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Jongste uit SA

Di, 25 September 2007 09:05

Mbeki laat rol Pikoli se kop

Jan-Jan Joubert

Kaapstad. – Pres. Thabo Mbeki se bewind is gister opnuut in
omstredenheid gedompel met sy skorsing van adv. Vusi Pikoli, die
nasionale direkteur van openbare vervolging.

Dit het ook gisteraand geblyk die presidensie gebruik Pikoli se
skorsing as kapstok vir 'n kommissie van ondersoek wat die totale
funksionering en rol van die direktoraat van openbare vervolging gaan

Mnr. Themba Maseko, die regering se kommunikasiehoof, het gisteraand
gesê die presidensie sal die kommissie se verwysingsraamwerk binne die
volgende paar dae bepaal.

Adv. Mokotedi Mpshe, Pikoli se adjunk, neem intussen in sy plek waar.

Na wat verneem word, is die hoog aangeskrewe Pikoli eergisteraand
heeltemal onverhoeds betrap toe hy na die presidensie in Pretoria
ontbied en sy lot meegedeel is.

'n Beweerde vertrouensbreuk tussen Pikoli en me. Brigitte Mabandla,
minister van justisie, is die enigste amptelike rede wat vir die
skorsing verskaf is. Mbeki het intussen na New York in die VSA vertrek
waar hy vandag die algemene vergadering van die Verenigde Nasies
toespreek (nog berigte op bl. 5).

Oor die rede vir die skorsing is gisteraand intens gegis in hoë kringe
in die regering, die regstelsel en in opposisiegeledere, veral omdat
tersaaklike wetgewing baie voorskriftelik is oor wanneer iemand uit
Pikoli se pos geskors kan word.

Die president mag iemand luidens die Wet op die Nasionale
Vervolgingsgesag uit dié pos skors weens wangedrag, swak gesondheid,
onvermoë om sy taak te verrig of as hy nie meer 'n gepaste en
aanvaarbare persoon is om die pos te vul nie.

“Gepas en aanvaarbaar” is dieselfde term wat by die aanstelling van
regters gebruik word en word beskou as 'n gewigtige en geykte
bewoording wat nie op 'n enkeling se gier of oordeel berus nie.

Niks in die wet bepaal dat Pikoli spesifiek die vertroue van die
minister van justisie hoef te geniet nie en die regering kon by
navraag geen besonderhede oor die beweerde vertrouensbreuk verskaf

Mbeki se argument teen Pikoli berus na wat verneem word daarop dat hy
nie die bevinding verlede jaar deur die Khampepe-kommissie dat hy moet
skakel met sowel Mabandla as mnr. Charles Nqakula, minister van
veiligheid en sekuriteit, genoeg uitgevoer het nie.

Die Khampepe-kommissie, wie se verslag nooit ten volle openbaar gemaak
is nie, was die terrein van skerp meningsverskil tussen Mabandla en
Pikoli oor die toekoms van die Skerpioene, elite-ondersoekeenheid van
die nasionale vervolgingsgesag.

Mabandla het gemeen die Skerpioene moet onder die polisie ressorteer
terwyl Pikoli gevra het dat die eenheid onafhanklik bly.

Verskeie uitstekend geplaaste bronne, wat uit vrees vir vergelding
naamloos wou bly, het gisteraand gesê hoewel die verhouding tussen
Mabandla en Pikoli deurgaans stram was, het dit onlangs verbeter.

Pikoli het 'n reputasie opgebou dat hy 'n stil, harde werker is sonder
die swier van sy voorganger, adv. Bulelani Ngcuka, en dat hy tydens
die vervolging van onder andere mnre. Jacob Zuma en Glenn Agliotti
geen inmenging geduld het nie.

Dit lyk of Pikoli se skorsing so omstrede gaan wees as die afdanking
van me. Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge as adjunkminister van gesondheid.

Die wet skryf voor dat Mbeki binne 14 dae ná aanvang van die
parlementsitting die parlement van sy besluit in kennis moet stel en
dat die parlement binne 30 dae daarna moet besluit of Pikoli
heraangestel moet word.

Met die parlement wat Vrydag tot 16 Oktober verdaag het, het Mbeki dus
in effek drie weke langer voordat sy besluit deur LP's gedebatteer of
bevraagteken kan word.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Demokrasie in SA

Di, 25 September 2007 07:03

Ek sien Ta'Hessie sê die demokrasie lyk nog veilig in SA.

Ek wonder nou, hoe definieer sy demokrasie. Is dit regering deur die
meerderheid, of wat?

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Reguit vragies aan Ta' Hessie

Di, 25 September 2007 06:07

Ta Hessie,

1) Het jy nie ook gebenefit van die apartheidsvarke se bevoordeling van
wittes nie - goeie, meerderwaardige onderwys en tersiëre opleiding?

2) Ploeg jy daardie bevoorregting terug ten behoewe van die agtergeblewenes
in SA?

Koeitjies & kalfies | 17 kommentare

Wat sal jou reaksie wees

Ma, 24 September 2007 07:32

as jy onderstaande lees?

Hi everyone,

I used to love South Africa, I used to say I'd never leave... my rose-tinted
glasses were shattered last month!

- Monday morning 23/07/2007 my mom was driving to work when she hit a
- the pedestrian seemed fine, however, the other black people started
stoning my mom's car.
- she has a witness, a man who hooted at her to go - then followed her to
the closest garage and told my mom to go to the police
- my mom was so upset, she then got my brother to take her to the police
station to make a statement
- the superintendent at the station took the statement and told my mom not
to worry, seeing as the pedestrian was fine and hadn't come forward with a
charge, nothing would come of it
- my mom went to work - only to have a police van full of officers pitch at
her office to arrest her!
- As she hysterically tried to call me to say they were taking her to
Roodepoort Police Station, they took her phone from her and simply threw her
into the van. On route to the station they asked my mom for a bribe, my mom
never had cash on her - then they all started laughing at her and told her
what a useless white she is.
- I raced to the police station and immediately got hold of a lawyer.... the
lawyer was furious!
- There was no charge! no pedestrian! and yet my mother was thrown in a
cell - with a convict!
- the convict told my mom she organised for other convicts to be let into
the cell to rape and beat my mom that night
- when fingerprints were taken my mom asked for some toilet paper and was
told to wipe her hands on her effing hand bag!
When I was at the police station I was treated with total disregard by the
black police officers - who looked at me like something someone scraped off
the bottom of their shoe!

Long story short, this entire nightmare cost four thousand rand in lawyer
fees and bail to get my mom out. The lawyer knew to act quickly to ensure
that my mom did not stay in overnight. The case was thrown out of court on
Tuesday morning, as there was no case! My mom was put through hell and back
by our joke of a police force - who should surely to God use their manpower
where it's so desperately needed in our country.

My lawyer confirmed that white people are being victimised. The theory is
that we have the money to waste on bribes and bail!
Please ensure that you have the number of a lawyer... the police aim to keep
you in jail for at least one night - they only need one night to get you
raped and beaten by other convicts - so that they got their revenge against

My mom is terrorised and currently undergoing counseling...And simply wants
to forget the whole thing. But I refuse to let more people be victimised by
an institution that's supposed to protect us!

ALWAYS HAVE A LAWYERS NUMBER - and warn everyone you know to keep the number
of a lawyer handy, as you have to act speedily to avoid staying even one
night! (we've all heard scary stories about traffic officers arresting
people without the necessary legal documents)

Racism is an ugly thing South Africans are trying hard to get rid of, yet
racism against white people is so clearly evident.
God help us... let's pray we don't end up like Zim, as our government and
law enforcement seem set on sending us in the same direction!

Johannesburg, SA

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Re: Het gaat de wereld rond...

So, 23 September 2007 17:22

On Sun, 23 Sep 2007 16:37:22 GMT, "MoN" wrote:

> task=view&id=923&Itemid=77

Volgens wat berig word was nie een van die polisielede Nederlands
magtig nie, maar dit het hulle egter nie verhoed om deelnemers in
boeie te slaan en weg te neem nie.

Word islam-oorname dan nie deur nie-moslems raakgesien nie?

Koeitjies & kalfies | 6 kommentare

Hoe sal Kanada deel 2 (vir Gloudina)

Sa, 22 September 2007 11:16

Vigs rage in SA. Ons minister van gesondheid, Manto
Tshabalala-Msimang, en ons president, Thabo Mbeki, ontken tussen die
lyne dat vigs iets met kieme te doen het.

Manto stel oor en oor voor mense eet knoffel en suurlemoen om hulle
teen vigs te beskerm.

Daar is gerugte Manto lig die elmboog soms.

Manto raak siek.

Manto kry 'n lewer-oorplanting.

Daar word berig oor wilde drink-partytjies wat sy glo by 'n vorige
hospitaal-besoek in die hospitaal sou gehad het.

Daar word ook berig sy is - toe sy destyds in Botswana
hospitaal-superintendent was - daaraan skuldig bevind dat sy 'n
pasient se horlosie gesteel het.

Alle hel bars los teen die koerant. President en manto gooi hulle
speelgoed uit die sandkas.

Die saak-nommer in Botswana duik op.

Daar word berig sy is wel skuldig bevind aan diefstal. Berigte word
geskryf dat sy glo met 'n brief van 'n psigiater rondgeloop het wat
state dat sy 'n kleptomaan is, net in geval sy gevang word.

President sê hy is lojaal aan manto. Hy sal haar nie afdank of
ondersoek nie.

O, ja, intussen sterf daar 2 500 mense per dag aan Vigs.

President sê bring die bewyse oor manto se beweerde diefstal. Toe
daarop gewys word dat die ANC pas self erken het hulle het van Manto
se skuldigbevinding geweet toe sy as minister aangestel is, swyg die
president net oor sy versoek dat bewyse gebring moet word.

Die jongste vandag is dat die dept van gesondheid R70 000 van
belasting-geld gebruik het om 'n volblad-advertensie in Business day
uit te neem waarin die dept se regsverteenwoordiger te kere gaan teen
'n hooggeregshof-uitspraak onlangs dat koerante wel in die openbare
belang oor Manto se probleme mag skryf.

Die advertensie het ook 'n verklaring van lojaliteit aan manto.

Dis nie al die gebeure nie, maar 'n paar van die hoogtepunte.

My vraag herhaal ek weer - wat sou in kanada met die minister gebeur

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Ooor ANC twee (vir Glkoudina)

Sa, 22 September 2007 11:16

UDF aktivis en voormalige mensregte-kommissaris, Rhoda Kadalie, in
Donderdag se Business Day:

------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------

Deep love, blind loyalty and real SABC madness

IN THIS column I will comment on three separate media issues, all
related. One has to do with an undeserved eulogy for the African
National Congress (ANC) that appeared in Rapport last week; another
with the parliamentary speaker's unholy tit-for-tat with Democratic
Alliance (DA) MP Mike Waters; and the third with the proposed SABC
board candidates.

In his regular column in Rapport on September 9, Prof Jakes Gerwel
confirms his editor's remark that there are few Afrikaans speakers who
love the ANC as deeply as he does, claiming that this deep love
(innige liefde) is more than just blind loyalty. It is a love for a
party that represents the hopes and dreams of South Africans like no
other. This love for the ANC is a connection to and an affection
(verknogtheid) for the nation's aspirations enshrined in the Freedom
Charter; it is an admiration for a leadership that was politically
moral. And so this love declaration continues, with a few caveats that
the succession battle might temporarily derail it, but on the whole it
is doing well. The economy is strong, our political system is solid,
institutions are functioning well, and civil society is vibrant.

One must either be delusional or desperate to write a love ode to a
party that has failed in every way, that is in dire straits and that
has long lost the plot. The column ends reassuring Madiba that he,
Gerwel, will never turn his back on the ANC. How can one make such an
unqualified commitment to something as ephemeral as a political party?
Political parties come and go and, if anything, they should be loyal
to their members, not the other way around. It is precisely this blind
loyalty that has become the fatal flaw inherent in the party. Has this
innige liefde perhaps something to do with his own vested interests
that are so intricately tied up with the ruling elite, in the same way
as the speaker of Parliament, Baleka Mbete, finds it impossible to be
independent and impartial, as we saw with her response to Waters?

When Waters raised a perfectly normal question about the criminal
conviction of Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang and her
suitability for high office, he was ejected from Parliament. As has
become customary in South African politics, the messenger gets shot
and his behaviour becomes the problem, not the one about whom he
raised the question. He gets accused of demeaning the “dignity” of
Parliament, as though it has any.

If anyone was unbecoming, it was Mbete, who behaved like a Cape Flats
skollie and who, by her very presence, insults Parliament daily.
Implicated in the travel scandal and a recipient of a fraudulent
driving licence, as investigated by the Moldenhauer commission, she is
neither fit nor proper to be speaker. So despite everyone's ranting
and raving that Waters behaved badly, his behaviour was perfectly in
line with what opposition is meant to do, and to do robustly.

And this brings me to the wretched SABC, about which I have written
numerous columns over the years. While most critiques were directed at
the past board members, who failed spectacularly in protecting the
integrity of the broadcaster, the new ones are similarly suspect in
their various linkages to the president.

For one, Pansy Tlakula is chief electoral officer and, as such, has to
be completely impartial. To even agree to stand shows how out of
kilter she is with the requirements of her job. Her job is to monitor
the SABC during elections and ensure it is impartial in its treatment
of all political parties. Second, the fear that Christine Qunta might
ascend to the chair is very real, and to appoint her to this position
would be like making Robert McBride safety and security minister.

Qunta defies every tenet of objectivity, independence and impartiality
that one would require of the head of the public broadcaster. In her
columns, she tops the list as Queen of Racist Politics, so much so
that in response to one of her columns in the Cape Argus, I commented
that if apartheid had not existed, she would have invented it.

Having lived mostly in Australia while we were busy with the struggle,
Qunta suffers from the syndrome of having to prove her political
credentials by sucking up to those in power.

Kadalie is a human rights activist based in Cape Town.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Re: Hoe sal Kanada dit hanteer?

Vr, 21 September 2007 15:24

"Ferdi" <skryf
> Vigs rage in SA. Ons minister van gesondheid, Manto
> Tshabalala-Msimang, en ons president, Thabo Mbeki, ontken tussen die
> lyne dat vigs iets met kieme te doen het.
> Manto stel oor en oor voor mense eet knoffel en suurlemoen om hulle
> teen vigs te beskerm.
> Daar is gerugte Manto lig die elmboog soms.
> Manto raak siek.
> Manto kry 'n lewer-oorplanting.
> Daar word berig oor wilde drink-partytjies wat sy glo by 'n vorige
> hospitaal-besoek in die hospitaal sou gehad het.
> Daar word ook berig sy is - toe sy destyds in Botswana
> hospitaal-superintendent was - daaraan skuldig bevind dat sy 'n
> pasient se horlosie gesteel het.
> Alle hel bars los teen die koerant. President en manto gooi hulle
> speelgoed uit die sandkas.
> Die saak-nommer in Botswana duik op.
> Daar word berig sy is wel skuldig bevind aan diefstal. Berigte word
> geskryf dat sy glo met 'n brief van 'n psigiater rondgeloop het wat
> state dat sy 'n kleptomaan is, net in geval sy gevang word.
> President sê hy is lojaal aan manto. Hy sal haar nie afdank of
> ondersoek nie.
> O, ja, intussen sterf daar 2 500 mense per dag aan Vigs.
> President sê bring die bewyse oor manto se beweerde diefstal. Toe
> daarop gewys word dat die ANC pas self erken het hulle het van Manto
> se skuldigbevinding geweet toe sy as minister aangestel is, swyg die
> president net oor sy versoek dat bewyse gebring moet word.
> Die jongste vandag is dat die dept van gesondheid R70 000 van
> belasting-geld gebruik het om 'n volblad-advertensie in Business day
> uit te neem waarin die dept se regsverteenwoordiger te kere gaan teen
> 'n hooggeregshof-uitspraak onlangs dat koerante wel in die openbare
> belang oor Manto se probleme mag skryf.
> Die advertensie het ook 'n verklaring van lojaliteit aan manto.
> Dis nie al die gebeure nie, maar 'n paar van die hoogtepunte.
> My vraag herhaal ek weer - wat sou in kanada met die minister gebeur
> het?


Die ergste oor Manto het die koerante nog nie gehaal nie - dis die
TB-storie!!! TB, veral MDR en XDR TB is buite beheer - dis 'n veldbrand wat
nie gestuit kan word nie! Die regering kan nie genoeg beddens beskikbaar
maak om die die gevalle te hanteer nie.

En Manto is uitsluitlik daarvoor verantwoordelik.

1) Sy het in 1998 besluit om 6 maande hospitalisasie na slegs 2 maande
verkort, ten spyte daarvan dat dié mense wat op grond vlak in die stryd teen
TB betrokke was daarteen gewaarsku het:
a) dat daar nie die nodige infrastruktuur bestaan om te versekere dat
behandeling susksevol buitekant die hospitale voltooi kon word nie en tot 'n
toename in weerstandige TB kan lei
b) dat daar 'n totale gebrek aan disspline in die SA samelewing is - die
soort dissipline wat nodig sou wees om behandeling in die gemeenskappe
i.p.v. in die hospitale te laat slaag.
2) SANTA het in ongeveer 2000 deur 'n moeilike fase gegaan met 'n klomp
binnegevegte - en hulle Manto se vyandigheid op die hals gehaal. Manto het
daar en dan besluit dat SANTA moet uit die vergelyking gehaal word en sy het
eiehandig toegesien dat die grootste , oudste en mees ervare anti-TB NRO in
Afrika se hospital gevat word, hulle subsidies afgesny word en eenvoudig
lamgelê word. SANTA het honderde veldwerkers gehad wat oor duisende
vrywilligers in die gemeenskappe gewaak het. Manto het dit vernietig en 'n
totale vakuum gelaat - 'n vakuum wat nou in die skrikwekkende toename in
weerstandige TB weerspieël.
3) In 2004 het AL die rolspelers in die stryd teen TB, d.i. die
Departement, Privaatsektor en NROs by Midrand byeengekom om die
gefragmenteerdheid van die stryd aan te spreek en 'n gesamentlike strategie
op te stel. Daar is besluit op 'n koalisie teen TB ("CAT" Coalition against
TB). Toe die bestuursliggaam 'n voorsitter kies warvan Manto nie hou nie en
weier dat sy 'n voorsitter aanwys van haar keuse, het sy die Departement
onttrek en CAT vernietig!

Koeitjies & kalfies | 39 kommentare

Oor die ANC ens

Vr, 21 September 2007 11:37

UDF aktivis en voormalige mensregte-kommissaris, Rhoda Kadalie, in
Donderdag se Business Day:

------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------

Deep love, blind loyalty and real SABC madness

IN THIS column I will comment on three separate media issues, all
related. One has to do with an undeserved eulogy for the African
National Congress (ANC) that appeared in Rapport last week; another
with the parliamentary speaker's unholy tit-for-tat with Democratic
Alliance (DA) MP Mike Waters; and the third with the proposed SABC
board candidates.

In his regular column in Rapport on September 9, Prof Jakes Gerwel
confirms his editor's remark that there are few Afrikaans speakers who
love the ANC as deeply as he does, claiming that this deep love
(innige liefde) is more than just blind loyalty. It is a love for a
party that represents the hopes and dreams of South Africans like no
other. This love for the ANC is a connection to and an affection
(verknogtheid) for the nation's aspirations enshrined in the Freedom
Charter; it is an admiration for a leadership that was politically
moral. And so this love declaration continues, with a few caveats that
the succession battle might temporarily derail it, but on the whole it
is doing well. The economy is strong, our political system is solid,
institutions are functioning well, and civil society is vibrant.

One must either be delusional or desperate to write a love ode to a
party that has failed in every way, that is in dire straits and that
has long lost the plot. The column ends reassuring Madiba that he,
Gerwel, will never turn his back on the ANC. How can one make such an
unqualified commitment to something as ephemeral as a political party?
Political parties come and go and, if anything, they should be loyal
to their members, not the other way around. It is precisely this blind
loyalty that has become the fatal flaw inherent in the party. Has this
innige liefde perhaps something to do with his own vested interests
that are so intricately tied up with the ruling elite, in the same way
as the speaker of Parliament, Baleka Mbete, finds it impossible to be
independent and impartial, as we saw with her response to Waters?

When Waters raised a perfectly normal question about the criminal
conviction of Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang and her
suitability for high office, he was ejected from Parliament. As has
become customary in South African politics, the messenger gets shot
and his behaviour becomes the problem, not the one about whom he
raised the question. He gets accused of demeaning the “dignity” of
Parliament, as though it has any.

If anyone was unbecoming, it was Mbete, who behaved like a Cape Flats
skollie and who, by her very presence, insults Parliament daily.
Implicated in the travel scandal and a recipient of a fraudulent
driving licence, as investigated by the Moldenhauer commission, she is
neither fit nor proper to be speaker. So despite everyone's ranting
and raving that Waters behaved badly, his behaviour was perfectly in
line with what opposition is meant to do, and to do robustly.

And this brings me to the wretched SABC, about which I have written
numerous columns over the years. While most critiques were directed at
the past board members, who failed spectacularly in protecting the
integrity of the broadcaster, the new ones are similarly suspect in
their various linkages to the president.

For one, Pansy Tlakula is chief electoral officer and, as such, has to
be completely impartial. To even agree to stand shows how out of
kilter she is with the requirements of her job. Her job is to monitor
the SABC during elections and ensure it is impartial in its treatment
of all political parties. Second, the fear that Christine Qunta might
ascend to the chair is very real, and to appoint her to this position
would be like making Robert McBride safety and security minister.

Qunta defies every tenet of objectivity, independence and impartiality
that one would require of the head of the public broadcaster. In her
columns, she tops the list as Queen of Racist Politics, so much so
that in response to one of her columns in the Cape Argus, I commented
that if apartheid had not existed, she would have invented it.

Having lived mostly in Australia while we were busy with the struggle,
Qunta suffers from the syndrome of having to prove her political
credentials by sucking up to those in power.

Kadalie is a human rights activist based in Cape Town.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Hei, Torreke...

Do, 20 September 2007 09:13

Iets oor die onverdraagsaamheid van Calvyn vir jou:


Calvin's Reign of Terror

After some negotiation, Ami Perrin, commissioner for Geneva, persuaded
Calvin to return. He did so, though unwillingly, on September 13,
1541. His entry was modest. Geneva was a church-city-state of 15,000
people, and the church constitution now recognized "pastors, doctors,
elders and deacons," but the supreme power was given to the
magistrate, John Calvin. In November 1552, the Council declared
Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion to be a "holy doctrine
which no man might speak against." Thus the State issued dogmatic
decrees, the force of which had been anticipated earlier, as when
Jacques Gruet, a known opponent of Calvin, was arrested, tortured for
a month and beheaded on July 26, 1547, for placing a letter in
Calvin's pulpit calling him a hypocrite. Gruet's book was later found
and burned along with his house while his wife was thrown out into the
street to watch. Gruet's death was more highly criticized by far than
the banishment of Castellio or the penalties inflicted on Bolsec --
moderate men opposed to extreme views in discipline and doctrine, who
fell under suspicion as reactionary. Calvin did not shrink from his
self-appointed task. Within five years fifty-eight sentences of death
and seventy-six of exile, besides numerous committals of the most
eminent citizens to prison, took place in Geneva. The iron yoke could
not be shaken off. In 1555, under Ami Perrin, a revolt was attempted.
No blood was shed, but Perrin lost the day, and Calvin's theocracy
triumphed. John Calvin had secured his grip on Geneva by defeating the
very man, Ami Perrin, commissioner of Geneva, who had invited him

John Calvin - Wikipedia.

John Calvin - Catholic Encyclopedia

Calvin forced the citizens of Geneva to attend church services under a
heavy threat of punishment. Since Calvinism falsely teaches that God
forces the elect to believe, it is no wonder that Calvin thought he
could also force the citizens of Geneva to all become the elect. Not
becoming one of the elect was punishable by death or expulsion from
Geneva. Calvin exercised forced regeneration on the citizens of Geneva
because that is what his theology teaches.

Michael Servetus, a Spaniard, a physician, a scientist and a Bible
scholar was born in Villanova in 1511. He was credited with the
discovery of the pulmonary circulation of the blood from the right
chamber of the heart through the lungs and back to the left chamber of
the heart. He was Calvin's longtime friend in their earlier resistance
against the Roman Catholic Church. Servetus, while living in Vienne
(historic city in southeastern France), angered Calvin by returning a
copy of Calvin's writings, Institutes, with critical comments in the
margins. Servetus was arrested by the Roman Catholic Authorities on
April 4 but escaped on April 7, 1553. He traveled to Geneva where he
attended Calvin's Sunday preaching service on August 13. Calvin
promptly had Servetus arrested and charged with heresy for his
disagreement with Calvin's theology. The thirty-eight official charges
included rejection of the Trinity and infant baptism. Servetus was
correct in challenging Calvin's false teaching about infant baptism
leading to salvation, but he was heretical in his rejection of the
doctrine of the Trinity. Servetus pleaded to be beheaded instead of
the more brutal method of burning at the stake, but Calvin and the
city council refused the quicker death method. Other Protestant
churches throughout Switzerland advised Calvin that Servetus be
condemned but not executed. Calvin ignored their pleas and Servetus
was burned at the stake on October 27, 1553. Servetus was screaming as
he was literally baked alive from the feet upward and suffered the
heat of the flames for 30 minutes before finally succumbing to one of
the most painful and brutal death methods possible. Servetus had
written a theology book, a copy of which Calvin had strapped to the
chest of Servetus. The flames from the burning book rose against
Servetus' face as he screamed in agony.

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