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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

Boentjies - deur Z.T. Niemand

Fri, 09 January 2004 19:54

Z.T. Niemand 1903

Hierdie versie kan gesing word aan die
wysie 'Die Donkie is 'n wonderlike ding'.

Die boentjie, O die boentjie
die boentjie is 'n wonderlike ding...
(bullshit! 'n Dingus is 'n wonderliKKe ding).
Hy's groot en hy's groen en soos 'n pampoon -
hy sa-al jou poephol laat sing!

(Herhaal x 2)

Prosa & poësie | 2 kommentare

" Sonnet - uit Malvern " deur S.J. PRETORIUS

Fri, 09 January 2004 19:47

S.J. Pretorius

Sonnet - Uit Malvern

Hul stap hier deur die skemerstrate saans
die groot figure, baarde dae-oud,
met krae opgeslaan, die wind is koud
en mompel oor die weer in Afrikaans;

die koppe stug asof haas suf gedink,
kosblikke in die growwe werkershande;
onder ou gryspet en slap hoederande
oë wat vinnig uitloer, bang en blink.

Eens voor die eeu was hul grootland-besitters,
met sluheid nou uit vadersgrond onterf,
is hul van rooidag tot die laatlig sterf,
asryers, pikslaners en vuilvoor-spitters.

Die mboulas dans en laat die skadu's spook -
hul raak verlore tussen huise en rook .

Prosa & poësie | 0 kommentare

Help die mense in S.A.

Fri, 09 January 2004 14:28

Gee hom 'n vis en hy eet vir 'n dag
leer hom om vis te vang en hy eet vir altyd
Help jouself ook

Koeitjies & kalfies | 6 kommentare

Re: Lemoen Stuff

Fri, 09 January 2004 13:07

Seunie, as jy Afrikaans kan lees, kan jy dit skryf ook.
Nou, miskien weet jy nie, of het nog nie sover probeer dink nie, maar die
rede hoekom almal nie boer nie, is omdat net 'n sekere tipe mens ordentlik
kan boer en suksesvol kan produseer. - maak nie saak of hy/sy pienk, pers of
blou is nie.
Hoe dink jy kom die kos op jou tafel?
Van land wat aan mense behoort wat op die stoep sit en na die sand sit en
Maak oop jou oë en probeer dink.

Ons leef nie meer in die jare toet nie.
Jy is duidelik nog een van die massa wat toelaat dat sy denke oorheers word
deur politieke gemors.

Laat weet ons asseblief waarvan jy leef.


Remailer@See.Comment.Header> skryf in boodskap news:P9TJ0VAE37995.5778472222@anonymous.poster...
> The act of repossessing land is not about productivity or
> anyhting other than actually laying claim to it. Should anything
> be produced on the land subsequent to possession, is simply
> incidental. Clearly you fail to comprehend even the most
> fundamental principles of African strategies. You can trumpet
> the fact that the neighbouring boer can still be productive on a
> smaller plot of land, however this makes him a target for future
> takeovers.
> The bottom line is that whites have no place in Africa and they
> are destined to be marginalised until, like pioneering Zimbabwe,
> the White population no longer exists. If you believe anything
> short of that then you are delusional. The process is already
> under way in Namibia and SA, so you had better get used to it
> fast.
> Zinzani
> --
> Questo messaggio e' stato inoltrato automaticamente
> da un paio di anonymous remailer. Il mittente originale
> e' sconosciuto e non identificabile. Datevi pace.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 5 kommentare


Fri, 09 January 2004 08:34

Met die grondhervormingsprogram van Namibië het die regering 'n
hoogsproduserende lemoenplaas opgekoop vir 'n hele paar miljoen Rand. Die
plaas het 11 000 lemoenbome opgehad en die ou was die grootste produseerder
van lemoene en nawels in die land. Sy direkte buurman het 'n veel kleiner
stuk grond langsaan en net met 2000 bome op. Op die groter grond is mense
hervestig. Nou, vandag, is die 11 000 lemoenbome alles omtrent vrek en die
wat nog dra, se lemoene is so groot soos golfballe. Die volledige
besproeiingstelsel is in sy moer in, die opgaardamme in die duine nodig om
die nodige druk op die stelsel te verskaf, bestaan nie meer nie. Die mense
plak nou maar in die geboue wat in 'n haglike toestand
is...............terwyl die buurman op sy klein grond met 2000 bome heel
rustig voortgaan om van die beste gehalte nawels in die land te produseer.
Die toestande is ideaal. Droë klimaat met volopwater.....hulle het 'spring
water' daar. Jy boor net 'n vlak gat en sit 'n pyp op met 'n kraan.
Hierdie is seker een van die beste bewyse dan maak nie saak wat die politiek
en die teorie sê nie, jy kan nie mense dwing om vooruitstrewend te raak as
die wil om dit self te doen nie daar is nie!

Koeitjies & kalfies | 7 kommentare

Liefdevolle sportmanne

Fri, 09 January 2004 08:28

In eergister se Argus 'n groot kleurfoto van twee sokkerspelers wat mekaar
vol op die mond soen nadat 'n doel aangeteken is.
Hoekom is ons rugbyspelers so stug, of is hulle jaloers op die wat punte

Sport & ontspanning | 9 kommentare

Hoe gaan die marsmannetjies lyk?

Fri, 09 January 2004 08:18

Noudat die Amerikaanse tuig geland het op Mars, en die Engelse hopelik al
van die gelande Beagle gehoor het, wat dink julle - hoe gaan die "lewe" op
mars lyk?

Koeitjies & kalfies | 8 kommentare

Re: Try This Recipe

Thu, 08 January 2004 22:03

Ek weet nie hoekom: hier in Vlaandere styg die temperatuur!


On Fri, 9 Jan 2004 08:00:52 +1300, "Dingus" wrote:

> ... a good dose of opening medicine the night before the big fart will
> improve results dramatically.
> "Nude Raider" wrote in message
> news:HTD5QKUS37994.6311689815@anonymous.poster...
>> Take your head and stick it up your arse and fart as lodly as
>> possible!

>> Maybe that will unleash some sense into your mentally deficient
>> brain.

>> Failing that - catch a few newts and boil their ball up into a
>> broth. Feed this to your pet hedgehog and braai him lightly,
>> before consuming him with relish. You will be miraculously cured.

>> Yes - this certainly matches ouma se geheime resep which others
>> in the NG are passing off as the real thing.

>> Some sound advice - got to your doctor and pose the question to
>> him. He is the only one qualified to answer that questiuon -
>> certainly NOT the clowns that have posted outrageous responses
>> to your stupid question.

>> Nude Raider

>> PS - Keep taking your other tablets - maybe you will recover.

>> --
>> Questo messaggio e' stato inoltrato automaticamente
>> da un paio di anonymous remailer. Il mittente originale
>> e' sconosciuto e non identificabile. Datevi pace.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Re: See a Witchdoctor - whinger!

Thu, 08 January 2004 19:18

.. sniggering too much to ones self can cause internal farting - be
forwarned Sir, internal farting can lead to many strange things.

For example it is widely accepted that internal farting was the prime reason
for the Great Trek.

Yes folks! Believe it or not an internal fart lead to a clot on the brain of
one of South Africas best unknown early pioneers. This clot, his name evades
me now, organized a great trek into the wildest of wild, eventuating in
places such as Gauteng, OFS etc. filled with people babling in a strange

One of these strange folk by the name of Piet van der Horst, 1878 scribed:

Die Swart Berge (In competition to Die Blou Berge).

O - die Berge.
Die heerlike berge.
Hoe swart en groet hulle is,
my hart pomp soos tannie se poephol
na sy vrot vrugte ge eet het.

O - die Berge.

On the other hand, loud volumptious farting relieves pressure on everything
within the body.

In fact, the good lady wanting a solution to her aches and pains, sinusitus
etc. may well find relief in a tin of baked beans.

An old boer remedy for exactly this ailment, suggests the tin and contents
be warmed to about 23.5 degrees C before being opened. Upon opening, add two
pinches of salt, and then before the temperature drops to below 22.7 C pour
the contents over the head while reciting this poem:

Die Boontjies - deur H.A. Oppervlakte 1888.
(Can be sung to the tune of 'n Donkie is 'n wonderlike Ding for quicker

Die boontjie, O die boontjie
die boontjie is 'n wonderlike ding
(bullshit! 'n Dingus is 'n wonderliKKe ding).
Hy's groot en hy's groen en soos 'n pampoon
die sal jou poephol laat sing!

(Repeat three times after meals).

"Nude Raider" skryf in boodskap news:O66DNQVR37994.6140277778@anonymous.poster...
> Listen you whinger - you live in Afrikaaa, so why not do as the
> locals do and consult a tradishinaaal healer for you problem.
> Speak to your new masters and see what they proscribe for your
> immaginary ailment.
> I would guess it to be something like ground-up monkeys balls or
> similar.
> Don't look for sympathy in this NG as it's inhabited largely by
> a bunch of un-caring individuals.
> Get a life and start undertsnading the ways of your black
> supervisors!
> Nude Raider
> =================
> (Sniggering quietly to himself)
> --
> Questo messaggio e' stato inoltrato automaticamente
> da un paio di anonymous remailer. Il mittente originale
> e' sconosciuto e non identificabile. Datevi pace.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Re: So what have we learned??

Thu, 08 January 2004 15:46

Wat sê jy seunie?

"Nude Raider" skryf in boodskap news:VIAO7S6237994.3677314815@anonymous.poster...
> In my exercise in trying to analyse the psyche of the afrikaners
> who frequent this NG, I ran a test.
> By posting a message that would twang at their heartstrings that
> are programmed to try and revert to the old order of minority
> domination, I was interested to see the responses from posters
> which clearly indicated whether or not they had accepted, and
> indeed embraced the "New South Africa". The answers were varied,
> but nonetheless interesting.
> A number of groups were identified:
> Firstly, there were a few that clearly longed for the "old
> order" (fat tannie in Canada who posts sentimental poems is the
> most obvious).
> Secondly, there were those who remained undecided - torn between
> disagreeing with the bantu masters (fear of retribution was
> perhaps a factor), and aligning themselves with the old
> afrikaner order of separate everything.
> Then, and the most promising, were those who RATIONALLY
> evaluated the situation and strategically aligned themselves
> with LOGICAL thought processes to reach a sensible conclusion.
> This occurred predominantly with those residing outside SAfrica,
> who perhaps have had the opportunity to reflect of the SAfrican
> situation, and compare this to a normal society where they have
> now settled.
> The lesson to be learned here is that people (SAfricans in
> particular) need to be able to adapt to new circumstances and
> environments, and to do this requires constant re-evaluation of
> the situation. By adjusting to changing circumstances, will
> ensure survival. Without that skills the boers are lost in the
> wilderness and like the wit doeke will pass into obscurity to be
> placed on the forgotten list of other failures like piet retief
> who did squat for the advancement of the afrikaner (so called)
> nation.
> Many of you posters in SAfrica (we know who you are) like to
> cling to the errant ways of the past, whilst others see fit to
> bravely challenge the system. Now if I was a SA Government
> Official (perhaps I am????) I may be tempted to blacklist you in
> my book of "traitors" to the cause and mete out boer justice by
> sidelining any endeavours and aspiration you may have. I'm sure
> that ILLYA or whatever the prick is called now, will attest to
> the job discrimination his wife suffered at the hands of the BAD
> ANC Government.
> South Africans - particularly those as outspoken and vocal as
> many of you are who still reside in SAfrica, beware the third
> force, which thanks to electronic interception laws know exacly
> what you are thinking. Be forwarned, for the days of electronmic
> freedom are drawing to a close. Careful now or you may end up as
> an "Enemy of the State".
> Nude Raider

Koeitjies & kalfies | 12 kommentare

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