In article , says...
> Haai ALMAL in Afrikaans Wêreld'
> Muskiete Jag Deur ???
Hallo Mike
Welkom in ons midde. Jy voer my nou baie jare terug met Muskiete Jag. My
broer moes die gedig leer om in 'n skoolkonsert voor te dra. Al wat ek
gehoor het vir weke was: "Muskiete Jag deur Jan F.E. Cilliers." Dit was
muskiete jag van die môre tot die aand, op die bus skool toe, in die kar,
oral. Ek het naand die gedig beter as hy self geken. Ek ken hom nounog!
Skryf gerus weer. Dit lyk nie of jou Afrikaans juis verroes het nie!
Dit is hoe 'n nuuskierige kind koudgesit word. As 'n kind bv.vir sy ouer
'n onbenullige (of ongemaklike) vraag vra en die ouer het nie lus (of
weet nie hoe) om hom te antwoord nie, word husse ingespan. Baie maal is
dit om 'n geheim mee te verdoesel. Byvoorbeeld sal Ma en Pa praat oor
kersgeskenke vir die kinders, en 'n kind sal instap en vra:
"Wat gaan Ma vir my koop?" dan sal Ma antwoord
"Husse met lang ore"
As Ma eers vir jou gesê het "husse" dan weet jy: moet nie weer vra nie,
dit het niks met jou uit te waai nie. Baie maal word net "husse" gesê.
Sover ek weet is husse 'n tipe van sprokies karakter soos Klaas Vakie.
Daar bestaan nie iets soos husse nie.
Tafelberg se tweetalige woordeboek vertaal dit na "curiosity killed the
cat" wat nie vir my heeltemal korrek klink nie.
Jy sal nooit vir 'n grootmens sê "husse met lang ore" nie, tensy jy
uiters, uiters sarkasties wil wees, en dan sal dit gewoonlik in
ligte luim gedoen word.
>> Suid Afrikaner / South African = ANY Citizen of South Africa
>> African = Person of African tribal descent, ie Xhosa, Zulu,
> Ndebele etc.
> Funny how you conveniently forget about the AFRICAN ancestors so many
> of you afrikaners have. Of course, being racist, many of you don't
> want
> to think about it.
> What a pity, because it would have really helped your argument.
> You ARE, however, extremely proficient at classifying people. Why
> doesn't
> that surprise me?
Om nie te praat van die Engelse wat ook gemeng het nie. Een van die
meer bekendes is George Rex wat in Knysna gewoon en geleef het. Hy het
klaarblyklik adelike bloed gehad. Ek ken nie sy geskiedenis nie, dus sal
ek dit waardeer as iemand ons verder kan inlig. Barney Barnato, wat
seker maar Libanees was, maar as Engels geklassifiseer is, het ook met
'n nie-blanke getrou.
Bleah, JY is baie gou om mense as rassiste te brandmerk, en ook baie gou
om te beledig en te verkleineer. Maar dit is mos maar hoe 'n Engelsman
is. Hou sy lyf hoeka opstêrs en dink hy's die kat se snor. Laat my dink,
ek het eenmaal in die poskantoor ingegaan en vir die dametjie agter die
toonbank aangespreek as "Juffroutjie". "I'm not Juffroutjie, I'm Miss !"
snou sy my toe. Toe ek haar vra of sy nou perdemis of beesmis is, wou sy
my nie verder help nie. Die bleddie Engelse. Kom hier in onse land in,
net agter die goud aan.
Sien jy Bleah ? Dis maklik om mense te klassifiseer en te stereotipeer.
Jy is baie goed daarmee. Stel jy nie dalk daarin belang om iets meer
konstruktiefs te sê in hierdie nuusgroep
soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans nie ? Dit sal regtig waardeer word.
Wys ons wat in jou steek.
PS: Remove the .nospam from the email address to reply.
I am here in the states and want to learn afrikaans. Is there any taps out
there that I can learn from? I have looked at my local bookstore, but the
U.S. doesnt carry anything like that. Any help would be grateful....
> On 5/19/97 11:45PM, in message
> ,
> Stefan Harms wrote:
> As daar belangstelling is, kan ek 'n meer volledige weergawe met die
> beskrywings ook aangeg.
Asseblief Stefan, stuur tog die beskrywings! Jy't my belangstelling geprikkel, en nou wil ek
meer weet! Veral die volgende:
Hand in die as geslaan; Sy hand is in die as geslaan *
Die Kretie en Pletie *
Gloudina Bouwer (
/Die lyf wegsteek. *
Gloudina Bouwer (
Neem die Kimberley se trein. *
Wys waar David die wortels gegrawe het. *
Vinkel en Koljander :Vinkel en Koljander, die een is soos die ander. *
Gloudina (
Jy kan maar aan sy oksel ruik. *
(Jammer manne, maar dit klink vir my "positively disgusting").
Ek wil graag ook 'n verduideliking vra vir "hy/sy sit vir jou ore aan". Dis al baie vir my gesê, en
ek neem aan dit beteken iemand maak 'n "fool" van my, omdat ek dikwels naif is, en glo wat
vir my sê, sonder om te dink dat daardie persoon dalk lieg. Hulle maak 'n donkie van my?
someone with a disgusting Afrikaans name babbled:
>> And please, let us not forget the Soweto uprising of 1976, which started
>> the cycle of "unrest" which eventually led to the end of the racist
>> regime and the triumph of democracy for the masses. Do you remember
>> what started the '76 protests? Yes, I think a certain disgusting
>> language
>> being forced on unwilling people had a role in it.... do you
>> remember which language it was?
> Anyone of at least ten. The policy was that half of the subjects _not
> taught in the medium of the mother tongue_ were to be taugh in English, and
> the other half in Afrikaans. i.e. by learning through the medium of the
> mother tongue, it was possible to avoid learning by medium of Afrikaans as
> well as English. It may be significant that the present government, at
> least in its policy documents, encourages learning through the medium of
> the mother tongue (as did the previous one).
Re-writing history again, eh? I wouldn't expect anything less from
an Afrikaner. Tell me, is it true that the dutch got to Southern
Africa before the blacks did? I thought so.
Well it is all over... all the guaranteed jobs in the post office
and railroads for the Afrikaner have trickled away.
>> Vietnamese is one of the most beautiful languages I know... Arabic is
>> too gutteral for me too. As is Afrikaans, Dutch and Hebrew...
> Note the use of "is" instead of "are" in the last sentence. It seems so
> common among English speaking South Africans that I have come to suspect
> that it may be a case of SA English having been influenced by Afrikaans.
> Does anyone know of any research on the phenomenon?
How about "typo". What next.... spelling flames? There is nothing more
pathetic than an Afrikaner who thinks so highly of his language and
culture. And what are you really? The scum of southern Holland,
about 1400 (hence the inbreeding and general ugliness/stupidity of
many Afrikaners) who bred with some of the native peoples in the Cape
(most Afrikaners are not "pure white", which is the same irony of
Hitler being jewish), and took on a bastardized version of Dutch.
Afrikaans, of course, used to be a pidgin (i.e., simplified contact
language) much like "fanagalo" (spelling?) is today. What was
the "great trek"? Well, the moronic Afrikaner "nation" thought that
they were the israelites, fleeing the evil pharoah. They even thought
they had a "covenant" with God.
What I find hard to understand is why the oppressed masses in RSA are
so quick to forgive.... if it were up to me, De Klerk and company would
be enjoying the luxury of Mandela's home-for-twenty-seven-years for
the rest of their miserable existences.
In article <5lslio$lhs$>, says...
> Idioom: Gaan blaas doppies.
> "Gaan blaas doppies. Ek wil niks met jou te doen
> hê nie. Gaan bars."
> The background of this idiom is obscure. I asked
> So, all that remains for me now is to say:
> "Thotmes 3, gaan blaas doppies. Tula man".
> Gloudina Bouwer
Ha ha ... Pragtig Gloudina! Nouja, ons het die raaisel van die doppies
nog nie opgelos nie, maar die ou Farao is immers op sy plek gesit.
Afrikaans is pragtig, en hy en bleah kan probeer tot die koeie huistoe
kom om ons daarvan te laat afsien, maar praat gaan ons hom praat.