O sjoe en nou kom heilige koeie voor skoot! Kan enige iemand met die
van Mandela dan korrup wees? NOOIT!!!!!
Hier sal niks van kom nie. Ek dink egter die ou man is steeds THE
LESSER EVIL as ek moet kies tussen hom en Mbeki.
Vir Gloudina se senuwees plaas ek die stukkie in Engels.
New twist in Ayob, Madiba case
11/04/2005 09:21 - (SA)
Related Articles
# 'Madiba art' causes trouble
Abigail Isaacs
Cape Town - In a new twist to the expected legal wrangle between Ismail
Ayob, erstwhile legal representative of former president Nelson
Mandela, and the ex-president it has come to light that Mandela's
children are shareholders in the company involved in the marketing of
the so-called Madiba Art.
Ayob is accused of misleading people by pretending that Madiba Art ?
works that sell for thousands of rand - were Mandela's own sketches.
It is further alleged that Ayob stole about R30m from the Nelson
Mandela Foundation.
Mandela's children, Makaziwe, Zenani and the late Makgatho Mandela, are
shareholders in Magnifique Investment and Holding. Reports claim Ayob
registered this company in 2000, and that he is the director.
The Nelson Mandela Trust and Nelson Mandela Children's Fund also have
shares in the company. The company apparently received millions of rand
to market Madiba Art.
Ayob said earlier that he had acted in the interest of the Mandela
family in marketing Madiba Art. He is still acting as legal
representative for Mandela's daughters.
However, the Mandela Children's Fund denied profiting in any way from
the sale of Madiba Art.
"The project was initially presented to us, but we rejected it. The
fund never received money from proceeds of the sale of the sketches,"
said Sibongile Mkhabela, executive chief of the fund.
George Bizos, Madela's advocate and confidante, did not want to comment
on the matter earlier as "a legal case is pending".
Dead trainee pilot failed exams
11/04/2005 07:26 - (SA)
Related Articles
# Trainee pilot dies in crash
Erika Gibson
Johannesburg - Who will accept responsibility for the death of a
trainee Air Force pilot at the weekend?
This is what aviation experts asked on Sunday when it emerged that the
trainee pilot who crashed his Astra training aircraft this weekend
failed his exams on more than one occasion.
Oupa Jean-Claude Ramaiti, 24, from Pretoria died on Saturday afternoon
outside Lichtenburg while on a navigational training flight.
It is not yet clear what happened, but Ramaiti's body was found some
distance from the wreckage, leading to speculation that he either
activated the ejection seat too late or that it was activated by the
Having failed the first time, Ramaiti was undergoing his flying course
for a second time. Earlier, he failed his first solo control flight as
well as his first instrument flight test.
Ramaiti was then offered a second chance, although it is understood
that his instructors thought his performance was still not
"The irony is that Oupa was a nice guy whom everyone got along with
well. He just did not have the necessary feel for flying," a colleague
said on Sunday.
"Now he is dead because someone thought he was one of those who had to
help the air force's transformation statistics look good.
"One cannot play with people's lives for the sake of being politically
"Everyone at the flying school new it was only a matter of time before
a fatal accident was going to prove the point," said the colleague.
Ramaiti was one of four trainee pilots from the air force's Central
Flying School at Langebaanweg who underwent navigation training out of
Bloemfontein during the past week.
It was expected that they would all be awarded their wings as pilots in
June this year. They only had to complete their formation-flight
Aviation experts cautioned last year already that quality and flight
safety are not negotiable for the sake of representivity and
It also emerged that another repeat-failure trainee recently tried to
land without lowering his plane's wheels.
The aircraft was badly damaged, but the student was not injured.
It is understood that the students will again continue their flight
training when the next intake of students commences theirs.
Following the incident, Defence Minister Mosiuoa Lekota implied that
racist instructors could be the real problem.
Air Force chief Carlo Gagiano recently said four or five instructors
from the Zimbabwean air force will be helping train South African
pilots soon.
It is understood that they will only be undergoing a short adjustment
period since they have not previously flown the Pilatus Astra aircraft.
Die outjie kom sit by die haarkapper vir 'n haarsny en dié merk op dat sy
hare eintlik nog nie so lank is nie en wil weet of hy op pad is iewers
Ja, sê hy, hy gaan Rome toe.
Wil die haarkapper weet wat hy daar wil loop soek.
Nee, sê hy, hy gaan die pous sien sodat lg. hom kan seën.
Weet die haarkapper te vertel dat hy sy tyd mors, want eerstens sal die
pous hom nie verwerdig om hom te sien nie en boonop het hy gehoor die pous
is nie baie vriendelik met Suid-Afrikaners nie. En baai-de-whei, hoe
beplan jy om in Rome te kom?
Hy gaan met Alitalia vlieg, sê die outjie. Fout, sê die haarkapper. Dis
die swakste redery in die wêreld. Hulle vlugte is altyd laat en hulle
verlê omtrent almal se bagasie. En hulle het die lelikste lugwaardinne wat
jy kan indink, met sulke bosse swart hare wat onder hulle kieliebakke
uithang. En boonop is hulle kos aaklig. En waar beplan jy om te bly en hoe
gaan jy by die Vatikaan uitkom?
Sommer 'n hotelletjie daar neffens die Colosseum, vanwaar ek te voet
Vatikaan toe sal gaan.
Nog 'n groter fout! Italiaanse hotelle is almal hole waar hulle jou te
veel laat betaal en jy besteel word. En nooit as te nimmer moet jy dit te
voet waag Vatikaan toe nie. Daar is sakkerollers op straat en die verkeer
is iets verskrikliks. Daai Italianers met hulle Fiats en Maserati's voel
vere vir voetgangers, jy soek jou dood.
Ses weke later is die outjie terug by die haarkapper. En toe, hoe was jou
Wonderlik, sê die outjie. Alitalia was stiptelik op tyd, hulle
lugwaardinne is van die mooiste meisies wat ek nog gesien het, daai
pastadisse was uit die boonste rakke, en my bagasie het ek in 'n japtrap
En die hotel?
Fantasties! Hulle het my op die hande gedra en aan absoluut al my
behoeftes voldoen.
En het jy toe by die Vatikaan uitgekom?
Ja, die verkeer was nogal druk, maar die Italiaanse bestuurders is
ongelooflik bedagsaam teenoor voetgangers - een ou het my sommer opgelaai
en daar langs St. Pietersplein gaan aflaai.
En het jy die pous te siene gekry?
Ja, hy het afgekom van daai balkonnetjie af en met ons in die skare kom
gesels. Hoogs beïndruk gewees om vir 'n slag 'n Suid-Afrikaner daar raak
te loop.
En het hy jou geseën?
Ja, hy het my laat kniel en altwee sy hande so bo-op my kop gesit.
Wat sê hy toe?
"Onse liewe vader, wie de donner het jou hare so opgeneuk?!"
Iemand meld in een van die koerante gister dat Onse Prez sedert Januarie nog
nie sy voet landuit gesit het nie.
Waar hy voorheen goedsmoeds vir elke krisis wêreldwyd op sy vliegtuig geklim
het om te gaan help, moes die hulpsoekendes die afgelope 2 maande SA toe kom
vir oplossings. Selfs Zuma moes in sy plek na die lyk van die pous gaan kyk
Die skrywer vra of daar iets verkeerd is met sy vliegtuig.
Riaan skryf:
So paar maande gelede het ek gesê, ek wonder hoe lank die NG nog gaan
bestaan aangesien dit op daai staduim gemiddeld 5 plasings per dag gehad
het, en nou ewe skielik is hier 'n klomp nuwe mense (of is dit 'n klomp oues
met nuwe name)
............................................................ ............................................................ ........................
Ek het verdwyn vir 'n jaar. Eergister het ek besluit om gou weer te loer.
Toe vloek ek vir klaar weer vir Max. Ek verwyt niemand hier nie, maar die ng
werk vreeslik negatief in op my. Ek's nie hiervoor gebou nie. Ek weet nie
hoe Dave, Gloudina, Ferdi, Max, Annette en nog ander so ure kan deurbring op
die groep nie. Waar kry julle die tyd en die krag?
My lewe het verander vandat ek van die vervlakste rekenaar afgeklim het. Ek
kom selfs voor 22:00 in die kooi.
Vanaand huil ons net met een oog:))
Die Bulle en Stormers moet maar vliegtuie vol ondersteuners saamvat as hulle
daar oorkant gaan speel.
Life is uncertain - eat dessert first
Ek is lid van die Henning-familiebond en ontvan elke maand 'n nuusbrief
waarin die prestasies van die Hennings en hulle talentvolle kinders van tyd
tot tyd besing word.
Ek sal egter graag 'n studie wil maak van die lede van hierdie familie wat
met die gereg gebots het (van hulle hoor 'n mens mos nooit nie).
Is dit moontlik om sulke name en die aard van hulle misdade van iewers af te
kry? Iets soos 'n sentrale misdaadregister? Weet iemand?