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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

Re: UNESCO's World Heritage List

Fri, 29 June 2007 14:39

Jeeva skryf
> The list of Heritage sites as listed by UNESCO is available at

'n Nuwe een is onder andere die Rideau Kanaal, wat in die
negentiende eeu gebou is om die Ottawa Rivier met Lake
Ontario te verbind. In die winter word dit die langste skaatsbaan
in die wêreld.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

"Wildernis" deur D.J. OPPERMAN

Fri, 29 June 2007 01:35


Watter boom se bitter wortel,
watter beentjie van die tortel

sal die hart teen bose gees
beskerm en van eensaamheid genees?

sal die kranse en die wildepeer
tot sin en ewigheid besweer?

Met die jare word die kamer
daagliks onherbergsamer

en buite kom 'n kilte
dieper uit die klip en stilte,

buite agter 'n miershoop lê
die maer lyk van Eugene Marais

Prosa & poësie | 0 kommentare

" Vincent van Gogh" deur DIRK OPPERMAN

Fri, 29 June 2007 01:28

Vincent van Gogh

Jy het as 'n miskende
heilige vergeefs geveg teen die ellende
en die onreg in die krotte van die myn,
in agterbuurtes en op landerye; slegs die pyn
en skriklike stryd van God
leer ken, wat mens en boom verknot
in Sy kramptrekke; maar eers toe jy die koringgerwe
in aanbidding van die son kon verwe,
boere, wasvrouens en gepynigde gesigte,
die kantelende landskap in die snelle ligte
geel en groen en blou - alles met koorsige gevlek
tot branding van die skone kon verwek,
toe is Sy hartstog eers in jou volbring
soos groen sipresse tot 'n vlam verwring.

Prosa & poësie | 3 kommentare

Re: For International Peace / Security: Islamic Teaching of Righteousness, Love, Compassion and Equality of All People; God Himself takes care of Insulting-Plotters. High Islamic Morals ask to Control Emotions and act Wisely. LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE.

Tue, 26 June 2007 17:42


Ek dink dit is net so onregverdig om hierdie ou te oordeel volgens obvious
regsgesinde Amerikaanse anti-Islam propaganda as wat dit is om on christene
te veroordeel volgens die belaglike poste wat die Grieks-ortodokse profeet
hier laat, nie om eens te praat van die NG kerk wat wil ondersoek of die
duiwel wel bestaan, of die believe or else attitude van die katolieke kerk
en hulle Spaanse inkwisisie nie.

(En terloops ek top-post met opset omdat in die gesprekke waar ek
teenwoordig is, die laaste woord die swaarste weeg. Die wat wil weet vat
vroeër gesê is, omdat hulle nie die gesprek gevolg het nie, kan gerus afs
scroll om op te vang.)

En glo my, nie vir 'n oomblik dink ek hierdie ou se siening van die wêreld
is reg nie, maar nie alle moslems is bloeddorstige oorlogsvrate nie, net
soos alle Afrikaners nie rassistiese haters van alles wat swart is nie.


"Dave" skryf in boodskap
> A closer look at the motivations and background of the author.
> download
> On Tue, 26 Jun 2007 05:14:50 -0700, GLAD-TIDDING
> wrote:
>> Peace be upon you and all!

>> A closer look at the motivations and background of this author.
>> · download

>> Reforms to peace @ links
>> Islam's Response to Contemporary Issues= English www.thereligionofpeace.coml =SOME DISTINCTIVE
>> Universal
>> and Moral Values, Politics and World Peace
>> Islam - Peaceful Religion
>> Exemplary Compassion of The Holy Prophetsaw
>> Peace and blessings be upon you and your loved ones and all humanity.
> A closer look at the motivations and background of the author.
> download

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Waar is almal?

Tue, 26 June 2007 14:51

Hoekom het ons Afrikaanse nuusgroep nou skielik meer
Engels op as Afrikaans? Laat van julle hoor. Ek pleit skuldig,
Die rekenaar waarop al my gedigte gestoor is, is uit aksie
en ek is te lui om 'n nuwe kolleksie te maak. Maar ek sal
in die nabye toekoms probeer. Intussen kan ander ook
uithelp. Dit help natuurlik ook nie dat dit somer hier is
en mens baie meer uithuisig is as in die winter nie. Vandag
gaan die temperatuur glo op tot 32 C.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 10 kommentare


Fri, 15 June 2007 09:53

Op de website is een project gestart om Afrikaanse,
Surinaamse e.d. woorden van Nederlandse leenwoorden te inventariseren.
Bijdragen zijn welkom. Zie

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Re: Atheists are Stooges.

Wed, 13 June 2007 07:33

Dino wrote:
> It can unequivocally be stated that militant atheists are some
> of the people who most solidly believe in God !
> Ain't talking 'practical atheists' here ...those who don't
> even think much about atheism. They're the true
> atheists.

Interessante onderskeid wat die jafel hier maak. En dalk nogal waar.
Ek glo mens kry ate?ste, wat hulleself definieer in terme van 'n
afsydigheid, selfs antagonisme tot God en Christene, en dan ander wat
hulleself as "gewone mense" definieer, en eerder die gelowiges as
'te?ste' beskryf.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Judgement is Coming!

Mon, 11 June 2007 20:52

Contributed by
( )

JUDGMENT IS COMING! Issue number 20 June 2007 .... Editor: Alan

God's judgment is coming. By all means... pass this article around!
( or
Acts 17
31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the
world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he
hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from

Welcome to Issue number 20 of the Judgment is coming newsletter. May
God bless you as you are encouraged and as you eagerly await the soon
return of the Lord Jesus! The signs of impending judgment are all
around us! It is a source of encouragement to the Christian as we
the Lord Jesus will very soon return!

The Coming Great Deception or Welcoming the Kingdom of the Antichrist
by Alan Yusko

2 Thess 2
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume
with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness
his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power
and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that
because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they
should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had
pleasure in unrighteousness.

Above we read of a coming strong delusion that God will send upon
people who have rejected the truth and the light of the saving Gospel
of the Lord Jesus.

The main point I wish to make in this tract is this: When lost people
reject salvation in the Lord Jesus, there comes a time when God gives
up on them. Such a person will never respond to salvation. At this
point they are given up to believe deceptions from the devil with all
their heart. Such a person rejected the truth again and again,
therefore they are given deceptions to believe in.

The above verses indicate that after the rapture and when the
antichrist is revealed to the world, God will send a strong delusion.
The purpose of this strong delusion is to give the lost Christ
rejecting, Bible rejecting person something to believe in until the
day he perishes and goes to an eternity in hell. Such a person
rejected the truth of the Gospel so they will be given a strong
delusion. This happens today at a smaller level where a lost hard
hearted person believes in lies instead of the truth of the Bible.
This is why people believe in evolution and have a wide range of
to choose from. They rejected the truth so they easily believe lies
and false teachings. However, after the rapture and the rise of the
antichrist, God Himself sends a strong delusion for all the hard
hearted people who heard the call of salvation and chose to reject
Lord Jesus.

This is a very dangerous warning in the Word of God! Will you,
continue to reject the Lord Jesus and be given over to believe in the
coming strong delusion in the days after the rapture?


Satan wants to attack the root of Christianity. The devil wants
to reject the Bible and die lost in their sins. Over the years the
groundwork for the rejection of the Bible has been laid. Here are

- the deception of evolution removes the need of a creator and a
personal God. Human life loses its value if there is no God and
just evolve by chance. This evil foundational belief allows for
abortion and murder of the sick and elderly. It also includes cloning
and genetic manipulation which corrupts human, plant (food), and
animal DNA and genes. People who refuse to acknowledge God, blindly
cling to the theory of evolution.

- so called "higher" critics try to bring doubt to the Bible, the
of God. The Da Vinci or the Jesus tomb deception are two examples
where lost people try to discredit the Bible.

- Modern versions of the Bible based on corrupt manuscripts succeed
bringing doubt on the preservation of the Word of God. The king of
corrupt versions is the NIV perversion. Stick with the KJV as it is
the best Bible for the English language and its based on the best

- False teachings like psychology, which is based on atheism, brings
doubt on the sufficiency of the Word of God to meet spiritual needs.
Psychology was created by a bunch of godless atheists. Today the
teachings of these men are considered superior to the Bible, the Word
of God.

- Acceptance of the occult, demons, and Satanism. Harry Potter, Lord
of the Rings and Narnia has been used mightily to give people a taste
for Satan's world of the occult. All the occult is an abomination to

- Rock and roll music brought in all its Satanic fruit and is more
addictive than drugs. The evil fruit of rock music is: rebellion,
sexual immorality, drug use, blasphemy, the occult, mockery of
anything Christian, and conformity to the ideals and morality of

All these deceptions have been firmly established and many lost
have adopted them and believe in them with all their hearts. Again,
these lost people had no desire for the light and truth of God's Word
so they believe in lies and deceptions.

Today we are getting very close to the return of the Lord Jesus and
the end of this present age. The signs of the return of the Lord
can be easily seen.

As a result a deeper deception has now been brought upon this lost
world by some of Satan's followers. The goal is to deny the root of
Christianity. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus from the dead has
been getting lots of attention lately from the devil and his people.
The devil is attacking the fact that the Lord Jesus died and was
raised from the dead. Below are a couple of major deceptions
to the world to deny the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.

1) The Da Vinci deception says Jesus married Mary and they had a
child. This deception states that Mary fled to France with the child
who married into French royalty. This deception creates the Merovian
bloodline and this child can be traced into European royal bloodlines
today according to this deception. When the antichrist rises to
I believe he will claim to be part of this Merovian bloodline and a
direct descendant of the Lord Jesus. It is all lies but lost people
will believe it.

2) Jesus tomb deception. says the body of Jesus, Mary, and their son
has been found. Of course this contradicts the Da Vinci deception but
lost people don't care. This deception was brought to the world by
filmmaker James Cameron, a 33rd degree occultic Mason. Masons are
serving the devil and are involved in doing their part in bringing
into this world the coming kingdom of the antichrist. I think most
people can see through the foolishness of the Jesus tomb deception
keep in mind Satan's goal. He wants people to believe the Lord Jesus
was just a mortal man who died and was buried. There will be further
deceptions presented with all kinds of misleading facts in the days
ahead! Another point to consider is the Jesus tomb deception
contradicts the Da Vinci deception but people really don't care. They
just want any excuse to reject the Bible.

Lost people looking for an excuse to reject Christianity are being
given false evidence or deceptions to believe in. Lost people who
to justify their rejection of the Bible will be given false evidence
and false proofs to ease their conscience until the day they forever

This is only the beginning as there will be more deceptions coming in
the days ahead that seemingly "prove" that the Bible and Christianity
is false. Lost men will seek to make out the Lord Jesus as just a
mortal man who lived, died, and was buried. The Bible will be
as useless myths filled with hate. Right now countries are already
passing "hate" laws against the Bible. The Word of God offends lost
people so laws are changing to criminalize the Bible.

Let me make some educated guesses on future deceptions that will be
used to discredit the Lord Jesus and the Bible:

- ancient civilization on Mars deception. Watch for all kinds of
evidence about the planet Mars that "proves" the Bible is wrong.

- After the rapture God's restraint will be removed. Satan will use
UFO's in a mighty way to deceive the world into rejecting the Bible
and the Lord Jesus. The devil has been preparing peoples hearts for
UFO (demon) deceptions for many years now. I expect it will be used
a big way in the days ahead.


So far we have looked at many deceptions that have blinded the lost
Christ rejecting hellbound sinner. After the rapture of the church
there is coming a huge deception that make all the other deceptions
look small in comparison.

The Bible does not give exact details about this deception so I can't
tell you exactly what it will be. Many have speculated it will
UFO's which are nothing more that the open manifestation of demons.
Here are the verses that describe this big deception.

2 Thess 2
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume
with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness
his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power
and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that
because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they
should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had
pleasure in unrighteousness.

Notice verse 8. This deception comes after the antichrist is revealed
to the world which will happen sometime after the rapture of the
church. The revealing of the Wicked refers to the coming antichrist.
The antichrist will be destroyed when the Lord Jesus returns to

Verse 9, 10 describe the antichrist who will be filled with every
deception and lying wonder. People who reject the truth of the Word
God will believe in all the coming deceptions and lying wonders that
the devil will send upon the world.

This is true today! People who are very open to believing the Da
Vinci, Jesus tomb, or evolution deception are the same crowd who
reject the Lord Jesus and the Bible. When a person rejects the truth
of God's Word, they are open to believe deceptions from the devil.
Once the antichrist is revealed, the degree of deceptions will

Next look at verses 11 and 12. This is something God will do. We have
seen that the devil and his antichrist will use many deceptions and
lying wonders to deceive and enslave in verse 9 and 10. But in verse
11 God takes action and He will send a strong or great delusion upon
the world. This means everyone who has rejected the truth of the
will believe this strong deception.

In verse 12 God tells why He sends this deception. Here is why:
who reject the truth will believe the strong deception so they may
in their sins and be damned in hell forever. It is a very evil thing
to reject the Lord Jesus and the free salvation offered to anyone who
will believe and receive it. Sadly, many choose darkness and the
things of the devil and reject God and His Word, the Bible. As a
result there comes a time when salvation is no longer offered to such
a hard hearted person. Verse 11 and 12 shows what happens when God
gives up on a person who has refused to be saved. They clearly heard
the Gospel and rejected it, so now it is too late for them! Instead,
of the rejected truth from the Bible, they are given a strong
to believe in with the purpose of blinding them unto their eternal
damnation in hell, the lake of fire. People who reject the truth of
the Bible will believe deception, lies, and untruths with all their

It is interesting that the devil and his people will be deceiving and
lying to the lost people as well as God sending a strong delusion.
This way God insures that all who have hardened their heart in
rejection of salvation will forever perish.

This is why today is the day of salvation. Salvation is available
today but there are no promises for tomorrow. Today could be YOUR
call to the Lord Jesus and salvation. If you reject that call, it
could very well be too late and you missed your last chance to be


If you, reader, are not a born again Christian right now consider the
following: Do you understand the Gospel you are currently rejecting?
Do you understand the fact that you are a sinner before a Holy God.

Rom 3
23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Do you understand that there is a penalty for sin and that penalty is
eternal death and separation from God.

Rom 6
23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Do you understand that salvation is offered in the Lord Jesus and is
to be received by a repentant heart as a gift?

John 14
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man
cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Do you understand that the Lord Jesus (second person in the Trinity -
God in human flesh) is the only way to be saved?

If so then you are the type of person who will be given over to
deception in the days ahead.

Many people have heard the Gospel call to salvation and rejected it
again and again. Soon it will be too late and they will be given a
strong deception to believe in since they rejected the truth. The
Bible will be utter foolishness to a deceived person right up to the
point of death. Then such a person will forever perish in their sins.
At that time it will be too late as there is no more chance for

Rev 14
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is
poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he
shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the
angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and
they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image,
and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.


Today is the day to be saved - not tomorrow. Time is running out and
this could very well be your last call to salvation! Each time you
hear the Gospel and reject the Lord Jesus, your heart gets just a
little bit harder. At some point in time, and only God knows when,
your heart will be so hard that you will never respond to the Lord
Jesus and to salvation. God will give up on you and there will be no
more calls to salvation for you. Instead, you will be given
to believe in until the day you forever perish and die with your sins
unforgiven. I encourage you to turn to the Lord Jesus and accept Him
as your Lord and Saviour. Do it today before it is too late!

John 3
36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that
believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God
on him.
GM mosquitoes, a boon or bane?
Indo-Asian News Service Bangalore, March 25, 2007

Indian public health experts are not at all excited by the news that
American scientists have created genetically modified mosquitoes to
help fight malaria, saying it had been tried here before and
as a failure.

"We tried genetic control in the 1970s and abandoned it," PL Joshi,
director of the National Vector Borne Diseases Control Program in New
Delhi, told the agency. "It seemed to work in the lab but failed at
field level."

Scientists at John Hopkins University in the US announced this week
that their GM mosquito is resistant to the malaria parasite, meaning
that it cannot pass on malaria to humans via a bite.

Their "cage" experiments also showed that the GM mosquitoes-because
they were free of the malaria parasite-lived longer than the wild
and laid more eggs.

Based on this finding, the scientists concluded that their GM
mosquitoes released into the wild in large numbers would-over a
of time-displace the natural mosquitoes that transmit
In any case, the work by US scientists is still far from being taken
to the field. So far they have only managed to genetically engineer
the mosquitoes to be resistant to a form of malaria that affects
This is different from the form that affects humans.

Major hurdles would remain even if the GM technology is perfected.
Initiative on Food and Biotechnology, an independent organisation in
the US, points out there are no guidelines about how transgenic
insects will be regulated. "The mobility and range of insects pose
international regulatory challenges never faced with GM crops," the
report said.,0004.htm
* * * * *
These fools don't know what they are doing. They modify the genes and
then think it will work. The modified beastie is then released and
could either do nothing or become an ecological disaster.

Notice below that God will destroy those who destroy the earth!
Corrupting the genetic structure of food, animals, and humans is a
very destructive thing to do. It is a cause of judgment!

Rev 11
18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of
the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give
reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them
that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which
destroy the earth.
EXCLUSIVE: First Ever Harry Potter Theme Park Planned At Universal
Studios Florida
I'm told that Universal Studios Florida is finalizing terms to bring
type of "Harry Potter World" to its Orlando resort. The entire themed
area would be at a previously unused portion of the amusement park.
The negotiations have been kept uber-secret. It's way bigger than The
Simpsons ride deal I announced earlier this week. (Previously,
online blogs and websites that follow theme parks have posted only
unconfirmed rumors about both.) Having Harry will be like a cash cow
for Uni. After all, the six Potter books published to date have
collectively sold more than 325 million copies and been translated
into more than 63 languages. The seventh and last book in the series,
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, is scheduled to be released on
July 21st. hp10.JPGIts publishers have announced a record-breaking 12
million copies for the first print run in the U.S. alone. The first
four books have been made into wildly successful motion pictures by
Warner Bros, which has earned an estimated $4 billion in total
worldwide revenue from them. The fifth pic, Harry Potter and the
of the Phoenix, is scheduled for release on July 13. The books and
movies have also spawned video games and assorted merchandise but
never a theme park attraction. Back in 2005, a news story made the
rounds that Walt Disney Co. wanted to create a Harry Potter theme
and execs were reportedly looking at a Singapore site for a huge
complex with rides devoted to the Harry Potter
stories. ...continued...
Posted by Nikki Finke on Friday, April 13th, 2007 at 04:10PM rlds-firs...
* * * * *
Society has rejected God and the Bible while accepting the world of
the occult. Harry Potter is nothing more than basic training in the
fundamentals of witchcraft. All of it is an abomination to God.

Deut 18
10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or
his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or
observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.
11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard,
a necromancer.
12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and
because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out
from before thee.

When a society accepts occult abominations as enjoyable entertainment
while outlawing the Bible as hate literature, one thing is for sure.
Judgment is coming!
VeriChip and Mark of the Beast technology
NEWS BRIEF: "VeriChip Passes Significant Milestone: Over 500
Have Now Agreed to Adopt VeriMed Patient Identification System",
PRNewswire-FirstCall, March 13, 2007

"VeriChip Corporation (Nasdaq: CHIP - News), a provider of RFID
systems for healthcare and patient-related needs, announced today
65 new hospitals have agreed to participate in the VeriMed Patient
Identification System network at the American Academy of Emergency
Medicine (AAEM) 13th Annual Scientific Assembly conference in Las
Vegas, bringing the Company's total number of enrolled hospitals to
more than 500."
* * * * *
The mark of the beast is coming during the reign of the antichrist
after the rapture of God's Church. RFID will be a part of that
Right now all products are slowly adding RFID chips for tracking.
These RFID chips can be scanned and even continue to broadcast after
the product is purchased. This allows for a major loss of privacy as
people can be located and tracked in all their purchase habits. The
kingdom of the antichrist will not be a free society at all. The
devil's people will use technology to make the kingdom of the
antichrist the most deadly and oppressive society in the history of
this world!

Rev 13
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and
bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or
the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number
the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six
hundred threescore and six.
Suicide Generation: Five-Year-Olds Calling Helpline
Feb 28th, 2007 7:17 AM

The alarming decline in the mental health of Britain's youth was
revealed today after it emerged that suicidal children as young as
five contacted ChildLine.

The charity reported that nearly four out of five calls about suicide
last year were from girls.

One in six of some 6,000 calls from youngsters to the helpline about
mental health problems came from girls who talked about suicide.

There were 256 calls about suicide from boys.

But despite the lower figure, separate research has shown that
rates among 15 to 21-year-olds are around three times higher for
than females, the charity said. ...continued...
The charity said that other research has shown an "alarming decline"
in the mental health of UK adolescents, with rates of depression and
anxiety increasing by 70 per cent in the last 25 years.

Assistant director of ChildLine Joelle Leader said: "When young
talk about suicide they are obviously in deep despair.

"They are at crisis point with no-one else to turn to, which is why
they call us. ...continued... (c) 2007 Associated Newspapers Limited
* * * * *
When a society turns away from the Bible and the Lord Jesus, children
are troubled. They are taught that there is no God and that evolution
is true. The occult is considered to be fun instead of great danger.
As a result these lost children have no anchor in their heart's to
weather the troubles of life. Lost people cannot cope without turning
to the Lord Jesus. What they do is blind themselves by the deception
of false religion, drugs, immorality etc. Others kill themselves
hoping for peace. Little do they realize, the worst thing that can
happen is to die in ones sins. This means the penalty for sin must be
paid by the lost person since they have rejected the Lord Jesus and
salvation. That penalty is eternity in hell, lake of fire.

Isa 48
22 There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked.
Study: College Students More Narcissistic

NEW YORK (AP) - Today's college students are more narcissistic and
self-centered than their predecessors, according to a comprehensive
new study by five psychologists who worry that the trend could be
harmful to personal relationships and American society.

"We need to stop endlessly repeating 'You're special' and having
children repeat that back," said the study's lead author, Professor
Jean Twenge of San Diego State University. "Kids are self-centered
enough already." ...continued...

The study asserts that narcissists "are more likely to have romantic
relationships that are short-lived, at risk for infidelity, lack
emotional warmth, and to exhibit game-playing, dishonesty, and over-
controlling and violent behaviors."

Twenge, the author of "Generation Me: Why Today's Young Americans Are
More Confident, Assertive, Entitled - and More Miserable Than Ever
Before," said narcissists tend to lack empathy, react aggressively to
criticism and favor self-promotion over helping others.

The researchers traced the phenomenon back to what they called the
"self-esteem movement" that emerged in the 1980s, asserting that the
effort to build self-confidence had gone too far.

As an example, Twenge cited a song commonly sung to the tune of
Jacques" in preschool: "I am special, I am special. Look at me."
...continued...All contents (c) 1996 - 2007 Las Vegas Sun, Inc. unbin-sto...
* * * * *
The Bible says man is a sinner, lost and in need of a Saviour. The
last thing a proud arrogant lost person needs is more self-esteem!
Instead, the lost person needs to understand that he is a lost,
hellbound sinner that needs the Lord Jesus and salvation.

Rom 3
23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Rom 6
23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Those who reject the Lord Jesus and the Bible say sin is not the
problem. People just have low self-esteem. Which is right? The proud
lost person or the Bible?

New Assisted Suicide Bill Introduced in Hawaii Legislature
Bill condemned for denying doctors freedom to refuse to participate
assisted suicide By Gudrun Schultz

HONOLULU, Hawaii, January 30, 2007 ( ) - Euthanasia
activists in the state of Hawaii have introduced yet another bill in
an attempt to legalize assisted suicide, the fourth measure to be
brought forward since 1999.

Senate Bill No. 1995, entitled Death with Dignity, would make it
for a physician to prescribe lethal medication to a patient diagnosed
as "terminally ill."

A previous measure introduced in the 2005 legislature session was
killed by lawmakers after intense debate. Two previous attempts to
pass similar legislation also failed. In 2002 the Hawaii House
approved two house bills that would have amended the constitution to
permit assisted suicide under guidelines similar to those of Oregon
state, but the measures were narrowly defeated by the Senate.

Attorney Wesley J. Smith, leading US euthanasia opponent and
critic, said by failing to specify what would constitute "terminal
illness," the current measure would in effect open the door to a
application in situations ranging from asymptomatic AIDS to diabetes,
cancers and other diseases that, while ultimately terminal, do not
pose a threat of imminent death.

"This bill shows that the ultimate goal of the movement is a wide
license approaching death on demand," Smith wrote on his blogsite.

As, well, Smith condemned the bill for denying doctors the freedom to
refuse to participate in assisted suicide. ... continued... 2007-jan-...
* * * * *
Babies in the womb have been murdered since the 1960 to the tune of
many million deaths. Now there is a growing desire to kill off the
sick and elderly. Hitler called such people "useless eaters". Expect
conditions of the world to grow worse rather than better. But the day
is quickly coming when God will destroy the wicked from the earth!
Judgment is coming!

2 Thess 1
7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall
be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and
obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the
of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;
A Columbine High School Massacre Video Game
Jan 15th, 2007 4:51 AM

Game makers protest decision to pull Columbine High School massacre
video game Debbie Hummel, Canadian Press

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - A film festival has removed a video game that
lets players take the place of the shooters in the Columbine High
School massacre, and a key sponsor and several game makers have
out of the festival in protest. ...continued... (c) The Canadian
* * * * *
What more can be said that what the Bible says:

2 Tim 3
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,
proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers,
incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers
Unisex toilets may come to campus
Transgender concerns: Some students call plan political correctness
Nicole Girardin, National Post Friday, March 23, 2007

Washrooms on university campuses across Canada may be the latest
frontier in the campaign to accommodate all sexualities.

Student groups at the University of Manitoba, the University of
Winnipeg, and Toronto's Ryerson University are lobbying for
alternatives to conventional male and female washrooms to protect the
safety and privacy of transgendered students.

The campaign comes despite student bodies and university authorities
being unable to give any figures for how many transgendered students
they need to accommodate.

"I think it's important for a couple of reasons. There are
on campus who don't feel safe going into either the male or female
washrooms, that whatever bathroom they go into they feel ostracized,"
said Vivian Belik, VP of student services for the University of
Winnipeg Students' Association.

"Gender-neutral washrooms are important because it deconstructs the
idea of gender as a whole."

However, some students are critical of the campaigns and believe that
gender-neutral washrooms are an example of what happens when
correctness knows no limit.

"No boundaries equals chaos," said one person registering their
disagreement with the University of Winnipeg's proposal to implement
gender-neutral washrooms on campus....continued... alpost-ne...
* * * * *
This is complete lunacy from a society that has rejected the Lord
Jesus and the Bible. In fact Canada has made the Bible "hate"
literature in their deep seated hatred of God and the Bible. In the
Bible things are pretty clear. God created male and female therefore
gender is not even an issue.

This article shows how "stupid" a society can get once they reject
Lord Jesus and the Bible. Such a society is also very hostile to
Biblical truth as Canada has already passed laws against the Bible.

Here is a claim made by the Lord Jesus that He is the only Saviour
the only path to heaven. Such a Bible rejecting society would be
greatly angered by such a "narrow-minded" statement! Here is what the
Bible says:

John 14
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man
cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Since the Lord Jesus is the ONLY way to be saved that eliminates all
other so-called ways to heaven. This is greatly upsetting to those
reject the Bible and seek to gain heaven on their own terms. But we
are warned in the Bible that there are many ways to hell but only one
narrow way to heaven! See below:

Matt 7
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is
the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in
thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which
leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Local catfish found to be missing genitalia
By Allison M. Heinrichs TRIBUNE-REVIEW Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dan Volz noticed something missing as he dissected channel catfish
caught in the water off Point State Park -- their genitalia.

"It was kind of like a streak of tissue, and we couldn't tell whether
it was male or female," said Volz, a University of Pittsburgh
School of Public Health professor who is leading a project to test
local fish for contaminants. About 25 percent of the catfish Volz
dissected couldn't be categorized as male or female.

Extract from fish caught in Western Pennsylvania's rivers showed
unnatural levels of materials that mimic the female hormone estrogen.
When "fed" to breast cancer cells in the laboratory, the extract more
than doubled the rate of cancer growth, according to a study
Tuesday at the American Association for Cancer Research in Los

One concern is that much of the region's drinking water comes from
rivers. ...continued...
Fish with indistinguishable genitalia and unnatural estrogen levels
have been found in many other rivers, including the Detroit River in
Michigan and Potomac River in West Virginia....continued...
Volz said industrial waste and municipal sewage -- which contains
birth control and hormone replacement therapy drugs -- are likely
sources for the estrogen-mimicking chemicals found in the fish.

A random sample of 25 of the fish caught were tested for estrogen and
their effect on cells from a type of breast cancer that responds to
the hormone. Extract from five of the 19 catfish sampled and six of
the bass caused the cancer to grow.

"In some cases ... estrogen was present (in the fish) in levels
similar to a woman's natural hormone levels," said Patricia K. Eagon,
an associate professor in Pitt's School of Medicine, who tested the
fish. /s_503260...
* * * * *
God is cursing the land of a people that hate Him and reject His
The Bible is becoming a criminal book since it is so hated and
rejected. As a result there are many signs of impending judgment with
this being only one of many!

Deut 28
16 Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed shalt thou be in the
17 Cursed shall be thy basket and thy store.
18 Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy land,
the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep.
19 Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and cursed shalt thou be
when thou goest out.
20 The LORD shall send upon thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke, in
that thou settest thine hand unto for to do, until thou be destroyed,
and until thou perish quickly; because of the wickedness of thy
doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me.

Let this be a stern warning to the people of North America (and other
countries) that have rejected God and His Word, the Bible. Remember,
judgment is coming soon! Are you ready?

Prov 14
34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any

The time is short! Satan's people are already starting to shut down
web pages. I encourage people to copy this newsletter and send it
forth! Feel free to post this newsletter on web pages, to mail it to
people, print it, or to send it into email newsgroups on the
There is an open copyright on this newsletter. This means it may be
freely posted, printed, or transmitted in any way as long as it is

Get the message out! Judgment is coming and it has already started!
is long past time to repent and get right with God! The Lord Jesus
(second person of the Trinity and God in human flesh) is the Only
Saviour. Come to Him today before it is too late for you! or

Koeitjies & kalfies | 4 kommentare

Die Groep

Fri, 08 June 2007 08:25

"Dave" skryf in boodskap
> On Thu, 07 Jun 2007 11:29:39 +0200, Ferdi wrote:

> Ek dink oor die jare het ons groep groot genoeg vriende geword om meer
> openlik oor eie sieninge te wees, en nie systappendde antwoorde te gee
> nie. Eintlik is dit lekker as elkeen weet presies hoe en wat die ander
> lede redeneer, en dan is dit nie nodig om iemand se antwoord te lees
> en wonder wat daar bedoel word nie

>>> Een ding is egter vir seker, News Groups is nie vir sissies nie. En ek
>>> herhaal wat ek al voorheen gese het. Sekere mense kan hulle nie so goed op
>>> papier uitdruk soos ander nie, en dit dra grootliks daartoe by dat ander
>>> mense hom "verkeerd" verstaan. Ek se met opset "verkeerd" want ek glo in
>>> baie gevalle word die doelbewus gedoen.

Ek het, soos jy sien, die onderwerp geskuif uit die vorige na 'n eie,
omdat dit heel van die oorspronklike onderwerp af is, behalwe miskien
vir die vraag aan Ferdi, maar selfs dìt is op eie.

> Francois is openlik oor hoe hy oor dinge voel. Daar is sieninge wat ek
> nie met hom deel nie, soos sy duidelike pogings om van 'n
> konserwatiewe ma 'n liberalistiese denke oor te slaan, maar hy is
> eerlik daaroor. Een of twee keer 'n jaar sê ons hallo vir mekaar oor
> sy toonbank, en ek hou van die ou.

>>> Goed opgesom hier dink ek. Het net persoonlik nog nooit vir hom gaan hallo
>>> se nie, want ek het nie 'n idee waar om hom agter sy toonbank op te spoor
>>> nie

> Riaan is straight reggsgesind en hy pobeer dit nie wegsteek nie
> Hy sê presies hoe hy oor dinge voel, hy praat nie om draaie nie en gee
> selfs toe dat hy miskien verkeerd redeneer, maar glo dat hy reg is en
> daarom sê en glo soos hy sê en glo.

>>> Se maar net wat ek sien / voel - En dit help soms ook nie my saak die feit
>>> dat ek op die kakhuis gesit het toe diplomasie uitgedeel was nie

As jy, wat Riaan is, by die long drop was toe diplomasie uitgedeel is,
waar dink jy was die antie(!)? Reeds landuit?

> Bouwer glo die helfte van ons Bybel en die res vul sy aan met wat die
> vet mannetjie sê.

>>> Nooit gedink ek sal die antie mis nie, maar ek moet se ek verlang nogal na
>>> haar, wonder hoekom hou sy haar so skaars.

Sy sal een of ander tyd terugkom. Sy wag soos vele ander droogmakers
doen, dat die stof ietwat gaan lê. Ek het vrae gevra wat sy, nie
geweier het om te antwoord nie, maar amateuragtig probeer omseil het.
Torreke het haar eers probeer verdedig, toe deur haar gesien en haar
ook met vrae gepeper. Sy het haar teen 'n muur vasgeloop en in plaas
daarvan om te vra waar die deur is, het sy in 'n hoekie gaan skuil.
(Miskien is ek verkeerd, en soek sy wel na die deur:-)

> Jim Again is 'n vark en hy probeer dit nie wegsteek nie.

>>> Ek geniet nogal van die ou se plasings, seker maar omdat hy ook regs oorhel

Ek moes hom nie hier ingesluit het nie. Hy is nie deel van die groep
nie. En in teendeel met wat jy sê, is my probleem nie met sy
regsgesindheid nie. Ek is meer regsgesind as wat vele mense sou aflei,
wat ek spreek my nie dikwels daaroor uit nie.
My probleem is ook nie met sy verwronge leer nie, want ek en jy het
ook met Torreke oor uitverkiesing verskil, en dit het tot sinvolle
gesprekke gelei, want Torreke is 'n gentleman.
My probleem met hom is sy totale gebrek aan maniere, sy Bybel praat en
gevloek in dieselfde skrywe, en sy misbruikmaking van die anonomiteit
van USENET. Net soos die suidwester gedoen het, vloek hy ook mense en
kruip weg agter 'n skuilnaam.

> Ek is die intelligente warm presoonlikheid in Durbs wat altyd nice is
> met almal en niemand skade doen nie. Die een wat nie weet hoe ek
> redeneer nie, hoef dit nie te weet nie, want hy lees nie.

>>> Durbs - Daai plek waar die haai hierdie jaar gesneuwel het Dave ?

LOL... was ôk mar net net, Riaan:-) Die oorwinning was ons'n, en toe
maak die span wat vele naellopers doen; breek spoed twee treë voor die

Klomp waarheid in wat ek hier sê hoor, hou hardlopers dop op TV en kyk
hoeveel van hulle gaan volspoed oor die wenstreep. Vele gooi ankers
dire of vier treë voor daar oor die eindlyn gehardloop word.

> En jy, wat glo jy? Waarom gee jy heel dikwels hierdie tipe antwoord
> maar bedek jou eie sieninge oor die betrokke onderwerp? Wat glo jy met
> betrekking tot wat die Skrif leer?

>>> Het ook al die vraag vir Ferdi gevra, maar as ek reg kan onthou het hy dit
>>> of nie geantwoord nie.

Hier kan debat oor gevoer word, met die basis van 'sy sake is sy
sake'. Maar die ander kant van die munt is dan of hy dàn die reg gehad
het om Francois uit te vra oor hoe hy redeneer.


Op 'n ander nuusgroep waar ek saam gesels, 'n groep waar ons inligting
oor 'n spesifieke sagteware program deel, het een van die groep wat 'n
instrukteur in New York is, gesê dat ons 'n 'Klan' gevorm het, en
buitestaanders en nuwelinge (liggestel) stief behandel word.

Onlangs het 'n buitestaander my aangevat oor iets daar, en mense met
wie ek al heftig verskil het daar, het tot my verdediging ingespring
en die newbie vertel om 'n ander groep te gaan soek.

Oor die jare het ons hier ook 'n Klan gevorm. Gloudina sal terug wees.
Jonas sal ook terug kom, so ook 'n paar meer, en nuwelinge sal steeds
nie lank hou nie.

Laat ek jou sê wie het oor die jare vasgesteek hier, Riaan - diegene
wat ander se verskille in sieninge respekteer.

Pluspunte - ek sal vir die volgende tien dae of twee weke skaars wees.
My meisiekind kom kuier en ons gaan, (terwyl julle die Internet
browse,) Durban browse:-)

Koeitjies & kalfies | 6 kommentare

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