Die Skotse manne dra rompe, en ons weet hoe gevaarlik dit is. So gevaarlik
dat hulle nie met rompies aan krieket of rugby speel nie.
In die lig van die nonsens wat JZ die afgelope week in die hof krytgeraak
het, is ek uiters verbaas dat ons dames hokkie- en netbalspanne nie deur
groepe mans ingewag word sodra hulle van die veld stap na 'n wedstryd nie.
Ek meen nou maar, as 'n rompdraende dame aan al wat man is verkondig en
seine stuur dat sy NOU reg en gereed is vir seks, vir wat sal die arme
belustige mans wag dat hulle eers gaan stort?
On 7 Apr 2006 19:54:46 -0700, "naresh gupta"
> Books On Religion & Philosophy (Vol. 2)
Hm.., tog almal sware boeke hier! Moet 'n mens daardie boeke almal
lees om 'n volkome mens te wees?
Ek dink 'n mens moet nie! Ek dink dis baie gesonder om 'n partytjie te
gaan visvang in 'n viswater en in die suiwere lug.
Ag? - HOERA, hy's weg, opgelos, verwyder, opgeeet, begrawe, trug in die poephol.
kort: "Ek is bly" Nou sal ons opnuut "normaal" bakkely sonder storings!
Wonder wat is die kaaskoppe se probleem, is hul holland te klein vir hulle
dat hulle ons nou hier kom oorneem. Kan seker net te veel dwelms wees
dat hulle sukkel met die seleksie van hul eie groep.
- met andere woorden niet hebben begrepen dat we daar met de zelfde
soort gediskwalificeerde lieden hebben te maken als bij de politici.
Voorstel (voor tegenstanders van de islam-migratie): Stel justitie op
Auteur Harry Vinter, Den Danske Forening, heeft een jaar terug over Bat
Yeor en haar boek 'Eurabia' verslag gegeven. In dit boek komt ze - zeer
kort samengevat - tot de conclusie dat de europese politici onze lande
aan de islaamse lande aanvang der '7oer hebben 'verkocht' om de
olievoorziening te verzekeren: Zij leveren voortgezet olie,
tegelijktertijd laten wij hun emigranten bij ons binnen en de islam
zich etableren.
Ik ga in elk geval ervan uit dat onze politici gewoon te stom waren en
het gedeeltelijk ook vandaag nog zijn om te begrijpen, wat de islam in
waarheid is - zie b v http://historyofjihad.org/ en http://apostatesofislam.com/ . Desondanks meen ik: Dit wat hier
afgelopen is en verder afloopt, is in mijn ogen hoogverraad. En
waarschijnlijk zit er nog meer binnen, juridisch gesproken. Het kan
gewoon niet zijn dat onze politici het recht hadden de autochtone
bevolking tegen een vreemde te vervangen. Op de zelfde manier is het
niet aanvaardbaar dat onze grondrechte steeds verder worden beperkt.
Dus waarom niet onze juristen toetsen? Als ze hun eigen eisen vervullen
moesten ze voor rechtmatige toestanden ook op dit gebied zorgen.
"Is it time for Canada to abandon its multiculturalism policy and
insist that immigrants adopt Canadian cultural values?" The Globe and
Mail asked its readers, March 20. The answer was a resounding
"yes." Yes (66%) 19837 votes: No (34%) 10151 votes .Total votes:
29988 (Globe and Mail, March 20, 2006)
Not only is this a clear message that Canadians reject the
state-imposed multiculturalism policies by a 2 to 1 margin, but the
voting, at nearly 30,000 was extremely heavy. Polls on recent days
attracted only 20,000 (should Bob Rae lead the Liberals?) and 13,000
(the war in Iraq).
It's like the dying days Of Soviet Communism. The grim men of the
Kremlin proclaimed the onward triumphs of Marist economics, even as
their corrupt and sclerotic system rotted away from the inside. Marx
was a genius; Lenin the very creator of a New Order. To publicly
question this was to sign up for a quick trip and long stay in the
gulags. Yet, very few believed any more. Most knew that Marxism was a
bitter failure and Leninism a murderous philosophy that had destroyed
millions of lives.
In Canada today, our nomenklatura - the ruling elite of politicians,
lobbyists, most of the media and legions of special interest groups -
proclaim multiculturalism - all cultures are equal. People must be
encouraged to practice their own culture over here, as we don't have
much of a one of our own. If there's any conflict, then we, the
Majority, must change. Like the Soviet Union dissent can bring a heavy
price. Brad Love who wrote numerous letters about Jamaican crime to his
local paper last summer - even as the Black gang bullets were flying
in all directions - served 102 days in prison, plus eight more
weekends now that he's been released for his dissent.
The Globe poll shows a healthy majority of Canadians know that this
multiculturalism is a failed hulk built on nonsense and lies. Of
course, newcomers should adopt Canadian values. If they can't or
won't, why should they come here? [Well, yes, the medicare, welfare,
public housing, free elementary and secondary education are pretty
attractive. But, expect us to fit in, no way!]
We have to get tough and say: Our ways will prevail:
There WILL be Christmas assemblies in our schools, because the vast
majority of Canadians celebrate Christmas for either religious or
culture reasons. If you can't accept that, leave!
There will not be special privileges for Sikhs to carry daggers to
schools where Billy or Pierre cannot bring a jackknife because of a
"no weapons" policy. [Oh, yes, they're not "ceremonial
knives." If they were just "ceremonial", why not replace them
with a rubber child's play knife?) If you can't accept that, then
go back to the Punjab.
If you insist that your women wear a burlap bag from head to toe, with
only a gauze window for her eyes, don't expect us to give her a
driver's licence or a student's bus pass (one black bag looks like
another). Any employer should be within his rights to turn her down for
employment. Depending on the circumstances, each workplace has
acceptable work garb (shirt and tie; dress; jeans, coveralls, as the
case might be.) That's our way. If you want to dress like a
Hallowe'en nightmare, this country doesn't owe you a job. Buzz off!