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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

Sewe dwergies

Do, 24 Mei 2007 06:55

Wat is die Afrikaanse name vir die sewe dwergies?

Google weet nie - gooi net Engels.



Boeke, tydskrifte & koerante | 1 kommentaar

Re: as you freindship me

Wo, 23 Mei 2007 14:34

Skidash wrote:
> HI,
> I am a new freinds of yours
> thanks for the choose to me your freindships
> thanks
> Skidash

Pasop, hierdie is eintlik 'n kodeboodskap van die geheime diens van
Burkina Faso.

Vry vertaal, beteken dit
"Onthou brood te koop vanaand voor tafeltenniswedstryd"

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

correct Afrikaans?

Ma, 21 Mei 2007 12:26

Ik ben eens in deze nieuwsgroep een Afrikaanse uitdrukking tegen gekomen die
me 'op het lijf geschreven' is.
>> ...die lewe is te kort vir kerm...
Nu kreeg ik gisteren commentaar van een 'rasegte Afrikaner' dat het moet
>> die lewe is te kort om te kerm...
Wat is volgens jullie het meest origineel Afrikaans?

Vriendelijke groeten:
Cees Joppe

Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe | 12 kommentare

Nuwe Koerant

Ma, 21 Mei 2007 07:18

Het enige van julle al die nuwe Sondag koerant onder oe gehad. Is dit die
moeite werd, of is dit in dieselfde klas as die Son.

Boeke, tydskrifte & koerante | 3 kommentare

Castle het gescore

Sa, 19 Mei 2007 17:13

nie maklik verskoonbaar, tog ietwat verstaanbaar, en menslik,
dat hulle mak geraak het na speeltyd verby was en slegs beseringstyd
oor was. En tog sòòò leersaam.

Riaan het uit sy nate gebars en sy vreugede afgespoel, ek het terug
gesak in my stoel en my teleurstelling weg gespoel, en Castle het die
werklike pune aangeteken.

Sport & ontspanning | 2 kommentare

tog ietwat verstaanbaar

Sa, 19 Mei 2007 17:03

alhoewel nie maklik verskoonbaar, tog ietwat verstaanbaar, of menslik,
dat hulle mak geraak het na speeltyd verby was en slegs beseringstyd
oor was.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 10 kommentare

Die vrye en/of regverdige blou-groen lig word hiermee gegee...

Wo, 16 Mei 2007 15:57

Aan (Mev. en) President T Vosloo en/of K Bekker,
om die leisels van die toekoms oor te neem.

Wanneer (die outeur) terugkom en/of op pad is,
na Weskoppies, C-maksimum en/of Droomland.

(Die (outeur) het alle fondse tot sy beskikking gebruik,
om Onderhandelinge, mee aan te knoop.
En indien Onderhandelinge namens die outeur kan aangeknoop word,
asook gestuur word, om dieselfde te doen.

Om sodoende fondse te kan bereik.
Om (Inisiatiew(e)) Parlement toe te neem,
en daar te gaan voorlees,
(indien wel ontvang wil word).

By voorbaat baie dankie.
U ondersteuning, (in die verband), word inniglik waardeer.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 5 kommentare

Super 12 Bulls vs Sharks

Di, 15 Mei 2007 21:59

Plaas jou voorspelling hier onder
Bulls 28
Sharks 21

Sport & ontspanning | 9 kommentare

Hoe veilig is Suid Afrika vir die Israeliet Bevolking wat daar woon?

Ma, 14 Mei 2007 21:41

How safe is South Africa for its Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Boer Brit-ish/
Israelite* People?

* The word British is not English in origin, but Hebrew and means
Covenant-man - Brit means Covenant and ish means man. In other words
Israelite, with whom God made His Covenant at Sinai, where, via Moses,
He gave His Law and the people swore to keep it forever. The Covenant
includes benefits/blessings for keeping it and penalty-clauses/curses
for breaking it.

The people of South Africa are suffering distress and looking around,
in all the wrong places for, but not finding, answers and a leader to
lead them in safety to freedom, and, of course, the ONLY person who
can do that is God with and through His Anointed.

Which came first? The chicken or the egg?

Normally, when a people are in distress and want to send a "Distress
Signal"; in the hope that someone will see it and come to their
rescue; they fly their flag upside-down.

The reason for my chicken and egg question is, that the South African
flags have been, from their beginning, spiritually upside-down and
thus an offence to God, and offending God is actually the cause of
their distress.

God made an oath to protect His and any people who keep His Covenant
and Laws in The Bible. If the people are in distress, it is because He
has removed His protection, because they have broken His Covenant,
rejected His Laws, and flying their flags with the colours upside down
lets Him know that they are in rebellion against Him. Thus they come
under the penalty-clauses/curses.

The 1928-1994 South African flag has the orange ground where heaven
should be and heaven where the orange ground should be on the flag,
thus reversing the order of their importance to the people.

Blue is God's colour and so, like the heaven above and God looking
down over His people, it should be at the top of the flag, where the
people look up to it and know it symbolises God looking over them and
protecting them, as long as they obey Him.

The white represents the clouds in between and the orange or red
represents the "blood-soaked earth" Earth, which has become Satan's
(the Red Devil's) domain (Rev./Apoc. 12:1-9), because the people have
disobeyed God and not kept God's Covenant and Law, where Satan walks
to and fro (1 Peter 5:8) seeking to devour and destroy, YOU (along
with your ecological life-support-system).

Thus, to gain God's protection and not insult Him, you should keep The
Covenant and His Laws and place the blue part of the flag on top with
the white in the middle and the orange or red on the bottom, showing
that God is the Lord over His people and Satan is not.

To the world; that is used to seeing the old flag upside down; this
reversal would look like a distress signal, which it would be - a
distress signal asking God for His help. To God it would be
recognition that His people in their affliction have seen their error,
acknowledged their sin and have corrected it, placing Him back in His
rightful place, whereupon He would keep His promise to protect them,
if they keep His Covenant and Laws.

Keeping The Covenant, according to the Messiah/Christ/Mahdi, means
that, to become one of the "Elect" and be allowed to survive, you must
learn "The New Song" (Rev./Apoc. 14:3 & 15:3; note well 5:9) and, when
the time is right, sing (Live) it in Gibr-ALTAR (please see my "God
told Isaiah [His Prophet to you], 'Let the Inhabitants of The Rock
sing, The New Song' - The Song of Moses and The Lamb" Book - ).

As a "Sign", of South Africans' renewed commitment to keeping The
Covenant, when they make that very serious commitment, the flag will
have to be inverted (to demonstrate that the People agree that God and
not Satan should rule Heaven and Earth).

The next step will be the hardest for everyone on Planet Earth to come
to terms with; after 2000 years of expectantly waiting, mistakenly,
for the body with holes in its hands to return (to understand how
everyone is mistaken, please see my "On The Way to Emmaus Again"
Booklet); and that will mean the 144,000 "Elect" recognising the
returned Messiah/Christ/Mahdi, inside his new body, as not only their
(your?) but also Gibraltar's; the entire Brit-ish People's; the
U.S.A.'s; their historical allies' and the Commonwealth's and
Ireland's True and Rightful King - JAH (Ezekiel 21:26-27).

P.S. In the meantime please read my Books and Booklets; open your
spiritual "eyes"; learn the "New Song" and remember to watch this
space (


Koeitjies & kalfies | 4 kommentare

soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans Moderator aanstelling

Ma, 14 Mei 2007 21:11

Aan - (Mev. en) President F(erdi) Greyling, (op die Nuusgroep vlak)...
En/of verkose (Lid en/of) Leier -

(Die outeur), (bihvnspo01 @, wag nog steeds vir 'n e-
pos van U.

Om U te kontak met my Persoonlike vlak e-pos.
Om bewusmaking (Inisiatiew(e)) te kan bespreek,
voor, tydens en/of na,
die plaas (op Nuusgroep(e)),
die e-pos van Aangename uitkomste (Inisiatiew(e)),
na (Lede en/of) Leiers.
Om (gesamentlik) 'n inkomste daaruit,
te kan verdien.
(En/of asook,
te weet,
watter (Inisiatiew(e)),
is (ondersteun), en/of mega- waardevol.
Om daar van te vervorm.

By voorbaat baie dankie.
U ondersteuning, (in die verband), sal inniglik wardeer word.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare

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