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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

Re: Wat dink u van een west germanse hulptaal ?

Sun, 07 June 1998 00:00


> Voor de rest moet het denk ik nog even tot me doordringen; het is nogal
> moeilijk om over te schakelen. Is het misschien mogelijk om een paar korte
> zinnen te geven inclusief vertaling (in Nederlands, Duits, Engels of
> Afrikaans)?

Meen jij van het "sample" een vertaling in het nederlands van een paar zinnen .
Het is moelijk maar niet een korrekt nederlands .

Dies man dou is de fader wmeid kiNd . - Deze mens doe zijn de fader met kindje .

Deze mens is de fader met kindje .
This one is the father with kid .
Dieser ist der Vater mit ( den ) Kind .

wweic motif dou sieN wwiec manier . - which motive see which kind . (why see
how )
shall mean : why do you look like that .
welch' Motiv sehen welch(a) Manier . - wieso siehst auf solche Art aus .
welke motif zien welke manier .

de erlkiuwng wmeid kron eunD da:z . - de erlkoning met kron en deze ( het ) .
the erlking with crown and that .
der Erlko"nig mit Kron und diesem .

Hope , that's what you wanted .
ik hop het is geweest het wat u heb willen hebben .

__/\__ Vivu la verda stelo !
\ / SASAL sendependa asociono por survivigi la aýstrian lingvon
lo^gejo mia : ^cambro 526a , mezstrato dek ses , mil ses dek vieno , aýstrio

Koeitjies & kalfies | 17 kommentare

Toe en nou

Sun, 07 June 1998 00:00

Henri Burger heeft geschreven in bericht ...
> Leendert van Oostrum skryf:
>> (Dis nou benewens my ernstige besware teen woordherkenning - "whole
>> language" as onderrigmetode. Maar daaroor het ek al op die NG kommentaar
>> gelewer :-)
> Dit was ongelukkig voor ek my kop in hierdie bynes gewaag het,

Ja. Mens berou dit soms :-)

> Leendert, so
> ek is nie bewus van jou besware nie.

My besware bly bloot besware. Dit verantwoordelikheid bly altyd die ouer

> Buitendien staan dit buite my opleidingsveld. Ek praat bloot van wat ek saam
> met my eie, asook vriende se kinders ervaar.

Hmmm.... Soos ek die ding waarneem is die oordeel van ouers meesal meer
betroubaar as die van die "opgeleides". Die probleem is net dat die
"opgeleides" geleer het om hul oordeel te vertrou, hoe krank ookal, terwyl
ouers geleer het om hul eie oordeel te wantrou ten gunste van die "ekspert"

> Vir my lyk dit asof hulle
> vroeër kan lees as wat ons kon. Miskien is hulle slimmer, of word hulle
> vroeër blootgestel, ek weet nie.

Dit kan wees dat hulle slimmer is. Die huidige generasie ouers neig om meer
aandag te gee aan stimulasie van kinders van jongs af. Voor ongeveer 1970 is
dit deur baie "kundiges" nie beskou as belangrik nie - of selfs beskou as

So dis seker moontlik dat jou kinders en hul maats intellektueel verder
ontwikkel is as wat jy op dieselfde ouderdom was.

Maar by kinders wat groot dele van die dag in kleuterskole was het ek my
oor die emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling - en, as mens na party van die
kyk, ook die intellektuele ontwikkeling.

> Ek moet bysê dat hulle nie woordherkenning as enigste metode gebruik nie,
> maar tog geleer word om terug te val op die klank-metode.

Dis goed. Ek kry die indruk uit die literatuur dat die meeste kinders beter
leer lees met die klankmetode, terwyl 'n klein persentasie slegs deur die
heeltaalmetode kan leer. 'n Mengsel lyk dus aangewese, maar die puriste kry
die piep daaroor (soos puriste maar maak).

Groete, Leendert

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

"Gunship Blues" deur CHARL DURAND

Sun, 07 June 1998 00:00

Charl Durand

Ratel rations
terrs vir brekfis
Angolese pesos in my hand
boshoed pasop
breekpunt Charlie
blinkboud op Zambezi-walle,
Pb's weet
R1 bid
my God is naby.
Boesman sing
Swapo sny lyn
Kolonel Koljander
soeksteek hier
patrollie daar
bivouac vannag
boshappy daglig
prewel sakbybel
bloederige rendezvous
almal saam:
ons vir jou,

Rundu, April 1985

Prosa & poësie | 1 kommentaar

"ZA" of "SA"?

Sun, 07 June 1998 00:00


Weet iemand misschien waarom Zuid-Afrika als internationaal
motorvoertuig-kenteken (de sticker op je wagen) en het
domeinnaam-achtervoegsel (bijv. de afkorting "ZA"
heeft, en niet "SA"? Het woord "zuid" met een z is toch Nederlands en
niet Afrikaans?


Koeitjies & kalfies | 5 kommentare

Wie gee om?

Sat, 06 June 1998 00:00

Redaksionele kommentaar in The Star 5/6/98:


So who cares?

It is incomprehensible that the plight of so many destitute people seemingly
continues to be ignored by senior Gauteng health department officials. The
latest report on this intolerable situation is that the 600 non-governmental
organisations that distribute food parcels to half-a-million desperately
needy have not received their usual funding from the department for two
months. As a result, hungry people - including the elderly and pre-school
children - have been turned away as the supply of parcels runs out.

The excuse given is that problems have arisen in the switch-over to a new
finance system. Even so, promises that cheques would be sent out last week
have not been met.

A member of the Alexandra Ministers' Fraternal exonerates the health
department's Wits regional office, saying the blame lies higher up. We would
like to know where, but our inquiries to bumbledom have been ignored.

What is urgently required is the appointment of a senior official with the
authority to cut through red tape and make the allocated money available

Of course, that person would have to be one who cares. Regrettably, there
appears to be a shortage of such candidates.


'n Pedi-kollega van my het Garsfontein toe getrek. Hy verwag dat die gegoede
dele van Mamelodi en die winkels in Sunnyside die een of ander tyd geplunder
gaan word deur honger mense. (Sunnyside is besig om die weg van Hillbrow te
gaan - dit word 'n inner city slum en al wag besigheid en eetplek is wyk uit
Hatfield toe.)


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Re: Wie gee om?

Sat, 06 June 1998 00:00

Leendert van Oostrum skryf:

> What is urgently required is the appointment of a senior official with the
> authority to cut through red tape and make the allocated money available
> immediately.


Ek dink as 'n mens mooi op hierdie dinge ingaan, lê die probleem nie soseer
by die politici nie, maar soos die skrywer opmerk, by die onbeholpe
amptenary. Ek gee toe dat die politici uiteindelik ook daarvoor
verantwoordelikheid moet aanvaar.

Kort nadat die ANC ontban is, het 'n groep van ons hier plaaslik die
voorsitter van die Jeugliga genooi om met ons te kom gesels. Sy idees oor
die ekonomie, nasionalisasie, ens. op daardie stadium was skrikwekkend.

Na die verkiesing is hy aangestel as ons provinsie se minister van
finansies. Na 2 jaar in sy pos het ons hom weer genooi, en dit was
verrassend om te sien hoe sy idees getemper is. Hy het toe sy waardering
uitgespreek oor die geleentheid wat ons hom destyds gebied het om in gesprek
te tree.

Ek het elders gemeld van 'n vriend van my wat betrokke is in die onderrig
van gestremde kinders. Twee weke gelede was sy skool se geld op. Dit is 'n
baie ernstige situasie, want die kinders bly by die skool, en word volledig
versorg. Hy bel toe die betrokke politikus, en die volgende dag kon hy sy
geld gaan haal. Dit was die amptenary wat hul plig versuim het.

Min of meer wat die skrywer wat jy aanhaal, sê.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Die gebroke nasie

Sat, 06 June 1998 00:00

The Star:

June 5, 1998

Woe, we are a damaged people

By Mondli Makhanya

As Deputy President Thabo Mbeki took the podium in Parliament this week to
call for a national moral summit, the public was being treated to a heavy
dose of testimony about how South Africa lost its morality.


There is a lot wrong in our society.

The example quoted by Mbeki, of students who burnt a building because the
university would not provide free beer, is commonplace. There have been
incidents of pupils at cash-strapped schools boycotting class because
principals refuse to finance matric dances.

There is a disturbing tendency by unions to protect corruption and
criminality among their members as evidenced at the Post Office and the
licensing department. There is the rise in sexual crimes, which indicates
that the lack of respect for human dignity is pervasive.

And then of course there is the everyday flagrant violations of laws and the
unwillingness of authorities to act.


One major mistake that we as a country made when the new republic was
founded a few years ago was not to set a common agenda which would guide our
actions and which would be accepted across political and religious spectrums
(sien nota).

Upon taking office, Nelson Mandela's government came up with the woolly and
undefined concept of nation-building and reconciliation. How that nation was
going to be built and just exactly what we were going to reconcile about was
never clarified.

Others spoke of re-instilling the African concept of ubuntu, but this has
become nothing more than an advertising industry catchphrase.

[...] we have a thoroughly adversarial relationship among the political
parties, between labour and business, between government and public- sector
unions and between ordinary members of different races.

And programmes meant to transform society have been widely abused. On
occasions contracts with empowerment elements in them have been used for
nepotistic ends by politicians.

The empowerment drive, whose aim is to change the balance of economic power
in the country, has given birth to an elitist Black Boy's Club whose ethos
is no different from the white businessmen who were so reviled as greedy
capitalists in an era recently past.

Mbeki's challenge should therefore be seized upon by everyone from trade
unions to church groups and business associations. We cannot bumble along
into the next five years of democracy the way we have over the past four....

Nota: Ek verskil hier van Makhanya. Ons het wel 'n "common agenda" wat deur
alle parlementêre politieke partye onderskryf word. Dit staan bekend as die
Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika.

Die probleem is dat die lojaliteit van die regerende party aan daardie
grondwet uiters selektief is.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 10 kommentare

Corne Mulder se toespraak

Fri, 05 June 1998 00:00

against delivery)

Speech by Dr. Corne Mulder MP - Freedom Front spokesperson on Constitutional
Affairs - in the debate on the budget vote of Deputy President Thabo Mbeki in
the National Assembly.

Geagte mnr die Voorsitter,
Afrikaanssprekendes moet my asseblief verskoon, maar die res van toespraak
sal in Engels wees. Daar kom 'n tyd wanneer daar duidelik en reguit gepraat
moet word sodat daar geen onduidelikheid of 'n misverstand sal wees nie.
Vandag is so 'n geleentheid.

I am an Afrikaner. My family came to the continent of Africa in 1685. I
know no other home. I have no family or interests outside Africa. I belong
to a people who has named themselves to their continent, the Afrikaner of
Africa. The language I speak and which I teach my children with pride is
called Afrikaans. I am an Afrikaner and an African. If I have to speak in
racial terms - I am a white African. I am not a European.

I owe my being to the struggle for freedom of Prince William of Orange in
1572 against the Spanish and to those Protestant Huguenots who survived the
slaughter of St. Bartholomew night. I owe my being to the declaration of
hope by Adam Tas in 1706, to the constitutions of the Boer Republics and the
presidencies of Pres. Paul Kruger and Pres. Steyn. In my veins flows the
blood of Afrikaner heroes and guerrilla fighters like genls Koos de la Rey,.
Christian De Wet, and Danie Theron. I am formed by the memory of the last
hours of the Afrikaner rebel Jopie Fourie who was executed in prison in 1914
by fellow Afrikaner traitors. I am the grandchild of Kmdt. Pieter Mulder
who took up arms against his own brother in 1914 when his brother did not
honor the blood oath they swore in 1902 . An oath to take up arms against the
British at the first opportunity to regain their freedom. In my soul lives
the ideals and cries for freedom of 26 000 Afrikaner women and children -
those who died in British Concentration camps. Those who inspired their men
to fight on, to never surrender. May their suffering and pain, their anguish
and despair not have been in vain.

The Freedom Front came to this Parliament in 1994 with a clear and concise
mandate. 4We came to this Parliament with a mandate on Afrikaner self-
determination and the ideal of an Afrikaner Volkstaat. The Afrikaner people
and the broader white community in South Africa were told and warned by
consecutive governments in the past of the danger and implications of
simplistic majority rule. NP leaders at the time, with the help and the
blackmail of big business convinced whites in the 1992 referendum to accept
reform. The assurance was given that after the negotiation process we will
have power sharing - that the whites and other minorities will lose nothing,
but that blacks will be allowed to enjoy the same rights and will have the
same opportunities. We would have created heaven on earth. It was also made
clear that there will be all kinds of checks and balances. Many Afrikaners
and other whites warned against this naïve approach. They were ridiculed and
laughed at.

The FF entered into the negotiations with the ANC in the second half of 1993
. We entered into negotiations with the organization who was planting limpet
mines in Wimpy bars and who were murdering and killing our farmers and their
workers with landmines. These acts were done by the very same people who
are now applying for amnesty for callous crimes of terrorism like the
Pretoria Car bomb, necklessing and many other acts. It was you Mr. Deputy
President, who convinced me and others that the ANC can be trusted during
those negotiations. That we can make a new beginning together. It was you
that convinced me that you and the ANC were serious in addressing the ideals
and aspiration of the Afrikaner people. Those were your precise words - On
23 April 1994 - 3 days before the election we signed a historical accord on
Afrikaner self-determination. Mr. Deputy President you signed that accord on
behalve of the ANC. Clause 1 of that accord states and I quote: �The parties
represented by these delegations record the following agreement - The parties
agree to address, through a process of negotiations, the idea of Afrikaner
self-determination, including the concept of a Volkstaat.�

Against all odds, even against having received death threats from our own
people and with failed assassination attempts we convinced the Afrikaner and
white community to abandon the option of armed resistance, violence and
insurrection. We convinced them to trust us and to opt for a peaceful
constitutional option by participating, in the 1994 election. We convinced
them to buy into a constitutional process, a process which would have
addressed their legitimate ideals and aspirations. We did this not only
because we believed it was in the best interest of the Afrikaner, but we also
believed it was in the best interests of the country and all the people as a

After completion of negotiations on the present constitution, it quickly
became abundantly clear that Afrikaners were not merely going to be in the
same position and that blacks and everyone else will also have access to the
same opportunities. It became quite clear that nothing would come of the so-
called checks and balances. After the withdrawal of the NP form the GNU it
further became clear that the gimmick of a GNU , based on the concept of
power sharing, which was in any way only suppose to last 5 years, meant
nothing. What did FF do during this whole process ? We did not engage the
ANC in a negative or aggressive manner. No, we offered constructive
engagement - and a hand of friendship. In our written proposals during
negotiations with the ANC, we clearly said what we can do and are prepared to
do to assist all South Africans and the government to develop our continent.
That is why we were prepared to sent farmers, not to Australia or Canada, but
to Mozambique, Angola and Zaire. It is now more than two years after the
adoption of the new constitution. Afrikaner self-determination and the
concept of an Afrikaner Volkstaat have not been addressed at all.

It is now clear to us that black empowerment and affirmative action are
merely guises to obtain Afrikaner disempowerment. You are determined to
disempower the Afrikaner and whites in all respects. You have already taken
our freedom. The formidable American Indian Leader - Red Cloud once said of
white Americans - �They made us many promises, more than I can remember - but
they never kept but one - they promised to take our land and they took it.�
In the same vain I want to say to this ANC government - �You made us and
other minorities many promises, more than I can remember - but you never kept
but one - you promised to disempower the Afrikaner and to take away our
freedom - and you did.� You are already busy destroying our language, our
culture, our traditions, and our way of life. Today it is rugby and our
schools, tomorrow it will be our universities, then it will be our churches
and history. Enough is enough - if this ANC government wants confrontation,
so be it, we are ready to take up that challenge - enough is enough. The
time has finally come for all Afrikaners and the broader community out there
to pick up their heads with pride. It is time to look the world and this
ANC / SACP government squarely in the eye. We have had enough of the one
sided attacks of the Truth commission and the reports of the ANCBC. (African
National Congress Broadcasting Corporation.)

The Afrikaner people has lost their freedom - the question which now arises
is whether this people will be part of the solution or part of the problem.
We in the FF and the Afrikaner at large would prefer to be part of the
solution, but there should be no doubt that if the Afrikaner people is not
free there will be no peace or stability. The economy needs stability to
grow. For GEAR to succeed you need peace and stability. I am saying this in
exactly the same way today as all the business people and the media deemed it
necessary to warn voters about the so-called consequences of a No-vote in the
1992 referendum. This is not a threat. I am merely stating a fact. Self-
determination and the quest for freedom is a reality of the modern world
today, as never before. One either has to accommodate these ideals for those
who feel strongly about it, as the Afrikaner people do, or pay the price for
underestimating it.

Today we are experiencing what L.H. Gann and Peter Duigan wrote in their
book, and I quote: �When a party loses power in a democracy, it does not have
its basic rights endangered, whereas ethnic groups that lose political power,
often lose everything else as well.�

Those Afrikaner leaders who gave our freedom away, have all left the
political scene for good. The time has now come for us, for this generation
and our youth to regain our freedom and we dont have to do this to the
detriment of any other South African. The first step for Afrikaners is to go
to the polls in 1999 and to vote against this ANC/SACP government. It is this
government that is not interested in the hand of friendship that we extended
to them. It is this government that is keeping your freedom from you.

Last Friday in this very House Mr. Deputy President you quoted the African-
American poet, Langston Hughes when he wrote - �what happens to a dream
deferred ?� and his conclusion was that it EXPLODES.

I want to conclude with a quote by the chairperson of the FF in this House
earlier this year. �In the future of South Africa, there shall be Afrikaner
self-determination and a national home for the Afrikaner, whether the
government of the day agrees with it or not. The government of the day cannot
stop it, they can only delay it - or decide to make it part of the solution.
Surely if any organization should know this, the ANC should know this from
their own history.�

The time has come for the ANC to be bold - to make the necessary declaration
and to operationalise section 235 of the constitution. The freedom struggle
that we have begun will continue until we succeed. We will be free again.

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Corne Mulder se toespraak

Fri, 05 June 1998 00:00 heeft geschreven in bericht ...
> writes:
> �� I am the grandchild� of� Kmdt. Pieter Mulder
>> who took up arms against his own brother in 1914 when his brother did not
>> honor the blood oath they swore in 1902 . An oath to take up arms against the
>> British at the first opportunity to regain their freedom. In my soul lives
>> the ideals and cries for freedom of 26 000 Afrikaner women and children -
>> those who died in British Concentration camps. Those who inspired their men
>> to fight on, to never surrender.� May their suffering and pain, their anguish
>> and despair not have been in vain.
> ���������� Hoe word die ou ikoon-knoppies gedruk.
> ���������� Tipiese Transvaler-talk. Vergeet dat
> ���������� 'n hele klomp Afrikaners 'n hele ander
> ���������� agtergrond in ander dele van die land
> ���������� gehad het.

"Ander dele van die land" Soos die Rebellie, waarna hy hier verwys, waarin die
Noord-Kaap 'n groot rol gespeel het?

> ������� Vir dekades is al die
> ���������� ander Afrikaners aan hierdie Transvaal-
> ���������� talk geonderwerp, en later was dit
> ���������� verraad om anders te dink.

Gee 'n voorbeeld van denke wat "verraad" was, Gloudina!

> ����������� Maar gelukkig
> ���������� is daardie dae verby. Die Afrikaners
> ���������� lees nou hygromans en sit op die stoep
> ���������� en drink en luister nie meer na al die
> ���������� ou soort Transvaaltalk-indoktrinasies
> ���������� nie.
> ���������� En die lastering van die man. Om die
> ���������� vrees van rassistiese Afrikaners van
> ���������� uitwissing, net omdat hulle nie hulle
> ���������� pie-in-the-sky Volksstaat kan kry nie,
> ���������� nou te vergelyk met die toestand van
> ���������� die Eerste nasies van Amerika. Waar
> ���������� sal hierdie tweegesig-jakkalse tog
> ���������� ophou om vir hulself 'n rad voor die
> ���������� o"e te draai.

Jy vang dit nog nie, nie waar nie Gloudina? Die gehoor was nie Afrikaners nie.
Dit was die ANC. Dis waarom die toespraak in Engels was, heeltemal teen Mulder
se party se beleid.

En dit lyk asof die ANC dit nogal bietjie ernstig opgeneem het, as mens die
geluide wat hulle sedertdien gemaak het as eerlik kan opneem (Vali Moosa wat
weer beloftes maak oor volkstate en so aan). Maar, om iets wat die ANC sê as
eerlik op te neem is natuurlik baie naief. Toevallig (so se Viljoen) het die
toespraak saamgeval met die diefstal van groot hoeveelhede wapens van die
Valskermbataljon - en dit lyk asof ver-regse elemente verantwoordelik was vir
die diefstal.

Viljoen het, na die urelange gesprek wat Mbeki met hom oor die toespraak
gevoer het genoem dat daar weer, soos in die verlede beloftes was. Hy wys,
heeltemal ten regte, daarop dat die ANC slegs reageer op druk. Sy advies
(stem nogal ooreen met joune) is dat Afrikaners moet ophou kla, en moet begin
druk uitoefen.

Ek sien die week dat die boere nou 'n resolusie by 'n internasionale forum van
landbouers gebkry het wat die misdaad op boere veroordeel, en blykbaar is
sanksies nie uitgesluit as die regering nie iets begin doen nie.

Harald Pakendorf sing gereeld die deuntjie op Kommentaar, Sondagaande, dat die
dinge wat in die "wit" politiek gebeur en in die "wit" media gerapporteer word
eintlik irrelevant is vir die grootste deel van die mense in die land. Tim du
Plessis van Beeld sing agterna.

Ek dink die ouens maak 'n fout. Die teenwoordigheid van 'n onrustige
minderheid kan nooit irrelevant wees nie - die paar krummeltjies wat van die
inboorlinge wat in lande soos Kanada en Australië oorgebly het toon dit. In
Suid-Afrika is die Afrikaners 'n veel meer getalryke minderheid as enige van
die eersgenoemde groepe. En hulle het veel meer ekonomiese en organisatoriese
mag om hul onrus te laat voel.

En as dit "transvaler talk" is, ou ding, mag dit jou preutse biduursnobisme
stimuleer, maar dit maak dit niks minder ongemaklik vir die ANC nie.

Vriendelike groete, Leendert

Koeitjies & kalfies | 10 kommentare


Fri, 05 June 1998 00:00

Gloudina, heb jij een soort vooruitziende blik of is het volgende toeval:
gisteravond is de Grote Kerk in Ljouwert (Leeuwarden) korte tijd ontruimd
geweest na een bommelding van één of ander Fries bevrijdingsfront. Loos
alarm gelukkig.

Ze moeten Servië maar eens even goed onder druk zetten om onze YPR's terug
te geven; we kunnen ze zelf in Friesland gebruiken!


Weslànd Vrèh !

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

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