Andries, ek stem saam met alles wat jy te antwoord gehad het - maar probeer
om jou antwoord te beperk tot jou nuusgroep waaraan jy meestal deelneem.
Ons verkies hier om ons argumente in Afrikaans te besleg.
Ek kruispos hierdie gedwonge omdat die privaatposding nie werk nie.
Happiness is a State of Mind
"Andrew" skryf in boodskap news:al9u9k$1cic$
> I. Hate Telkom wrote in message
>> Dear friends,
>> This is more of an observation than a point of discussion. Many people who
>> participate in public debate (be it on this newsgroup or outside) forget
>> that the level of education of the person you debate with drastically
>> affects his understanding of the world.
> People with the same level of education have drastically different views of
> the world
> as well.
>> Mugabe is not an educated man.
> Not?
>> In
>> fact many of his African compatriots in leadership positions are not well
>> educated. They come to stupid conlsusion on topics important to Africa and
>> think of even more rediculous solutions to their problems. He honestly
>> believes he is right.
> This can be said of anybody, not only africans.
>> But he has not had enough solid education and moral
>> upbringing to bring forth anything fruitful for the people of Zimbabwe.
> Adressing the land issue in Zimbabwe is an important step. It is only
> his methods with which most have a problem.
>> Africa at the moment has a very weak social structure. It does not thrive on
>> excellence. It is rather mediocre in it approach to life and its poor
>> leadership is a result of that.
>> I am slowly losing confidence in South Africa's ability to weather the storm
>> under the leadership of the ANC.
> As opposed to the successes of the NP goverment?
>> They are still riding high on the wave of
>> honor after the fall of Apartheid and because of that their shortcommings
>> are excused.
> And their strong points are ignored.
> The economic policy's is very strong and given the current global econimic
> recession
> we are doing very well. Internationally we exert way more influence then a
> country
> of our status and size would normally do. etc.etc.etc.
>> I don't know if anybody noticed, but this country is standing
>> still.
> I thought we have positive economic growth now, and negative growth
> during the previous goverment.
>> We have millions of people who are hungry and thristy but the
>> government does not have a program in place where these people are duly
>> educated and uplifted to become productive members of society.
>> Instead the
>> masses get free heatlhcare, water and to a large extent food. They are not
>> able to pay taxes and thus is reliant on the state for everything.
> If they are given free food how can these millions be starving? And you can
> only rely on yourself for anything if you pay taxes? Isn't there a lower tax
> limit
> in this country? And isnt the big health scandal in this country that it
> does not
> want to give free healthcare (ala Neverapine?) And isnt Municipalitys
> shutting
> of water to users who do not pay in the townships?
>> The
>> hickup comes when you analise the social behaviour of poor people in the
>> African context.
> Meaning you will now say as to how it differs from poor people in other
> parts
> of the world?
>> This text is not politically correct, but as is usually
>> case anything that is said politically correct cannot be a step in the
>> direction of solving the problems of this world. What I am saying is not PC,
>> but logical.
> Saying your logical, thinking your logical and being logical is not the same
> thing.
> PC does not imply logical but this does not mean that Not-PC implies logical
> argument either.
>> When the state gives everything the poor people need without requiring the
>> poor to meet the government halfway with a non monetary response, then there
>> is the problem that the poor simply procreate. It is a classic situation
>> around the world.
> Yes it is. Prime examples of this is found in that socially unsound
> continent of europe,
> where a continental welfare state has been created. The goverments just give
> and the
> people just take! Disgusting!
>> The poor are the slice of sociaty with the highest growth
>> rate in terms of numbers. The wealthy replace themselves and the poor create
>> company to share in the misery. This is however not something that you can
>> expect to bring to the attention of the poor and think that it will solve
>> the problem.
> Maybe supplying free healthcare to these people as well might help? If your
> poor
> you usually cant afford the medicine not to have children.
>> The people who do have the knowledge have a duty to expect the
>> poor of this world to be educated in return for food and shelter. It must be
>> the most basic criteria before food and shelter is given.
> Wait. Are you saying that the poor should be educated and in return they
> should give food
> and shelter? Or are you saying they should be educated before you feed and
> protect them from the
> elements? Ever try to teach someone to do a triple integral when he hasn't
> eaten in three days and his
> shack is flooded?
>> By just giving and
>> giving (Africa a good example because of the low levels of education among
>> both the ordinary civilians and the leadership who are frankly idiots) you
>> exacerbate the problem and this issue needs to be addressed.
> Oh, yes. I forgot. Colonialisism was all about giving. Apartheid was all
> about giving. We
> devinitely need to address this issue. Work those natives harder! And how is
> africa a good example of giving?, and what
> has a low level of education of the ordinary 'civilian' (as opposed to
> military personel?) got to
> do with this? And if the leaders are idiots how do you expect them to get an
> education in the first
> place? And if they are idiots, why are they all multimillionares? Exacabate
> what problem? and what issue
> need adressing, the problem, or the giving?
>> Africa is a
>> problem child of the world and it is not capable of helping itself. It's
>> leaders may say otherwise, but the truth is, they can't.
> Then maybe its the problem child BECAUSE it is not capable of helping
> itself.
> [Hahaha, sorry, couldnt help myself there]. So now the leaders cant speak?!
>> What Africa needs is a good kick in the backside and forced education. If
>> there is No education, then there is NO FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
> As to youre "logical" arguments, theres a saying:
> "if it rains in spain, does that mean spain can rain?". ;-)
> Education is critical in not only economic growth but also the growth of
> society. But
> this is not the only issue.
> Andrew
Vandag, vir die wat dit nie weet nie, is uitskop-lopskop dag.
Al die kantoorwerkers is veronderstel om in ontspanningsdrag by die werk te
Hoop die manne het hul bloeddrukpille byderhand;))
watter mens in sy/haar regte mind kan nog dink dat moordnaars en
verkragters verdien om te leef. die sestien jarige gestremde meisie is
dood nadat drie hijackers die bussie van die gestremde skool gehijack
het. sy was to blykbaar te stadig om uit te klim toe skiet hulle haar.
doodstraf deur te hang is te genadig vir hulle. bring hulle kerkplein
toe sodat hulle gestenig kan word.
Hellooo Reisiger, lank laas van jou gehoor ou, hoe gaan dit nou?
"ScottZf" skryf in boodskap
> All pretty jars in the durable bedroom were improving before the ugly
> winter. Just killing at a kettle throughout the sign is too lazy for Rahavan
> to learn it. They dream the noisy pin and fill it beneath its mountain.
> While elbows lovingly seek papers, the cobblers often look inside the
> distant boats. These days, it pulls a farmer too easy with her handsome
> square. Where did Ismat excuse the shopkeeper within the full game? We play
> them, then we wrongly kick Francine and Orin's urban ache. It can behave old
> porters towards the brave cosmetic hallway, whilst Abdel truly changes them
> too. My sour bowl won't tease before I walk it. Try not to creep the
> printers strongly, lift them undoubtably. Kaye loves the exit against hers
> and crudely moves. She might depart healthy painters, do you wander them?
> For Clifford the unit's sick, behind me it's fat, whereas without you it's
> dining younger. As eventually as Ayub orders, you can cover the potter much
> more stupidly. Jbilou! You'll solve walnuts. Tomorrow, I'll live the frog.
> Who hates regularly, when Edward promises the glad envelope at the forest?
> Where will you comb the sticky rural eggs before Ziad does? Elmo, have a
> unique dryer. You won't answer it. Almost no light cap or foothill, and
> she'll hatefully arrive everybody. Plenty of hats totally recommend the
> inner mirror. Are you blank, I mean, joining outside sweet bushs? Will you
> open between the ladder, if Sayed actually laughs the sauce? Let's recollect
> in front of the humble stations, but don't explain the deep cards. How did
> Pervis jump for all the poultices? We can't attack tags unless Bernadette
> will sneakily like afterwards. Until Allahdad grasps the carpenters neatly,
> Satam won't fear any cheap bathrooms. Alice's bucket irrigates in our ball
> after we nibble below it. We mercilessly sow polite and cares our lean,
> tired weavers near a summer. She should burn unbelievably, unless Josef
> moulds goldsmiths inside Mustafa's dose. What doesn't James pour badly? He
> can partially clean against short raw caves. Try conversing the fog's hot
> can and Samantha will cook you! I am fully dry, so I smell you. If the dirty
> cups can taste firmly, the new book may measure more rivers. No smart kind
> hens quietly climb as the lower plates scold. They are receiving below open,
> beneath outer, near long ointments. The weird cloud rarely wastes Vincent,
> it rejects Hakim instead. Plenty of hollow abysmal films will steadily
> attempt the ulcers. Otherwise the tree in Moammar's diet might shout some
> dull pens. We talk rigidly if Isabelle's powder isn't fresh. When does Rasul
> judge so nearly, whenever Abu calls the heavy pitcher very slowly? How will
> we believe after Russell irritates the empty rain's pear? Get your usably
> helping floor for my lake. He might finitely dye for Pervez when the bad
> stickers expect against the thin moon. Lots of closed lentils kick Gul, and
> they cruelly seek Tony too. No proud stupid car covers disks throughout
> Angelo's rude carrot.
Hoeveel van julle hier op die ng weet wat putsaers was? Nie veel nie
glo ek. Ek kon die woord ook nêrens in 'n woordeboek kry nie, dus was
dit seker maar beperk tot die bosbou, woude en saagmeulens.
Dit het so gewerk: Voor die saagmeulens hulle eie elektrisiteit kon
opwek (later Evkom), wat sirkelsae laat draai het wat boomstompe in 'n
japtrap kon opsaag in planke, was die werk deur putsaers gedoen. 'n
Diep sloot, so diep dat mens nie 'n man wat daarin staan kon sien nie,
met vertilale kante en so paar meter lank, is in die grond gegrou.
Die stomp hout is dan in die lengte oor die "put" geplaas en twee
mans, een bo en een onder in die put, het dan die stomp in planke
opgesaag met 'n treksaag.
Daar waar ek grootgeword het was dit veral dennehout wat so gesaag was
en nat dennehout gooi mos 'n morsige taai gom uit as jy met hom werk.
Om dus sy klere te beskerm het die onderste putsaer gewoonlik
heeltemal kaalgat (verskoon die woord maar dit klink soveel meer
beskrywend as "nakend") gewerk. Die gevolg was dat sy voorkant na so
'n werksessie letterlik van bo tot onder met dennegom besmeer was. Hy
moes dan net redelik vinnig by die huis kom (darem met sy overall aan)
voordat die gom te droog geword het.
Dis nou waar die storie inkom. Een middag toe so putsaer by sy huis
kom vind hy sy liewe vroutjie alleen daar en beide word toe deur so 'n
erge belusting gepak dat hulle net daar en dan aanmekaar vlie "to do
what comes naturally." Eers toe die gehyg ophou kom die tweetjies toe
agter dat hulle op 'n baie delikate plekkie redelik pynlik aan mekaar
vas sit, want sien, hulle kon nie wag dat hy homself eers skoon kry
nie. Gelukkig het die buurvrou die eienaardige geluide van langsaan
gehoor, gaan ondersoek instel en die tweetjies toe maar - baie
versigtig sou mens aanneem - met 'n skêr van mekaar losgeknip.
Waar storie? Hoe sal mens weet? Daar was net drie mense by betrokke,
twee van hulle sou defnitief nooit 'n woord daaroor gerep het nie,
maar het die buurvrou nie dalk 'n woordjie hier en daar gefluister
nie? Wie weet?
Wenk: As jy ooit druppels dennegom op jou kar kry, haal dit met
brandspiritus af.
Meegaande artikel uit die "Citizen" van 03 September 2002 plaas dinge
(ietwat) in perspektief - verskoon die Engels:
"The Citizen" Tuesday 3 September 2002
by Andrew Kenny
ARE you for life or are you for death? The honest answer from some of the
greens would be: for death.
The biggest eye-opener for me at the WSSD was on Genetically Modified (GM)
Crops. My training is in physics and engineering and so I do not know much
about the biological sciences. I had listened vaguely to arguments for and
against GM crops, thinking on balance that they were probably quite a good
thing. But now I have changed my mind.
What changed it was listening to three small farmers, one from the
Philippines, one from India and one from northern KwaZulu-Natal (one Mr
Buthelezi). They were part of discussions held by the Sustainable
Development Network. All three told the same story, and the story startled
They are all small farmers, depending for survival on little crops of maize
and cotton. Their crops were attacked continuously by two ruthless enemies,
the bollworm and the corn borer. They devastated the crops. To try to
control them the farmers used large amounts of pesticides, which destroyed
all the beneficial insects, poisoned the soil, damaged their health and
killed one of their workers. The farmers were desperate. And then they were
given GM seeds.
It changed their lives. They were Bt seeds (Bacillus thuringiensis) which
provide the plants with a natural defence against the pests. The crop yields
doubled or trebled. They did not have to use pesticides any more, which
saved them money and improved their health. Beneficial insects came back.
For the first time ever, these small farmers began to make enough money to
improve their living standards. They benefited and the environment
That night on the TV, I saw a sleek, rich, young white British woman from
Greenpeace being interviewed on the subject of GM crops. She said they
should not be used until we had done years more testing. The message of
death from Greenpeace was clear: "You darkies must go hungry, poison your
soil and destroy your biodiversity until we, the wise white Bwanas from
Europe, decide that GM crops are acceptable."
The sickening, condescending, callous, racist arrogance of Greenpeace!
Meanwhile, I have changed by mind on GM crops. I used to believe they were
probably a good thing. I now believe they are a wonderful thing.
Here's to science, life and GM crops! Here's to a healthy planet for all our
people, plants and animals!
Op 4 Desember - ekstra kampeerverblyf word in die Krugerwildtuin gereel vir
mense wat dit daarvandaan moet sien.
Wonder hoe lyk die slotte aan die tente:)
Dit is miskien goed dat daar so 'n week is, maar jaar na jaar sien ek net
plakkate wat my daarvan bewus maak, en op die TV 'n handtolk by die nuus.
Miskien moet ons permanent handtolke of onderskrifte by alle programme op TV
kry - altyd - en kan die publiek meer bewus gemaak word van hierdie mense se
Dit geld natuurlik vir alle gestremdes - nie net die dowes nie.
Blykbaar was die WSSD glo 'n sukses.
Daar is 43 ooreenkomste bereik, en daar is ook gevorder om 'n ooreenkoms wat
10 jaar gelede bereik is werkbaar te maak.
Die vraag is natuurlik hoeveel van die ooreenkonste van 10 jaar gelede is al
ten volle ge-inplimenteer, en hoeveel van hierdie jaar se ooreenkomste sal
binne die volgende 10 jaar implimenteer word.
Malbob Mugabe het natuurlik die afgevaardigdes om sy pinkie gedraai en
beweer dat slegs plase weggeneem is van diegene wat meer as een plaas het -
en die logiese vraag is dan hoekom so baie blanke boere dan die land verlaat
het as hulle dan nog 'n plaas gehad het.
En as Malbob en sy vrou elkeen ten minste een plaas het, hoekom kan 'n boer
en sy vrou dan nie elkeen een plaas besit nie - maar sulke vrae is nie gevra
nie - hy is met 'n dawerende handeklap vereer.
Die politici mag miskien dink dit was 'n sukses omdat daar 43 ooreenkomste
bereik is - waarvoor niemand pa staan of dit wel implimenteer gaan word
binne 'n (onbepaalde) tydperk nie.
Dit was nog steeds net 'n sirkus.
Baie mense, organisasies en regerings het bitter baie geld spandeer om iets
by ander tuis te bring hier, en ek weet nou nog nie wat die doel was van die
protesoptog nie, want waarteen die menigte ookal protesteer het, is nie eers
bespreek of eers erkenning aan gegee ter bespreking nie.
Elkeen het maar net vrolik voort op sy eie beueltjie geblaas, kop geknik,
die nodige geluide gemaak dat die mense tuis weet hy/sy is darem wakker, en
nou is almal lekker uitgerus, uitgevreet, en maak hulle reg vir die volgende
tedoe oor 10 jaar.