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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.


Tue, 14 June 2005 06:16

1) Onse Prez gaan blykbaar vandag iets sê oor Zuma.

2) Die Arrogante Vier se uitspraak is ook vandag.

In beide gevalle hoop ek hul kry wat hul toekom.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Re: Sies mwena

Mon, 13 June 2005 21:52

Can anyone help this outjie?

"Touchstone" skryf in boodskap news:PYire.269566$
> "Skokkie" schreef in bericht
> news:d8kcq3$jua$

>> "Touchstone" wrote in message
>> news:DIfre.269326$
>>> Hello,
>>> Is there anyone who knows what "Sies mwena" means?
>>> I presume it's something like "hello" of "how are you" but I'm not
>>> really
>>> sure.
>>> It's from a language that is spoken in south africa...
>>> What is appropriate to reply to this?
>>> greetz and tnx in advance
>>> T-stone

>> It sounds like a mixture of Afrikaans and Zulu that would not really
>> represent a greeting. I would check the spelling and pronounciation, as
>> well as the sincerity of your relationship with the person who told you
>> it was a greeting.
> I presumed it was a greeting... could be something else..
> Thanx for your reply... if someone else knows what the meaning could be?
> The area where the person who uses this comes from is Paarl.
> greeting,
> T-stone

Koeitjies & kalfies | 9 kommentare


Mon, 13 June 2005 07:28

Gisteraand in Carte Blanche se verslag oor Medunsa, blyk die groot kroeks te
wees die nuwe rektor en 'n Afrikaanse prof.
Die grootste kroek is egter die hoof van die tuiniers, wat, ten spyte van
sy afdanking, nog steeds daar werk en 'n verbasende mag oor almal het,
insluitende die nuwe rektor

Koeitjies & kalfies | 6 kommentare

Re: The Plot to Kill Mugabe - Episode 1

Mon, 13 June 2005 04:03

Die probleem met taal gebruik in Australië is dat hulle nie verskil maak tussen studente en skoliere nie. Albei word "students" genoem. Te oordeel
aan die inhoud van die webwerf verwysings het ons hie beslis met skoliere ("pupils") te doen.

On 12 Jun 2005 19:23:43 -0700, "Peter Stiff" wrote:

> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------
> Episode 1 -In Which the White Racists Order Comrade Mugabe's Death
> ------------------------------------------------------------ -----
> May passed, so did June. July marked the Rhodesian mid winter,but
> August was the prelude to summer ... the last Rhodesian summer.
> Colonel Joe had no jobs for me, and the way the war was going it
> didn't look as if there were going to be any more, but we still
> met weeklyat the Park Lane Hotel.
> In the early morning of Friday 31st August 1979, I received an
> unexpected telephone call at home.
> "Meet me as soon as possible at the flat overlooking Greenwood
> Park," he said. "My boss, Ricky May, wants to see you urgently."
> I didn't ask why, I merely glanced at my watch and told him I would see
> him in half an hour.
> "This is really it," Ricky May said. "Government wants to know if you
> are prepared to kill Robert Mugabe?"
> "That is a silly question," I said. "Of course I will. Isn't it a bit
> late, though? The Lancaster House talks on the future of Rhodesia
> begin in London on the 10th September. Why have you let things drag
> for so long?"
> My last question was to remain unanswered ... as it had always been
> before with Nkomo.
> "That is precisely why we're here," said Ricky May. "Government
> has decided that Mugabe is too much of a radical to take risks with,
> particularly, as seems likely, if he gains the support of the majority
> of blacks in Rhodesia at an election arising out of the Lancaster House
> talks.
> "He has already made his intentions clear ... he wants to turn the
> country into a one-party Marxist state. The feeling is that with him
> out of the way, a power struggle will develop within ZANU, which, while
> it is in progress, will leave the way clear for either Bishop Muzorewa,
> the present prime minister, to remain in office, or for Joshua Nkomo to
> be put into office as a puppet. They will both need white support to
> survive. The same is not true of Robert Mugabe."
> "I'm inclined to agree," I said. "But where do you want me to do it?
>> From what I've heard, Mugabe spends most of his time in Mozambique.
> Mozambique, as we all know, is a Portuguese speaking black Marxist
> state. Visitors are few and white western ones not encouraged. I think
> it will be virtually impossible to set something up there."
> "We were thinking you could do it in London," Ricky May said
> casually, "while the Lancaster House Conference is on. I know you
> are familiar with London. I would like you to leave here and think
> about how it could be done. I suggest we meet again tomorrow and
> continue discussions then."
> "It will not be quite so easy as you make it appear," I warned.
> "Messing about in Lusaka, where there is an incompetent black
> police force, shortages of petrol and so on is one thing ... but London
> is another story altogether. The Brits will not be at all taken with
> bombs being tossed around in London. Look what they did to Guy
> Fawkes!"
> "Yes, yes," said Ricky May testily, "we appreciate all that. That's
> why I want you to think about it. Give Colonel Joe a ring once you
> have made up your mind whether you will take on the job or not."
> "There is no question about that," I said, "I'll do it. It must, and I
> stress this, be tackled properly. I appreciate you must have worries
> about the top security aspects ... keeping the need to know small. It
> is possible, just possible, I may be able to do the job on my own in
> London, but I'll definitely need someone here to train and practise
> with. There's only a little time to prepare. The conference starts on
> the 10th and is scheduled to end on the 24th September."
> "That's true," agreed Colonel Joe.
> "Can you make someone from the SAS available for me to work with?"
> I asked.
> "I'm sorry ... but absolutely not," Ricky May said firmly. "We don't
> want to involve anyone from the regular security forces, neither the
> army, nor the police, nor the air force. If you can suggest anyone
> else, I'll be glad to consider him."
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------
> Tomorrow's Exciting Episode - Taffy Decides to Blow Up Mr. Mugabe
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------

Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare

Re: he was told to appoint blacks

Sun, 12 June 2005 21:45

"DD" skryf

> As forensic backlogs and staff shortages cripple evidence gathering
> June 11, 2005
> Forensic scientists and opposition parties blame "aggressive
> transformation policies" at state forensic laboratories for
> undermining the credibility of vitally important forensic evidence

Wel, hier in Toronto het ons nou nie sulke verskonings nie. Maar
net verlede week het die Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto
( een van die beste kinderhospitale in die wêreld) veertig
uitsprake in hersiening geneem wat een spesifieke patoloog
aan gewerk het. Dié man se analises is glo ook in 'n hele
klomp kriminele sake gebruik. Uitsprake gebaseer op sy
getuinenis, wat in sekere gevalle uit leuens bestaan het,
sal nou ook in die oë van die reg weer hersien moet word.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 4 kommentare

Beeld se Lesers-opinies

Sat, 11 June 2005 18:35

en ek stap die CNA by 'n groot winkelkompleks hier by ons in
en besluit heel impulsief om vir 'n verandering 'n Afrikaanse koerant
te koop. Want die Beeld lê op die rak.
Laat vanmiddag kry ek my sit hier in die sitkamer met 'n beker
koffie en sleep die half vergete Beeld nader. By die lesersbriewe kom
ek toe hierop af:

Apartheid en korrupsie nie dieselfde
Mense wat weet, moet sterk eksepsie neem oor Ferdi Greyling se rubriek
van 8 Junie waarin hy beweer "wit Afrikaanse mans in die NP was maar
lekker korrup".


Die tweede opsigtelik fout wat Greyling maak, is om die ANC hemelhoog
aan te prys vir sy "nie-rassigheid". Weet Greyling nie van die wette
oor swart ekonomiese bemagtiging wat doelgerig onderskei tussen swart
en wit mense in die land en spesifiek ingestel is om swart mense ten
koste van wit mense te bevoordeel nie?,,3-73_1719712,00.html

brief 2
Wie was 'lekker korrupte' NP-mans?

Vraag: Sou die rubriekskrywer sy artikel, wat die ANC kritiseer, kon
geskryf het as hy nié klappe na die NP uitgedeel het nie? Ek vra maar

Slotsom deur iemand wat nie die betrokke rubriek gelees het nie,
en wel nooit NP gestem het nie maar ook 'n 'wit Afrikaanse man' is:

Dìt nuusgroep, is julle vriend - Ferdi (Max Du Preez) Greyling in
kleur en geur:-(((
As julle hom nou nog nie ken nie, leer hom ken.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare


Sat, 11 June 2005 10:06

Het julle gehoor hulle noem nou 'n swart taxi 'n 'computer'? Dit het
'windows', dit 'crash' altyd, en word gedryf deur 'n 'floppy' met 'n virus!

Humor & grappe | 0 kommentare


Fri, 10 June 2005 08:32

'n Ruk gelede was daar mos 'n bohaai oor die wat jy nou 'n volwasse knap
kaart in jou DSTV dekodeerder kan sit wat jou toegang gee tot 'n 24 uur blou
film kanaal. Nou wonder ek of die ouens werklik tou gestaan het om dit in
te laat sit of was dit maar net 'n bohaai oor niks? Ek sien op Bid or Buy
adverteer hulle 'n thingmajig wat jy by jou pc install wat jou ook toelaat
om internasionale stasies op te vang gratis, for you for niet, maar jy het
internet toegang nodig. Ek wou dit 'n try gee maar bang ek tel net sneeu
op! Het enige een ondervinding met die thingmajig?

TV, flieks & vermaak | 10 kommentare

Sogenaamde Leiers

Fri, 10 June 2005 06:49

Nog nie 'n dooie woord deur die hoofregter, aangewese hoofregter,
Vise-president ( Onse Prez is landuit), Minister van Justisie, Hoof van
Polisie, of enige " verantwoordelike" minister in die kabinet om die
rassistiese en lasterlike uitsprake deur sg. " jeugleiers" tov regter H.
Squires aan te spreek nie.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

" Diereriem " deur D.J. OPPERMAN

Thu, 09 June 2005 22:48

D. J. Opperman

Opeens het piet-my-vrou gefluit
toe skrik erdwurms in die kluit,
en orals in die vlei steek
bolle hul groen peesters uit.

Hy snuif en snuif, nog eers verward
oor watter geur sy drif uittart,
dan kies sy horing snel één
van twee paaie na die hart.

Daar is twee pole wat die gang verstoor
As teengesteldes wat gelyk bekoor,
en tussen hulle hou die hart en son
diep in die dop 'n dubbeldoor.

Ek kyk uit pantsers deur 'n kier
en flikker in die sonlig skêr en spier,
verberg die fyn en tere - agter
die stroewe skild op 'n skarnier.

Hy gloei voor my uit die braambos
en vlam op vlam skud Hy Sy maanhaar los,
die koninklike vuur van die heelal
wat my van bloed en vlees verlos.

Sy laat die uitverkore saad ontwaak,
die sakaboela nes in biesies maak -
Sy baar die eier, vrug en Knaap; maar gaan
van hierdie aarde self onaangeraak.

Die nag en dag sal ek soms bring
deur wik en weeg tot ewening;
maar altyd roer tussen die twee
die wyser van die skemering.

Onder die swart klip van die nag stoot
onverwags sy angel in my skoot;
ek worstel .. gee my oor aan die vergif,
aan die bedwelming van die dood.

Ons sien 'n eland stadig nader kom
maar wei as trop rustig met hom;
dan tref 'n pyl en weet ons weer
die dood wei tussen ons vermom.

Ek het haar fyn en skugter teen die more
eens gesien, maar koersverlore
soek ek sedertdien oor stof en ryp
die paadjie van haar spore.

Hy skep die waters weer byeen
en sonder ag op bid of ween,
kantel Hy na eie spel
dit deur die gieter weer uiteen.

Agter ysvlakke van 'n ander ryk
hang wesens wat liggies roei en wyk,
terugkeer, en met verstilde hartstog
na 'n afgestolpte wêreld kyk.

Prosa & poësie | 0 kommentare

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