Is lekker hier in Ingeland by die beach n^e? Net jammer dit re:en al weer
en die temperatuur is 9 grade C (ek begin al dink dat 10 grade 'warm' is!)
en die water is in elk geval te koud om selfs jou toon in te sit. Wonder
van alle wonders is dat die strand (!) van klippe is - sulke rondes so groot
soos my vuis.
Ek is hier met 'n jaar werkkontrak (gaan al weer in Junie terug) en wat 'n
snaakse plek is dit tog nie!
1) Ek 'parkeer' elke oggend my kar op die M25 (vir die oningeligtes - dis
die ringpad om Londen sowat 100 myl se meesal 4-baan snelweg en waarskynlik
een van die besigste paaie in Europa) Ben Schoeman/R21 eat your heart out!
2) Rondomtalies ('Roundabouts' / sirkels / minisirkels): miljuisende van die
goed en as jy nie gou leer om op die EERSTE bord te kyk watter paadjie om te
vat nie ry jy om en om die d^em ding tot jy dink jy wys in die regte
rigting..'n Halfuur later is jy weer terug by dieselfde minisirkel, want dit
was toe nie die regte rigting nie. Ek hoor in Swindon is daar glad een wat
hulle 'n 'Magic Roundabout' noem - 'n grote met so vier of vyf 'kalfies' om
hom - die joos alleen weet hoe jy om hom kom. Hier in Farnham het ons
waarskynlik die grootste een in Engeland - daar's 'n hele dorpie in die
middel van die roundabout!
3) Ek bly in Surrey naby Guildford - pragtige stuk aarde vol bome/blomme:
sulke regte 'Engelse' landskappe. Maar dis ook naby die hoofsentra van die
weermag - Aldershot is 'n klipgooi ver, Farnborogh net 'n bietjie verder,
Southampton so 30 myl suidwes Bisley 'n hanetreetjie doei kant toe en
Mytchett langs my. Wat dit alles beteken is dat hier gedurig
krygsoefeninge/grofgeskut rondom ons is - die eerste paar dae wou ek net
vervaard dekking slaan as ek die geweervuur hoor. Die landkaart is vol
sulke groot oop groen gedeeltes met baie paadjies op maar oral staan in rooi
letters - Danger Area - Rifle range of Long Range Bombing aea of sulke
horriebale goete.
4) Hulle idee van wild is hasies wat op jou grasperk rondspring of die
takbokke in Richmond Park. Hulle't nie eens een behoorlike giftige slang of
spinnekop nie. G'n wonder die leeus vreet die buitelanders by die dosyne
;-) in Krugersdorp se wildtuin op nie !
5) Nog 'n ding wat my al amper in groot moeilikheid laat beland het is
voetoorgange - die eerste paar weke het ek kort-kort byna 'n voetganger
ge-'score' as hulle sommer so voor my begin oorstap - salig onbewus dat
hierdie rooi kar waarskynlik nie gaan stop nie!
Pieter van der Lugt
(Op vrye voete, 1987)
Ek lê op jou bors
tussen blomme
'n koringkleur land loop
my oë vooruit
blonde halmpies huiwerend af
in die kom van jou heupe
jou maag klop en klop
(is jy bang vir jou liefling)
jou knie buig haar self
bewus bo-oor my bene
jou borsies klop skamerig
aan teen my bors
en my tong loop al
af na die kuil van jou keel
later strengel jou vingers
digter in my hare
jy roep met jou hande
jy roep op 'n hemel
jy huil
en jy roep my
Die SABC het kennis gegee dat hulle 50/50 van die TV gaan verwyder.
Dit is 'n prima natuurprogram soos almal weet. Veldfocus is een van die
beste van sy soort in enige taal. Dit is verder ook weer 'n aanval op
Afrikaans. Ons kan nie bekostig dat so 'n katastrofe met ons as
natuurliefhebbers gebeur nie.
Protesteer aub deur dadelik e-pos in dienvoege aan te
Ek is deur iemand by die werk gevra of ek weet van 'n ZA-dametje wat sal
belangstel om vir EEN jaar by hulle in Nederland te kom au-pair.
Die gelukkige dametje sal:
* Verkieslik al REEDS 'n paspoort moet hê.
* MOONTLIK, in April/Mei 1999 beskikbaar wees.
* Jou vliegkaartje word betaal naar Nederland.
* Een jaar aanbly.
* Vele ander Zuid-Afrikaners ontmoet... :-)))
Dit sal ook doenlik wees as je nogal goed Afrikaans kan praat.. Maar moet
Nederlands (natuurlik) heel gou bemeester. Niet te moeilik.
EK het self niet te veel info oor wat dit alles behels enz, maar die gesin
woon in Tiel. Dis so 25km Zuid-Oost vanaf Utrecht.
As je belangstel -- laat weet maar.
-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
Greenland's southeastern glaciers are rapidly thinning and
their lower elevations may be particularly sensitive to potential
climate changes, a NASA study suggests.
"The results of this study are important in that they could
represent the first indication of an increase in the speed of
outlet glaciers," said Bill Krabill, principal investigator at
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Wallops Flight Facility,
Wallops Island, VA. An outlet glacier acts as a major ice
drainage region for an ice sheet.
"The excess volume of ice transported by these glaciers has
had a negligible effect on global sea level thus far, but if it
accelerates or becomes more widespread, it would begin to have a
detectable impact on sea level," Krabill said.
In the March 5 issue of SCIENCE, researchers report the
glacial thinning is too large to have resulted from increased ice-
surface melting or decreased snowfall. The researchers believe
the thinning, as much as 30 feet over five years in some
locations, is the result of increasing discharge speeds of
glaciers flowing into the Atlantic Ocean.
Krabill said surface-melt water might be seeping to the
bottom of glaciers. Such seepage may be reducing the friction
between the ice and the rock below it, enabling the glaciers to
slide with less friction across the bedrock and thus allow more
ice to slip off into the ocean, according to Krabill.
"The results of this study are significant because they
provide the first evidence of widespread thinning of low-elevation
parts of one of the great polar ice sheets. The results also
suggest that the thinning outlet glaciers must be flowing faster
than necessary to remove the annual accumulation of snow within
their basins," said Krabill.
"Why they are behaving like this is a mystery," said Krabill,
"but it might indicate that the coastal margins of ice sheets are
capable of responding quite rapidly to external changes, such as a
potential warming of the climate."
Researchers noted that while some internal areas of Greenland
that were surveyed showed ice thickening, areas along the coast
showed ice thinning. "Taken as a whole, the surveyed region is in
negative balance," Krabill said.
In 1993 and 1994, NASA researchers surveyed the Greenland ice
sheet using an airborne laser altimeter flown on a NASA P-3
aircraft and measured the thickness of the entire ice sheet. Ten
flight lines flown in 1993 in Southern Greenland were resurveyed
in 1998. The flight lines in Northern Greenland flown in 1994
will be resurveyed in May 1999. Throughout the study, pilots have
used the Global Positioning System and other navigational
equipment to fly the same flight path some 400 meters above the
icy surface.
The results showed three areas in the South accumulating at
rates up to ten inches per year. These areas located in the
internal sections of Greenland are in regions of high snowfall.
In the outer regions of the ice sheets, the researchers
reported large areas of thinning, with the rate of thinning
increasing rapidly towards the ocean. Most-rapid thinning rates
(more than three feet per year) were observed in the lower depths
of East-coast outlet glaciers, the researchers reported.
The researchers noted that the areas of thinning in the East
also saw warmer than normal temperatures for 1993 to 1998.
"However, we also observe areas of thinning near the West coast,
where many locations were cooler than normal," the researchers
These surveys have established baseline data sets that will
be extended with information from NASA's ICESAT spacecraft. The
ICESAT satellite laser altimeter will be launched in 2001 to
measure ice-surface elevations in Greenland and Antarctica.
Further information on the Greenland mapping project,
including the technology behind the science, can be found on the
web at:
The Office of Earth Science enterprise, NASA Headquarters,
Washington, DC, sponsors the Greenland and Antarctic ice mapping
projects as part of NASA's ongoing efforts to understand the total
Earth system and the effects of natural and human-induced changes
on the global environment.
Gisteraand het Azell geskakel om te laat weet hoe dit daar gaan. Sy klink
soos die Azell van ouds, altyd iets om oor te lag en te babbel. Sy het al
lekker aangepas en kom goed oor die weg met die twee dogtertjies wie sy
versorg. Sy hou haar tans besig met 'n kursus in rekenaars en leer ook om
te figuurskaats.
Sy vertel dit sneeu steeds en mis die warm weer wat ons tans het, vreeslik.
Johan, was dit jy wat so 'n ruk terug jou brief aan die familie op die
nuusgroep geplaas het oor julle leefwyse en die weer? Ek sal eendag wanneer
ek groot is, oorsee gaan reis, net om die lewenswyses van ander mense te
gaan verken!
Aangesien van die mense op die nuusgroep moeg is van die politiek sal ons
maar oor die weer gesels! :-)
Watter gedeelte van ...south-africa.AFRIKAANS verstaan jy nie??
As jy in engels wil skryf, gaan doen dit in n engelse groep.
Ons is trots op die taal wat ons praat en al praat ons engels, die rede
hoekom ons hier is, is om afrikaans te skryf en lees.
Secret Squirrel wrote in message ...
> I have purposefully ignored this NG for the past few weeks
> however on my return I notice that it is still frequented by a
> bunch of loosers ... including an exiled SAfrican in Canada who
> persistently posts bloody "Kultuuuuuuuuuuuuuuraaaaal" flavoured
> poems, while dreaming of a return to the old National Party
> order.
> Get a life you lot ... let's have some worthwhile contributions
> from now on ..... pleeeeeeeeeeez
> Squirrel