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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

White Dispossession...ens

Fri, 16 May 1997 00:00

Wilhelm wou weet of blankes in 1900 in die meerderheid was... Dit was darem
nie so nie. Aangepaste (om voorsiening te maak vir weglatings ens)
sensussyfers en sedert 1904 gee die volgende persentasies. (Die afname in
oor die jare in die persentasie blankes beteken natuurlik nie dat daar 'n
afname in die totale aantal blankes was nie. Daar is huidiglik ongeveer 5
milioen blankes - amper net soveel as die totale bevolking van SA in
1904). Die bron van die 1995 syfer is die Bevolkingsregister.

1904: Blank: 21,6%; Indier: 2,4%; Kleurling: 8,6%; Swart: 67,4%

1911: Blank: 21,4%; Indier: 2,5%; Kleurling: 8,8%; Swart: 67,3%

1921: Blank: 21,9%; Indier: 2,5%; Kleurling: 7,9%; Swart: 67,8%

1936: Blank: 20,9%; Indier: 2,3%; Kleurling: 8,0%; Swart: 68,7%

1946: Blank: 20,7%; Indier: 2,6%: Kleurling: 8,0%; Swart: 68,7%

1951: Blank: 20,8%; Indier: 2,9%; Kleurling: 8,7%; Swart: 67,5%

1960: Blank: 19,5%; Indier: 3,0%; Kleurling: 9,3%; Swart: 68,2%

1970: Blank: 17,5%; Indier: 2,9%; Kleurling: 9,4%; Swart: 70,2%

1980: Blank: 15,6%; Indier: 2,6%; Kleurling: 9,3%; Swart: 72,5%

1995: Blank: 12,7%; Indier: 2,5%; Kleurling: 8,5%; Swart: 76,3%

Die hoogste persentasie blankes in verhouding tot ander
bevolkingsgroepe was omtrent 22% in 1920. Sedertdien was daar 'n
voortdurende afname (behalwe vir 'n klein toename net na die tweede
wereldoorlog as gevolg van die toename na oorlogse "baby boom" en 'n toename
in immigrasie) in proporsie blankes in die bevolking. Die grootste
relatiewe afname is na 1960 soos blankes al hoe meer die "Wes-
Europese" model wat betref gesinsgrootte begin volg het. Indiers
begin hierdie model navolg vanaf 1970 en kleurlinge vanaf 1980.

Suid Afrika, in terme van welvaart, bly een van die ongelykste lande in die
wereld: Die gemiddelde inkomste per persoon van blankes is nog
steeds meer as tien keer so hoog as die van swartes, (daar is egter 'n baie
klein persentasie Swartes wat besig is om besonder ryk te word -
die verskille tussen die baie klein persentasie rykes en armes binne
die swart gemeenskap is nou groter as die verskil tussen Blank en
Swart - dit bly egter 'n feit dat bitter min blankes, en 'n
besonder groot aantal swartes brandarm is). Indiers as groep het
ongeveer een-derde van die gemiddelde inkomste per persoon as
blankes en kleurling ongeveer een-vyfde.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Re: ThotmesIII - Bleah >:B

Fri, 16 May 1997 00:00

In Article,

> diaan wrote:
>> Ek toets net 'n teorie. Kom ons kyk of die vent hierop reageer en wat hy te
>> se het. Stem saam met al die ander dat sulke mense nie nodig is op die
>> groep nie.
>> Het al met baie mense soos hy gepraat, maar hulle het basies geen idee hoe
>> werk dinge in ons land nie.
>> So, boetie Tot, kry vir jou 'n woordeboek en probeer dit ontsyfer. En sit
>> dan jou struggle voort. Die fok weet, dis al verby hierso.
> So you think that you are speaking a secret little language
> that nobody can understand... Well, your throat-cancer language
> is easy enough to decipher, without needing to "kry" a
> "woordeboek".
> Take a dutch grammar book... rip out 80% of all the pages,
> randomly. What you have left is the mother of all bastard
> languages, afrikaans.

Word wakker ou bitter bek. Daar is meer mense van ander kleure wat afrikaans
praat as die wat 'wit velle' het. Hulle sien ook 'n groter toekoms vir
Afrikaans - in 'n onlangse menings peiling sien 20% wit afrikaans sprekendes
geen toekoms vir Afrikaans terwyl net 9% van 'nie wit vellige' Afrikaans
sprekendes dieselfde standpunt huldig. (As ek nou moet sê wie die peiling
gedoen het sal ek moet lieg - maar ek kan altyd uitvind.).

By the way - die woord kleurling word nou in sekere gemeenskap as 'n skeld
woord gesien. Enige iemand wat weet wat 'n meer aanvaarbare groepnaam sou


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Re: White DISPOSSESSION of Black Liberty and Land...

Fri, 16 May 1997 00:00

ThotmesIII wrote:
> A theme always dominant since the 18th Century, is the theme of white
> dispossession of Black liberty and land; in other words, the gradual
> extension of European or locally immigrant-white control or ownership over
> all exploitable SOURCES OF WEALTH, and even,


And we're to blame because our forefathers were better warriors, farmers
and businessmen that your forefathers? Maybe a nation that allowed itself
to be subjected for all these centuries deserved it, someone said?

> These new landholders (burghers) found the solution to their problem of
> production was solved with their evil intent of turning the local Africans
> (Khoisan or Hottentots) into their slaves. Little by little they thrust
> inland for more land and labor. They formed what then became their
> ingrained habit of subjecting or expropriating any AFRICANS they found in
> their way. Africans found themselves increasingly deprived of their best
> land, and often enough of all their land.

Ooh. Tough! Same with the Spaniards in South America, British and French in
America, British in Australia, India, China, etc. This seems to be (drum roll)
A Fact of Life. Funny, my guilt glands aren't working any more...

> No matter how much you blame TODAY what the South African Blacks do, you
> cannot hide other factors in their lives of YESTERDAY…

Et tu Brutus. No matter how much TODAY you blame what the South African
whites do, fact is, they're now the underdog (and the urban guerillas of the
future, if history will repeat itself again, as it has the habit of doing...)

> ThotmesIII

Vat so, boetie. En ek's nog baie lus vir jou, wag maar...
Brolloks & Bittergal

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Re: Afrikaans probeer verkleineer !!!

Thu, 15 May 1997 00:00

Wen wrote in article ...
> In article ,
> "EMC" wrote:
>> 3. Ek glo nie America On Line(AOL) weet van sy aksies nie, want dit lyk
> vir
>> my soos 'n verbreking van sy ooreenkoms met hulle regulasies.
> Ek het ook al daaraan gedink om AOL te laat weet van sy doen en late, maar het
> daarvan afgesien, want ek twyfel sterk dat dit enige uitwerking sal hê. Hy het
> immers die reg om wat hy dink reg is op die nuusgroep te pos, of dit nou snert
> is of nie. Die enigste ander uitweg sou wees om die nuusgroep te


Mense het probeer om die farao reg te help. Hy (sy?) stel nie daarin
belang nie, maar maak sy stories net slimmer.

Mense het probeer om die farao uit te trap. Dit blyk net olie op die
vuur te wees.

Al wat nou oorbly, is sensuur. Sensuur is baie gevaarlik. Sensuur kan
individueel (privaat) of kolletief (openbaar) wees. 'n Manier van private
sensuur is om die persoon te ignoreer. Die gevaar is dat die sensureerder
sal vergeet om as barmhartige Samaritaan teenoor die gewonde op te tree.
'n Manier van openbare sensuur is om die persoon deur 'n moderator t
oegang te wyer. Die gevaar is dat 'n skewe beeld van die werklikheid sal

Ek dink steeds dat as reghelp nie wil werk nie, is individuele sensuur die
volgende stap van optrede. As sensuur nie meer wil werk nie, is 'n
voorkomende aanval die voorlaaste stap (3) van optrede. Die laaste stap
(4) is verdelging. Ek wil nie graag by stap 3 betrokke wees nie. Ek probeer

alles om stap 4 te vermy.

Beste wense
At de Lange

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar


Thu, 15 May 1997 00:00

> Met die stigting van hierdie nuusgroep, wat met groot stryd gebeur het
> omdat mense soos hierdie farao dit beveg het, het ons onderneem dat enige
> bydrae in enige taal aanvaarbaar is solank as wat dit oor Afrikaans gaan.

Hello At,

Miskien weet die ander mense op die nuusgroep van sy geskiedenis, maar vir my - wat eers
onlangs begin deelneem het, sou bit baie interest wees om te hoor hoe dit ontstaan het, wie die
mense is wat dit saamgestel het, wanneer, die geboorte-pyne, ens... Wil jy nie bietjie vir ons
vertel nie?


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare


Wed, 14 May 1997 00:00

Hello Mich

Klaarblyklik weet ons held net so min oor Egipte en sy geskiedenis as van Suid Afrika.
Wag, laat ek eers diep asemhaal en my elemente balanseer, voor ek my bloedig vererg.
Shame, hy probeer darem lees, maar dis begrip wat kortkom. ("None so blind as those who
_Will_ not see").

Verskoon asb., maar nou móét ek eers so bietjie na Engels oorslaan, want Afrikaanse woorde
ontgaan my -

> The Nubian state was centered in Lower (Northern) Nubia. The
> Nubian name for this area is unknown, but the Egyptians called it "Ta
> Sety,"

Wrong! Under the Pharaohs the land was called Kush/Cush.
Sety I was an Egyptian king of the 19th dynasty who campaigned in Syria, Libya etc. The
hieroglyph of the bow symbolized the might of the Egyptian nation over its enemies. 19th
dynasty military expansion is also represented in art by surrendering enemies/captives being
shown as holding their bows above themselves , symbolically placing themselves beneath the
dominance of the victorious Egyptian king. See the image of the captive Libyan in the mural of
Seti I, temple of Amun, Karnak.

The Egyptian word for bow is "iunet" or "pedjet", and doesn't even remotely sound like "Sety".

> the Egyptians called it "Ta
> Sety," the 'Land of the Bow,' in reference to the famed Nubian archers.

> he he he he he

> In (ca.747 B.C. ) King Piye (Piankhy) marched into Thebes with his Nubian
> troops and conquered Memphis and restored UNITY to Egypt. This period of
> rule by the NUBIANS in Egypt is referred to as the XXV Dynasty.

Wrong again.
Egyptians made a habit of invading and occupying Kush, the earliest record being of King Snefru
(c.2613 BC). Pharaoh Thutmose I occupied it way beyond Abu Hamad, at which point they
decided they may as well incorporate it into Egypt. A viceroy was dispatched to ensure Nubian
tribute was paid to Egypt. Kashta managed to conquer upper Egypt, where Piankhi ruled for a
very short while, before he was forced to evacuate. Nubians had _Absolutely NOthing_ to do
with Unification in Egypt. What a flagrant display of ignorance! The legendary Menes, in about
3100 BC, was responsible for this feat. When speaking about the conquering of Egypt and
subsequent occupation, we can mention the Persian Cambyses, the Hyksos, Alexander the Great
and the Roman Empire, Muslims, but definitely Not Nubians!

> So you see, the Nubians did in fact rule the Egyptian empire and the
> information given here is taken from several books in which I could
> provide for your reference.

This quotation indicates the mind of one who concentrates on the drop, ignoring the ocean. Like
Chicken Licken who screamed "the sky is falling down" when an acorn fell on his head.

>> **No way Mich---they ALWAYS painted their GODS BLACK. And you are
>> half-correct, only SOME of the Gods were half-animals. BUT the
>> human-headed GODS were in fact painted BLACK---as night.

Need I say it? WRONG! - as usual.

The only one ever depicted as jet black was Anubis, who was associated with death and the

cf.: Isis - pearly white; Horus - pigmented with red ochre, as was customary for the male form;
Amon, Osiris, Khons, etc., etc., etc., - the list goes on and on.

"Empty barrels make the most noise" en díe kêrel maak baie lawaai op hierdie NG.

Dankie vir julle geduld met my uitbarsting. Kon dit nie meer inhou nie, maar nou moet ek liewer
terugkeer na my werk. Genoeg tyd spandeer op die onosele ........... met sy King Pie,
Pyramidpaté, en tot-Mes wat net wag "tot" dit in iemand ingesteek kan word.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Re: SA English vs US English/Afrikaans

Wed, 14 May 1997 00:00

In article ,
"" wrote:

US: Jerky
SA/Afrikaans: Biltong

> light bulb globe

Afrikaans is gloeilamp

> I'm also looking for "famous" expressions like "It makes you think doesn't

One I remember from my childhood is 'Braaivleis, rugby, sunny skies and

Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe | 41 kommentare

A Song for Beginner-students of Afrikaans (including Thotmes 3)

Wed, 14 May 1997 00:00


Tula, tula nou,
terwyl my babatjie slaap.
O muisies, staak jul wilde gejakker;
ou kriekie, tula,
jy raas hom wakker!
Tula, tula nou,
terwyl my babatjie slaap.

tula : "Thula" is Zulu for "to be quiet."
nou: now
terwyl my babatjie slaap: while my baby sleeps
muisies: little mice
staak jul wilde gejakker: stop your wild running
kriekie: little cricket
jy raas hom wakker: you are waking him by
making a noise. Wakker: awake

Words by Theo Jandrell
Music by Pierre Malan

The FAK ( collection of Afrikaans folksongs)
gives the spelling as "tula" for "to be quiet." But
the Zulu spelling is actually "thula" for the word
meaning "quiet, silent, peaceful." I am not quite
sure that the Afrikaans "tula" used as a command
to "shut up" is used in the same way in Zulu.

thulasizwe: Zulu for person in authority.
thule: silent, quiet, peaceful
thuli: reserved person

Gloudina Bouwer

Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe | 2 kommentare

Photo CD fotos van Kaapstad

Wed, 14 May 1997 00:00

Kaapstad vanaf Seinheuwel, Sonsondergang oor die V&A Waterfront,
Pikkewyne by Bettysbaai, Houtbaai Hawe, Robeiland se robbe....

Bikini in Bainskloof, Kleinmond, Wellington ...

Gaan kyk, en verlang terug soos nog nooit tevore nie :) Fotos geneem
gedurende die paastyd '97.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Thotmes - onosel om te reageer

Wed, 14 May 1997 00:00

Hoekom mense die hierdie Toti antwoord en hoegenaamd met hom probeer
redeneer is vir my amper meer frustrerend as sy idiotiese geskryf.

Verstaan dit tog , jy kan nie enigsins met 'n mal bobbejaan redeneer
nie , praat eerder met jou hond by die huis of met jou goudvisse of


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

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