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Ek's ook terug

Sun, 13 April 2003 20:20

Hallo, ek's ook terug...

Davie Davis

Koeitjies & kalfies | 14 kommentare

Die Doringboom

Sun, 13 April 2003 20:02

Buurman het 'n moerske doringboom
wat oor die heining loer. Inderwaarheid
is die boom slegs sowat sewe treê van waar
ek hier sit, met my rekenaarvertrek se venster
oop en tussen my en die kollos.

Lig geskat, oornag honderde voëls daarin. Mossies,
Tortelduiwe, Indiëse spreeus, Kwikkies en,,,en...en...

Ek sê met opset 'oornag' en nie 'slaap' nie, want die voëls
slaap nie. Dit is nou 2150 en hulle kwetter en tjirp. Vannag
om middernag luister ek na hulle, en as ek twee uur wakker
is, hoor ek hulle steeds. Vieruur môreoggend begin hulle meer
luidrugtig raak wanneer hulle bespreek oor wat hulle deur die
dag gaan doen. Nou sit hulle en gesels oor die dag wat verby is.

Hannetjie en ek het 5:30 tot ses uur buite gestaan en kyk hoe hulle
as enkelinge en as groepe die groot doringboomwoonstelblok betrek.
Mekaar hallo sê met die landing, en somtyds sommer vinnig 'n wyfie
probeer score en dan vinnig van die tak afgeboender word deur 'n ander
mannetjie. Maar hulle gesels byna sonder ophou. Soms raak dit stil vir
'n kort rukkie, en dan kwetter dit weer. Miskien sien sommige van
hulle 'n beweging en begin dan skreeu "Watch out! Watch out!"

Dit is nie donker nie want voor my huis en voor sy huis is straatligte
wat dit heel gesellig lig hou deur die nag.

Is dit uniek of nie? Ek dog dan voëls slaap in die nag.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare

Tot Later

Sun, 13 April 2003 15:12

So ps 'n oproep gekry van 'n kennis
op pad hierheen. Dit gaan heelwaarskynlik
'n kuiery afgee wanneer sy hier is..
Weet nie of ek môre op usenet sal wees nie
maar heelwaarskynlik tog later vanaand.

My maskara is gesmeer so ek gaan nou bietjie


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Wapens van massa-vernietiging

Sun, 13 April 2003 13:14

Uit die Financial Times rakende die soektog na Saddam se wapens van


WAR IN IRAQ: US engineers draw another blank over suspected weapons
By Mark Huband, Security Correspondent, in London
Financial Times; Apr 12, 2003

American forces seeking evidence that Iraq was concealing a weapons of
mass destruction programme yesterday acknowledged for the fourth time
in a week that a suspect site had failed to provide proof of secret
weapons production.

Since the outbreak of war, US and UK forces have occupied territory in
which up to 30 of a total 40 alleged nuclear, chemical or biological
weapons sites identified in UK and US intelligence reports are

US Marine engineers visiting the Tuwaitha nuclear research centre
south of Baghdad on Thursday said they had found "many, many" drums
that they said contained low-grade uranium.

What the Marines appeared not to know was that the site was visited by
inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 12 times
between November and March. Iraq was permitted to retain uranium at
the site under UN resolutions.

On entering the site, the troops were said yesterday by the IAEA to
have broken door and container seals that were intended to prevent the
nuclear material being smuggled out.

The revision of statements suggesting that new evidence had been found
- which would have bolstered the case for war - follows similar
reversals in the past few days.

A white powder found at a site near Najaf and first thought to be
chemical agent was later deemed to have been explosives, while 14
barrels of liquid initially said to be sarin and tabun nerve agents
found at Hindiyah are now thought to be pesticide. A further claim
that a cache of rockets mounted on a multiple launcher has yet to be
verified as being armed with chemical warheads.

Admiral Sir Alan West, head of the UK Royal Navy and a former chief of
UK defence intelligence, said yesterday he was "absolutely convinced"
that Iraq had WMD though in less abundance than widely suggested.

"There are some people who have talked in terms of thousands of tonnes
of chemicals and hundreds and hundreds of missiles of extended range
and I would say that is way beyond the top end," he said.

Ari Fleischer, White House spokesman, said this week: "We have high
confidence that they have weapons of mass destruction - that is what
this war was about and is about - and we have high confidence [they]
will be found."

However, the collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime without its firing a
single one of the WMD it allegedly possessed has raised the question
of why it would have had them if it was not prepared to use them.

Equally mystifying has been the process of amassing evidence to
justify the war. This has been marked by the exposure of glaring
factual errors in intelligence reports and evidence of government
pressure being exerted on intelligence services to find suitable

Evidence presented by Tony Blair, prime minister, detailed alleged
Iraqi efforts to buy uranium from Niger.

Mohamed ElBaradei, IAEA director-general, told the UN Security Council
on March 7 that the documents sub-stantiating the claim were fake and
that "these specific allegations are un-founded".

Evidence presented by US officials that suggested Iraq had sought to
buy aluminium tubes for use in centrifuges for the uranium enrichment
process, has also been dismissed.

A weapons expert said: "All the evidence points to their being used
for rockets not centrifuges."

Kofi Annan, UN secretary-general, said this week that UN weapons
inspectors should return to Iraq quickly.

The US is assembling a team of its own inspectors, though weapons
experts doubt that their finds will be regarded with the credibility
of any made by a UN team.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 8 kommentare


Sun, 13 April 2003 12:39

Watter teleurstellende agteruitgang sedert
ek bietjie verlof geneem het!
Die helfde van briewe gaan oor bevestiging
daarvan dat Yankees nie ordentelik kan lees
en skryf nie met 'n groot deel van die res
deur morons uit ander groepe hierheen
gekruispos is. Kan ek julle dan nie vertrou
om hierdie nuusgroep se gehalte op (gewese)
standaard te hou in my afwesigheid nie?

Tussen hakkies, Gloudina, jou man het presies
net so min maniere soos jy.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 9 kommentare

Re: The Illuminati

Sun, 13 April 2003 04:03

Dis nie Arafat nie - dis Parravat ...

"Yashar Arafat" skryf in boodskap news:7VVla.270903$
> The Illuminati
> For those who have never heard of The Illuminati, or are brand new to the
> study, and who might ask, "In a nutshell, what the heck is the Illuminati?"
> A man named Adam Weishaupt founded a secret society in Bavaria in 1776, that
> had as it's goal, to rule the world. The methods they would use would be
> assassinations, bribery, blackmail, revolutions, and espionage. Their model
> of organization was similar to the Jesuit Order and the steps and degrees of
> Freemasonry. They intended to control and manipulate banks and bankers,
> money-lending powers, the world's financiers. They intended to cause
> economic collapses, wars, bloody uprisings and revolutions around the world,
> with each upheaval calculated to re-structure the status quo leaving the
> Illuminati in greater positions of influence, and poised for their next
> step. The main enemies or "targets" of The Illuminati in the 1700s were the
> kings and queens, the monarchies of Europe, and, the Church. The two
> most-remembered Illuminati-caused revolutions in history, were, the French
> Revolution and Reign of Terror (1788-1799), and the Russian Revolution of
> 1917 that first made Communism a world power. The Illuminati and it's
> diabolical conspiracy was very real. These things actually happened and are
> a matter of world history. The Illuminati Conspiracy got exposed. The
> authorities made raids and seized Illuminati documents. In its day this was
> all public headline news, not some obscure, rare, or arcane knowledge. There
> you have the basic gist of it. That is the starting point. That is what
> people usually mean by "The Illuminati."
> But is that all there is to it? What has gone on since then? And, what is
> going on today?
> Read more about it on
> Als wij aan een één-hoofdige wereld-regering denken, komt vanzelf de vraag
> bij ons op: "Wie en wat zit er achter?" Want het is duidelijk dat die ene
> man een machtig lichaam achter zich moet hebben om dit alles mogelijk te
> maken. Wie besturen deze aarde? Zijn het regeringen? Zijn het menselijke
> organisaties achter regeringen: de geheime genootschappen?
> In Nederland is er nauwelijks één studie in boek of tijdschrift aan gewijd.
> Waarom?
> Misschien omdat de onthullingen in feite zo onthutsend zijn, dat de normale
> Nederlander, die van huis uit bereid is toch altijd het goede in zijn
> medemens te zoeken, zich maar moeilijk kan indenken dat er zulk een
> geraffineerd kwaad in de wereld kan bestaan? Of is het een gebrek aan
> informatie!
> Theedoek (5xD, De Doek Die Direct Droogt);
> Logisch, Yasser Arafat is (overdrachtelijk) kurkdroog!

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Opera oppie water

Sat, 12 April 2003 09:17

Annette vertel ons meer (ek hoop jy het gaan kyk) van die "aqua opera" innie
Kaapse hawe speelplek. Hoe was dit? Die enigste watermusiek in die ou
Transvaal is nou nog net die Centurion se fonteintjies (waarvan ek weet).


Musiek & liriek | 17 kommentare

'n Drywer

Sat, 12 April 2003 04:44

Nou vir wat kry ons Krieket se A-span nie 'n drywer om die ouens hotel toe te
vat na 'n paar sopies nie?! Nou moet Andre die dryf-werk doen, die polisie
skraap hom en hy moet terug huis toe.
Laat een van die talle admin-mense wat saamkuier op die toere die
"designated driver" word!
Without nipples, breasts would be pointless.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare

Zimbabwe ruk reg ...

Fri, 11 April 2003 18:40

Onse Minister van Buitelandse Sake (die gode behoede ons) seg dat Zimbabwe
hom nou regruk. Die Zim-regering het nou kwansuis 4-miljoen Zim-doller
begroot om boere wie se grond gesteel is, te vergoed. (My duisuigskatting is
dat die bedrag gelykstaande is aan +/- R200,000-00. Die prys van 'n halwe
erf êrens aan die Rand.) Is sy dom of onnosel?

Reken - selfs die ANC-kiesers verdien 'n beter minister van buitelandse sake
as die ene...

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Drome - Vir Elaine

Fri, 11 April 2003 16:27

Ek het vandag by die CNA 'n baie interessante boek oor drome raakgeloop.
Dit is Jou Drome - die onbesuste het al die antwoorde - deur Cas van
Rensburg - Uitgegee deur Van Schaik - eerste uitgawe en eerste druk Desember

As jy dit nie in die hande kan kry nie, sal ek vir jou die stukkies oor
slange uit die boek oorskryf.


Happiness is a State of Mind

Koeitjies & kalfies | 7 kommentare

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