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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

Vir aandag: HWGird

Sun, 06 August 2000 00:00

Hierdie naam lui 'n klokkie... Dalk 'n skoolklok!


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare


Sun, 06 August 2000 00:00

Dankie Gloudina, ek het daai rapsie nodig gehad! ;) wrote in message ...
> wrote:
>> Jy moet sien die stories wat ons AFKEUR! :-(
>> Ek verstaan egter wat jy bedoel en het die boodskap gevoorts aan redaksie.
> Nou "voorts" nou 'n ander boodskap aan jou redaksie.
> Omtrent al die poste wat julle hier op hierdie nuusgroep
> maak, is oor skandalige gebeure. Wat is julle geheime
> agenda? Om mense te beswadder? Hoekom pos julle
> net oor seks-skandale en dies meer? Hoekom vertel julle
> nie van ernstige en belangrike sake ook nie. Wie is
> julle redaksie, en wat is die rede vir julle bestaan.
> Pos asseblief die name en vanne van julle redaksie.
> Gloudina

Koeitjies & kalfies | 7 kommentare


Sun, 06 August 2000 00:00

hoe voel julle mense oor die komende wet betreffende aanpassing van
eiendomsbelasting. En indien jy nié eiendom besit nie maar 'n huurder is,
sal dit steeds jou sak tref.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Re: "This Late Place" by STEPHEN WATSON

Sun, 06 August 2000 00:00

Dis mooi. Ek is bly dat ek in die Kaap grootgeword het,
nêrens anders in die wêreld kom naby die Kaap nie.


skryf in boodskap
> Stephen Watson
> In the darkness of the winter Cape, cold rain fills
> the bulging dams; sea pours, dull-foamed, storm-turbid
> across the offshore boulders. In the wind that blows
> north-north-west, bare-chested, air as if torn off in chunks,
> clouds lumber in their columns, slow, leaded by a cumulus,
> the earth tilts back its face, clear-soaked, unblinking,
> to swallow throatlessly.
> Now as rain crowds on the roof
> late in the afternoon, you pause, cross to the window
> to watch a sky flood south, contused, to hear the wind
> quicken in the dark, blooded by the flocks of leaves
> that rush skywards, the wet birds flushed from the marsh
> In the darkness of the Cape, this late place of streams
> now yellowing, thick in spate, its trees a coal-dull black,
> cold rain still gathers on a window where you're drawn
> to watch it storm, to pause, face almost to the pane,
> as if you were still a child, and it could still be true,
> and you were not confused, remembering you once lived,
> that child, face to face before a sky whose space
> was soaked right through with night, and silenced
> before the size of weather, the presence of the earth.
> Stephen Watson (1997)

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar


Sun, 06 August 2000 00:00

South Africans boycott R3.60/l fuel!

Thousands of people are adding their critical mass to an anonymous email
doing the South African email (underg)rounds:

------- Start of forwarded message -------

Subject: FW: Petrol prices

Send this to everyone you know and ask them to join in and do the same.

So good luck to all us South Africans who have to travel long distances to
work and have to use two cars per family because there is no safe public
Whoever drives a car should read this! It sounds like a fantastic idea. I
mean we are paying almost R3.60c a litre for petrol that has been diluted
with paint solvent.

Last year, across the USA the American people staged what They called a "Gas
Out" across Canada and the USA to bring down the high price of petrol... and
it worked!

Can you imagine how this sort of action would hurt the Government which rips
us off blind with its World Parity Pricing Policy, and the Oil companies who
rip us off blind with their variety of fuel prices all across the nation
aimed at wringing the last cent out of our pockets wherever they can?

Trevor Manual, while putting on his public disapproval, must be quietly
loving this scenario, as it's putting more money in his Treasury and on top
of the VAT.

Let's see how many South Africans we can get to band together for a three
day period NOT TO BUY ANY PETROL during those three days. It will take a
little planning but with a small amount of self sacrifice and some
solidarity, we have an opportunity to send a real world message where it's
going to hurt the most.
If you're unhappy about seeing your hard earned Rands stolen by a Middle
East Oil Cartel and seeing your own Government rub its hands together while
we're ripped off by them as well... then do something!
If you're fed up with the constant rip off by Cartels and your Government
tell them directly. Tell them you've had enough and JOIN SOUTH AFRICA'S GAS
OUT - AUGUST 15, 16 & 17

Send this to everyone you know and ask them to join in and do the same. The
Americans and the Canadians achieved a price cut once before and there's no
reason why we can't achieve a similar result if we band together and fight
against the people who profiteer from us. Come on South Africa! Let's stand

------- End of forwarded message ------- - South Africa's top newsbot v1.01�

Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare


Sun, 06 August 2000 00:00

Ag man, die die petisies en boikotte werk tog nie. Daar was een na elke
increase en obviously het daar niks van gekom nie.
Ek kyk vanaand die nuus en sien die government gaan allerhande nice goete
doen vir .....wait for it.........nie Golden Arrow nie, maar (en ek wens ek
kon se surprisingly) vir die taxi drivers.
Die boodskap wat hulle volgens my daardeur uitstuur is: Kry 'n gun (hoe
groter hoe beter), skiet die opposition moer toe en jy kry wat jy wil he.
Persoonlik dink ek gun turrets bo-op Golden Arrow busse sal nogal cool
werk - of ten minste iemand wat "shotgun" ry soos op stagecoaches in wild
west movies.
Met ander woorde, die dae van petisies is verby en die dae van Doc Holiday,
Billy the Kid en Wild Bill is terug.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare


Sat, 05 August 2000 00:00

Ek het 'n toetsie op my eie gedoen juis met die dat die nuwe wet in
werking getree het en hier is die resultaat.
Ek het gisteraand kroeg toe gestap (let wel) en daar 3 dubbel Klippies
bestel en gedrink. Daarna 2 dubbel Klippies bestel en gedrink.Toe vra ek
net een enkel Klippie en my vrou moes my daarna kom oplaai met die
Gevolgtrekking: hoe minder ek drink hoe dronker raak ek. Sal vorentoe
maar hou by 3 dubbels of meer.
Wat is julle ervaring??

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Re - verhoogde bydraes

Sat, 05 August 2000 00:00

Daar gaan weer gereis word. Om omtrent eerskomende Woendsdag
aand, 9/8/2000, terug te keer. Om die groen lig vir verhoogde
bydraes te ontvang, soos bespreek.

Indien geen ontmoetings tydens hierdie reis plaasvind, sal dit
as 'n groen lig vir verhoogde bydraes interpreteer word.

Hoop dit help.
Saam vir 'n beter toekoms.
Een vir almal en Almal vir een.


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Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Was dit jý Elaine?

Sat, 05 August 2000 00:00

Die meisie vandag by die Decorex uitstalling by Gallagher
Estates wat vir my geknipoog, haar lippe getuit en toe vir
my 'n soentjie gegooi het terwyl my vrou weggekyk het, was
dit j� Elaine?

* Sent from AltaVista Where you can also find related Web Pages, Images, Audios, Videos, News, and Shopping. Smart is Beautiful

Koeitjies & kalfies | 8 kommentare

Afrikaanse midiblad

Fri, 04 August 2000 00:00

Iemand vra my nou die dag hoekom gee mense midi files verniet weg?

Omdat ek nie ingat is nie ... dis hoekom.

Die beste afrikaanse midiblad op die net en dit groei net.

Besoek dit gerus.

Musiek & liriek | 0 kommentare

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