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1 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 07 Mei 2001 15:16 «» deur: DARKANGEL
Wat die amerikaners dink van SA
… against property, such as car jacking, have also often been accompanied by violent acts, including murder. South Africa has a very high incidence of rape. Foreigners are not specifically targeted, although rape of foreigners has occurred on rare occasions. Travelers may also wish to consider avoiding local commuter and metro trains, especially between Johannesburg and Pretoria, as a number of American passengers have been the subjects of muggings and violent attacks. In the Western Cape, police …
2 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 29 April 2001 14:47 «» deur: poppie
Re: Ontstellende nuus oor Suid Afrika
…only among the people smitten by HIV, but also among those in government trying to combat it. The civil servant responsible for leading the battle against HIV broke down publicly and cried over her inability to get state action against the epidemic. If she resigns, another able warrior against the emergency enveloping South Africa will have been lost. The underlying cause of Aids is HIV. No one has provided a plausible opposing paradigm. Until Mbeki can either admit it or rebut it, our advice to the …
3 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 16 April 2001 17:50 «» deur: Vermithrax
South African Magazines.
…is available in South Africa it will also be available on our website. There is also the possibility of archiving features for back issues. If you have any ideas of groups on the net that cater to South Africans overseas that I can approach to find out what the general demand would be it would be appreciated. Also if you have any ideas or advise it would be invaluable. If you have any info that you would like to impart please send an e-mail to . In a few weeks time I will post a …
4 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Do, 12 April 2001 13:03 «» deur: Anoniem
Re: What is the translation of the word "Inspiration" ?
…as "inspiratie". Dutch has also > a synoniem for the word and this is "bezieling" , in which you may > recognize the substantive "ziel" and this is the very same word > as "soul" in English. However I would not use that word in an > international context in you websites since "bezieling" can also > mean "passion" or "temper". Also the Dutch word "ingeving" is > valid though I would not use it either. …
5 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Do, 12 April 2001 05:17 «» deur: Sterrenkijker[1]
Re: What is the translation of the word "Inspiration" ?
…as "inspiratie". Dutch has also a synoniem for the word and this is "bezieling" , in which you may recognize the substantive "ziel" and this is the very same word as "soul" in English. However I would not use that word in an international context in you websites since "bezieling" can also mean "passion" or "temper". Also the Dutch word "ingeving" is valid though I would not use it either. Germans talk about "…
6 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 04 Desember 2000 00:00 «» deur: Ernst v Biljon
Hoe gevaarlik is 'heelende middels'
…marketed by Merck & Co.), though it is also occasionally used in veterinary medicine to treat cancers in some animals. It is also used as an antimitotic agent in cancer research involving cell cultures. Gout is an illness caused by faulty uric acid metabolism in which excess uric acid is turned into crystals of sodium urate, which are then deposited in the joints (most often in the big toe), causing inflammation and pain. Researchers aren't sure exactly how colchicine works against gout, but …
7 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 30 November 2000 00:00 «» deur: Stefan Andreasson
Pretoria no more (Afrikaans)
…the lingua franca of South Africa. I can also understand the contentious feelings toward the language among those who identify it to some degree with the apartheid regime - something that was abundantly clear during the 1976 Soweto uprising. It is never advisable to force a language on people. Having said this, I do think that South Africa's linguistic diversity is something that is positive in and of itself, and it seems to be a mistake to actively attempt to marginalize Afrikaans (or any other …
8 Forum: Genealogie & famieliesake «» Gepos op: Do, 13 April 2000 00:00 «» deur: Ernst v Biljon
Die KÖSTER familie
… He immigrated to Leipzig, Germany. He was also known as Hans. From German descent. He was married to Johanna VISSER on 19 May 1715. Johannes ROOS and Johanna VISSER had the following children: +3 i. Anna Maria ROOS. +4 ii. Johanna Christina ROOS. 5 iii. Johannes ROOS was born before 16 Jul 1719. He was baptised on 16 Jul 1719. 6 iv. Gesina ROOS was born before 18 Aug 1720. She was baptised on 18 Aug 1720. 7 v. Gerrit ROOS was born before 9 Aug 1722. He was baptised on 9 Aug 1722…
9 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 19 Januarie 2000 00:00 «» deur: ferdinand
Re: Help needed on some "South African" words
…the think tank of the govt but in a sense also a govt within a govt as most of the ruling National Party's (if not all) office bearers were members. These days they are stripped of political power but still rule Afrikaner corporate life. Beef suasage spiced up a bit. > A group of SA'ns who have their roots in malay slaves, white settlers and ancient indiginous tribes. Under apartheid they were seen as a seperate race. They mainly speak Afrikaans. White Afrikaners have close blood relations with …
10 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 23 April 1999 00:00 «» deur: Fizzer
Re: Hoërskoolmoord in Colorado
…bombs were found on the premises. A bomb also was found at the home of one of the dead suspects. The department's spokesman Steve Davis said police had not determined the motive for the attack, but had heard speculation that it might be connected with Adolf Hitler's birthday. The two gunmen were identified as members of an outcast group at the school called the ``Trench Coat Mafia'' which the Denver Post, in a story posted on its Web site, said consisted of about a dozen juniors and seniors who wore …
11 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 07 April 1999 00:00 «» deur: R & BW
Re: Royleen - luister jy ? To Oom Hans & nomad
…ars. If you read my message again, you will also maybe realise that we were not the only ones who did not enjoy living there. And by the way, we were transferred there - we did not choose to live there, and we left as soon as the company would let us. From your address I see that you must be in some way related to Gloudina, using the same computer, so you obviously live in Canada as well (your message was without name). Were you a founder of this news group and could you then please explain to me the …
12 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 05 Maart 1999 00:00 «» deur: ferdinand
Global Warming - nog bewyse?
… of the great polar ice sheets. The results also suggest that the thinning outlet glaciers must be flowing faster than necessary to remove the annual accumulation of snow within their basins," said Krabill. "Why they are behaving like this is a mystery," said Krabill, "but it might indicate that the coastal margins of ice sheets are capable of responding quite rapidly to external changes, such as a potential warming of the climate." Researchers noted that while some …
13 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 14 September 1998 00:00 «» deur: Secret Squirrel
…stay and serve my country." Mandela also pinpointed the uncomfortable truth that fear over crime is mainly a white preoccupation - fomented by a white-owned press - while the black and coloured communities had always felt victims of violence. "What is happening now with liberation is that criminals have also been liberated to move into white areas." Mandela said. But DP spokesperson Douglas Gibson said: "The Government should make South Africa a safe place for its citizens rather …
14 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Di, 08 September 1998 00:00 «» deur: G.B.
Re: The origin of Afrikaans
…ip's galley.) A lot of Malay-Portuguese was also used on the European ships going to the Far East (where Indonesia and Malaysia are today), and words entered Afrikaans that way too. A lot of Malay slaves were brought to the Cape by the Dutch, and they brought into Afrikaans a number of words, especially words for dishes made the Malay way in the South African diet. In 1688 a group of French Huguenots came to the Cape to escape religious persecution in France. However, they were forced to …
15 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 13 Augustus 1998 00:00 «» deur: Gideon
Die SAKP/ANC artikel
…60 000 members on its books, many of whom also belong to the ANC. Shortly after Mandela's and Mbeki's reprimands, the SACP leadership and ANC national working committee decided separately it was desirable in principle that they meet to sort out their difficulties. A month later, the SACP has grown impatient to set a date for such talks. The SACP wants the meeting to bring together its five top officials and the ANC's most important leaders, according to Cronin. The SACP envisages its delegation …
16 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 05 Junie 1998 00:00 «» deur: Leendert van Oostrum[2]
Corne Mulder se toespraak
…would have created heaven on earth. It was also made clear that there will be all kinds of checks and balances. Many Afrikaners and other whites warned against this naïve approach. They were ridiculed and laughed at. The FF entered into the negotiations with the ANC in the second half of 1993 . We entered into negotiations with the organization who was planting limpet mines in Wimpy bars and who were murdering and killing our farmers and their workers with landmines. These acts were done by the very…
17 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 01 Mei 1998 00:00 «» deur: SizweBanzi
Re: 'n Disseksie van Bedrog
…to speak about the nature of morality, but also elevate yourself to the untouchable status of sermonizing about it to the extent that, again, your perspective is the only one that's fast and true. You even go as far as to tell us that we were not oppressed by placing in quotation marks "Watter persentasie en absolute geval 'onderdruktes' het .....". In spite of your protestations to the contrary, you have not illustrated any willingness to listen to the story that is me or mine. You have …
18 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 07 Januarie 1998 00:00 «» deur: M.Kruger
China 1942 - NSA 1998?
…peasants had to pay to the landlords.They also confiscated grain and clothing from landlords and distributed them to the poor peasants. (Toon dit 'n ooreenkoms met die motorskakings, inbrake, diefstalle,ens.) Bl.166: (1947) The Chayong government sentenced Jin to death by shooting,but the family of the man who had been burned to death,with the support of the family of other victims,determined to kil him the same way.As the flames began to lick around his body Jin clenched his teeth,and did not utter even…
19 Forum: Musiek & liriek «» Gepos op: Vr, 06 Junie 1997 00:00 «» deur: G.B.
Lied vir BEGINNER-STUDENTE van Afrikaans
… they can go back and dance. Also name for a Cajun dance. liefste: beloved liefstes/ liefstetjie, liefie moederhartrower: burglar of the heart of a mother. dierbaarste: most treasured dief: thief diewe/ diefie, luister hoe fluister: listen how (the wind) whispers deur die boompietjie: through the little tree boom/bome/boompie;boompietjie heen en weer wieg hy hom : to and fro he rocks himself al oor die stroompietjie: …
20 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Vr, 30 Mei 1997 00:00 «» deur: At de Lange
Re: Afrikaans
… you have written, is very true. Others have also noted it. Professor Alan Bloom in his book "The Closing of the American Mind" calls it the trivialisation of English due to an information overload. He is one of the relative few native English speakers who has become sensitive to this phenomenon. I say "relative few native English speakers" because I have read many more comments on this phenomenon by people using English as a second language. There is also a reason for it. They …
21 Forum: Afrikaans, ons taal «» Gepos op: Wo, 28 Mei 1997 00:00 «» deur: G.B.
…om, "husse met lang ore," which is also used to indicate to children that their enquiries will fall on deaf ears. (The last idiom refers to mythic characters with long ears, presumably likening the child to this character.) But whereas "husse met lang ore" is also found in Dutch and therefore is very old, "skilpadvere" as an idiom must have been born in South Africa in the last three centuries. The tortoise is a beloved animal in South Africa, often used as pets, …
22 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Do, 15 Mei 1997 00:00 «» deur: a
Re: A Song for Beginner-students of Afrikaans (including Thotmes 3)
…is that this word, used as a noun, is also the Zulu word used for 'peace' (Afrikaans: Vrede). Also, 'Thulani', the plural equivalent of the 'Thula!' command is commonly found as a male first name amongst Zulu speakers. Another derivitive is 'Thulebona', also used as a male first name, which implies 'to be quiet and see (look)' appropriately used for 'strong silent types'. The locative of 'Thula' is 'Ekuthuleni', meaning 'Where there is peace' (Afrikaans: Waar daar vrede is/heers). This is a relatively …
23 Forum: Musiek & liriek «» Gepos op: Ma, 03 Maart 1997 00:00 «» deur: Izak Bouwer
'n LIED vir BEGINNER-STUDENTE van Afrikaans
…form of endearment, but also condescension.) Koring : in Afrikaans it is always "wheat." The North- American "corn" is in Afrikaans "mielies" and in English South African "maize." Koringsny : to cut wheat "Ek sny koring." My geliefde: my beloved hang in die bos: hangs in the bush. Problematic meaning at best, open to any kind of interpretation. I…
24 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Sa, 01 Maart 1997 00:00 «» deur: Izak Bouwer
Information about Afrikaans educational material in North America
…based upon a Java applet." Andrew also passes on the following web site that Antonie found: Andrew then gives the name of a bookstore in Cambridge, MA that carries Afrikaans books and language tapes. It is called SCHOENHOF's Foreign Bookstore. Their web site is: Just click under "languages"...for more information you can call Schoenhof's Bookstore at (617) 547-8855. This is …
25 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 16 Augustus 1996 00:00 «» deur: Herstigte Nasionale P[1]
Die Afrikaner: Bolger weier om verskoning te vra vir 27 000
…r, in which your country as a British colony also participated. Your reply was that to mention the events of the Anglo-Boer War in the same breath as the testimonies presently being heard by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was merely an excuse for what was committed in South Africa under apartheid. What we as Afrikaners should like to know is whether your sentiments reflect that of the British government regarding the Anglo-Boer War. There is little doubt that this matter was discussed …
26 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 24 April 1996 00:00 «» deur: Izak Bouwer
Re: cultural literature
…ight. Two East Indian languages are also recognized as official languages in South Africa.) (2) By contacting the South African High Commission in Ottawa you could probably acquire some material in the different languages. They will also send you excerpts and summaries of editorials from South African newspapers on a regular basis. It may be use- ful for your school to start getting these. They are free. If you e-mail me, I can …
27 Forum: Woordeboek «» Gepos op: So, 26 Maart 2023 07:15 «» deur: Leksikograaf
asmede Afbreking: as•me•de Samestelling: as + mede Voegwoord: asmede Betekenis: • (verouderd) En ook. Gebruik: • Twee volwassenes, asmede drie kinders, is in die ongeluk beseer. Sinoniem: • asook • daarby • benewens • ewenas Vertaling: Engels: as also, and also, as well as Nederlands: alsmede Nota: • Neweskikkende voegwoord. Laat weet asb as die inskrywing foute bevat of verder verbeter kan word.
28 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 09 November 2021 11:40 «» deur: Charlotte T
Re: Standard Dutch vs Afrikaans ?
…television programming is proof of this. Also, contrary to common belief, Afrikaans is not exclusively spoken by the cliched white Afrikaners, but many people from all races consider it their mother tongue. And yes, you can totally understand Dutch if you are Afrikaans and visa versa, in fact the same is true for Flemish. Afrikaans is however also influenced by other languages, partly due to the fact that other Europeans came to South Africa e.g. the French Hugenotes, as well as people from Malaysia and …
29 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 08 Mei 2010 18:45 «» deur: Etienne Marais
Nationalisation on ANC agenda: Malema
…Zuma," Malema told SABC news. He also said he was shocked about the way he was rebuked in public on television by Zuma, who is also the ANC president. 'No right to threaten' "Even (former) president Thabo Mbeki, when he differed with the Youth League, and the Youth League had taken firm radical positions against him, he never did that," he said. The ANC began disciplinary hearings on Monday into Malema's actions. On Friday, Malema said the ANC did not belong to individuals, but to its …
30 Forum: Nuus «» Gepos op: So, 07 Maart 2010 14:37 «» deur: Etienne Marais
Gautrain: Govt faces R10bn lawsuit
…unt, but Bruce simply smiles at this. Bruce also announced that Bombela had concluded an agreement with the Gauteng government to accelerate by a couple of weeks a temporary, scaled-down version of the first phase of the train system - the link between Sandton and the OR Tambo Airport - so that it would be completed before the World Cup soccer tournament kicked off. Bombela would apparently have borne the associated cost, and then later tried to recoup it as part of the claim. Airport link Van der …
31 Forum: Onderwys & opvoeding «» Gepos op: Do, 04 Maart 2010 14:18 «» deur: Etienne Marais
Re: Chaos by UJ oor gratis opvoeding
… were not just demanding free education, but also wanted more support for students who failed their first year studies. "We have many students who were turned away this year because they failed...we want more support for them. It's not entirely their fault that they failed. The education system is very poor," he said. Barricaded Sasco president Mbulelo Mandlana said all protests were peaceful and condemned "reports of unwarranted police brutality at the University of Johannesburg"…
32 Forum: Nuus «» Gepos op: Di, 08 Julie 2008 16:04 «» deur: Ferdi
So wie is Raymond Suttner?
…in place not only a new constitution, but also a Constitutional Court. There are obviously problems with any notion of neutrality, especially those that lawyers and courts tend to ascribe to themselves. But there is also a need for something to stand above the ruling organisation and, in SA's case, we have a very advanced constitution and a Constitutional Court whose rulings are sometimes not what the ANC would want. This may be because of the preponderance of judges with one or another background or …
33 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 06 Julie 2008 21:50 «» deur: Jim Again
Re: Takie vir Gloudina en die ander liberale linkses
…van Wyk writes that in 2004, Motata had also placed himself on record as saying that '.....the (SA) laws of today are the laws which are understood by white people..... It is time that we create our own (African) laws and no longer rely on Roman-Dutch laws any more, which are strange to me, but which I have had to learn the hard way...’ Motata had at that time, also sharply criticised the entire SA law system in 2004 -- saying that he ‘...doesn't like the Roman-Dutch legal system which whites have forced …
34 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 25 Junie 2008 13:56 «» deur: Ferdi
Re: Van die Net af gekry
…per order plus £1,49 per item. Amazon also runs independent websites in Germany, France, Japan and China, which each have different delivery restrictions on items sent to different destinations. HIGHLIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is not the only online trader to boycott SA's postal service because of theft. Bespoke tailor Charles Tyrwhitt of Jermyn Street in London also refuses to deliver to SA unless clients pay for a courier service. Customer David Frank lost three shirts when …
35 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 23 Junie 2008 12:27 «» deur: Ferdi
Peter Bruce van Business Day oor die ANC
…— John Robbie — that Malema is also on the party's NEC and its National Working Committee. Listening to Jacob Zuma the other night I waited for the Chief to say something chiefly, but all he managed was a miserable “it was unfortunate”. Unfortunate? It was, and remains, an outrage and it speaks volumes for the way the ANC works that this is all we citizens are going to get. As far as the ANC is concerned it's an internal matter. Sure, Malema has probably been dumped on big time behind closed doors, …
36 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 18 Junie 2008 09:16 «» deur: Ferdi
Kyk wat doen die apartheidsvarke nou!
… CDs, DVDs and books. Private scamsters have also aggravated the crime rate, as people ordered and received goods but claimed not to have received them, forcing Amazon to send replacement items at its own expense. The clampdown will benefit Wantitall, a local website that thrives on Amazon's wariness. Wantitall collates orders for all type of goods and orders them from Amazon, but has them delivered to a warehouse in the US. They are then repacked and sent in bulk via courier to SA. Amazon's action is …
37 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 18 Junie 2008 08:02 «» deur: Riaan
Dankie Sipho
… CDs, DVDs and books. Private scamsters have also aggravated the crime rate, as people ordered and received goods but claimed not to have received them, forcing Amazon to send replacement items at its own expense. The clampdown will benefit Wantitall, a local website that thrives on Amazon's wariness. Wantitall collates orders for all type of goods and orders them from Amazon, but has them delivered to a warehouse in the US. They are then repacked and sent in bulk via courier to SA. Amazon's action is …
38 Forum: Nuus «» Gepos op: Wo, 28 Mei 2008 16:13 «» deur: Daun Johnson
Re: Nog nuus oor die voorbeeldige Afrikaners tussen die swart barbare
…safety of the 700 to 1 000 residents, but also of workers like domestics. Eventually we will be in radio contact with residents and intend to extend that to surrounding suburbs so we can spread the collaboration and security among residents," he said. Freedom Front Plus (FFP) councillor Conrad Beyers said it was a matter of life or death for residents in the Lynnwood area. He said that they could not afford to wait for a court case or the Tshwane Metro Council before they started securing …
39 Forum: Nuus «» Gepos op: Wo, 28 Mei 2008 16:08 «» deur: Daun Johnson
Re: Nog nuus oor die voorbeeldige Afrikaners tussen die swart barbare
…body of her boyfriend, Nqubili Ngidi, was also found. Budhram said Ngidi had entered the house through the roof and had killed Nkosi before turning the gun on himself. "Both had gunshot wounds to the heads and a 9mm pistol was found," he said. Nkosi, a print-maker, had exhibited her work in England, the US, Botswana and Namibia. She was a programme manager at the Caversham Centre for Artists and Writers. Nkosi's mentor, Malcolm Christian, said: "It is such a terrible loss. Even Oprah …
40 Forum: Geloof & kerksake «» Gepos op: Di, 06 Mei 2008 12:25 «» deur: Ferdi
Re: NASA en God
…gradient would affect the wind circulation also. Air would move from the equator to the poles rather then in wind systems parallel to the equator as they are now. Even stranger would be the change in the Sun's position in the sky. In the above scenario, Sun would just have a seasonal motion up and down the sky towards the south due to the orbit of the Earth and its axial tilt. You would see the elevation of the Sun increase or decrease in the sky just as we now see the elevation of the Sun change from a …
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