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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

hallo ng.

Sat, 19 April 2003 05:49

Drie besoekers van die wêreld se grootste
drywende biblioteek, die MV. Doulos, besoek ons.
Operasie Mobilisasie se skepe:

Koeitjies & kalfies | 11 kommentare

Re: What computer software would a witch need to use

Sat, 19 April 2003 05:45

> : > "Spitfire" wrote in message
> : >
> : > > The Return Of GP wrote:
> : > > >
> : > > > > Good of you to teach Mel to touch his toes for the benefit of my
> : > > > > lessons i didn't do it kiwi. he must've seen drugs on the ground
> : > > > > and picked them up.
> : > >
> : > > It took you _fifteen minutes_ to come up with _that_?
> : >

> : You heard her fibbie,....she doesn't care.....
> LoL......perhaps both of them should snivel in silence

Bly liewer by die naam waaronder ons jou
al die jare ken, Gloudina. Spitfire kan wel
dalk heel beskrywend wees maar skep 'n
vals vriendelike indruk van jou.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

pornografiese engelse gemors

Sat, 19 April 2003 03:37

Hoe kom hierdie twak op die afrikaanse nuusgroep?

Kan dit nie gekeer word nie?

Rekenaars & selfone | 2 kommentare

Roze teksten

Fri, 18 April 2003 16:08

Roze teksten / Gay text

Gedichten en verhalen over liefde, verlangen en homoseksualiteit.
Artikelen over literatuur en coming-out plus literatuurlijst (600 titels).
Poems and stories about love, longing and homosexuality.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Re: Iraq information minister cartoons where

Fri, 18 April 2003 00:52


"ur_droll" skryf in boodskap news:jiFna.4374$
> "The Return Of GP" wrote in message
> news:2LEna.1191$
> :
> :
> : --
> :
> :
> : "The Return of Mel" wrote in message
> :
> : > On Thu, 17 Apr 2003 01:20:53 GMT, Keith E. wrote in
> : > message :
> : > >Wed, 16 Apr 2003 19:22:12 +0200 was a day just like any other,
> : > >until The Return of Mel wrote:
> : > >>On Wed, 16 Apr 2003 03:14:08 GMT, Keith E. wrote in
> : > >>message :
> : > >>>Wed, 16 Apr 2003 00:53:07 +0200 was a day just like any other,
> : > >>>until The Return of Mel wrote:
> : > >>>>On Tue, 15 Apr 2003 18:31:09 GMT, Keith E. wrote in
> : > >>>>message :
> : > >>>>>Tue, 15 Apr 2003 17:06:40 +0200 was a day just like any other,
> : > >>>>>until Uwe Ziegenhagen wrote:
> : > >>>>>>Hello folks,
> : > >>>>>>I am looking for cartoons with the famous iraqi information minister
> : > >>>>>>Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf.
> : > >>>>>>I saw one showing him telling the reporters "no americans here"
> : while
> : > >>>>>>several GIs showd "Hi mom" sign behind him. Anyone knows where to
> : find
> : > >>>>>>this?
> : > >>>>>>Uwe
> : > >>>>>Try Baghdad.
> : > >>>>he's German. they can't go there. in fact he prolly is already
> : breaking his
> : > >>>>country's laws just for posting about Iraq.
> : > >>>>oh to be free as a German!
> : > >>>Maybe he outta try Paris.
> : > >>it's so passe.
> : > >Well, it will be when we're done bombing.
> : >
> : > Mugabe told Bush to go to hell. I think that deserves a nuclear response.
> :
> : why don't you just blow it out your fat faggot ass fag boy.
> Cause Drool's head is in the way

you really love that don't you kiwi

Enrich your diction with these tips:

It has been brought to management's attention that some individuals
throughout the company have been using foul language during the course
of normal conversation with other employees. Due to complaints
received from some employees who are more easily offended, this type
of language will no longer be tolerated.

Nonetheless we do realize the critical importance of individuals being
able to properly express their feelings when communicating with fellow
employees. Therefore, a list of code phrase replacements has been
compiled so proper exchange of ideas and information can continue in
an effective manner without risk of offending our more sensitive


No fucking way! I'm certain that's not

You've got to be shitting me. Really?

Tell someone who gives a fuck. Perhaps you should check

Ask me if I give a fuck. Of course I'm concerned.

It's not my fucking problem. I wasn't involved with
that project.

What the fuck? Interesting.

Fuck it, it won't work. I'm not sure I can
implement this.

Why the fuck didn't you tell me that I'll try to schedule that.

When the fuck do you expect me I can work late.
to do this?

Who the fuck cares? Are you sure this is a

He's get his head up his ass. He's not familiar with the

Eat shit! You don't say.

Eat shit and die. Excuse me?

Eat shit and die motherfucker. Excuse me Sir?

What the fuck do they want from my life? They weren't happy with it?

Kiss my ass. So you'd like my help
with it?

Fuck it, I'm on salary. I don't think you

Shove it up your ass. I love a "challenge".

Who the hell died & made you the boss? You want me to take care of

Blow me. I see.

Blow yourself. Do you see?

Another fucking meeting? Yes, we really should
discuss this.

I really don't give a shit. I don't think it will
be a problem.

He's a fucking prick. He's somewhat

She's a ball-breaking bitch. She's an aggressive

You don't know what the I love you're doing. I think you could use more

This place is all fucked up. We're a little disorganized

> : > or take all his money, pop his eyes out and skull fuck him.
> :
> : i'm suprized you're not doing it yourself fag boy.
> :
> :
> :
> : Little Johnny catches his parents going at it. He says, "Hey Dad! What are
> : you doin?" His father says, "I'm filling your mother's tank." Johnny says,
> : "Oh, yeah? Well, you should get a model that gets better mileage. The
> : milkman filled her this morning."
> :
> :
> :
> : >
> : > --
> : > smash yer modem, reboot, kill yerself
> : > time to put out the trash. the euro trash.
> :
> :

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Goeie nuus vir Jonas.

Thu, 17 April 2003 13:03

Daar gaan hierdie jaar 20 perde in die July hardloop - so jy het 'n beter
kans om iets te wen, aangesien daar dus tot 'n 4de plek uitbetaal sal word.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Opera in Kaapstad

Thu, 17 April 2003 11:42

Kan iemand asseblief vir my 'n program laat kry van operas wat in Kaapstad
aangebied word die res van die jaar?


Musiek & liriek | 5 kommentare


Thu, 17 April 2003 10:36

Hoe behoort 'n ouer se prioriteite te wees?
is dit reg dat 'n ouer sy/haar geloof stel bo 'n kind?


Koeitjies & kalfies | 8 kommentare

Nuus 17/4

Thu, 17 April 2003 09:31

Rugby: Rassie Erasmus is van die Vrystaat af nadergesleep om rigting en
leiding aan die Stormers te kom gee. Krige kan vir ses weke nie speel nie,
en blykbaar is daar geen ander speler hier wat die leiding kan neem nie.

Litnet - blykbaar is Anton Goosen op die webwerf deur 'n annonieme musikant
uitgekryt vir al wat sleg is. Jammer dat hy nie sy naam wou skryf om meer
gesag aan sy mening te gee nie - ant ek is seker van dit is waar,

Willem de Klerk - In die hofsaak is sy naam genoem, oa dat hy gereeld,
sonder sy ma se goedkeuring, van haar woonstel gebruik gemaak het tydens
haar afwesigheid. Wat dit met die moord te doen het weet ek nie. Wat wel
uitgekom het is dat hy besope by die woonstel na die moord opgedaag het, en
toegang ge-eis het. Toe dit nie toegelaat is nie, is hy vort, en het later
met 'n prokureur daar opgedaag om toelating te kry. Dit was nog steeds
Hy is nou getroud, en het 'n kind wat Marike genoem word.
Nuwe vroulief word deur haar eie familie verwerp omdat sy van die Moslem
geloof afstand gedoen het, en sy en hul dogtertjie is verlede Sondag gedoop.


Nuus | 6 kommentare


Wed, 16 April 2003 17:52

Het iemand miskien vir my `n ordentlike adresboek waar ek geboortedatums, e-pos ens. kan invul.
Die ding moet as dit moontlik is `n boodskap gee op `n dag wat iemand verjaar sodra ek my rekenaar aanskakel of het Win 98 so iets waarvan ek nie weet nie.
Ps: antwoord na asb.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

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