Verwante Berigte
Swart armband as protes teen misdaad bepleit
2 gaan van Rattray-moord aangekla word
Twee ondervra oor moord op David Rattray
Charles nie by Rattray-begrafnis
Kyk vorentoe, SA, sou Rattray gesê het
Charles kap Mbeki oor misdaad
Moord op Rattray is 'n "wekroep"
Geskree ná konvooi kar ‘van pad blaas’
Feb 01 2007 09:27:38:930PM - (SA)
Nicola Jones
Pietermaritzburg. – “Dit is omdat ek swart is!”
Dít het premier S’bu Ndebele van KwaZulu-Natal gister aan ’n man van
Pietermaritzburg tydens ’n woordewisseling by die begrafnisdiens van
mnr. David Rattray, toerisme-pionier en bobaas-storieverteller,
Gaste wat die begrafnisdiens by die eksklusiewe private skool
Michaelhouse bygewoon het, was geskok toe mnr. Trevor Sharp (65), ’n
toergids, agter die premier se viermotor-konvooi stilhou en hom
woedend begin aanspreek omdat Ndebele hom glo van die pad “af geblaas
Sharp het aan Beeld se susterkoerant, The Witness, gesê dat hy teen
100 km/h op pad na die begrafnisdiens was toe die konvooi “teen
minstens 160 km/h” verby hom gejaag en hom rakelings gemis het.
“Ek het groot geskrik. Hulle het soos koeëls verby my geskiet.
“Dit is nie die eerste keer dat ek, of my vrou deur mense in
regeringsvoertuie, wat soos idiote bestuur, van die pad af geblaas
word nie,” het hy bygevoeg.
Sharp het by sy aankoms by die skool uit sy motor gespring en daarop
aangedring om te weet wat gee die premier die reg om teen só ’n hoë
spoed te bestuur.
“Hy was op pad na ’n begrafnis, nie ’n noodgeval nie. Ek het hom gevra
of hy nie die padreëls hoef te gehoorsaam nie, veral ook omdat hy die
voormalige KwaZulu-Natalse minister van vervoer is en of hy nie eerder
’n voorbeeld moet stel nie.”
Ndebele het Sharp aanhoudend gevra of hy nie die flitsende blou ligte
op die voorste motor gesien het nie, waarna hy glo kwaad geword en
geskree het dat Sharp op hom pik omdat hy swart is.
“Dít is wat my woedend gemaak het. Ek het aan hom gesê dat die blou
lig nie vir my ’n aanduiding was van die kleur van die bestuurder
nie,” het Sharp gesê.
Mnr. Jeff Hassan, Ndebele se woordvoerder, het by navraag gesê “hy het
met die premier gepraat en dis die einde van die storie”.
Hy het bygevoeg dat die konvooi nie die spoedgrens oorskry het nie.
“Dis hul normale spoed, veral in ’n noodgeval,” het hy gesê.
Twee dae gelede het my vrou en ek, vir 'n tannie wat naby woon, 'n bos
blomme gekoop omdat dit haar verjaardag was. Ek het 'n Engelse
briefie daaraan geheg (sy is Engelssprekend) met haar blinde dogter se
naam onderaan die briefie, asof dit van haar dogter af is. Haar dogter
woon 'n hele paar honderd kilos hiervandaan en weet dit nie.
Sy het dit, omdat haar gedagtes by haar siek man is, geglo en nie veel
vrae gevra nie.
Toe ek netnou hier by my woonstel instap, staan die blomme in 'n baie
mooi blombak in die sitkamer. Toe ek daarna vra, lag my vrou en sê dat
die tannie hier, kort voor ek hier aangekom het, ingestap het met die
blomme gerangskik in die mooi bak. Sy het gesê dat sy van môre af by
haar man se kinders gaan woon, en dat my vrou die blomme met die bak
moet neem.
President Thabo Mbeki himself has the most to lose from the British
investigation into corruption behind South Africa's purchase of jet fighters
and trainers from BAe Systems. That is the opinion of Dr Gavin Woods - the
IFP chairman of Parliament's Public Accounts Committee who resigned in
protest over corruption in SA's R60-billion arms deal.
Woods said Mbeki's recent outburst against his one-time friend, British
Prime Minister Tony Blair, was a sure sign that pressure was getting to
Said Woods: "It was Thabo Mbeki who, as Deputy President under Nelson
Mandela, oversaw the entire arms deal process. I always suspected that part
of the reason Mbeki has never wanted the arms deal properly investigated was
that he did not want the embarrassment of it being made public that he had
managed the arms deal in such a poor manner that corruption was allowed to
creep in on such a massive scale."
At the weekend Mbeki launched a scathing attack on Blair, accusing him of
double standards for forcing British investigators to drop their
investigation of Saudi Arabian arms deals but allowing them to probe SA's
arms deal.
Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Mbeki said the
British probe into BAe systems' dealings in SA had tainted SA. Mbeki accused
Blair of double standards for not squashing the SA arms deal probe as he
quashed the probe into BAe's dealings in Saudi Arabia, where the arms giant
is believed to have bribed members of the Saudi royal family to buy its
Woods said he was surprised at Mbeki's outburst. "It came as a bit of a
shock that he should so openly attack Tony Blair, who he once appeared to be
very friendly with. Clearly it shows he is under great pressure. If this
British probe uncovers evidence of widespread systemic corruption in the
deal it will be a blight on Mbeki's legacy. I am sure he desperately wants
to avoid the embarrassment of being remembered for presiding over a corrupt
arms deal."
Colm Allan of the Public Service Accountability Monitor (PSAM) at Rhodes
University said he was surprised by the tone of Mbeki's speech. "I suppose
we could interpret his speech in two ways. I hope he was merely criticising
Blair for cancelling the Saudi probe. The other way his speech could be
taken implies he was asking Blair to also halt the South African
"I sincerely hope that is not the case and that he was instead merely saying
the Saudis should be investigated as well as South Africa."
Allan said PSAM was one of more than 130 nongovernmental organisations that
appealed to Blair to reinstate the Saudi probe.
(no worries Thabo, this is nothing! ~ wait until The Genocide Tribunals
start at The Hague then you'll really be shitting yerself, you dirty ol'
Wanneer gaan dit ophou?
Dan weer moet ek nie eers vra nie want dit raak erger allie tyd.
Next thing blaas Koeberg op en Kaapstad is 'n spookdorp soos die lot
Pretoria - Eskom has issued an urgent plea for South Africans to save
electricity immediately or face crippling load-shedding in the next
few days, the Pretoria News reported on Thursday.
Eskom has announced that it was once again in a precarious position -
it had enough power, just, but a single additional breakdown at any of
its power stations, or a surge in electricity demand by South
Africans, could cause blackouts before the weekend.
Andrew Etzinger, Eskom's general manager of investment strategy, said
South Africa has an overall capacity to produce about 40 000MW of
But about 4 500MW of this is unavailable due to scheduled maintenance
to various power stations, the daily said.
Soos te verwagte sien jy weer net liggies nadat jy by
jou pa se dagga-plantasie uitgekom het, klein klonkie-
Nee, dohhs, hier is dit die rooi liggies van jou stroois wat
helder skyn, en daar is net een korrekte manier hoe mens
met satanskak soos jy sal praat. As ek jou nie spoeg nie
dan donner ek jou soort gewoonlik baie hard. Wees maar
bly dat jy nie in my vasloop nie, jou lae vuilgoed ! Daar is
geen ruimte om my vir jóú soort gespuis nie.
Ja, jou liberale, Kommunistiese, goddelose, Babiloniese -en
Bíleams-hoerliggies skyn bloedrooi vir jou pa met die horings
en die vurk, naamlik oom Nic.
Jy is GEEN ware boer nie. Jy is 'n gruwel !
Jy is eerder 'n snotkop-rapportryertjie, 'n vervloekte jong
vrymesselaartjie, wat tien teen een 'n lid is van een van
die Vrymesselaars se vele fronte soos die VF-minus, of
Solidariteit, of Afriforum, of die ATKV, of die FAK, of die
Afrikanerbond, ens, - saam met daardie opportunistiese
wit vrymesselaar-morone soos Steve Mofryer & Kie, met
julle sogenaamde "een (reënboog) nasie" - 'n leuen waar-
van julle desperaat die blankes wil oortuig. Futiel !
Jou subtiele poging tot misleiding werk nie meer nie. Dis
klaar. Dis uitgedien. Finnito !
Jou "Vryheid, Gelykheid, Eenheid en Broederskap" inkonti-
nensie loop soos drek by 'n siek kafferbrak se bek uit.
In kort : Jy is 'n tipiese, laakbare wit houtkop met jou ge-
liefde boggom-naastes styf teen jou sy, kunstig uitgestal
soos 'n fekale herfsbruin-reënboog teen 'n hostel-kakhuis
se muur iewers in die lokasie - daar waar jou ouma bly.
Jou wit, liberale ANC-agent rympies word herken.
Die volgende eentonige, voorspelbare en deursigtige sleu-
telwoordjies verklap net jou slymerige regerings-agenda :
..."almal van Afrika" ; "ons almal saam" ; "vir almal staan" ;
"een nasie" ; "ons mindset verander" ; "verby kleur kyk" ;
"om te versoen" ; "swart of wit" ... bla bla-f'kken-bla !
Druk maar daardie tipiese laakbare goddelose en liberale
propaganda van jou diep op waar dit ongemaklik voel.
Mag jou geliefde barbaar-naastes van Afrika jou spoedig
kom besoek sodat jy jou verdiende loon kan ontvang, en
deel mag word van die statistiek wat tans reeds jou libe-
rale kakpraatjies met bloed weerspreek.
It's time to ignite 2007 with one of Pretoria's biggest bangs on the social
calender - Tuks RAG. The Jacaranda city will play host to South Africa's
finest musicians for three days in the spirit of goodwill and giving back to
the community. Throughout the years RAG (an abbreviation for Reach out and
Give) has been associated with students helping the poor whilst having a
good time, and this year is no exception.
The following bands have been confirmed to play at the RagFarm and Hatfield
Square&Plaza, and we will keep you updated with more confirmed bands on the
OppiKoppi website:
Wednesday 31 January
The Parlotones and Klopjag will be rocking the green pastures of Tuks
RagFarm, preparing all music lovers for what's still to come.
Friday 2 February
LA Cobra, Wickhead, Skwatta Kamp, Prime Circle, Ef-El, Fuzigush, Koos
Kombuis and Love Jones are going to entertain the crowds with their guitar
chords and homegrown SA tunes, also happening at the Tuks RagFarm.
Saturday 3 February
Hatfield Square&Plaza will host the annual Tuks Rag After Party with Koos
Kombuis, Love Jones and Karma.
The ticket price for 31 January is R30, including one free drink on entry
before 19h30. On 2 February patrons will pay R50, also including one free
drink on entry before 19h30 to get the party started. The entrance fee for
the after party on 3 February will be R20. Tickets will be available at the
gate and leave your cooler box at home - alcohol will be sold at the venue.
For more information, please phone 012 346 2011 or visit
Crime generates millions of Rands for the Government. A few examples:
At least one million home owners in Gauteng alone (one of the 9 provinces in
South Africa) make use of the services of an armed reaction security company
(please note, not a crime prevention force but only one that can react after
you have become yet another crime victim). The cost of such a service is
approx R240-00 ($35-00)per private household per month. A simple
calculation: 1 000 000 x R240-00 x 12 x 14% VAT (Value Added Tax)generates
more than R403 million ($55 million)VAT for the South African Government as
a DIRECT RESULT OF CRIME. Please note that these figures does not include
the commercial and industry sectors in Gauteng.
Another example. A luxury car worth R500 000-00 ($70 000-00) gets stolen.
The thief receives R20 000-00 ($2 800-00)for his efforts. The car owner gets
paid out by his Insurers and replaces the stolen vehicle with a similar one.
Hereby the Government receives R61 403-51 VAT ($8 469-00)on the transaction
as A DIRECT RESULT OF CRIME. Now who gained the most from this crime? The
thief or the Government.
It would be interesting to know how much estate tax revenue the Government
got from the estates from the more than 1300 farmers murdered in South
This Government likes to compare South Africa with other countries, but only
when it suits them. In many other countries across the world your security
and safety are covered by the taxes you pay and any other security measures
you take to safeguard yourself and your loved ones are tax deductable.
Now can you see why this Government will do anything within its powers to
safeguard and protect the goose that lays the golden egg. They will keep on
denying crime and wipe it off the table as a mere "perception" just as they
managed to wipe the damning AU report off the table.