Medisyne word vir jare en jare eers op rotte en muise getoets voordat dit op
'n klein groepie vrywillige mense getoets word.
Nuwe sagteware word nie op die live rekenaar system gelaai voordat dit nie
behoorlik in 'n toets omgewing geëvalueer is nie
So kan enige persoon hier dalk aan my verduidelik hoekom hulle die Ben
Schoeman - Die BESIGSTE highway in Afrika gebruik vir hulle toetse. Eers was
dit die baan vir meer as een persoon in die motor, nou is dit die "ramp
Ek sou dink dat logika sal dikteer dat jy so stelsel eers naby Bloemfontein
sal gaan toets, en indien jy 'n positiewe uitwerking sien, dit in Gauteng
sal implementeer, maar nee.
Enige ander persoon op die NG wat in dieselfde bootjie as ek is om elke dag
tussen PTA en Centurion te ry, en net so gatvol is vir die storie soos ek ?
Gaan cehck bietjie - kaarte van Jhb, Kaapstad en
Durban (en omtrent alle ander stede in die wereld) waarop 'n mens 'n
adres kan soek. Dan kry jy die kaart met die adres (zoomable) of
hybrid - wat basies Google earth kaart is met die strate se name
Dit werk SONDER 'n GPS inset.
Maar as jy 'n bluetooth GPS het, werk dit daarmee saam en gee jou
instruksies hoe om op plekke uit te kom of waar jy is. Ek het 'n Nokia
GPS wat vasgesluit is met 'n foon met 'n Garmin kaart op. Kom toe
agter dis net die Garmin-kaart wat op die foon vesgesluit is. Die
GPS-eenheid werk lekker saam met AmazeGPS op ander selfone waarop
Amaze gelaai is.
Jou foon moet egter Java kan loop en met die internet kan konnekteer.
Verder is alles gratis.
Op die Why South Africa Sucks Blog, is daar 'n vraag gevra aan Suid
Afrikaners wat oorsee bly, om te vertel van die nuwe land waar hulle nou
bly, en om raad te gee aan enige persoon wat moontlik belang sou stel om
daarheen te gaan.
Die volgende is wat 'n ou van Kanada te se het -
If anyone wants to ask questions about Canada that I have not clarified
here, feel free to email me at or if I can be helpful in
any way (just don't ask for Oh, and no questions are necessary
as to why I am a cynical prick, it's all in my book. But a quick recap... I
lost $790,500 in SRTC Canadian government programs in 1985/86, the Canadian
Consul in Pretoria almost got my wife and kids killed in 1990 and I lost a
whopping $32,000,000 in 2001, which I am required by law to keep quite about
to protect the guilty in government and government related organizations.
So, you'd be a cynic too! But enough of that, on to Canada the good, pah!
In examining the protocols and procedures for immigration to Canada, I see
they have played some interesting (read nasty) games. The countries on the
"automatic refuge list" are;
DR Congo -- Sudan -- El Salvador -- Guatemala -- Colombia -- Sierra Leone
Note that the Canadian government deams only certain countries eligible for
automatic refuge immigration and that Columbia is on par approximately with
South Africa for crime. It may take some time before Canada places South
Africa on the "endangered species list" and they may only include the
allegedly indigenous peoples.
The Main Canada Immigration Page is at where you can find all the individual
links to the different methods of applying to immigrate to Canada. The best
solution I can see would be South Africans helping South Africans with
possibly help from like minded people here in Canada to form a private
sponsorship program.
A Private Sponsorship Program operates under an agreement with the Minister
in charge of Immigration and the private sponsors have to be able to float
the costs of responsibility for their sponsored families and individuals.
Unfortunately, everything costs money. There are also literally multiple
tons of lawyers and DIY groups that can help, but again, they expect you to
throw out bucks on the chance you might be able to immigrate. Trust no one,
get everything in writing, immigration brokers or politicians and their
hunchback bell-ringing lobbyists, they're all crooks and only in it for the
There are no guarantees that anyone in particular would be allowed to
immigrate. There are additional requirements such as health and criminal
background checks. I find that kind of funny since we keep letting in
Tuberculosis and AIDS riddled refugees as well as murders and rapists... go
A little on Canada. Personally, I hate the weather here and loved it in
South Africa. I should have moved to Australia or New Zealand. Oh well, I
came back and have regretted my decision ever since 1990. But for some
people it might work out OK as there are people from all over the world who
have become accustomed to our climate and weather (maybe the fluoride in the
water is making them more passive).
Weather - Cold in winter and as low as -40 C, 1 to 6 feet of snow (or more)
in most areas except southern British Columbia. Spring is generally wet.
Summer is nice fluctuating between 18 and 35 C. Diffrerent areas of Canada
have different weather patterns, the warmest area is southern British
Columbia, the coldest is probably the North West Territories or Baffin
Island. There really are only two season though, Hockey and Road
Currency - Canadian Dollar presently at just over the US dollar. The value
of the dollar is controlled indirectly through the CFR branch in Canada
(IMF) through the Bank of Canada, which is a bit of an oxymoron since it
isn't owned by Canada but rather IMF members. >From what I can tell, it
looks like Canada will be bankrupt in the next 2 to 5 years even though the
dollar looks good right now.
Government - Lame-ass, ball-less corporate sponsored oligarchy in a feudal
monarchistic relationship with England. The Prime Minister controls the
government, but, the Governor General (the Queen's representative in Canada)
can over rule or dissolve the government in accordance with the 1947 Letters
Patent of King George of England. Canada is still under the War Measures Act
and even though we have a constitution and privacy rights, they can be
dissolved in a heartbeat with a signature from the Prime Minister or the
Governor General.
Number of Honest Politicians - 1 (I think, at least we haven't caught them
yet, maybe they're just clever)
Taxation - Ridiculous, we are one of the highest taxed groups in the world.
You got your income tax which runs around 27% to 55%, then you got you 6%
GST on everything (services and retail) then you got your 8% PST on
everything retail, you have you 60% tax on gasoline.
Utilities Costs - Electricity average family $80 to $120 per month, Water
$30 to $50 per month, Natural Gas $90 to $130 per month
Housing Rental - Based on 3 bedroom house or apartment, $850 to $2000 per
month in the city, $550 to $1,200 in the country.
Contents Insurance - Usually around $40 to $80 per month
Groceries - Family of 3 around $100 per week, $400 per month
Buying a car - $17,000 to $30,000 on average, $3,000 down plus $450 per
month or thereabouts, fluctuates with price.
Car Insurance - About $800 to $1,200 per year if driver has an excellent
Electronics Costs - Inexpensive, a good computer is less than $1,000,
Camcorders around $500, TV's $100 and up, DVD Players at $30 and up.
Educational System - Excellent to some extent, just watch the universities,
they are in bed with the politicians
Makeup of Country - 10 Provinces and 2 Territories.
Size of Country - Huge, look on Google Earth
Population - about 35,000,000
Population Type - ethnically diverse, about 94.6% Sheople, 5.2% Criminal
(including politicians, bankers, lawyers, accountants, etc.), 0.2% Human
with their own minds.
Dominant Ethnic Group - None since 1995, there is a pretty even mix of
everyone (it makes it easier to control through lack of co-operation as no
one can agree on anything so the governments IMF handlers make all the
decisions). I think at last count however the Asian population was 450,000
in Toronto and 325,000 in Vancouver (generally very good people).
Largest City - Toronto, Ontario
Cities with the highest rates of corruption and malfeasance - Ottawa
followed by Toronto and then Vancouver
City most likely to be destroyed by a natural disaster - Vancouver or
Victoria, British Columbia
Gun Laws - No Conceal Carry or Exposed Carry, Hunting Licenses and Sport
Shooting through approved FAC.
Judicial System - Not worth the paper it's written on. It's a pay to get
justice system, you got no money you get no justice.
Policing Organizations - CSIS (Canadian Society of Ignorant Serfs), RCMP
(Regressive Colonial Mounted Procrastinators), in Ontario the OPP (Ontario
Provincial Procrastinators) and of course local police departments. Don't
live in Durham Region on the east side of Toronto, the police there are like
Nazi SS. If you really want to know where to live, buy a police scanner and
listen to the police radio traffic before you buy or rent!!!
Investment Diversity - Don't even bother, the banks suck, the BDC sucks, the
government sucks. They are all extremely conservative and refuse to take any
form of risk, except with your money and then they run rampant.
Wages - Minimum around $8.00 per hour, Skilled workers around $20 per hour,
Engineers around $60,000 to $70,000 per year.
Health System - OK, public health, pay for prescriptions, dentists and some
surgeries such as cosmetic. Psychiatrists are not covered and after being
through 2 or 3 of the winters here, you may need one.
Health Insurance - Additional Health Insurance costs around $70 per person
per month (for dental and prescriptions).
Tap Water - Clean (uh huh) with 753 chemicals and/or heavy metals plus
Fluoride (like they use in Russian Gulags to keep the "general population"
Language - English and French Canadian (but the real French laugh at ours)
Common Phrases - eh? eh! Where's my beer, eh? Those Maple Leafs suck, eh!
She's got great hooters, eh!!! Wonder if she goes, eh??
Main Sport - Hockey and Political Fencing (off corruption charges).
Positives - The scenery and there is some level of security as long as you
keep away from the roaming and rabid gangs of feral teens. Also the cost of
living is moderate and the health system works somewhat well.
Sommer 'n nonsense onderwerp, maar dalk kry ek julle uit julle winterslaap.
Wat is julle gunsteling kleur en waarom?
Myne is blou.
Want die lug is blou en die see is blou en die berge is blou. Ek is gek
lief vir die see en vir berge en vir die blou lug - vir die lewe!!! (So
jammer daar's nie berge by OL nie)
The battle waged by the Communist-ANC to ethnically cleanse Afrikaans
from the so-called "New" South Africa rages on two fronts this week.
On January 18 of last year, military judge Lieutenant Colonel Mbulelo
Mandela allegedly referred to Afrikaans as "disgusting". The judge was
quoted as saying, "... I must say it on record that to me it is
disgusting that at this time and age we still find official
correspondence or official communication in Afrikaans... ", because
English was the official communication language of the SANDF.
Then last Thursday, South African newspaper Beeld confidentially
acquired an internal memo of the Tshwane Metro Council advising that
it planned to replace the (name)"Pretoria" on route-and direction
signs countrywide with "Tshwane".
Defending the rights of Afrikaans-speaking people in both of these
battles is Dr. Sydney Gregan, Deputy Leader of the Reformed National
Party (HNP), founded in 1969, who speaks on the battle against the
ethnic cleansing of Afrikaans from South Africa.
(Mev. en) President (H Zille), om te verhoog ?,
Inter-godsdienstige (Teokrasi(ë)) om te verhoog ?,
Die einde van Vryheid 2000, Orde Boerevolk, HNP om te verhoog ?
Vorentoe vervorming (aansluiting) voorstel (Inisiatief)
Verduidelik vry en/of regverdig, aub. die begrip -
o Uitverkore / Uitverkose Volk / (Groep) van (God).
o Dui aub. die Leier daarvan aan,
buite / binne die Parlement van (Suid Afrika (/ SAOG / AU) ).
Meld aub. verwysing(s), en/of bron(ne) gelees.
(By voorbaat baie dankie. )
(U ondersteuning, (in die verband), sal inniglik waardeer word. )
(Ontwikkel en/of gestuur,
voor, tydens en/of na die lees van,
die ((huidige), huidige, beter en/of) nuwe,
Upanishads en/of Vedas,
Bagavad Gita,
Heilige Koran,
(Christelike) Bybel. )
(Die deel van die (outeur) se (huidige) Bank rekening nommer,
sal inniglik wardeer word.
Om geskenk deposito(s) te ontvang.
Alleen en/of (koalisie) gesamentlik,
met Identifikasie van die Deponeerder,
Wie (die meeste) om begunstig te word,
(indien wel so verkies word). )
(Indien hierdie 'n Vorentoe vervorming (aansluiting) voorstel
(Inisiatief) is,
lees aub. van bo na onder, links na regs. )
Ten spyte van 'n berig in Burger dat Tutu beweer dat nie net
christengelowiges hemel toe gaan nie, was Tutu primêr daarvoor
verantwoordelik dat Gary Palyer, 'n baie gelowige gholfikoon, as gasheer van
die Sheraton Gholfdag bedank het. Tutu het dus Gary Player 'n stukkie hemel
Wat is julle gevoel daaroor?
Al my voorspellings van die afgelope naweek het waar gekom.
Ek het hierdie voorspellings al gemaak net na die heel eerste wedstryd
gespeel is.
Nou moet SA teen die Argentyne verloor - en dan speel die twee spanne in die
laaste wedstryd teen mekaar, wat die toernooi geopen het.
Poetic justice:))
Ag ja, by promisses sal dit maar ok net vir ewig bly.
Pieces met jou ook , jou arme verwarde kind.
"love4all_hatred4none" skryf in boodskap
> Peace be upon you....
> =(1)= O ye who believe! Respond to Allah, and the Messenger when he
> calls you that he may give you life, and know that Allah comes in
> between a man and his heart, and that He it is unto Whom you shall be
> gathered. Surah Al Anfal (8:25)........
> By accepting the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) / the Mahdi ,
> one 'responds to Allah' as mentioned in the verse cited above... By
> doing so, he/she declares to have belief in the commandments and
> prophecies of the Qur'an as well as all the prophecies of the Holy
> Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) ...Through this
> declaration and a promise to put it in practice one hopes to find a
> new spiritual life.
> ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------
> (2) The blessed Promised Messiah simply asks for adherence to Allah
> and His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah upon him), as he states
> in the 3rd condition of his pledge of allegiance/declaration of
> initiation (Bai'at):-- *That he/she shall regularly offer the five
> daily prayers in accordance with the commandments of God and the Holy
> Prophet Muhammad and shall try his/her best to be regular in offering
> the tahajjud and invoking durud on the Holy Prophet Muhammad...* [durud=
> invoking of blessings of Allah on the holy Prophet]......
> --- Again in the 5th condition it is stated: *That he/she shall
> remain faithful to God in all circumstances of life, in sorrow and in
> happiness, in adversity and in prosperity, in felicity and in trail;...*
> ---And in the 6th condition: *...shall completely submit himself/
> herself to the authority of the Holy Qur'an; and that he/she shall
> make the Word of God and the sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad his/
> her guiding principle in every walk of his/her life.*
> ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------
> =(3)= In short acceptance of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)
> is to put the commandments of Allah and the Prophet in practice and to
> achieve a new spiritual life.... Fortunate is one who joins in this
> cause and adheres to it...... It is indeed an utterly False accusation
> that in accepting the Promised Messiah as the Messiah, the Mahdi and a
> prophet one lowers [God forbid] the station of the Holy Prophet
> (peace and blessings of Allah be on him).
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------
> =(4)= The true love and ardent devotion of the Promised Messiah (on
> whom be peace) for the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be
> on him) is evident from the following extract from his writings:----
> "The Holy Prophet came into the world so that he might bestow hearing
> on the deaf, who had continued in that condition for hundreds of
> years. Who is blind and who is deaf? The same one who does not accept
> the Unity of God and who does not accept this Prophet who revived the
> Unity of God on the earth; the same Prophet who converted the wild
> ones into men and then converted them into men possessing true moral
> qualities, then dyed them in the Divine colour of those who establish
> their relationship with God; the same Prophet, the sun of
> righteousness, at whose feet thousands of those who had died of
> paganism and atheism and evil living were revived and came to life and
> a sample of the Judgment Day was exhibited." ....elsewhere the blessed
> promised Messiah likened the earth as dead before the advent of the
> Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) which was
> brought to life/transformed by his revolutionary teaching and
> spirituality..... Regarding his profound belief in God and the Prophet
> he maintained that if all the combined faith of this world was put in
> one side of scales and his faith on the other side, with the grace if
> God, his side would be heavier.
> ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------
> =(5)= There is none who could match such eloquence and depth of
> expression about the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on
> him)....Indeed Allah has made the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of
> Allah be on him) as the source to attain spirituality and the Promised
> Messiah (on whom be peace) is his humble servant and true and ardent
> devotee, whose advent came to pass in complete subservience to the
> Prophet so that a community may come together on the hand of this Imam
> to 'respond to' Allah and His Prophet.
> ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------
> =(6)= For spiritual development and for completion of faith it is
> compulsory to accept the Imam of the age about whom the Holy Qur'an
> prophesizes and about whom the Holy Prophet said to give his salaam
> (greetings) on meeting.... Turn to Allah and the Prophet, after
> 'believing' (4:137) indicates that it is not enough to make a verbal
> declaration of one's faith, rather faith should be ingrained in one's
> heart.
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------
> =(7)= It should be reflected over the words of one who is calling in
> this age, what he maintains about himself and what are his views about
> the lofty station of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be
> on him).....It should also be observed the hundred year of further
> spiritual decline of his rejecters even though his advent was foretold
> 1400 years ago and he was being anxiously waited.... The reason for this
> is evidently their rejection of one to whom the Prophet sent his
> salaam....Negative collaborations of any magnitude cannot extinguish the
> illumination that has been lighted by Allah..
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------
> =(8)= The blessed Caliph further said : Allah is between human and his
> heart.... Sincere prayers are answered...Prayers are needed for those who
> were supposed to be reformers but their own condition is worsening.....
> One is required to abide by all the commandments of God and the
> Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)... may the Imam of the
> age be recognized rather than be opposed.... Many pure souls do
> recognize... Courageous accept the truth despite the adversity.
> ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------
> =(9)= A report from the Arab world gives most promising and
> encouraging news of pure souls who are recognizing.......These people have
> had dreams in which they have seen the Promised Messiah (on whom be
> peace) prior to witnessing his photograph.... These people have deep
> conviction of faith and maintain they do not need any proofs or
> arguments to convince them..... It is reported that previously most
> people used to argue but recently most tend to agree and many have
> already 'seen' the Promised Messiah' in dreams.....
> ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------
> =(10)= The blessed Caliph asked to pray profusely for their guidance
> and to spread the truth-to get divine blessings... A believer's task is
> not accomplished without sincere prayers... In the last ten blessed days
> of Ramadan the most significant prayer - which will gain acceptance
> for all other prayers - is to make heart-felt entreaties for the
> creation, heart-felt entreaties for the all believers and heart-felt
> entreaties for the Light spreading..... If we pray for this with angst
> and true feelings most certainly Allah will accept our all other
> needs..... Sincere and fervent prayers would certainly bring about
> revolutionary changes, just as Allah is exhibiting to people in the
> Arab world through dreams and visions. All this is the result of the
> prayers of one who was totally and utterly absorbed in Allah, prayers
> made by him 1400 years ago. These prayers revived hundreds of
> thousands of spiritually dead, today, the age of his true and ardent
> devotee is also partaking of the acceptance of his prayers; prayers
> that he made for this age, for his age commenced from his own advent
> and will last till the Day of Judgment.
> ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------
> =(11)= Efforts and successes in these matters should never be
> attributed to one's greatness or hard work... Rather it would be due to
> the fulfillment of Divine promise to our master and his ardent
> devotee, which in turn grants us beneficence as well.... Prayers for
> message of blessed Holy Prophet to reach into hearts, spiritual
> revival of its adherents and for attainment of the lofty objective of
> life are to be done. May Allah enable all to do so.
> Promised divine peace of latter days @
> with