> From http://www.rhodesia.nl/truthlie.htm
Between September 1984 and August 1989, 771 people were necklaced or
doused with fuel and burnt to death. The myth perpetuated by the State
then was that this was an example of African brutality. The truth we
know now, is that this repulsive form of killing was first started by
white Rhodesian security forces in the 1970s and then brought to South
Africa by the security police. ...
This outrageous statement was made by presenter Max du Preez on the
SATV programme "Truth Commission Special Report" on 9 February 1997.
The Foundation's National Chairman, Ted Sutton-Pryce, lodged a
complaint with the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa
(BCCSA) regarding this statement, which followed footage of a woman
being burnt, stoned and kicked to death by a mob in South Africa. In
his letter to the BCCSA, Mr Sutton-Pryce wrote:
As an organisation which represents the interests of former Rhodesians
who have settled in South Africa, we take strong exception to this
statement and we wish to lodge a complaint against the SABC for what
we believe to be misrepresentation of the truth. We contend that the
statement referring to "white Rhodesian security forces" above is both
untrue and malicious. Necklacing (ie. the burning to death of selected
individuals, with the aid of inflammable liquid and/or motor tyres)
was never practised (let alone started) by the Rhodesian security
forces, black or white, and would have resulted in prosecution of the
perpetrators of such a dastardly act if it were ever discovered. The
allegation casts doubt on the integrity of all former members of the
Rhodesian security forces, and causes distress for their families and
friends. Mr Du Preez gave no indication as to the source of this
"truth" that he says "we know now". Neither was there any indication
in the programme that the "truth" came from testimony presented to the
Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
The BCCSA held a hearing on 14 March, at which the FLF was represented
by Mr Gordon Munro. Mr Max du Preez was not present, but the hearing
was attended by members of the SABC's complaints and legal offices.
BCCSA Chairman Professor J.C.W. van Rooyen S.C. was not satisfied with
the SABC's response to the FLF's complaint and he called upon the SABC
to provide further evidence to justify their stand. If the BCCSA is
still not satisfied, a further hearing could be scheduled for a later
As this matter is at present considered sub-judice, the FLF does not
intend making any further public statements until the case has been
dealt with by the BCCSA. But Mr Du Preez has been interviewed since
the hearing by a reporter from the Mail and Guardian (25 Feb 97). We
felt that our members, especially those who might have viewed the SATV
programme in question or read about the case in the media, should know
that the National Managing Committee is prepared to react to media
reports that are blatantly untrue and malign the Rhodesian community
in South Africa.
This complaint came to us through a concerned member. If any member
hears or reads something that denigrates the Rhodesian community
unfairly, please send details to us as soon as possible so that the
National Managing Committee can consider it and perhaps respond
June 16, 1997
SABC found guilty over claim about necklacing
The Broadcasting Complaints Commission of SA announced yesterday it
had found the SABC guilty of contravening the Broadcasting Code by
reporting that necklacing was started by white Rhodesian security
The finding follows a complaint by the Flame Lily Foundation about a
statement by Truth and Reconciliation Commission special report
presenter Max du Preez about necklacing.
"The truth, as we now know, is that this repulsive form of killing was
first started by white Rhodesian security forces in the 1970s and then
brought to South Africa by the security forces," Du Preez said on TV.
The commission came to the following conclusions:
There was no evidence that the SABC or Du Preez had acted from
malicious motives.
The commission had not, however, been provided with any evidence that
the alleged atrocities in (the then) Rhodesia of the 1970s included
the incineration of live people by necklacing.
Accordingly, the statement that these forms of incineration of people
originated from the Rhodesian security forces was not substantiated.
"The commission found that the SABC contravened the Broadcasting Code.
The Flame Lily Foundation's complaint was accordingly upheld
unanimously," the commission said. - Sapa.
Interestingly, Wits, not UJ, formerly known as RAU, is the university
playing host to "Verwagtings", a new Afrikaans play written by Deirdre
Venter and directed by André Stoltz.
This is a most interesting work. Focusing, as might be expected (bad pun)
on two pregnant women, one the abandoned owner of a farm, the other the
household help whose husband is in prison, this play looks at womanhood and
how women exist not just as women but as people within their societies.
With an earthy simplicity, this work breaks through language and racial
barriers in the curious way in which women are sometime women first and only
then ethnic and racial creatures. It is in the relationships between the
women that the interest in this work lies. The actual plot moves slowly
until shortly before the end when the mystery one knew existed is suitably
and plausibly explained.
The play stars Renate Stuurman whose character name eludes me, Elton Landrew
as Martinus, Louise Make as Miriam and Deidre Venter as Magadeleen. The
characters were finely drawn and beautifully portrayed. I entered into the
authenticity of the work, never doubting that such relationships could exist
regardless of the era in which the play is set.
Unfortunately the run is too short to make the play eligible for Naledis
otherwise it would be eligible for "Best New South African Play". The sets
were excellent, the costumes appropriate and the props scene enhancing, and
one was in no doubt that one was in the home of an impoverished farmer or
'bywoner', with my inaccurate guess having been the latter.
Maar, Pretorius is nie alleen nie. Daar is ander persone,
- ja, baie verdagte persone, en groot vriende van Lets
Pretorius, - wat ook groot aandeel in Boerevryheid het.
Van hulle is as sogenaamde "moderators" aangestel, en
ander doen hulle weer op die forums voor as hoë 'gene-
raals', hoë kokkedore, 'boere staatsmanne', ensovoorts.
- Tipies dom-astrante, kinderagtige, agterlike AWB-styl.
In kort : Poepolle !
Twee van die hooffigure en stigters agter Boerevryheid
is Lets Pretorius en 'n geheimsinnige persoon wat skryf
onder die skuilnaam van "Die Ou Man" - wat erken dat
hy en Pretorius saam was die dag toe "Boerevryheid"
as webtuiste geregistreer is.
Op sommige plekke op die forums van Boerevryheid, - oa
op die draad waar Pretorius deur Jan Lamprecht ['n oud-
Rhodesiër, van "Africancrisis"] verdink word dat hy 'n agent
van die Azaniese Regering is, - antwoord Lets Pretorius vir
Lamprecht ook sommer onder die naam van "Die Ou Man".
Pretorius en Die Ou Man is dus eensgesind, eenstemmig
en boesemvriende, - aldus Die Ou Man self.
Skynregses en Akteurs op Boerevryheid :
Dit is uiters betekenisvol dat daar so 'n groot lot akteurs
en skynregses (NIA-agente) op Boerevryheid rondhang.
Kom ons kyk maar byvoorbeeld na een van Pretorius se
getroue deelnemers (karrakters / vriende) wat gereeld
op BV skryf onder die skuilnaam van "Boere Staatsman".
Eerstens is dit duidelik dat "Boere Staatsman" (staatlose,
breinlose boer-se-gat) 'n skynregse rooinek (engelsman /
hanskakie) is. Dié man sukkel om te spel ('n tipiese dom-
gat NIA-agent simptoom).
Verder is "Boere Staatsman" 'n baie swak akteur, en ek
stel voor dat NIA (Nasionale Imbesiel Agentskap) hom
eers na Hollywood terug stuur om sy akteurs-kursus te
gaan herhaal. "Boere Staatsman" máák asof hy hierdie
groot "Boer" en 'Israel-visie' -man is, - met sy al-ewige
ge-Yahweh bo, en 'n ge-Yahweh onder, - terwyl hy dit
gereeld verkeerd spel óók. Haaaa haaaa haaaaaa !
Hierdie "Boere Staatsman" is seer sekerlik een van die
(volks)vreemdste "boere" wat 'n mens kán vind, want
die man is (Pro)Engels deur-en-deur, - al drie sy web-
werwe is 100% Engels. Daarby is hy duidelik 'n mate-
rialis en 'n geldgierige kapitalis, - iemand wat geen-
sins op Jahweh vertrou nie. - 'n Leuenaar.
Hierdie "Boere Staatsman" adverteer twee webwerwe
onder sy skrywes, naamlik http://www.bigbucks.co.za
; ook http://www.mumsdream.co.za - almal opportunis-
tiese, Engelse geldmaakskemas wat "Boere Staatsman"
se ware kleure mooi wys, naamlik sy materialisme en sy
mammon-geöriënteerde lewensuitkyk. Daarby besit hy
ook 'n Versekeringsmakelaar -besigheid met die naam
"Multisure", met webwerf : http://www.multisure.co.za .
Hier onderaan word die besonderhede van die eienaar
van al drie hierdie webwerwe verskaf.
Verder is "Boere Staatsman" se optede tipies dié van 'n
regte NIA-opstoker en 'n verspreider van disinformasie.
Geen wonder nie : Hy was ook dié einste een wat die
eerste van daardie valse Uhuru-poste op Boerevryheid
geplaas het, naamlik dat Mandela kwansuis in die hospi-
taal opgeneem sou wees. - Dit maak sin en is te ver-
wagte, - tipiese dinge wat NIA agente doen. Skuim !
Verder is dit bekend dat baie agente / informante wat
vir NIA werk óók werksaam is in die Versekeringsbedryf.
Hulle word gewerf juis sodat daar gebruik gemaak kan
word van hulle ervare en gepoleerde 'people skills', as-
ook hulle glibberige en geslepe 'salesman-talente'. Hulle
werk meestal op kommissie, - naamlik hulle word betaal
om te lieg en te mislei (met daardie slinkse 'salesman'
opleiding), om te infiltreer, disinformasie te verskaf en
om inligting in te win, en om as "agents-provocateurs"
op te tree. In Kort : Hulle doen omtrent enige iets vir
goeie geld. En amper almal wéét hoe 'n 'salesman' kan
lieg !
'n WOIS navraag verskaf die inligting en die eienaar van
al drie die bostaande webwerwe van "Boere Staatsman" :
Wanneer iemand (te veel) lastige vrae vra, enige kritiek
teen Boerevryheid (op hulle forums) loods, hulle mense,
'generaals' of 'moderators' kritiseer of lastig val, ens, -
dán ontvang mens vinnig 'n half dreigende E-Pos vanaf
'n ene nico...@detectives.co.za , naamlik dat hulle no-
tisie geneem het van jou skrywes / kritiek, en dat hul-
le nie jou menings waardeer nie, en dat hulle jou sal on-
dersoek, dophou of vervolg, sou hulle voel dat jy hulle
"bedreig". Ha ha ha ! Thieth-thokken-thog ! - Ons pith
nou in onth broeke van vreeth !
NIA het vele front-organisasies, en iemand deel my mee
dat http://www.detectives.co.za óók een van hulle is.
Daarom beskerm hulle die belange van Lets Pretorius se
New-Age-Boerevryheid met letter, hand en tand. Nogal
vreemd dat 'n 'besigheid' só openlik en 'vreesloos' agter
Lets Pretorius se "Boeremag" staan, of hoe ?
Nou begin ons by die lekkerrrr dele kom ...
Die 'beginsels' van die hooffigure van Boerevryheid :
... in sy tuisblad-skrywe oor die Israelwaarheid :
"Ons leef tans in die 2000 jaar tydperk van die Water-
draer wanneer die Christus weer sal kom, om vir die vol-
gende esoteriese tydperk die Geestelike leier te wees. In
die "Witboek van El Daoud" word daar verwys na 'God se
tuiniers of te wel God se boere' wat tydens hierdie Water-
draer tydperk as volgelinge en dissipels sal optree om in
sy TUIN (die herstel van die Paradys situasie) te werk."
Let op na Lets Pretorius se verwysing na subtiele okkul-
tiese terme soos "esoteriese tydperk" en "tydperk van die
Waterdraer", asook sy openlike, kritieklose en gemaklike
verwysing na "Die Witboek van El Daoud".
Die Witboek en Boerevryheid -
Soos genoem, is "Die Ou Man" 'n goeie vriend (regter
hand) van Lets Pretorius, en ook 'n mede stigter van
Voorheen het "Die Ou Man" gereeld op Stormfront ge-
skryf, waar hy ook oa verklaar het dat hy en Lets Pre-
torius inderdaad baie goeie vriende is, en hoe hulle te-
same die Boerevryheid -webwerf gestig het. Dit ver-
klaar natuurlik Pretorius se ooglopende simpatie (voor-
liefde) vir die "Witboek van El Daoud". Ook omtrent al
die sogenaamde 'groot generaals', 'modereerders' en
'oud-gunstelinge' van Boerevryheid is groot Witboek-
aanhangers ; - soos bv : 'Vicky', 'Stefanus', 'Piett',
'Knipmes', 'Twaksak', 'Dié Boer', Dr Tobie Louw, ens,
...asook die res van hulle maats is tog só liefdevol,
neutraal, verdraagsaam en/of positief teenoor die
Witboekers met hulle sataniese New-Age filosofie.
Op pos 1561 van die Witboek bespreking op BV, sê
Pretorius (Stoffel) "amen" op 'Die Ou Man' se weer-
gawe van hoe die Bybel slegs relatief-waaragtig is,
waarop Pretorius verder as volg uitbrei, en duidelik
sy okkultiese New Age filosofie ontbloot :
"Dit is dan net logies dat ons ENIGE twee, drie of tien
godsdienste neem, al is hulle tans millenniums uitme-
kaar, en jy sou terugbeweeg op die geskiedenis lyn,
Dus, volgens Lets Pretorius lei alle gelowe op die ein-
de van die dag tog maar na "Een God". - Dít is die es-
sensie van die okkultiese New Age geloof - 'n sata-
niese filosofie.
Lets Pretorius & Kie is dus navolgers en verkondigers
van die okkulte, die New-Age, onverdunde afgodery,
die Theosophical Society, en die Vrymesselary. - Al
hierdie genoemde dinge is alles vertakkinge van sa-
tanisme. Lets Pretorius en sy Boerevryheid-Witboek-
bende is dus direk en/of indirek betrokke satanisme.
- En dít versterk die vermoede dat hulle agente van
die sataniese NIA, (die Azaniese Regering) ens, is, -
almal óók satansdienaars. - Dienaars van Satan se
tydelike, rebelse koninkryk op aarde.
Presies waaraan glo "Die Ou Man" van Boerevryheid ?
1) Die Bybel is nie die Woord van God nie. Dit is die woord
van mense oor God. Die Witboek lê glo die 'geheime' van
die Bybel uit sodat ons die Bybel korrek kan verstaan.
2) Die Bybel bevat baie teenstrydighede. Maar die waar-
heid lê wel iewers daarin opgesluit. - Die Witboek kan al
daardie waarhede aan ons bekend maak en verduidelik.
3) Aan God die Vader, God die Moeder en God die Seun,
as die drie-Enige God.
4) Dat elke (alle) gelowe op aarde saligheid aan elke volk
(ras) kan bring. Dat elke volk dus sy saligheid deur sy eie
profete sal verwesenlik. Alle gelowe lei dus na die "skep-
5) In reïnkarnasie. Die konsep is glo Bybels.
6) Dat Jahweh nie die Allerhoogste is nie, maar slegs een
van vele demi-gode, wat deur 'n onbekende (naamlose)
"skeppergod" [wie hy noem "die god van hemel en aarde"]
geskape is. Die Ou Man onderskei dus tussen die "skepper-
god" en tussen Jahweh as twee verskillende weses (enti-
7) Dat Allah (die Moslems se god) en Jahwe dieselfde god
(een en dieselfde persoon) is.
8) Dat Jahweh (= Allah) ondergeskik is aan die naamlose
"skepper-god" (die "god van hemel en aarde").
9) Jahweh was deur hierdie sg "almagtige skeppergod" ('n
naamlose god) aangestel as die God van die Israeliete.
10) Adam is al die mense op aarde se Vader-Koning. Hy is
die "eerste seun van God" wat geskape is (deur die "skep-
pergod"). Adam het op geen stadium gesondig nie. Hy was
glo God se oudste kind en in die geestes realm.
11) Jesus Christus is dus nie God nie, want jy kan nie God
wees en terselfdertyd langs God staan nie.
12) Jesus Christus het vir niemand gesterf nie. In teendeel,
hy het op geen stadium gesterf nie. - Dit is menslike terme.
Hy, die geestelike Wese, wat lank reeds was, het bloot ty-
delik die kledingstuk, genoem liggaam in ons taal, aangetrek
om in opdrag van sy Vader (die skeppergod) 'n taak op Aar-
de te kom verrig. Die "sterf vir my sondes" oefening was dus
futiel. Dit is juis waar Jesus Christus se boodskap vir eeue
glo verkeerd aan ons oorgedra is. Jesus het nie vir ons ge-
sterf nie.
13) Die Ou Man vra of (suggereer dat) God (Jahweh) eintlik
'n moordenaar is deurdat Hy sy Seun (Christus) laat vermoor
het. Hiermee suggereer hy dat die kruisiging 'n wanvoorstel-
ling en 'n misdadige misverstand is.
"My opdrag aan die volkere van die wereld genaamd die
aarde, is dievolgende : -
Laat Indie en China saam met al die ander oosterse volke
wat sulke kosbare strale van die een groot lig van waarheid
besit, die ware grond beginsels van die geloof wat eens aan
hulle vadere toevertrou was met ywer ondersoek.
Laat Israel en Juda dieselfde doen, sodat hulle weer die in-
gewyde woorde van Moses wat in die ingewyde taal gele-
wer is, kan volg.
Laat hulle jaloesie vermy wat geleer is in Egypte waar se-
kere tempelpriesterskappe toe reeds die profete begin ver-
ag het, en terwyl hulle hierdie groot dwaling vermy, laat
hulle weer saam span en as broers opgaan na die stad van
getroues, wat nie met hande gebou is nie. En laat diegene
wat Islam volg, ook hul geloof reinig en luister na die woorde
van hulle eie groot profeet/leermeester en nie na die wat sy
betekenis verkeerd begryp nie, net soos soortgelyke foute
begaan is deur andere wat of aangelas het by dit wat hulle
ingewyde leiers bedoel het of dit verkeerd vertaal het.
Laat die etlike leermeesters van die weste van wat tans
bekend staan as die nuwe (Theosophical) denk rigting, in
al die vertakkings daarvan (New Age), toesien dat hulle
altyd die gedagtes van God onderrig en nie slegs wat hul-
le dink daardie gedagtes moet wees nie, baie van wat hul-
le bekend maak is inderdaad afkomstig van die aller oudste
goddellike wysheid..."
Die Ou Man verklaar verder die volgende [JW12 se
kommentaar in hakies] :
a) Bhoedisme is die Oosterlinge se weg na saligheid.
[Onbybels, New-Age, Theosophical Society].
b) Jesus Christus het om die volgende redes gekom :
Om as geestelike verlosser die liefde en teerheid van God
weer eens in die gedagtes van die mensdom vas te lê.
Om die mensdom voor te berei op die koms van die Vader-
Koning, naamlik Adam. [Totaal onbybels].
Om die byna vergete en grootliks wanbegrepe goddelike
wyshede te laat herleef. [New Age, okkulties].
En om die mensdom te help om hulself te bevry van die sla-
werny deur eiesinnigheid, en om sodoende die tyd wanneer
die liggaam van skaamte nie langer nodig sou wees nie, te
verhaas. [New-Age, Theosophical Society].
c) Jesus het nie gekom om te sterf nie, want hy het nie.
Jesus het gekom om vir my te sê dat die koninkryk van God
binne my is. As ek besef wat die implikasie is van dit wat Je-
sus kom sê het, en ek gaan lees Genesis weer, dan is ek be-
vry. Want ek was substans van God, lank voor Israel. [Las-
terlik, Allegories, New-Age].
Ras is nêrens ter sprake nie. [New-Age, Theosophical
Society, Liberalisme].
Want 'n stralekind kan nie in terme van aardse terminologie
beperk word nie. [New Age, Okkulties].
As ek myself as Israeliet beskou, plaas ek 'n geweldige be-
perking op myself en misken ek Jesus se boodskap. [Totaal
d) Dat die hemelkoningin van Jer. 44:16 dui op die moeder-
gedeelte van die drie-enige God (van die Bybel). Haar naam
is Asherah (Eva). [Lasterlik, Okkulties, New-Age, Theosophi-
cal Society].
[Let Wel : Asherah, Astarte, Semiramis en Osiris is dieselfde
afgod, - wat ook in die Bybel genoem word].
e) Dat Adam ons "Vader-Koning", en Eva ons "Moeder-koning"
is. [Okkulties, New-Age, Theosophical Society].
f) Die Bybel is nie die Woord van God nie. Dit is die woord
van mense oor God. [Humanisties, New-Age, Onbybels].
g) Jahweh en Allah is dieselfde God. [New-Age, Lasterlik,
h) Jahweh is as Heer van die Israeliete aangestel deur die
Almagtige, Skepper van hemel en aarde. [Lasterlik, Onby-
i) Daar was 'n aantal gode waarvan Jahweh een was.
j) Jahweh en die ander gode is onder gesag van die Aller-
hoogste. [Lasterlik, Onbybels].
k) Die Allerhoogste plaas elke god in bevel van 'n spesi-
fieke nasie. [Onbybels, Lasterlik].
l) Jahweh se porsie is die Israeliete. [Allegories].
m) Jahweh is die Heer van die Israeliete, maar hy is nie
die Allerhoogste nie. [Lasterlik, Onbybels].
n) Ons hoef ons nie meer as Semiete voor te doen om
toegang tot die erfdeel te hê nie. Die Semiete is die erf-
deel van Jahweh. Die "boere" mag Jahweh 'sidestep' en
reguit na die "skepper-god" gaan en sodoende die konin-
kryk beërwe. [Lasterlik, Onbybels, Okkulties].
o) Jahweh het "verraad" teenoor die regverdige Job ge-
pleeg om daardeur net 'n punt teen satan te bewys, -
en daarom is Jahweh nie die Skepper (Allerhoogste) nie.
p) Die ou man ondersteun blykbaar die idee agter die
"Da Vinci Code". [Onbybels].
q) Hoe gouer die wetenskap geloof finaal diskrediteer,
hoe beter. Want die wetenskap wys aan ons dat God
nie deur geloof en sy dogmatiek ingeperk kan word nie.
[Allegories, Onbybels].
r) Die Skepper van die Heelal is nie 'n persoon nie. Hy
stoei nie. Hy "brag" nie by die Duiwel oor sy getroue
Job, net om Job te verraai nie. Net sodat hy die Dui-
wel 'n punt kan bewys nie. [New-Age, lasterlik].
Hoe Die Ou Man die Bybel verdraai :
Deut. 32: 8 (Die Ou Man se verdraaiiing daarvan) -
"When the Elyon apportioned the nations, when he
divided humankind, he fixed the boundaries of the
peoples according to the number of the gods; Yah-
weh's own portion was his people, Jacob his alloted
Hier is hoe die korrekte weergawe klink :
Deut. 32: 8 : "When the most High divided to the na-
tions their inheritance, when he separated the sons of
Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to
the number of the children of Israel." (KJV).
Die Ou Man se verklaring van Exod. 3: 2-7 ; 14-15 :
1) Jahweh is die god wat met Moses gepraat het.
2) Satan was die een wat Farao se hart verhard het.
3) Die Vader-God (Skepper) is bo hulle.
4) Jesus is die seun van die skepper-god en ook van
die mens (Adam), maar nie die seun van Jahweh nie.
Aanhaling van Die Ou Man :
"Om te sê dat Jesus uit die stam van Juda is, is om te
sê dat 'n vlinder 'n wurm is!"
Wat sê die Bybel :
Hebr. 7: 14 : "Want dit is volkome duidelik dat onse Here
uit Juda voortgespruit het, en met betrekking tot hierdie
stam het Moses niks gesê van die priesterskap nie."
Openb. 5: 5 : "Toe sê een van die ouderlinge vir my :
Moenie ween nie ; kyk, die Leeu wat uit die stam van
Juda is, die wortel van Dawid, het oorwin om die boek
oop te maak en sy sewe seëls te breek."
Wat Die Ou Man verklaar oor die Voortrekkers :
"Toe die manne voor die eerste skote op 16 Desember
agter die lanterns gelê en wag het, was hulle reeds in-
gebind in 'n ooreenkoms met God die Skepper (van die
Witboek), en nie met Jahweh van die bybel nie."
Die ou Man verklaar dus dat die Voortrekkers nie in
die God van die Bybel (Jahweh) geglo het nie, maar
wel in die New-Age god van die Theosophical Socie-
ty, oftewel, die gode van die Witboek van El Daoud.
Die Ou Man se siening van Jahweh en Abraham :
"Die Jahweh van die Ou Testament is 'n norse en soms
kinderagtige god. - Maar gelukkig is hy nie my God nie.
Hy is bloot die familie-god van die Semiete. Die God van
Abraham en sy twee seuns. Allah vir die oudste en Jah-
weh vir die jongste."
"Weereens is Jahweh nie almagtig nie, want hy moet
eers met 'n 'scheme' kom om uit te vind waar hy met
Abraham staan. Die Almagtige Skepper daarinteen
weet reeds!"
"Abraham is die grootste opportunis en kansvatter waar-
van ek nog gelees het. (Nie 'n wonder dat 3 gelowe sy
oorsprong in hom het nie!) Sy god (Jahweh) is kinderag-
tig en beslis nie my God nie. Sy broer, Lot het hom skul-
dig gemaak aan bloedskande met sy 2 dogters! Wat 'n
bisarre familie! God behoede hul nageslag!"
Heel onder aan elke skrywe op Stormfront haal die ou
man hierdie deel van die Azaniese Grondwet aan :
13. "The right of the South African people as a whole
to self-determination, as manifested in this Constitution,
does not preclude, within the framework of this right,
recognition of the notion of the right of self-determi-
nation of any community sharing a common cultural
and language heritage, within a territorial entity in
the Republic or in any other way, determined by
national legislation." SECTION 235. Chapter 1.
Dít sê presies wat Die Ou Man werklik van die self-
beskikking van die blanke in Suid-Afrika dink, naam-
lik fôkkôl. Snaaks dat hy en Lets Pretorius dan sul-
ke goeie vriende is. Dit maak van die term "Boere-
vryheid" 'n bespotting en 'n klug. 'n Allegorie.
OOR DIE WITBOEK (Book of El Daoud - 1923)
Hier gaan ek die ooreenkomste tussen die Okkulte, die
New-Age, die Theosophical Society, die Vrymesselaars,
en Die Witboek uit wys, oa dmv aanhalings uit soortge-
lyke okkultiese boeke -
Witboek Aanhaling (bl. 9) :
"That of the Father-Mother God..."
Aanhaling (bl. 18) :
"Evolution commenced..."
Uit die boek : "TEACHINGS OF OSIRIS"
Teachings III - September 1925-1926
Aanhaling (bl. 91) :
"EL Daoud, the first son of the breath of the Father-
Mother, ..."
Aanhaling (bl. 108) :
"...even my beloved Twin Parents, El Daoud-Evam."
"...the will of the Father-Mother God..."
Interesting Historical Facts :
One of the 13 Satanic bloodlines that rule the world is
the Rockefeller bloodline.
David Rockefeller was part of Lucis Trust's management.
Lucis Trust puts out the book "Externalization of the Hier-
archy" by Alice Bailey, which spells out the Plan for the
Satanists, Occultists and New Agers on how the spiritual
Hierarchy (actually the demonic hierarchy) is to externa-
lize their rule of the planet.
The book gives quite a few of the details of the plan, and
is used as a textbook for New Agers at the Arcane Schools
in NY, London, and Europe on how the New Age/One World
Religion/One-World-Government will be brought in.
If anyone doubts the Rockefeller's commitment to Satan, -
read page 107 of "Externalization of the Hierarchy". On page
107, Alice Bailey, President of the Theosophical Society and
part of Lucis (formerly Lucifer) Trust, tells us who will rule
when the New Age (New World Order) takes over.
On the Earthly level - Humanity so to speak, the Ruler is
given on page 107 as being Lucifer. On the Spiritual level,
- called "Shamballa - the Holy City", the coming ruler is
quoted as "the Lord of the World", which we Christians
know is Satan.
Lucis Trust also knows that it is Satan, but for public con-
sumption they say that the "ruler of the world" is Sanat (a
scrambling of Satan) Kumara. They also predict there will
be a Christ Consciousness and the Christ (being actually
the Anti-Christ) will be revealed.
The book "Externalization of the Hierarchy" teaches re-
peatedly (see pages 511-512, 514) that the 3 vehicles
to bring in the New Age will be the Masonic Lodges, (ob-
viously not everyone attends the Masonic Lodges), next
the Churches [this is clearly revealing to us that men like
the Rockefellers (and the Rothchilds, Oppenheimers) are
using the churches for the Luciferian plan of Lucis Trust],
and finally : Education [Well, of course education. - Not
everyone attends churches. They need a back-up safety
net to catch everyone in their brainwashing to make us
all want to be happy slaves under the One-World Govern-
ment of the Light-bearer, Satan].
In 1875, the Theosophical Society was founded by Madame
Helena Blavatsky, and another occult organization, the Her-
metic Order of the Golden Dawn, twelve years later. One of
the most prominent members in the later years of the Herme-
tic Order of the Golden Dawn was Aleister Crowley, - a name
that has come to be synonymous with popular understandings
of Satanism in the 20th century.
Google : Related Occult Books -
"The New Age Bible Interpretation of the New Testament
1935". A theosophical interpretation of the New Testament.
"Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge of the Theosophical
Society" by H. P. Blavatsky 1923.
Aanhaling (bl. 2) :
"...is called the Eternal Mother-Father..."
"and becomes what was called the Mother Goddess, from
whom proceeds the Logos, the Son and Father God at the
same time..." [Presies dieselfde geloof as van Die Ou Man].
Overall Objectives of the Theosophical Society :
The first objective of The Theosophical Society is to de-
monstrate that the oneness of all life is a fact in nature
and to form a nucleus of a universal brotherhood. This,
according to Blavatsky, is because :
(a) All men have spiritually and physically the same origin,
which is the fundamental teaching of Theosophy. (b) As
mankind is essentially of one and the same essence, and
that essence is one - infinite, uncreate, and eternal, whe-
ther we call it God or Nature - nothing, therefore, can af-
fect one nation or one man without affecting all other na-
tions and all other men. This is as certain and as obvious
as that a stone thrown into a pond will, sooner or later,
set in motion every single drop of water therein.
The Theosophical Society -
The Three Objects of the Theosophical Society :
1) To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Hu-
manity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or
2) To To encourage the study of Comparative Religion,
Philosophy and Science.
3) To investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the
powers latent in the human being.
Let Wel :
Punt (1) alleen onderskryf die leuse ('beginsels') van
liberalisme en humanisme, asook dié van die Vrymes-
"The word Theosophy comes from the Greek 'theosophia'
meaning 'Divine Wisdom'."
"The most important principle of Theosophy is its presen-
tation of a holistic world-view which emphasises the unity
and interconnectedness of all life, the basic oneness of all
peoples and all species of life on earth."
"Madame Blavatsky, who gave the world Theosophy in its
modern form in the latter part of the nineteenth century,
drew together teachings from sources which included Pla-
to, Confucius, the Vedas, Gautama Buddha, Jesus, the
Kabbala, philosophers, scientists and other contemporary
thinkers of her day."
"But perhaps most importantly, a way of life is implicit in
Theosophy. It implies a regard for all life and actions, ba-
sed on an increasing realisation of our oneness with all
What subjects are studied at meetings of the theoso-
phical society ?
"A considerable range of subjects is presented at meetings
of The Theosophical Society. Topics include various aspects
of theosophical teachings such as ethical living, modern sci-
ence and Theosophy, Reincarnation, Karma, teachings from
various religious and philosophical traditions, meditation and
practical aspects of spiritual living, to name a few."
Soos die leser kan sien is die Theosophical Society en die
New-Age beweging een en dieselfde sataniese organisasie.
Gaan kyk asb na die sataniese (okkultiese) embleem van
die Theosophical Society op hulle volgende Webblad :
Hier volg 'n uiteensetting van die betekenis van die
embleem (wapen) van die theosophical Society :
We shall begin with an inspection of these two symbols,
i.e. the symbol of the House of Theosophy on the left and
the symbol of the Nazi Party on the right. Notice that the
House of Theosophy symbol is the occultic Snake Eating
Its own Tail, - the Oroboros.
Immediately underneath the snake in the middle is the
Swastika ; however, the Theosophist symbol shows the
Swastika in a rotating position, so that its points are a
little off center. The Nazi Swastika is not shown rotating.
You see, the Swastika is an ancient symbol found in most
occult groups all over the world, from the Celts in Europe
to China.
The Swastika is a four-limbed cross, and is usually por-
trayed as rotating constantly. The Theosophical Society
has the swastika rotating, so its legs are slightly off cen-
ter compared to the Nazi Swastika. However, both Swas-
tikas portray the identical meaning of "luck" and of "rein-
carnation" [Dr. C. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols,
page 19, and 241].
"The perfect equilibrium of spirit and matter is symbolized
by the six-pointed star, which is again only another form
of the Square and Compass [Freemasonry Symbol], each
having a base-line from which to form a triangle." [Mystic
Masonry, 1913, p. 244-45]. The six-pointed star here is
the Hexagram."
Now, let us stop right here to digest what Masonic author,
Buck, has just told us. He has just told us that the hexa-
gram is only "another form of the Square and Compass, -
each having a base-line from which to form a triangle".
Let us examine closely the relation of the Satanic hexa-
gram with the Square and Compass of Freemasonry. The
Masonic Square and Compass is identical (in meaning) to
the hexagram.
Remember the words of a former witch : "When the male
triangle penetrates the female triangle, it forms the six-
pointed crest of the Seal of Solomon, or hexagram, the
most wicked symbol in witchcraft". [Dr. C. Burns, Maso-
nic and Occult Symbols, p. 39].
Nimrod :
We find such names for this revered god (Nimrod) in scrip-
ture as Chemosh, Molock, Merodach, Remphan, Tamuz, and
Baal, to mention only a few of the some thirty-eight Biblical
titles, plus numerous representatives of these "gods". [Under
the heading of "Nimrod" found in Halley's Bible Handbook, pg.
Baal worship was a form of the Old Sun Worship, for Baal
(Nimrod - as we have seen) was represented by the Sun.
Many names throughout Biblical and classical history ap-
pear and refer to Nimrod. These formed what is referred
to as the Ancient Mysteries.
The gods of Egypt :
Albert Pike [33rd degree mason], in his book "Morals &
Dogma", pg. 624, refers to the Ancient Mysteries and
Freemasonry as being identical, with exceptions found
only in that of progressive alterations.
The Connection :
Although varied countries had many gods, only certain
gods (or exalted positions) were represented by the sun
and Moon.
Found in Albert Pike's Morals & Dogma pg. 406 :
"We know that the Egyptians worshipped the Sun, under
the name of Osiris."
Mr. A. Pike connects Baal Worship and Osiris as identical.
The Legend of Osiris, the Egyptian god, is significant to
Masonry due to the ritual of the "Third Degree" as well as
other teachings which are deep-rooted in Egyptian legend.
In addition, "Osiris and Isis were the sun and Moon, is at-
tested by many ancient writers" (Morals and dogma, page
476), which, as we have seen is reference to Baal or Nim-
rod, - one of the founders of Masonry. Thus Osiris, Nimrod,
Baal, Merodach, etc, are synonymous, - that is, one and
the same.
The roots of Freemasonry lie in Egyptian Legend with re-
verence to Osiris or Baal (Nimrod), - thus becoming Baal
Worship. Not Baal worship fictitiously stated, but actual,
physical Baal Worship through ritual and appellation.
Freemasonry is not an outside influence. It is an inside
influence ! Baal Worship is still at large ! Satan is once
again using the oldest strategy in the world - Conquer
the enemy from within to best conquer him from with-
out. Secret organization within secret organization.
Since the true meaning of Freemasonry lies in its being
descended from, and a revival of, the mystery religions
of ancient Egypt, especially the worship of Isis and O-
siris, the true meanings of its symbols are sexual ! This
should not be surprising since the cult of Isis and Osiris
was a fertility (i.e. sex) cult. In plain language, - those
early pagans worshipped sex and reproductive power.
That is, (fecundity), meaning, intellectually productive.
The Occult Connection - Theosophical Society,
Satanism, Freemasonry, El Daoud (book list) -
An Index to The Occult Review 1906-1928 London,
Ralph Shirley :
OccRev y1924 v39 June p381 - review - The Book of
El-Daoud, the Father-King - anon -- Meredith Starr.
OccRev y1926 v44 December p407 - Ltte - London
Lodge of the Theosophical Society -- GHR
Kom ons kyk na die ooreenkomste tussen liberalisme
(humanisme), die Vrymesselary en die Theosophical
Society :
1) Vryheid (humanisme) -
Om te glo (en leef / doen) dat jy as mens die opper-
gesag oor jouself is, en die bepaler van jou eie lot is.
Die mens is dus sy eie 'god'.
2) Gelykheid en broederskap -
"A universal brotherhood of humanity, withou distinc-
tion of race, creed, sex, caste or colour." Hierdie sata-
niese leuse word identies in die Azaniese grondwet ver-
3) New-Age geloof -
Die verkondiging dat alle gelowe een oorsprong het
en dat alle gelowe eintlik maar dieselfde god aanbid.
4) Afgodery -
Die besoedeling van die Bybel deur vermenging (be-
smetting) van / met afgode (isis-osiris / asherah- el
daoud). Adam en Eva word hernoem na Asherah en
El Daoud, en hulle word gode-status gegee.
Boerevryheid - konneksie
Soos hier bewys is, ondersteun en onderskryf beide
Lets Pretorius en Die Ou Man hierdie Okkultiese, Sa-
taniese, New-Age 'beginsels' (van die Theosophical
"Boerevryheid" is dus (deur NIA) geskep om :
a) Te dien as "tuiste", "uitlaatklep", "weerlig-afleier" en
lok-aas vir die (dom en naïewe) regses van Suid-Afrika.
b) Subtiel te mislei, om die kleingelowiges en diegene
met relatief min kennis van die Bybel, van die Bybel af
weg te lei, deur hulle met die New-Age te korrupteer.
c) Te verdeel en as gevolg daarvan te heers, deur die
nuutgeskepte splintergroepe te 'lei', - en verder teen
die (enige) "opposisie" op te sweep (te verdeel).
d) Vrees en onsekerheid te kweek onder die naïewes
en die on-ingeligdes, - waarna hulle dan die rol van
die "leiers" en die "verlossers" speel, - deur daardie
"reddende uitkoms" aan te bied.
Mag die lesers se ogies mooi wyd oopgegaan het !
Ek vermaan die leser om van hierdie sataniese web-
werf af weg te bly. Geen ware Bybelgelowige sal by
so iets tuis voel nie.
Die Beeld het heelwat fotos wat wys wat gister se seestorm aan Durban
en omgewing se strande gedoen het. Kliek op http://www.news24.com/Beeld/Home/0,4125,,00.html
en by die foto van daardie berg van 'n brander
kliek jy op 'kyk na nog foto's'
en daarna op 'gallery.'
Julle sou dit op die nuus gesien het maar hier is veel meer fotos wat
'n omvang van die skade wys. Ek weet nie hoe die Beeld se blad werk
en of dit nog môre beskikbaar sal wees (of vervang wees met môre se
koerant) nie, maar seker sal dit ten minste tot middernag te sien
en die fotos sê nie veel nie. Dit is enkeles wat ek dosyne gehaal het.
Dit het iets te doen met die maan se stand in verhouding met die aarde
ens. Die hele dag lyk dit so hier en môreoggend is dit springgety, en
dan sal dit selfs meer indrukwekkend wees.
On Mar 18, 2:13 pm, Cloudy wrote:
> En J is net n skuilnaam vir Vuur is net n skuilnaam vir Fires is net n
> skuilnaam vir iemand wat skaam vir sy naam is?
> On 17 Mar 2007 06:48:45 -0700, "J" wrote:
>> The TRUTH about Democracy.
>> http://jahtruth.net/democra.htm
>> Winston Churchill said many years ago, that democracy is the least bad
>> of all of the systems of government produced out of human experience.
>> Winston Churchill is also quoted as having once said: "Most people,
>> sometime in their lives, stumble across truth. Most jump up, brush
>> themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if nothing had
>> happened." Just as a bell that has been rung cannot be "unrung", the
>> annoying problem with the Truth is that, once you learn it, you can
>> not "unlearn" it.
>> ---------------------
>> Democracy, which has become the Cure-all Mantra, quoted incessantly by
>> all western politicians, is a LIE and a confidence-trick, that they
>> and their puppet-masters are now trying to deceive the rest of the
>> world with, and are using their economic and/or military-muscle and
>> means to force other nations to adopt, so that their puppet-masters
>> can use the politicians to help them to rip-off all the other nations
>> too, just as they have done already to the vast majority of their own
>> citizens.
>> It is very simple to see that democracy is a lie and a confidence-
>> trick. All you have to do is analyse what it is supposed to be and
>> then compare that definition to the reality.
>> Democracy is supposed to be the rule of the majority. Government of
>> the majority of the people, for the majority of the people, by the
>> majority of the people.
>> Let us now compare the smooth deceptive definition, to stark reality.
>> In the western world approximately 95% of the wealth is possessed by
>> approximately 5% of the people. That means, using these same figures,
>> that 95% of the people, the overwhelming majority, possess only 5% of
>> the wealth.
>> The politicians would have us all believe that this is the will of
>> the majority. That is the politician's idea of what they call
>> democracy.
>> When did the 95% of people, the overwhelming majority, ever vote for
>> the right for themselves to be poor and vote for the tiny 5% minority
>> to possess their own (the poor people's) share of the nation's wealth,
>> that the poor majority's ancestors have fought and died to protect?
>> The Ruler of the Universe has prohibited democracy because He knew
>> that the rich would use it and other means to deceive and rip everyone
>> else off; keep the majority down and poor; just as He wrote, via His
>> Prophets in The Bible.
>> He gave the world, via Moses, the perfect system of government, under
>> which there is no poverty; no poor people and consequently no need to
>> resort to crime to survive.
>> He prohibited the writing of laws and economic policies by humans, in
>> order to protect the majority from abuse, and oppression created under
>> the home-made laws of the rich and powerful.
>> Deuteronomy 17:14 When thou art come unto the land which the "I AM"
>> thy God giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein,
>> and shalt say, I will set a king over me, like as all the nations that
>> [are] about me;
>> 17:15 Thou shalt in any wise set [him] king over thee, whom the "I
>> AM" thy God shall choose: [one] from among thy brethren shalt thou set
>> king over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger (a Gentile) over thee,
>> which [is] not thy brother.
>> 17:16 But he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor cause the
>> people to return to Egypt (slavery - employment under man-made laws),
>> to the end that he should multiply horses: forasmuch as the "I AM"
>> hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth return no more that way.
>> 17:17 Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn
>> not away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and
>> gold.
>> 17:18 And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne of his
>> kingdom, that he shall write him a copy of this Law in a book out of
>> [that which is] before the priests the Levites (The Torah):
>> 17:19 And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the
>> days of his life: that he may learn to fear the "I AM" his God, to
>> keep all the words of this Law and these Statutes, to DO them:
>> 17:20 That his heart be not lifted up above his brethren, and that he
>> turn NOT aside from the Commandment (The Covenant), [to] the right
>> hand (right-wing politics), or [to] the left (left-wing politics): to
>> the end that he may prolong [his] days in his kingdom, he, and his
>> children, in the midst of Israel.
>> Many people can see the Democracy (demon-crazy) Deception and refuse
>> to vote, so the wily politicians made-up special rules to allow
>> themselves to rule using only a majority of the votes, even when the
>> number of people who vote is only a minority of the population. How
>> can that possibly be conceived to be the rule of the majority? Of
>> course it is not the rule of the majority; it is a confidence-trick.
>> Those who can see the deception, unfortunately do not know what to do
>> about the confidence trick; because they do not study; understand and
>> apply the teachings of The Bible, having been deceived yet again by
>> the misinterpretations of the churches, who work with, and are part
>> of, the political-system; and so just watch the puppets* dancing on
>> their strings, not knowing how to cut those strings forever.
>> The Ruler of the Universe pre-warned you about all of this in The
>> Bible and that you are not "a law unto yourselves" and that if you
>> will not live by His Law, in prosperity and peace, then you will die
>> by His Law, either, during Armageddon, or, shortly after, during "The
>> Reaping".
>> Unfortunately the lunatics have taken-over and are running this
>> asylum, but The Law is still The Law, even if you decide to break it
>> and the penalty, in this case, as you have all been told repeatedly,
>> is death. It is not quite too late yet, to return to The Covenant;
>> prosperity and freedom from oppression in The Torah; the five Books
>> given to Moses:- Genesis; Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers and Deuteronomy,
>> which are the first five Books in The Bible.
>> * Losing Your Illusions.
>> A young child viewing a puppet show will sit happily entranced and
>> fascinated by the animated, talking marionettes, believing that they
>> are very much alive and real. One day, when the child is older, and
>> sees the strings attached to the puppets for the very first time, the
>> illusion is forever shattered. The child will always know that hidden
>> hands control the lifeless puppets.
>> Most people living today have advanced into adulthood without ever
>> having known of, or seen, the hidden hands controlling their systems
>> of money, taxation, public education and social reform. The nearly
>> invisible strings attached to the marionettes are well concealed, and
>> the marionettes themselves - politicians; religious leaders; heads of
>> colleges, scientists, foundations and think-tanks; media moguls and
>> other officials held in general-esteem by the people - act so lifelike
>> as to blend perfectly with their audience.
>> For the young child, the puppet-theatre is a small box with curtains,
>> and the strings - usually transparent nylon fishing-line - rise up to
>> the hands of loving parents and friendly neighbours.
>> For the adult, the "Virtual Puppet-theatre" is the controlled space
>> between their ears. The space within which their belief-system can be
>> manipulated - held entranced and fascinated - by puppet-masters
>> directing cleverly crafted plays, dramas and crises, the plots to
>> which the audience is told will unfold to their general benefit and to
>> the endings which have already been written.
>> Invisible strings called beliefs rise up to hidden hands holding
>> global-wealth and power. As long as the illusion can be maintained,
>> the audience can be held spellbound. For them, the show is their
>> reality.
>> Until, one day - they see the strings.
>> Discovering The Truth.
>> In speaking of the Truth, Henry David Thoreau once said: "Any Truth is
>> better than make-believe ... rather than love, than money, than fame,
>> give me Truth."
>> Yet Italian Renaissance statesman and political writer, Niccolo
>> Machiavelli, wrote in The Prince, one of the most influential
>> political works of all time, that governments are created to lie to
>> the greatest number of people the greatest amount of the time.
>> And why do governments lie? Why, to cover up their previous lies in
>> order to protect the perpetrators, of course.
>> But the Truth is a funny thing. You can distort it, you can even
>> suppress it for a while. Sometimes you discover that it's been hiding
>> in plain view all along. Eventually the Truth always comes out as
>> unsealed records, and death-bed confessions reveal decades later what
>> really happened.
>> But once in a while the lie, the fraud or hoax is exposed while the
>> perpetrators are still alive, as is the case today, with this article.
>> What will you do now? What did Winston Churchill say? "Most people,
>> sometime in their lives, stumble across truth. Most jump up, brush
>> themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if nothing had
>> happened." Until it is too late to do anything about it - JAH.
>> What do you think the rest of the world, who have been forced to
>> adopt democracy, instead of The Covenant, are going to do when they
>> find-out it doesn't work and that the West knew that, before it forced
>> them to adopt it? And who are they going to quite rightly blame for
>> all of their suffering? YOU. Then what will they do? Armageddon.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Al weer rassismeDie uitdaging van rassisme moet "eerlik en vreesloos"
aangespreek word, meen pres. Thabo Mbeki in gister se weeklikse ANC
Today-nuusbrief. Volgens hom is rassisme "'n daaglikse verskynsel in
ons lewens, 'n demoon wat uitgedryf moet word" ter wille van nasionale
"Die gunsteling woorde wat gebruik word om enige bespreking van
rassisme in hierdie land te beëindig of te verhoed, is 'moenie die
rassekaart speel nie,'" het hy voorts gesê.
"Daar is steeds 'n betekenisvolle aantal mense in die wit minderheid,
maar nie noodwendig alle blankes nie, wat nog in vrees vir die swart
(veral Afrikane) meerderheid leef." Mbeki skryf verder dat 'n
regeringskollega onlangs die retoriese vraag gestel het: Waarom is die
blankes so vasbeslote om hulleself bang te maak? Die president se
antwoord hierop is soos volg: "Die probleem is dat gevestigde rassisme
dikteer dat regverdiging gevind moet word vir die voortgesette blanke
vrees vir die 'swart gevaar.'" Misdaadvoorvalle bied volgens hom
hierdie regverdiging.
Mbeki se kommentaar oor rassisme is gebaseer op 'n verslag wat hy
onlangs gesien het oor 'n arbeidsdispuut in 'n maatskappy waar die
blanke bestuurder na swartes as "Kusiete" verwys, asook op blanke bure
se vrees as swart gesinne in hulle buurt intrek. Hy verwys voorts na
'n brief wat onlangs op die internet gesirkuleer het waarin 'n 22-
jarige swart werknemer van Investec oor rassisme by sy kantoor kla.
Die president verwys ook na 'n artikel van Christopher Shea wat op 22
Mei 2005 in die Boston Globe verskyn het. Volgens Shea het prof. Jerry
Kang van UCLA in the Harvard Law Review beweer dat oormatige dekking
van stedelike misdaad deur plaaslike TV-stasies een van die
hoofdryfvere van rassisme in die VSA is. Hy vind die plaaslike
nuusdekking so teen-produktief dat hy glo die regering behoort op te
hou om die aantal ure wat 'n TV-stasie aan plaaslike nuus afstaan as
bewys van die stasie se bydrae tot "openbare belang" te beskou.
Volgens Kang is die plaaslike nuus, met "die parade van beelde van
stedelike misdaad" 'n "Trojaanse perd" of "virus" wat rassisme by
Amerikaners aanblaas.
Mbeki het dr Pieter Mulder, leier van die Vryheidsfront Plus,
aangehaal, wat gesê het: "Ons ken mekaar nie en debatteer nie met
mekaar nie. Twee minuut-lange toesprake vanaf hierdie podium is geen
debat nie."
"Die voorneme om onsself te leer om nie te vinnig te wees om die
besorgdheid en uitdrukkings van enige groep as onwettig af te maak
nie, moet ook 'n voorneme insluit om nie die besorgdheid en
uitdrukkings van die Afrikane af te maak as onwettig nie. Die Afrikane
is die historiese slagoffers van rassisme en hulle is steeds diep
beswaard dat sommige in magsposisies nog dink dit is normaal om na
hulle as 'kaffers' te verwys en dat ander van ons wit landgenote dink
dit is natuurlik om die vraag te vra: 'Aangesien hulle swart is, hoe
weet ons hulle is nie misdadigers nie?
How safe is South Africa for its Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Boer Brit-ish/
Israelite* People?
* The word British is not English in origin, but Hebrew and means
Covenant-man - Brit means Covenant and ish means man. In other words
Israelite, with whom God made His Covenant at Sinai, where, via Moses,
He gave His Law and the people swore to keep it forever. The Covenant
includes benefits/blessings for keeping it and penalty-clauses/curses
for breaking it. http://i.am/jah/blescur.htm
The people of South Africa are suffering distress and looking around,
in all the wrong places for, but not finding, answers and a leader to
lead them in safety to freedom, and, of course, the ONLY person who
can do that is God with and through His Anointed.
Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
Normally, when a people are in distress and want to send a "Distress
Signal"; in the hope that someone will see it and come to their
rescue; they fly their flag upside-down.
The reason for my chicken and egg question is, that the South African
flags have been, from their beginning, spiritually upside-down and
thus an offence to God, and offending God is actually the cause of
their distress.
God made an oath to protect His and any people who keep His Covenant
and Laws in The Bible. If the people are in distress, it is because He
has removed His protection, because they have broken His Covenant,
rejected His Laws, and flying their flags with the colours upside down
lets Him know that they are in rebellion against Him. Thus they come
under the penalty-clauses/curses. http://i.am/jah/covt.htm
The 1928-1994 South African flag has the orange ground where heaven
should be and heaven where the orange ground should be on the flag,
thus reversing the order of their importance to the people.
Blue is God's colour and so, like the heaven above and God looking
down over His people, it should be at the top of the flag, where the
people look up to it and know it symbolises God looking over them and
protecting them, as long as they obey Him. http://i.am/jah/godgovmt.htm
The white represents the clouds in between and the orange or red
represents the "blood-soaked earth" Earth, which has become Satan's
(the Red Devil's) domain (Rev./Apoc. 12:1-9), because the people have
disobeyed God and not kept God's Covenant and Law, where Satan walks
to and fro (1 Peter 5:8) seeking to devour and destroy, YOU (along
with your ecological life-support-system). http://i.am/jah/envird.htm
Thus, to gain God's protection and not insult Him, you should keep The
Covenant and His Laws and place the blue part of the flag on top with
the white in the middle and the orange or red on the bottom, showing
that God is the Lord over His people and Satan is not. http://i.am/jah/celtfg.htm
To the world; that is used to seeing the old flag upside down; this
reversal would look like a distress signal, which it would be - a
distress signal asking God for His help. To God it would be
recognition that His people in their affliction have seen their error,
acknowledged their sin and have corrected it, placing Him back in His
rightful place, whereupon He would keep His promise to protect them,
if they keep His Covenant and Laws.
Keeping The Covenant, according to the Messiah/Christ/Mahdi, means
that, to become one of the "Elect" and be allowed to survive, you must
learn "The New Song" (Rev./Apoc. 14:3 & 15:3; note well 5:9) and, when
the time is right, sing (Live) it in Gibr-ALTAR (please see my "God
told Isaiah [His Prophet to you], 'Let the Inhabitants of The Rock
sing, The New Song' - The Song of Moses and The Lamb" Book - http://i.am/jah/nsong.htm ).
As a "Sign", of South Africans' renewed commitment to keeping The
Covenant, when they make that very serious commitment, the flag will
have to be inverted (to demonstrate that the People agree that God and
not Satan should rule Heaven and Earth). http://i.am/jah/godgovmt.htmDagse
/ Good day,
Hierdie stuk is onlangs geskryf deur JAH, en is gerig aan alle Suid
Afrikaners (en spesifiek aan die De La Rey fans)
How safe is South Africa for its Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Boer Brit-ish/
Israelite* People?
* The word British is not English in origin, but Hebrew and means
Covenant-man - Brit means Covenant and ish means man. In other words
Israelite, with whom God made His Covenant at Sinai, where, via Moses,
He gave His Law and the people swore to keep it forever. The Covenant
includes benefits/blessings for keeping it and penalty-clauses/curses
for breaking it. http://i.am/jah/blescur.htm
The people of South Africa are suffering distress and looking around,
in all the wrong places for, but not finding, answers and a leader to
lead them in safety to freedom, and, of course, the ONLY person who
can do that is God with and through His Anointed.
Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
Normally, when a people are in distress and want to send a "Distress
Signal"; in the hope that someone will see it and come to their
rescue; they fly their flag upside-down.
The reason for my chicken and egg question is, that the South African
flags have been, from their beginning, spiritually upside-down and
thus an offence to God, and offending God is actually the cause of
their distress.
God made an oath to protect His and any people who keep His Covenant
and Laws in The Bible. If the people are in distress, it is because He
has removed His protection, because they have broken His Covenant,
rejected His Laws, and flying their flags with the colours upside down
lets Him know that they are in rebellion against Him. Thus they come
under the penalty-clauses/curses. http://i.am/jah/covt.htm
The 1928-1994 South African flag has the orange ground where heaven
should be and heaven where the orange ground should be on the flag,
thus reversing the order of their importance to the people.
Blue is God's colour and so, like the heaven above and God looking
down over His people, it should be at the top of the flag, where the
people look up to it and know it symbolises God looking over them and
protecting them, as long as they obey Him. http://i.am/jah/godgovmt.htm
The white represents the clouds in between and the orange or red
represents the "blood-soaked earth" Earth, which has become Satan's
(the Red Devil's) domain (Rev./Apoc. 12:1-9), because the people have
disobeyed God and not kept God's Covenant and Law, where Satan walks
to and fro (1 Peter 5:8) seeking to devour and destroy, YOU (along
with your ecological life-support-system). http://i.am/jah/envird.htm
Thus, to gain God's protection and not insult Him, you should keep The
Covenant and His Laws and place the blue part of the flag on top with
the white in the middle and the orange or red on the bottom, showing
that God is the Lord over His people and Satan is not. http://i.am/jah/celtfg.htm
To the world; that is used to seeing the old flag upside down; this
reversal would look like a distress signal, which it would be - a
distress signal asking God for His help. To God it would be
recognition that His people in their affliction have seen their error,
acknowledged their sin and have corrected it, placing Him back in His
rightful place, whereupon He would keep His promise to protect them,
if they keep His Covenant and Laws.
Keeping The Covenant, according to the Messiah/Christ/Mahdi, means
that, to become one of the "Elect" and be allowed to survive, you must
learn "The New Song" (Rev./Apoc. 14:3 & 15:3; note well 5:9) and, when
the time is right, sing (Live) it in Gibr-ALTAR (please see my "God
told Isaiah [His Prophet to you], 'Let the Inhabitants of The Rock
sing, The New Song' - The Song of Moses and The Lamb" Book - http://i.am/jah/nsong.htm ).
As a "Sign", of South Africans' renewed commitment to keeping The
Covenant, when they make that very serious commitment, the flag will
have to be inverted (to demonstrate that the People agree that God and
not Satan should rule Heaven and Earth). http://i.am/jah/godgovmt.htm
The next step will be the hardest for everyone on Planet Earth to come
to terms with; after 2000 years of expectantly waiting, mistakenly,
for the body with holes in its hands to return (to understand how
everyone is mistaken, please see my "On The Way to Emmaus Again"
Booklet); and that will mean the 144,000 "Elect" recognising the
returned Messiah/Christ/Mahdi, inside his new body, as not only their
(your?) but also Gibraltar's; the entire Brit-ish People's; the
U.S.A.'s; their historical allies' and the Commonwealth's and
Ireland's True and Rightful King - JAH (Ezekiel 21:26-27).
P.S. In the meantime please read my Books and Booklets; open your
spiritual "eyes"; learn the "New Song" and remember to watch this
The next step will be the hardest for everyone on Planet Earth to come
to terms with; after 2000 years of expectantly waiting, mistakenly,
for the body with holes in its hands to return (to understand how
everyone is mistaken, please see my "On The Way to Emmaus Again"
Booklet); and that will mean the 144,000 "Elect" recognising the
returned Messiah/Christ/Mahdi, inside his new body, as not only their
(your?) but also Gibraltar's; the entire Brit-ish People's; the
U.S.A.'s; their historical allies' and the Commonwealth's and
Ireland's True and Rightful King - JAH (Ezekiel 21:26-27).
P.S. In the meantime please read my Books and Booklets; open your
spiritual "eyes"; learn the "New Song" and remember to watch this