ek of Katryn geaffekteer word deur
die tornadoes wat glo in Georgia ontstaan as gevolg
van Katrina se intense stormwinde en lae druk. Ek
wonder ook of Ellie en waar sy bly, geaffekteer word.
Ek sou graag more lees dat hulle ok is.
Katrina se nagevolge gaan glo môreaand as sterk winde
en baie reën oor ons hier in Ottawa trek. Hoop maar dat
dit nie te intens is nie.