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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

"Weer in die Ark" deur TOTIUS

Tue, 29 September 1998 00:00


Stormwaters van die Wêreldvloed
het eindelik skuimend uitgewoed.
'n Duif het Noag uit laat vlieg,
die't oor die golwe heengevlieg.

Maar bo dié ongestuime vloed,
was daar geen rusplek vir sy voet.

Uit koue wêreld, wind en weer,
het dit na Noag teruggekeer.

Hy't met sy hand die swerweling,
weer in die ark teruggebring.

Prosa & poësie | 0 kommentare

Re: AANDAG!! nuwe tuisblad vir hierdie einste nuusgroep!

Tue, 29 September 1998 00:00

Hallo almal

Ek het so stadigaan begin om 'n nuwe tuisblad vir hierdie nuusgroep te

Ek sal oor 'n dag of so dit wat ek reeds aanmekaargeplak het, oplaai sodat
almal dit kan sien. Dit sal maar net 'n paar skakels hê na persoonlike
inligting van die mense, 'n gasteboek en watookal ons nog in die toekoms wil

Die tuisblad se (URL) adres is:
Plaas asb. 'n boekmerk by hierdie adres! Daar sal natuurlik niks op die
oomblik daar wees nie; ek sal weer pos as daar iets is om na te kyk.

Nadat ek die blad gelaai het, kan julle gerus die vorm daarop invul (onder
die "STuur jou info!" skakel) en sodoende die nodige idees, details,
gedagtes, voorstelle, kritiek en duisende bladsye van plesier aan my stuur
vir "verwerking". Alternatief, die e-pos adres vir die nuwe tuisblad sal wees!



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Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare

NesPrijs: Re: Request for Translation Dutch/English

Tue, 29 September 1998 00:00

Dit is ook wel gek hoor... Hebben jullie gelet op de afzender?

Op 28 Sep 1998, werd het volgende geschreven door onzichtbare G krachten:

> "PaulBsr" writes: >

>>> Wenslauw Schwartz writes: > wanderer wrote:

>>>> > Off topic.
>>>> Ach man, je bent zelluf off topic!

>>>> Wenslauw

>>> Wat op aarde praat mens op (what on earth do you say on)
>>> nl.eeuwig.september? (nl.eeuwig.september?)
>>> Nie dat ek daarteen beswaar (Not that I have any objections)
>>> maak nie. Hier in Noord-Amerika (Here in North America)
>>> sou ek nie omgee as dit ewig (I wouldn't mind if it remains)
>>> herfs bly nie. Dis die mooiste (autumn for ever. It's the most
>>> beautiful)
>>> deel van die jaar. Ek dink egter (time of the year. I don't
>>> think,though,)
>>> nie dat ons vanjaar 'n goeie(that this year we will have a good)
>>> herfs-seisoen sal beleef nie.(autumn-season)
>>> Verlede jaar was een van die (last year was one of)
>>> beste in baie jare.(the best in years)

> Paul Bester daar in Ierland, dink jy nie dat
> die Vlaminge en Nederlanders die Afrikaanse
> taal kan verstaan wat ek vir die pos gebruik
> het nie? Daar is dele van die wereld waar
> Afrikaans op sy eie bene kan staan en verstaan
> kan word, sonder dat dit deur middel van
> Engels verklaar moet word.

> Dit is nou wel waar dat as 'n mens in Nederland
> en Vlaandere Afrikaans probeer praat, jy nie
> vreeslik ver kom voordat hulle na Engels oorslaan
> nie. Maar ek vind dieselfde hier in Kanada. Vir
> 'n Nederlander en Afrikaans-sprekende om 'n
> gesprek te voer, is nogal meer senutergend as
> wat 'n mens sou verwag. Wat die lees van
> Nederlands en Afrikaans betref , die het mens
> werklik nie veel moeilikheid mee nie.

> Ek sou wel nog graag wou weet - waaroor praat
> mense op die nuusgroep nl.eeuwig.september.

> Gloudina

Gloudina ik wil u leren kennen...



Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe | 2 kommentare

Re: - 58¢ phone calls to RSA anytime -

Tue, 29 September 1998 00:00

Beslis te duur. Vir die moeite om jou oproepe hoofsaaklik oor naweke te
doen, kan jy AT&T se naweekplan kry. Dan kos oproep oor naweke jou 38c
per minuut. In die week betaal jy wel duurder, maar dis vir my die
moeite werd om te wag tot naweke en dan veel goedkoper te praat.

JPotgieter wrote:

> Nee ou Jonesie, diste duur!
> Johan (bietjie in Oregon)

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

" 'n Pass op 'n pap hart" deur DANIE MARAIS

Mon, 28 September 1998 00:00

'n Pass op 'n pap hart
Danie Marais

Twee Vrydae gelede toe
-- virrie eerste keer in 'n laaaaang tyd --
maak 'n meisie 'n pass op my --
veral eers na sy gehoor het
dat ek van ver gekom het vir 'n ander vrou.
Sy sê dis wonderlik,
jy't jou hart gevolg.
O, as iemand so iets vir haar sou doen...
Sy sê sy's moeg om Sondae alleen wakker te word.

En ek sê maar ek's dalk bietjie dronk,
maar dit werkie so nie.
Die hart is 'n erdwurm --
jy kan hom nie volg nie.
Jy sny net stukkies wurm af,
aspris of per ongeluk,
en hulle sukkel-wriemel blind "weiter"
in die seesand van kleintyd
in ander tale
in jou ouma se Bybel
in jou ma'le se bedkassie
in ou girl friends se foto's
in ou vriende se bier ...

Ek sê snags assie huise asem-ophou luister,
hoe die maan ou geheime in kat-ore fluister,
weet jy die hart se brûe bly onverbrand,
selfs al woon jy ver in 'n an-
der land.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Soek Hoek!

Mon, 28 September 1998 00:00

Ek sou graag wou hoor wie belangstel sou stel as ek 'n soek hoek vir verlore
vriende begin. Moet ek 'n ekstra nuusgroep daarvoor begin, of kan ons dit
sommer in hierdie nuusgroep hardloop?


Hein van Wyk
Cell: 083 3101963
H/Tel: 041-733513
ICQ: 7733122

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare


Mon, 28 September 1998 00:00

Suid Afrikaanse TV kykers lees gerus die Nuus Flits by

by die Nuus afdeling.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

FAQ (of watookal in Afrikaans)

Mon, 28 September 1998 00:00

Goeie môre, middag of aand (afhangende natuurlik van waar julle is)

Ek het 'n voorstel. Ons brabbel nou al so aan die laaste paar jaar en
dieselfde ou argumente draai om en om die hele tyd. Noudie nag skrik ek toe
wakker van 'n nagmerrie waarin ek in S.C.S-A.A vasgekeer is en die hele tyd
na dieselfde argumente moes luister en... wag - laar ek julle nou nie verveel
met wat gebeur het in my nagmerrie nie... in elk geval ek lê toe so wakker en
dink dat dit miskien na al die tyd 'n gawe plan sal wees as ons 'n website
opsit wat as 'n FAQ kan dien. Die inhoud van die FAQ kan dalk uit die
oorspronklike inspirasie vir die groep vloei en kan iewers in di
virtuele(sorry Gloudien - kuber)ruimte rondhang as 'n webblad (of sou dit nou
'n webruimte wees?). DInge wat ek wil voorstel vir die lawwigheid, is

- NG etiket (of miskien of daar enige soiets is)
- Iets oor almal (ek het 'n vraaglys wat almal kan invul en dan kan mense wie
die eerste keer deelneem dit beantwoord en dan plaas ons dit op die blad).
- Koppelings(dit is nog steeds vir my so 'n suggestiewe woord) na mense se
tuisblaaie (dit is nou nie die Huisgenoot nie, hoor)
- Miskien 'n paar taallinks of so aan
- 'n paar mooi stories wat so af en toe hier op die ng verskyn
- En watookal julle alma dink goeie idees mag wees

Nou goed - die vrae is nou
- wil julle so iets hê?
- wat wil julle almal op so iets hê?



Koeitjies & kalfies | 30 kommentare

"Obelisk" deur G.S. ENGELBRECHT

Mon, 28 September 1998 00:00

G.S. Engelbrecht

Gedenknaald gekerf uit swart graniet
teken van my volk se verdriet.
'n Swart vinger wat hemelwaarts wys.
'n Kreet styg uit: Te hoog die prys.

Of was dit slegs 'n braaivleisspit...
osbraai waarom rugbyspelers sit.
Handgelaai met dop en blikkies bier
en boersegrappe: manne kraai van plesier.

Suid-Afrika nòù word vrae gevra aan jou,
gaan jy steeds drogmonumente bly bou?

(Uit "Concept" September 1998.)

Concept is 'n multikulturele literêre uitgawe wat
bydraes van Vlaandere, Nederland en Suid-Afrika
plaas. Dit verskyn driemaandeliks. As enigiemand
belangstel in die adres om in te teken, vra net en
ek sal dit op die nuusgroep plaas.
Gloudina Bouwer

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Hulle sê:

Mon, 28 September 1998 00:00

Die Sunday Times of London skryf:

September 27 1998 AFRICA

A damaged reputation: Mandela's forlorn claims that the bungled South
African invasion of Lesotho was to restore democracy has convinced few at
home or abroad

Lesotho fires reveal Mandela the weak
by R W Johnson

THE television images could not have been starker. On the one hand the
hallowed figure of Nelson Mandela receiving one award after another on his
triumphal progress across North America, a symbol of liberation and peace;
on the other South African troops meeting furious popular resistance as they
invaded tiny Lesotho, its civilians savagely beaten, and the capital,
Maseru, in flames.

Although South Africa's state-controlled radio and television stations
sought to soften and downplay these images, there was no doubt that popular
opinion was far more critical.

Day after day the opposition-minded Citizen newspaper roundly denounced
Mandela and his deputy, Thabo Mbeki, for refusing to break their long
foreign tours (Mbeki was in Malaysia for the Commonwealth games) during the

When Mandela emotionally told President Bill Clinton that he would "never
forget his friends", The Citizen ran a savagely critical cartoon pointing
out that South Africa's commander-in-chief had neglected to mention the
eight South African soldiers who had died in Lesotho.

Even the pro-African National Congress (ANC) Mail and Guardian thundered
furiously that not only were the people of Lesotho owed an apology, but that
the invasion threw into question whether South Africans truly had a
constitutional government or not and whether "the dream of a new South
Africa is to survive the blundering which landed us with this humiliation".

The crisis has, indeed, highlighted fatal flaws in the South African
government. In effect Mandela was being lauded in America for his years in
jail and the liberation of 1990-94. Yet almost from the start Mandela has
been a president only in name - Mbeki has chaired cabinet meetings and run
government business. By 1996, Mandela had begun to speak openly of being "in

He has spent an inordinate amount of time abroad, fund-raising for the ANC,
receiving honorary degrees and acting as ambassador extraordinary. Some
journalistic wits have even referred to "President Mandela, who was visiting
South Africa last week".
But while Mandela has had authority, he seldom exercised power. Mbeki had
power but was not held responsible and lacked authority. Moreover, Mbeki
showed the same penchant for lengthy trips abroad, an example speedily
followed by much of the cabinet.

Ministerial attendance in parliament became scandalously rare and the sense
grew that nobody was much in charge of anything. The currency sagged, the
economy wound down.

Big oil companies, for example, found it impossible for a whole year to
secure an interview with a minister of energy. The minister in charge of
privatisation has carried out no privatisations. The health minister has
been pushing a quack Aids cure, Virodene, in which the ANC allegedly has a
financial interest, while one of the world's worst epidemics of the disease
rages through the country.

The minister of education has presided over steadily falling pass rates at
black schools - not surprising when one realises that most black
schoolchildren have had no text books for two years.

Corrupt and incompetent ministers are never fired. They and their civil
servants hire their own political cronies and family members shamelessly.
The sense of drift throughout the government stems, in the final analysis,
from a lack of executive authority at the top.

Mandela will always remain a much-loved icon, but the experiment of having
two heads of government, neither of them fully in charge, has proved a

All these chickens have come home to roost over Lesotho. The army unit sent
into Lesotho was not battle-ready, there was inadequate intelligence,
reconnaissance and briefing, and far too few troops were used to achieve
speedy control.

An official communiqu� of September 22 announced that South African and
Botswanan troops had gathered on the South African side of the border before
entering Lesotho together. It was untrue: South Africa went into Lesotho

The minister of safety and security, not the minister of defence, seemed to
be in charge of the invasion. The foreign minister remained invisible
throughout, just when diplomacy was much in need.

The Commonwealth was not informed that a Commonwealth country was about to
be invaded - something that had provoked the Queen's ire when President
Reagan sent troops into Grenada. South Africa's allies in the Southern
African Development Community (SADC) were not fully consulted about an
invasion taking place in their name.

In Canada, Mandela was visibly annoyed at questions about the invasion. Only
the ignorant were critical of the government, he averred tetchily, for South
Africa had acted in defence of Lesotho's democratically elected government.

This was the most embarrassing gaffe of all. The Lesotho crisis had been
provoked by a bitterly disputed election. South Africa's official inquiry
into it, the Langa report, had found "gross irregularities" and a long chain
of evidence suggesting the election had been badly fiddled in the
government's favour.

First Mbeki and then Mandela sat on this report, which, when finally
released, had been blatantly doctored. Its banal conclusion - that democracy
needed to be "deepened and streamlined" - ignored abundant evidence of
fraud. Everything suggests that South Africa has, in effect, intervened to
prop up an unpopular and illegitimate government.
Mandela also seems to have been wrong when he sought to justify the invasion
as necessary to prevent hordes of refugees pouring into South Africa from
Lesotho. Those who have fled across the border have been mostly foreigners
whose businesses were attacked by vengeful mobs furious at the invasion.

Maseru, which accounted for around half the Lesotho economy, has been
virtually destroyed. There are shortages of fuel and food and epidemics
threaten. South Africa will have a neighbouring basket case on its hands for
the foreseeable future.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

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