Ek het afgekom op 'n oulike genealogie program wat gratis is [of
kommersiëel ($75) met gevorderde funksionaliteit]. Die program het
Afrikaanse ondersteuning (selfs vir die installasie proses). Die
'downloader' is ongeveer 500k en die installasie proses laai nog
ongeveer 30MB af.
Is daar iemand uit jullie groep die me kan help met een eenvoudig resep
om mieliepap te maak?
Gaarne zou ek die klassieke manier van beryding toepas zonder melk.
Omdat ek uit 'n ander wereld (Belgie) kom weet ek ook niet zo mooi nie
watter mieliemeel ek moet gebruik.
Liefst zo veel mogelijk gedetailleerde uitleg, want ek is nie 'n goeie
kok nie.
(Boodskap op Facebook groep gepos deur Adriana vd Stuijt)
Anti-white hatespeech at loathsome levels on SA website:
For instance, on http://www.africans.co.za: it says :
“It has been a long while since I wrote about everything that is so
sickeningly wrong with white people (part 1, part 2, and part 3), but
I fear that just like an inflamed pimple ready to let out the pus,
those crazy whites are rearing their pale nonsense filled heads
As a patriot I have long resigned myself to listening to whites moan
about the state of this country since real Africans took over. While
they usually phrase their vicious lies with erudition, it doesn't take
a genius to see through their self serving babble - every concern they
ever raise, be it about corruption, crime, the environment, women's
rights, road safety, AIDS treatments, Jacob Zuma, Thabo Mbeki,
Zimbabwe, to name but a few, are only rooted in their wish to screw
real South Africans out of money and dignity…”
"They (whites) all lust after money, and they are all as pale and
hideous to the eye as swollen maggot feasting on the eye of an African
child indirectly starved to death as a result of European
And more: "With our current financial fluctuations and high
unemployment, it seems to me that all those jobs occupied by
complaining euro-pirates and foreigners should be given to real South
"These bastard grub people keep moaning about the SA government, the
lack of SA standards under black rule, and the crime! If they are so
concerned, then I would like to suggest that we send the whole
bellyaching lot of them back to wherever they came from.
Threat of genocide:
More quotes: " I'm sure our well equipped armed forces could assist in
nudging them off on their voyage back to Europe, and it would also
create jobs, as we would need true South Africans to redecorate their
hideous homes and make them fit for natives of this land."... and more
of the same vile language.
Advocates aborting white babies: 'easier to kill'
The site also features an 'advertisement' with pictures of white
babies -- advocating their abortion as 'they're easier to kill before
they are born'... It also echoes the racist comments by ANC-
parliamentarians that 'whites who whinge about crime, should just
leave the country.'
They write: "with our current financial fluctuations and high
unemployment, it seems to me that all those jobs occupied by
complaining euro-pirates and foreigners should be given to real South
"These bastard grub people keep moaning about the SA government, the
lack of SA standards under black rule, and the crime! If they are so
concerned, then I would like to suggest that we send the whole
bellyaching lot of them back to wherever they came from... " There's
much more hate-speech, but it's to nauseating to reproduce here.
Die ANC-regering het beswaar aangeteken teen die verlening van
vlugtelingstatus aan 'n Witman van S.A. en 'n kanadese Federale hof
hersien nou glo die beslissing.
Kom ons neem die geleentheid te baat en maak beswaar by die Kanadese
regering se geswig voor die ANC se politieke druk. Ons is almal in
besit van gegewens oor die moorde, verkragting en misdaad (dws die
algehele disrispek vir lewe); die ontbinding van die kommando's wat
die boere op die plase beskerm het; die vernietiging van Afrikaanse
onderwysinrigtings; die ontsegging van beroepsgeleenthede en
geleenthede om kontrakte te bekom tensy jou besigheid effektief aan
swartes oorgemaak is; die aandele-afpersing deur swartes (sg. BEE);
die voortdurende vernietigng van ons kultuurerfenis deur
naamsveranderinge (altyd net Afrikaanse name wat verander word); die
miskenning en onderdrukking van ons taal in howe en staatsdepartemente
(die SAPD het glo nou weer opdrag gegee dat alle polisiewerk,
insluitend afneem van verklarings, slegs in Engels mag geskied); die
dreigemente en opstokery teen blankes deur swartes se slagspreuke en
openbare uitsprake, insluitende Zuma se "bring my my masjiengeweer"-
liedjie; statistiek oor blankes wat al geëmigreer het omdat ons
ballinge in ons eie land geword het; ens.
Stuur vir hulle die gegewens en foto's van verminkte blankes, sodat
hulle volumes getuienis sal hê om te oorweeg. Ons het ook almal
familie en kennisse in die buiteland of databasisse met sulke name.
Moedig hulle aan om ook hulle verhale van misdaad en verontregting aan
die Kanadese regering te stuur sodat dit aan die Federale Hof voorgelê
kan word. Dink net watter impak dit kan hê as daar duisende sulke
getuienisse op die Kanadese hersieningshof begin reën!
Hierdie saak het nou internasionale aandag getrek, laat ons die
geleentheid te baat neem om ons kant van die saak en die ANC se
wanadminstrasie van die eens florerende Suid-Afrika onder die
internasionale aandag te bring. Almal wat gereeld pleit dat ons moet
"saamstaan": hier is nou 'n geleentheid om dit te doen. Ons het nie
toegang tot die Internasionale Hof nie, maar hier is 'n geleentheid om
die Kanadese hof as't ware nie-amptelik tot 'n soortgelyke vlak as 'n
internasionale hofsaak te verhef. As ons die ding reg dryf, kan ons
die ANC se diplomatieke beswaar op hul koppe omkeer sodat hulle mag
uitvind dat dit hulle beswaar by die Kanadese regering 'n groot fout
Hieronder verskyn die adresse waarheen dit gerig kan word:
High Commission of Canada to South Africa in Pretoria Address,
Telephone, Fax, Email
Street Address
1103 Arcadia Street
(Corner Arcadia and Hilda Streets)
Hatfield, Pretoria, South Africa
Postal Address
High Commission of Canada
Private Bag X13
Hatfield, 0028, Pretoria, South Africa