Ek weet nie of hier in die omgewing 'n rugbywedstryd gespeel gaan word
of wat aangaan nie, maar Durban is in rep en roer met rugby slogans
en rugby logos en rygbytekens orals. Tente word opgeslaan en
luidsprekers word geinstalleer.
Vanoggend met die oggendstap, het ek vir iemand wat 'n tent opslaan
langs die casino, (een van vele) met luidsprekers en Groot Skerm TV,
gevra waarvoor hulle voorberei. Hy het bevestig dat dit 'for the
rugby' is. Toe ek vra wie gaan speel, was sy mompeling alles behalwe
vleiend. Ek wou toe nie verder uitvra nie.
Het een van julle dalk iets van rugby of so iets in 'n koerant gesien?
Nou toe nou - ons is altyd vertel die pen is magtiger as die swaard.
Bewys dit.
"Ferdi" skryf in boodskap news:btk6h35f455ekff4d2jr069f8rb6d58oea@4ax.com...
> The SA National Editors' Forum (Sanef) has expressed outrage at
> alleged political and police action regarding Sunday Times editor
> Mondli Makhanya and deputy managing editor Jocelyn Maker, likening it
> to apartheid-era conduct.
> Sanef noted with concern the reported intention of police to arrest
> and charge Makhanya and Maker with contravening the National Health
> Act, the forum said in a statement on Monday.
> The alleged offence was that they were in illegal possession of
> copies of Health Minister Dr Manto Tshabalala-Msimang's medical
> records.
> "This latest development will prevent the Sunday Times and the
> aggrieved parties [from presenting] their full cases before an
> independent arbiter, whose decision we expect them to embrace," Sanef
> said.
> Sanef was also disturbed by reports that police had been instructed
> to dig up "dirt" on Makhanya and the journalists who wrote the story.
> "We are also perturbed that the journalists' cell phone records
> have
> been investigated.
> "If these allegations are true, and are coupled with the threats of
> Minister in the Presidency Dr Essop Pahad to withhold government
> advertising from the Sunday Times, [it] would reveal outrageous
> conduct
> by political and police authorities."
> They would be targeting a newspaper for punitive action for
> carrying
> out its duty to inform the public on matters of public interest, a
> role
> that a High Court judge had upheld.
> Judge Mahomed Jajbhay recently found that there was "a pressing
> need" for the public to be informed about the minister's conduct and
> ruled that the paper was free to comment on them.
> Sanef noted the irony that Makhanya's arrest was expected to take
> place the week when journalists throughout South Africa were
> commemorating Black Wednesday -- the day 30 years ago when the
> repressive National Party government imprisoned or banned journalists
> and closed some newspapers and publications.
> "Black Wednesday signalled the launching by that government of
> total
> war on the media; Sanef hopes that the action against Makhanya and the
> Sunday Times will not convey the same message," the forum said.
> Earlier on Monday, the Democratic Alliance (DA) called on
> Parliament's intelligence committee to investigate allegations that
> state operatives tapped Makhanya and Maker's cellphones.
> "The... committee needs to take immediate action to confirm this
> alleged misuse of state intelligence resources, which is not only
> completely unnecessary, but also unrelated to the facts of the Manto
> Tshabalala-Msimang/Sunday Times case," DA spokesman and committee
> member Paul Swart said.
> "To use state resources on behalf of a private individual, as
> Tshabalala-Msimang has done in this case, because of her government
> connections, is a blatant encroachment of the state into the private
> sphere in order to protect connected individuals," he said.
> The Sunday Times reported at the weekend it had been warned by
> several sources, including intelligence and senior government
> officials
> that Makhanya and Maker's cellphones were being tapped.
> The newspaper on Monday also refuted allegations it bought
> Tshabalala-Msimang's medical records from certain individuals.
> "Sunday Times wishes to state that it did not pay one cent for
> access to the records and regards the practice of paying for
> information and stories as unethical, the newspaper's lawyer Eric van
> den Berg said in a statement.
> However, he declined to reveal how the newspaper obtained the
> records, saying the matter was the subject of a police investigation.
> Source : Sapa /jk/cn/jr
Mohammed - A 6th century paedophile wife bashing pervert who became
deluded that his epileptic episodes were revelations from a moon god.
His tendency toward megalomania was clearly caused by a dose of the
This also caused him to retreat into moralistic denial hence the
preoccupation with punishment and sex.
His crazy outpourings were subjected to the spindoctoring attentions
of his successors - hence the schism amongst his sons and nephews.
There is still offence regarding the area of the Satanic verses that
were "abrogated" by Al Eiliah aka Allah. Apparently Allah is so all
powerful that he is above the restraint of personal integrity.
He can deliver scripture to men and then retract it if he feels like
Anyone who subsequently refers to it is deemed a blasphemer because
Allah has withdrawn his statements and so they do not exist anymore.
Allah's word is eternal unless he decides to change it.(What a joke)
So Salman Rushdie gets a death fatwa for raising a question about the
stars and the moon in the Muslim emblem. Allah did not have two
daughters and he is not the moon. He has withdrawn this statement and
anyone who mentions it again is an infidel who must be killed.
Is it any wonder that you Muslims are unable to effectively defend
your faith in a focussed military way. Suicide bombing, lies, threats
and blackmail, perpetrated from behind masks are the only cowardly way
that you are able to assert yourselves.
The Israelis kicked your asses 40 years ago.
Sorted YOU out in six days and would have taken over completely if the
UN had not intervened.
The Muslims have been hiding behind women and children ever since.
The western world should stop appeasing you lot and allow the Israelis
kick your ass again.
Het julle dit gesien.. die olieprys..R93.97...!
Dit is asof dit nie so lank terug is wat die nuusleser
opsigtelik bly gesê het "olie is weer onder R30.00."
Dit klink so snaaks dat die mens reeds ontwikkel het tot 'n wese wat
buitenste ruimtestasies beman maar nie 'n binnebrand enjin onafhanklik
van petrol kan maak nie. Dit klink onsinnig as jy na modernisasie
gepaardgaande met kompleet afhanklikheid van petrol, kyk.
Ek was en is nog steeds nie 'n Jake White fan nie, maar ek moet op die
staduim my woorde sluk en die man geluk wens omdat ons in die finaal speel.
Ek moet erken ek het nie gedik toe hy die afrigter geword het, het hy 'n
idee gehad wat hy doen nie. Duidelik was ek verkeerd.
Doen my nou net asb een gunsie, en trap daai Engelse Saterdag
Rubriek in die Sunday Times. (Deur 'n lojale ANC-man, 'n held van die
Deafening silence as Mbeki and Co reduce South Africa to a state of
Published:Oct 14, 2007
Juctice Malala
I am angry and I am afraid. I am deeply afraid for my country.
The sound of silence has fallen over our country while the government
of President Thabo Mbeki, in its anger and its shame over its numerous
failures and acts of deceit, uses state security apparatus to go after
every man and woman who dares to speak truth to power.
While all this happens, the many good men and women in Cabinet, in
government, in business, in the trade unions and in civil society,
keep quiet. Where are the good men and women of the United Democratic
Front? Where are the many good men and women of the SA Council of
Churches, such as Brigalia Bam?
They are silent. They are in agreement while the democracy they fought
for is abused to protect the increasingly paranoid and discredited
presidency of Mbeki and to settle petty personal scores.
We should all hang our heads in shame.
I write this having just heard that the editor of this newspaper,
Mondli Makhanya, and its head of investigations, Jocelyn Maker, will
be arrested this week. Their crime is that they published a story
alleging that the Minister of Health, Dr Manto Tshabalala- Msimang,
screamed at hospital staff and drank huge amounts of booze while in
hospital for a shoulder operation.
The minister, the custodian of our nation's health, has denied none of
these allegations. This newspaper also published allegations that
Tshabalala- Msimang was a drunk and a thief. This story has not been
refuted by the minister nor any other government official.
Instead, the minister of Health has abused public funds by getting two
of her generals to publish wasteful, unintelligible advertisements in
various newspapers to allege that it is a crime to access personal
medical records. No one has said a word about the public interest.
Instead, the case was handed to the Western Cape's top detective.
The imminent arrest of Makhanya and Maker is nothing new in the
ignominy that is now the Mbeki regime. It has long been alleged that
Jacob Zuma, the ANC's deputy president, was investigated by the
National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) under Bulelani Ngcuka, husband of
the current deputy president, because he dared dream of succeeding
Mbeki while the President did not wish it to be so.
I have always dismissed this allegation as conspiratorial bunkum. I am
not so sure anymore. Where once I would have asked Zuma's supporters
to show me the evidence, I am forced to ask Mbeki and his cronies to
show me the evidence that they did not indeed set the Scorpions on
Zuma's trail.
Of course, the worst abuse of state apparatus is playing itself out
today while we consider the fact that Makhanya and Maker will be
arrested, prosecuted and perhaps even jailed. That abuse is the
refusal by Mbeki to let the law take its course and have National
Police Commissioner Jackie Selebi, an Mbeki confidante, arrested by
the Scorpions.
Mbeki went to extraordinary lengths to stop the current NPA head, Vusi
Pikoli, from arresting Selebi on corruption-related charges, despite a
warrant of arrest and search warrants being issued by magistrates and
But Mbeki went further. For more than a week he and his office lied to
the public and the parliamentary opposition about the existence of
such a warrant. These past two weeks they have been going to
extraordinary lengths to cover up this outrage.
The question has to be asked: is this the South Africa of Nelson
Mandela and Albert Luthuli? Did the heroes of June 1976 and the
veterans of the fires of the '80s lose out on schooling and normal
lives to be in a country where journalists are prosecuted as happened
under apartheid?
The Mbeki regime has been an unmitigated disaster from the onset.
But ineptitude  ranging from the failure to deal with HIV/Aids and
rampant crime to consorting with criminals such as Robert Mugabe  is
different from pure, unadulterated corruption such as we see unfolding
today in the Pikoli saga and now the persecution of Makhanya and
These are steps into the worlds of Mobutu Sese Seko and Mugabe. Only
13 years into our democracy, Mbeki's Stalinist learnings are fully on
show: journalists and editors arrested and jailed; opponents jailed on
trumped-up charges; everyone in government living in fear that they
are being followed, watched and bugged.
How long before a bullet arrives for a pesky journalist or Jacob Zuma?
Remember, we used to say Mbeki would not interfere with the judiciary.
We were wrong.
The worst part of this whole outrage is that Makhanya and Maker could
go to jail. They will go to jail while good men and women stand and
watch. They will be jailed while Mandela and many others stand and
watch while the country they fought for so valiantly falls deeper into
the hands of a corrupt and power- mad coterie at the Union Buildings.
I am angry and I am afraid. But mostly I am ashamed. Ashamed and
embarrassed to call myself South African. Ashamed that in this country
we all keep quiet while evil is so routinely perpetuated by a bunch we
ourselves put into power.
When, one day, we open our eyes and our mouths, our children will not
have a country to live in. This country will be a Zimbabwe because we
allowed Mbeki and his cronies to rape it.
Billed as a "musical" this is actually a musical revue. It will, of
course, attract Steve Hofmeyr fans. Its full title is "Dis hoe dit was, die
Steve Hofmeyr storie".
I like Steve Hofmeyr when he is performing his own Afrikaans work and also
when he sings his favourite songs from artists such as Neil Diamond. He has
a very natural, unforced and friendly feel to him when he is being himself.
Here we had a mixture of Hofmeyr being himself and playing himself. It was
not a bad mixture, but I prefer him being himself.
The sets and costuming were clever and nothing particularly jarred.
This revue with the cumbersome title can be seen at the Opera, State
Theatre, Pretoria during October and November and Steve Hofmeyr fans shouldn't
hesitate to take a peep into Hofmeyr's biographical story. They will
doubtless be as entertained as I was.
Ek glo nie aan 'n pak slae nie, maar 'n vet klap so nou en dan op die boud -
vir my 4-jarige dogtertjie met wie mens nog nie eintlik kan redeneer nie! -
maak die ore baie vinnig oop en gee haar die sekerheid pa is nog in beheer.
Ek is dus gekant daarteen dat ouers eenvoudig verbied word om die plathand
te gebruik.
Maar dis nou nie eintlik waaroor ek wil praat nie - ek dink ons almal, selfs
Gloudina, sal basies hieroor saamstem.
Wat ek graag wil weet: Gaan die ANC sy lede toelaat om volgens hulle gewete
oor hierdie wetgewing te stem? Ek wed hulle sal nie, want hulle kan nie
seker wees dat hulle dit dan goedgekeur sal kry nie. Dié stuk wetgewing sal
beslis nie die toest van 'n referendum slaag nie. Is dit nou demokrasie? -
die wil van die meerderheid wat regeer? - of 'n piepklein minderheid wat a
bee in die bonnet het en die meerderheidsparty misbruik om hulle wil op die
verre meerderheid af te dwing?
Riaan kla oor "ramp metering"op die Ben Schoemand Hoofweg (wonder hoe lank
dié naam nog gaan oorleef?)
Ene Deon McQuirk is die Hoof van Traffic Engineering in Oos-Londen. Hy het
spoedwalle op sy brein - nie sulke klein walletjies wat jou laak hik en
klaar nie, nee, sulke miniatuur bergies. 'n Mens moet die voertuig feitlik
tot stilstand bring voor jy daaroor gaan, anders eet jy jou ontbyt,
middagete en aandete - die hele lot! - weer. ieamnd het in die Daily
Dispatch netjiese wetenskaplike gegewens aangebied oor die impak wat die
speodwalle op lugbesoedeling het - en dus uiteindelik ook op globale
Maar onse Deon McQuirk is horende doof. Sy speedkops kan nie die wet toepas
nie, nou probeer hy dit met spoedwalle doen.