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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

AG Visser

So, 15 Mei 2005 09:54

Kan iemand asseblief help met die woorde van die volgende:

1. Toe Noag land op Ararat

2. Kinders was nog kinders toe ons nog kinders was

3. As ou tan Siena straat op loop

Prosa & poësie | 1 kommentaar

Wat gaan aan?

So, 15 Mei 2005 07:07

Eers sou hulle twee maande gelede vrygelaat gewees het.
Dinsdag was hul opgelegde vonnis uitgedien.
Gister is hul le uiteindelik vrygelaat, maar glo net 6 het oor die grens
gekom - die ander is glo na 'n " onbekende plek" in Zimbabwe geneem.
Die SA missie in Zimbabwe het net mooi niks aan die hele treurige storie
gedoen nie.
Gaan daardie wat nie laasnag oor die grens gekom het nie, hul land ooit weer
lewendig sien?

Vir die wat nie weet waarvan ek praat nie, dit gaan oor die 62 wat gevang en
skuldig bevind is in Zimbabwe vir die moontlike omverwerping van 'n


Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare

vir Frikkie, Ferdi en bouwer

Sa, 14 Mei 2005 12:38

ietsie om aan te knibbel, vir die 3 musketiers
uit gister se Mercury ticleId=2518973

Meeting stunned by ANC members' comments

We could learn from Zim, says MP
May 13, 2005

By Basildon Peta

Zimbabwe's parliamentary elections last month were so "impeccable"
that South Africa must seriously consider learning how to run
elections from her northern neighbour, ANC MP Nthabiseng Khunou said

Khunou, who was part of the SA parliament's observer group to the
elections, told a stunned audience at the SA Institute of
International Affairs in Johannesburg yesterday that she and her ANC
delegation had been so impressed with how the election was run that
they urged South Africa to adopt some of Zimbabwe's electoral rules.

This led to lively discussion at an election review meeting entitled
"Zimbabwe Election 2005 - Interpretations, Implications, Prospects
towards 2008" that two members of the audience rose, declared their
membership of the ANC, and said Khunou had disgraced the ANC.

But a defiant Khunou stood by her remarks. She said there had been no
political violence or repression in Zimbabwe and the election had been
held peacefully.

"There are so many negative things written about Zimbabwe but we could
not get any evidence to support them. The pre-election process was
well planned and executed. There was no evidence to justify food
discrimination claims against MDC supporters," she said.

Khunou said the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act,
used to shut down five newspapers, and the Public Order and Security
Act, under which the opposition required police permission to hold
political meetings, had been implemented to "enforce law and order".

The DA's Diane Kohler-Barnard said after listening to her colleague's
presentation that she felt she had attended a different event in a
different country. She then chronicled a list of developments she said
could not have made the election free and fair.

Asked to list Zimbabwe's electoral rules which she would want South
Africa to adopt, Khunou said: "The queueing system. The queueing
system at polling stations was very pleasing."

An incensed Elinor Sisulu, daughter-in-law of Walter Sisulu, told
Khunou that victims of torture and rape by Mugabe's thugs who had fled
to South Africa would be seriously hurt by her words. Khunou said she
was not aware of such victims. Sisulu countered that Khunou and her
party's "skewed" assessment of the Zimbabwe election was probably the
result of observing it from the Sheraton Hotel. - Mercury Foreign
Service ticleId=2518973

Koeitjies & kalfies | 42 kommentare


Vr, 13 Mei 2005 15:08

Kennisgewing vanaf die Algemene Sinode:

Tot tyd en wyl die gay debat nie afgehandel is nie, geld die volgende

* As 'n man en vrou trou, speel die "troumars",

* As 2 mans trou, speel die "aandlied van die voels",

* As 2 vrouens trou, speel die "padda wou gaan opsit by sy
nooi in die vlei".

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

This is a great country because:

Vr, 13 Mei 2005 14:43

This is a great country because:

1. You can eat half dried meat and not be considered disgusting.

2. Nothing is your fault, you can blame it all on apartheid.

3. You get to buy a new car every 3 months and the insurance company even
pays for it.

4. You can experience @&% service in eleven official languages.

5. Where else can you get oranges with 45% alcohol content at rugby matches?

6. It's the only country in the world where striking workers show how angry
they are by dancing.

7. You're considered clumsy if you cannot: use a cell phone (without car
kit), change CDs, drink a beer, put on make-up, read the newspaper and
all at the same time while driving a car at 160 kph in a 60 kph zone.

8. Great accent. (!!!)

9. If you live in Johannesburg, you get to brag about living in the most
dangerous city in the world.

10. Burglar bars become a feature, and a great selling point for your house.

11. You can decorate your garden walls with barbed wire.

12. The tow-trucks are the first on the scene for most major crimes,
without being called. The police you have to call about three times.

13. Votes have to be recounted until the right party wins.

14. Illegal immigrants leave the country because the crime rate is too high.

15. The police ask you if they must follow up on the burglary you've just

16. A murderer gets a 6 month sentence and a pirate TV viewer 2 years.

17. The prisoners strike and get to vote in elections!

18. The police stations have panic buttons to call armed response when they
are burgled

19. Police cars are fitted with immobilisers and gearlocks!

Ja nee!! Dis lekker hier!!

Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare lewe

Vr, 13 Mei 2005 13:20

Hi daar Mense is nou op die lug en maak gerus 'n draai daar, daar is al
1 Hunnie ons wag nog op Hansies.....vanaand sal nog 'n Hunnie van die Kaap
haar verskyning maak!

Kom speel gerus saam!
Kaal-gat Webmaster

Koeitjies & kalfies | 5 kommentare


Vr, 13 Mei 2005 12:54

Op die oggend (0900) van 21 Mei 2005 (Saterdag) is daar 'n protesoptog vanaf
Kerkplein vir ongeveer 600m om te betoog dat Pretoria Pretoria bly. (Ek sal
skuldig voel as ek, my familie en my vrinne nie daar gaan wees nie.)

Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare

Walglappe op die nuusgroep

Vr, 13 Mei 2005 12:50

Wie ken die prosedure(s) wat gevolg moet word om ouens wat walglike dinge
hier pos te vervolg?
Laat my weet en ek belowe op op te volg.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 7 kommentare

Kan iemand help asb?

Vr, 13 Mei 2005 08:58

Ek soek webblaaie waar inligting verkry kan word re karakoelboerdery in SA,
waarheen ons uitvoer, en wat word met die pelse gedoen.
Iemand in NZ wil weet.

Landbou & veeteelt | 3 kommentare

Manto se kanto

Vr, 13 Mei 2005 06:46

Manto Tshabalala Msimang
is vir VIGS en die virus nie bang.
"Smeer knoffel en olie
op die tietmantolie -
en eet beet - dit verwyder die drang."

(Gaan Jonas my nou vervolg?)

Koeitjies & kalfies | 6 kommentare

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