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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

Lae Afrikaans

Fri, 09 September 2005 04:59

Gister praat Stef Bos op RSG - hy sing mos vanaand ( dink ek) op Darling
saam met Aantie EvitaPiet:))
Nietemin, SB vertel toe hy vra iemand wat moet hy doen om goeie Afrikaans te
praat, en die antwoord wat hy kry was: "Jy moet laag praat."
Nou wil ek net weet hoe laag ek moet daal om Afrikaans hier te kan praat:)))


Koeitjies & kalfies | 6 kommentare

Het jullie dit al verneem of gelees?

Thu, 08 September 2005 14:01

Land summit rejects claim cut-off

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MORE than 1000 delegates attending the national land summit yesterday agreed
"in principle" that the December 1998 cut-off date for the lodging of land
claims should be relaxed.

Glen Thomas, director-general of Land Affairs, said there was unanimous
support for the move. But he warned that "dire consequences" could result if
the government accepted the recommendation.

"The most serious consequence would be inter-tribal land claims and that is
due to the history of our country. We would not like the process of
restitution to result in conflicts which might become bloody."

The director-general of Agriculture, Masiphula Mbongwa, said Land Affairs
Minister Thoko Didiza's view was that restitution could be achieved through
other programmes.

Thomas said the call for the reopening of the restitution process was
motivated by land hunger.

He said that because of the sensitivity of the issue, there would be
post-summit discussions in Parliament and further discussions with all
interested parties.

The summit also adopted a recommendations that urged the government to
expropriate unused and foreign-owned land, as well as land belonging to
"abusive" farmers.

A resolution calling for a moratorium to be placed on foreign ownership of
land was taken.

The resolution comes ahead of this week's release of an explosive government
report on regulating foreign land ownership in South Africa.

The report, commissioned by Didiza a year ago, is expected to contain
hard-hitting recommendations.

The leader of the ministerial committee that produced the report, Professor
Shadrack Gutto, the head of Unisa's Centre for African Renaissance, said
that although his committee did not hold the view that foreign ownership
should be stopped completely, "it's clear from public hearings and the
reports from the provincial land summits that there should be some form of
regulation such as leasehold rather than absolute ownership".

Delegates were told that resolutions from the nine provincial land summits
supported the move for a moratorium on foreign land ownership.

The ministerial committee visited areas where people had reported that
foreigners had bought land and held provincial hearings to hear people's

The committee also undertook to study trends in foreign ownership of land
around the world.

Didiza said there was a strong feeling among South Africans that the matter
of foreign ownership needed urgent attention. North West was most vocal in
its opposition to foreign ownership of land, with one of its resolutions
recommending that foreigners be barred from buying property in South Africa.

Delegates also overwhelmingly supported scrapping the "willing buyer,
willing seller" approach to settling land claims. But opposition from
commercial farmers meant the matter required further talks. The issue was
expected to be hotly debated today.

The five-day summit, which ends today, has heard many people complain that
the policy was slowing land reform, and that the market system favoured

The government wants all land restitution claims settled within the next
three years and 30% of agricultural land to be delivered to the previously
disadvantaged by 2014.

By December 2004, only 3% of commercial farmland had been redistributed. -
Additional reporting by Sapa

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Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare

Boer ons na die verkeerde kant toe?

Thu, 08 September 2005 13:09

Sommer 'n berig wat ek gister raakgeloop het
(,,2-7-1442_1 766602,00.html).
Dit is jammer om te sien dat ons dalk nie so hot is as wat ons gedink het
nie, selfs met al die huidige hoopla oor die sterk ekonomie en ontwikkeling,
maar dis ook interessant om te sien wie voor in die koor is!

Die laaste paragraaf is wel waar, ek neem aan vorige statistieke is op basis
van 'n meerendeels wit bevolking geneem.


Palestine beats SA on UN list

Sep 07 2005 04:48:39:150PM

South Africa is lower on the UN Development Programme's human development
index (HDI) than the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Johannesburg - South Africa is lower on the UN Development Programme's human
development index (HDI) than the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

The UNDP's HDI measures achievement in terms of life expectancy, educational
attainment and adjusted real income.

South Africa is 120th on a list of 177 countries. Palestine is 102nd.

The report was released in New York at noon (South African time) on

Journalists were briefed on its contents on Tuesday.

In Johannesburg, the UNDP resident representative in South Africa,
Scholastica Sylvan Kimaryo, said that Norway, Iceland and Australia occupied
the top three positions and Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone and Niger the bottom

Of the 32 countries that scored lowest in the HDI, 30 were in Africa.

The two exceptions were Yemen and Haiti.

Development interventions

The HDI forms part of the UNDP's annual global human development report,
first issued in 1990.

Kimaryo described human development "as being more than just the commonly
used measures of economic success, such as gross domestic product, to
broaden (the definition of) development as being an expansion of freedoms
and a fulfilment of human rights.

"By bringing into focus issues of deprivation and inequality, human
development puts people - and among them the most deprived - at the centre
of development interventions.

"Embedded in the concept is a firm commitment to democracy, human rights,
participation and empowerment, and respect for the environment."

Commenting on the HDI, Kimaryo said it would be a "great mistake" to
identify the broad human development approach of the entire report "with the
use of this useful, but limited index".

"There are, of course, many variables of relevance to human development that
are not included in the HDI, which we acknowledge."

South Africa has fallen 35 places in the HDI rankings since 1990.

Statistician and report co-writer Claes Johannson said this was mainly the
result of the fall in life expectancy brought about by the HIV/Aids pandemic
and scholastic under-achievement.

On the positive side, inequality was decreasing, real income was up and
indications were that life expectancy was levelling out and would start
rising soon.

UNDP officials said South Africa's HDI fall was inevitable, taking into
account the manipulation of statistics by the apartheid system, which simply
ignored millions of residents on the fiction that they were citizens of some
notionally independent country.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare

" Anatomieles " deur LUCAS MALAN

Thu, 08 September 2005 01:41

Lucas Malan
("n Bark vir die ontheemdes" 1981)

Hier staan die mens; aanskou hom,
kyk hoe fyn die weefsel vou en plooi
in sening en kontoer van spier
en diep orgaan wat kwesbaar klop;

die soet verdubbeling van lob
en ledemaat - let op hoe skoon
maar taanbaar is die mond en oog;
alles welgevoeg en tóg begrens
deur dubbelmaat van hand en toon
en taai geheg aan breekbaarheid
die vertikale, bros geraamte

- dan, volmaak voltooi en afgerond,
die wilde soetvrug van verbasing:
ontoerekenbaar, sentraal, die skaamte.

Prosa & poësie | 4 kommentare

Swartmens "Loot"; witmens "Find"

Wed, 07 September 2005 22:06

Hier is nou een vir die joernaliste om oor kop te skut.

En dit was nie eers n bOER wat dit geskryf het nie!

Ai tog - dis maar n universele sonde.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 4 kommentare

Ettiene Botha

Wed, 07 September 2005 06:21

Blou Bul ster senter Ettiene Botha, het vanoggend gesterf in 'n motor
ongeluk. Die polisie ondersoek die voorval

Koeitjies & kalfies | 5 kommentare

Goeie Nuus

Tue, 06 September 2005 23:41

Ek het gehoor dat dit nou amptelik is dat die afrikaanse taal dood is.
Al die klein boeretjies moet nou Xhosa of Zulu of die Noble English taal moet praat.
Ek is so bly vir die boere mense omdat nou kry hulle n kans om te leer omdat daar was fokkol intelek in daaie vrot gegegeggagaga taal van hulle.
Ek onthou jaare terug het die grootste vyf parliment in die Wereld saam gestem dat afrikaans was kak en moet uitgeskaakel word. Verder het hulle gestem dat boeretjies sal better af wees as hulle die Nobel English taal leer.
HOORAY ek is so bly.

Hooray deur Jaapie van Tonder 1888

Hooray ik ist zoe bly
Die vrot taal is verby

Hooray ik ist zoe bly
Die boeretjies is nou vry

Hooray ik ist zoe bly
Die Noble Engels will stay


Ja julle ouens. As jy kan sien dite is die Engels wat in die einde gewen het. HA HA HA.

Oe maar as Mr T of een van daaie ouens het gese I love it when a plan comes together.

Onthou julle terug in die fyftige en sestige jaare hoe julle klomp kak het vir die Engels spreekende mense van julle eie land gehandel. Ja jy jou doner wat nou hierdie lyne lees. Nou wie is boe. Nie julle gatkruipende stink gatte nie. Dis die selfe mense wat julle so vuil gehanteur het. HA HA HA se wat julle will maar die fyt is dat julle klomp vuil goet het gedop as ons se. Nou is julle die onderhond of as die Nobel English se The Underdog.

So here is your very first lesson in the language of the Noble Ones.

Lesson 1.
NEVER use the ge or ga again.

There that should take brains like yours at least two weeks to read let alone absorb.

More lessons will come your way if you behave. Until then get stuffed.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Vir Bobby

Tue, 06 September 2005 17:46

Ek het netnou 'n boodskap van jou gelees waar jy o.a gevra het oor die
instelling van jou rekenaar vir Afrikaanse leestekens, en nou kan ek
dit gladnie weer kry nie Ai tog, die senilitiet...:)

Elkgeval, ek het ongelukkig nie meer daardie skakel nie, en is deesdae
ook nie meer so handig met al die dinge nie. Kan nie meer aldag bybly
nie. :)
Wat ek gedoen het, was om na "control panel"te gaan en die opsie vir
"regional and languages" te gaan, en bietjie daar rond te speel. Jy
sal die opsies sien waar jy Afrikaans dan kan kies. Jy kan ook jou
sleutelbord daar verander na "US International", dit is wat ek
Daar sal dan 'n ikoon verskyn hier onder aan die regter kan van jou
skerm, en dan kan jy net daarop kliek om van taal te verander.
Ai, ek weet dit maak dalk nou gladnie sin nie, en ek gaan probeer kyk
of daar nie 'n webskakel is wat dinge mooi uiteen lê nie. Sal dit dan
vir jou pos.
Skuus dat ek nou so clueless is. :)

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Nog n' mail2news (get paid) email leser

Tue, 06 September 2005 14:18

We add Gordon Peterson to the names allready mentioned here in this post.
Die informasie hieronder is vir die stupid donners wat net will sien wat
wil. Name: Dave Manto, Paul Kruger, Paule Naude, Chris Meyer en Naartjie
Bunker ( Dieselfde persoon met verskillende name) en dit herinder my aan
Nude Raider ook. Hierdie ou se trade mark is die manier wat hy bOER skrywe.
Mugabe and Idi Amin must be your type of fuck heads that you love. Child
molesters, rapist and killers. So Dave Manto or whatever your name is, why
dont you fuck off to aids ridden Idi Amin and lick his ass.You love them so
much What did the English do in America, They killed Red Indians till nearly
none left.
What did the English do in Australia, They killed Aboriginals till only a
handfull left and the rest they removed from their mothers What did the
Spanish do in South America, They killed all the Inka Indians -none left.
What did the Portugese do in Africa, They exported blacks to America and
other countries What did the Germans do in Europe, They killed millions of
people under cover of two wars What did the muslims do, They killed many
people that is branded as infidels (dogs)
What did the Catholic Church (Italians) do, They killed many under the

Except for the Boers in South Africa or aboard, if you are any of the
above( including the meide naiers that fled South Africa and now try and
shit on it from a distance) then I tell you to F--K off and go and shit in
your own backyard , eat it and hope to get wise. Including the name
underneath "Gordon Peterson"

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Kos verdiene in Kaapstad

Tue, 06 September 2005 12:31

Belgische drughandelaar opgepakt in Kaapstad
Nu zit hij hier

Vanhoucke eindelijk achter de tralies in Vorst.Piet Vanhoucke zit eindelijk
in de gevangenis in Vorst. Hij moet 21 jaar celstraf uitzitten voor
hormonenhandel en drugssmokkel en werd ingerekend op 29 augustus in
Kaapstad. Zijn naam wordt ook gelinkt aan de moord op veearts Karel Van

Van Noppen
Piet Vanhoucke (37) verbleef onder een valse identiteit in Zuid-Afrika en
baatte met zijn vriendin een "take away"-restaurant uit in Kaapstad. Hij
werd door de politie gecontroleerd, legde valse papieren voor en werd
overgedragen aan de Zuid-Afrikaanse immigratiediensten, die beslisten hem
onder begeleiding van twee Zuid-Afrikaanse politieagenten naar België te
repatri�ren. Vanhoucke werd volgens de federale politie in drie
verschillende dossiers veroordeeld. Zijn naam viel ook in het onderzoek

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

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