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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

Die Army

Thu, 22 May 2008 07:18

Tarboy het dit toe goed gedink om die weermag se hulp in te roep vir die
RASSISME (sorry xonophobia) wat Gauteng die laaste paar dae teister. Kom ons
verwelkom die volgende groepe in ons midde

1ste Bataljon Anti Retroviral
HIV Spesiale Taakgroep
BrigAIDS of Guards?

En die lugmag natuurlik

10 Eskader werf hoender
13 Eskader Volstruise

Shit - Ek bewe in my broek nou hoor

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Wanneer het jy laas geskaterlag?

Thu, 22 May 2008 06:56

Wel, ek het dit so pas gedoen, uitgebars van die lag
toe ek die SMS lees wat my vrou na my gestuur het:

Oom en Tannie kom saam in die hemel.
Tannie: Jitte Pappa, maar dis lekker hier!
Oom: As jy nie bly neuk het met vitaminepilletjies nie, was ons al lankal hier.

Humor & grappe | 0 kommentare


Wed, 21 May 2008 18:57

'Sjangaans is die woord wat die gewapende moordbendes in Gauteng se
townships deesdae gebruik om buitelanders te beskryf.'
so sê
Julian Rademeyer en Annelene Moses by,,3-975_2326002,00. html

Kaf. Hulle weet nie wat hulle praat nie. Almal wat iets van die
myngemeenskap af weet sal weet dat die Sjangaan (meervoud maSjangaan)
'n nasionaliteit van Mosambiek is wat baie dekades al deel van die
ingevoerde arbeid is. Dit is deel van my woordgebruik ook, en ek het
dieselfde woord meer kere al gebruik tydens die lees van berigte oor
xenofobia oftewel vreemdelingehaat.

Dit is egter nie waaroor ek skryf nie. Wat ek eintlik wil noem is dat
die lokale swarte nooit in die verlede by myne wou werk nie. Nie eens
bogronds nie, en beslis sou dit 'n rariteit wees om een van hulle
ondergrond aan te tref.

Nou word hulle huiswaarts gedwing. Terug na Mossambiek vanwaar hulle
as is ingevoerde arbeid op die myne werk, langer as wat enige van ons
op die groep oud is.

Die moordenaars sal steeds nie op die myne werk nie. Behalwe dat hulle
niks daarvan weet nie, is hulle te sleg om harde werk te doen.

Nuus | 3 kommentare

"Winternag" deur EUGENE MARAIS

Wed, 21 May 2008 12:13

Eugene Marais

O koud is die windjie
en skraal.
En blink in die dof-lig
en kaal,
so wyd as die Heer se genade,
lê die velde in sterlig en skade.
En hoog in die rande,
versprei in die brande,
is die grassaad aan roere
soos winkende hande.

O treurig die wysie
op die ooswind se maat,
soos die lied van 'n meisie
in haar liefde verlaat.
In elk' grashalm se vou
blink 'n druppel van dou,
en vinnig verbleek dit
tot ryp in die kou!

WINTER'S NIGHT (Translated by Guy Butler)
O Cold is the slight wind
and sere.
And gleaming in dim light
and bare,
as vast as the mercy of God,
lie the plains in starlight and shade.
And high on the ridges,
among the burnt patches,
the seed grass is stirring
like beckoning fingers.

O tune grief-laden
on the east wind's pulse,
like the song of a maiden
whose lover proves false.
In each grass blade's fold
a dew drop gleams bold,
but quickly it bleaches
to frost in the cold!

Prosa & poësie | 0 kommentare

Barbaarse strawwe...

Wed, 21 May 2008 06:22

Ek merk dat Dave en Jottie in 'n gesprek gewikkel geraak het wat verskeie
punte aangesny het rondom straf, insluitend die vraag na geweld met geweld
beantwoord, hoe 'n misdadiger aangespreek moet word, die doodstraf, ens.

Kom ons gesels oor een onderwerp op 'n slag: Die vraag oor tronkstraf.

Is dit 'n beskaafde vorm van straf?
Teenstanders van die doodstraf sê die doodstraf is barbaars. Is tronkstraf
minder barbaars?

Die naam is jare terug na "korrektiewe dienste", maar die enigste
korrektiewe dienste is die mishandeling wat gevangenis teenoor mekaar
uitdeel. In die St. Albans gevangenis in PE is daar bv net 2 maatskaplike
werker poste vir meer as 400 vroue-gevangenis. Toe ek laas met iemand
gesels het wat daar aangehou was, was daar net 1 pos gevul. Die gevangenes
met meer karakter - meesal 1e oortreders! - stig ondersteuningsgroepe en
probeer mekaar uit die drek help opstaan.

Wat baat die samelewing daarby om mense soos 'n Adriaan Nieuwoudt, 'n Arthur
Brown, en ander intelligente (beweerde) witboordjie misdadigers vir jare
toe te sluit? Vergoed dit die mense of die samelewing wat skade gely het,
of ly die samelewing net meer skade deur die belastingslas wat dit
veroorsaak? Waarom nie dié soort mense in 'n omgewing "aanhou" waar hulle
hul breins en kreatiwiteit kan gebruik om die skade wat hulle aangerig het,
weer goed te maak nie?

Koeitjies & kalfies | 28 kommentare

die VK en hul hantering van The Holocaust,

Tue, 20 May 2008 13:03

Hierdie het ek vanmôre vanaf 'n vriendin wat 'n makelaar is by een van
die groot banke gekry. Ek het nog geen bevestiging daarvan gekry nie
maar as dit die waarheid sou wees, word die wêreld 'n plek om voor
bang te wees.

Dit is email wat geforward is vanuit die bank se intranet en hier is
wat sy geskryf het:


It is a matter of history that when Supreme Commander of the Allied
Forces, General Dwight Eisenhower, found the victims of the death
camps, he ordered all possible photographs to be taken, and for the
German people from surrounding villages to be ushered through the
camps and even made to bury the dead.

He did this because he said in words to this effect:

"Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -
because somewhere down the track of history some bastard will get up
and say that this never happened"

In Memorial

This week, the UK removed The Holocaust from its school curriculum
because it "offended" the Muslim population which claims it never

This is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world
and how easily each country is giving into it.

It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in Europe

This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the 6
million Jews, 20 million Russians,10 million Christians and 1,900
Catholic priests who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved
and humiliated.

Now, more than ever, with Iran, among others, claiming the Holocaust
to be "a myth," it is imperative to make sure the world never forgets.
This e-mail is intended to reach 40 million people worldwide!

Be a link in the memorial chain and help distribute this around the

Don't just delete this.

It will take a minute to pass this along.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

sommer so terloops

Mon, 19 May 2008 18:29

Vir die wat na die nuus gekyk het en gesien het dat ons slangpark gaan
verskuif. My vrou en ek was gister by die vertoning waarvan op TV
vertel is, en ek sê 'verskuif' want ons was by waar Craig Smith gehuil
en gesê het dat die slangpark, na 70 jaar, gaan toemaak. Hy en en vrou
het besluit om nie voort te gaan met die gevg nie.

Goodbye for snakes art_id=vn20080519092138516C465405

Ek het dit nog nie gelees nie, sal dit netnou doen, maar hy het gister
vertel dat hy as kind daar begin werk het, en nou mede-eienaar is.
Die stadsraad wil om verskeie (elke koerant noem dit anders) redes nie
kontrak hernu nie. Na sewentig jaar. Die tweede oudste slangpark in
die land. Tweede teen slegs die van Port Elizabeth.

Gister het ek daar gesien hoe 3 klein waterskilpaaie 'n hoender afneem
by 'n sowat 2 meter krokodil. Maar hulle was drie, onthou! (Daar is
baie meer van hulle saam met hom in die poel, maar drie het hom gepak
vir die hoender. En sy (die krokodil se naam? Steve:-)

Ons was daar op uitnodiging van die bestuur, want die vertoning is
gereël vir gistermmiddag 2 uur, en vele besware is geteken, en hulle
wou natuurlik so veel as moontlik mense daar hê, maar die slangpark
sal nie veel langer daar wees nie.

Ek het gesê 'verskuif' want Graig het, toe ek hom gevra het, gesê dat
dit 'n verskuwing sal wees en nie toemak nie. Hulle moes vandag uit
wees. Met 4000 diere. Nou word daar ernstig na plek vir die diere
gesoek. Hopelik tydelik, sodat die slangpark weer sal kan voortgaan.

Troeteldiere | 0 kommentare

Goeie nuus vir die Afrikaner ?

Mon, 19 May 2008 11:04

SA farm attacks, suppression of Afrikaner rights unanimously condemned by
international minority-rights body, Brussels, Belgium

importantly, the Freedom Front Plus party was also unanimously accepted as
the 72nd member of the internationally-influential Unrepresented Nations'
and Peoples' Organisation (UNPO) to represent Afrikaner rights

Nearly two decades ago, the late Boerestaat Party leader Robert van Tonder
's membership application of the international minority-rights body UNPO was
reluctantly turned down. The Boerestaat Party itself had formally sworn off
the use of any violence -- however affiliated organisations such as the
Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging were at that time, using and advocating armed
violence to gain Afrikaner political hegemony.

However the tide of international opinion towards Afrikaners has clearly
turned this weekend, when the Freedom Front Plus party, representing
Afrikaner-rights, was unanimously accepted by UNPO's 71 members. They also
unanimously condemned the many armed attacks against Afrikaner farms and
homes, and the ANC-regime's policy of suppressing Afrikaner cultural and
language rights.

This is a indeed an international breakthrough for the Afrikaner minority --
which is increasingly fearful especially in the face of the current
ethnic-cleansing campaigns washing over SA townships and spreading
throughout the inner city slums of Johannesburg this weekend. Scores of
black and Asian 'foreigners' are being killed, hundreds injured and many
thousands of 'foreign blacks' are being chased out of townships by feral
South African township youths only because they look like, or sound like

Membership of UNPO also means that the entire Afrikaner-boer minority has
now been given an important international platform for the first time since
the Anglo-Boer War from which they can once again, democratically fight for
their civil, political and human rights inside South Africa.

Senior Afrikaans journalist Dr Leopold Scholtz reports that all the other
members of UNPO -- Africans and European members alike -- were also
displaying a positive and friendly attitude towards the Afrikaners who were
present at the Brussels congress this week.

Since 1994, some 2,961 SA farmers, -workers and their kin have already been
murdered in the many tens of thousands of armed attacks against farms and
the urban homes of Afrikaner families in ANC-ruled South Africa.

(For details and pictures, see the Farm Attacks, Murders, Robberies, Rapes
and Boer Genocide pages on )

In the face of this month's full-blown ethnic-cleansing waves chasing black
and Asian 'foreigners' from South African townships, the Afrikaners'
membership of UNPO has also taken on an extra-urgent tone: as can be seen in
the organised attackers targetting their farms and homes since 1994,
Afrikaners also are under a similar siege in which many thousands of
Afrikaner families are being decimated.

Over the past month, some 17 people have died in the many very gruesome
ethnic-cleansing attacks now targetting township dwellers - this weekend, at
least two blacks were also torched in the ANC's gruesome 'traditional
necklacing method': by placing a burning tyre about a victim's neck. Today's
newspapers in South Africa are publishing many gruesome pictures and
reports, and say that township dwellers were even standing by and laughing
when one Zimbabwean man was being torched.

Over the past decade, the Afrikaner-Boer minority is similarly targetted by
such vicious armed attacks against their families at farms and in cities,
accompanied by constant streams of hate-speech from black activists and even
black artists.

UNPO has an international membership of 71 organisations (such as the
Freedom Front Plus) which represent many politically-suppressed minorities
worldwide such as the Ogoni in Nigeria, the Ughurs, Tibetans, the
Rehoboth-Basters of Namibia. It strives for political independence for all
these ethnic minorities and is an infuential platform internationally: this
particular congress was sponsored by the European Parliament's liberal
parties, the German FDP, the British Liberal-Democrats and the Dutch
liberals party VVD.

Access our Afrikaans/Dutch pages to read the entire story (in English):
Read the entire story by clicking here

Also see the page: ANC torture camps in exile in Angola - where 'necklacing'
was learned

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Waarom word geweldsmisdadigers en ander gevangenis saam aangehou?

Mon, 19 May 2008 08:40

Onlangs is 'n jongman kort voor sy troue vir 'n eenvoudige beweerde
verkeersoortreding in Pietersburg aangekeer en vir die nag saam met 'n klomp
geweldsmisdadigers vir die nag toegesluit waar hy herhaaldelik verkrag is.

Niks ongewoon in SA deesdae nie.

Gister se Rapport vertel van J Arthur Brown, die ex-Fidentia grootbaas wat
weer in hegtenis geneem is terwyl hy op reeds op borg van R1m uit is -
blykbaar is die Skerpioene vies omdat sy vrou hulle net ontglip en Australië
toe is! - en toe is Brown deur mede-gevangenis aangerand en seksueel

Vanoggend se Daily Dispatch vertel dat hy volgens sy regsverteenwoordiger op
"die mees verenderende wyse" agter in 'n oorvol vangwa verkrag is.

Stel jou dit voor - agter in 'n vangwa aangerand en verkrag!!!! En die
Polisie hoor en sien niks?

Brown word beskuldig dat hy miljoene verduister het, maar ek het nog altyd
verstaan dat iemand onskuldig is totdat sy skuld bewys word - dat daar te
alle tye rekening gehou moet word met die moontlikheid dat iemand dalk
werklik onskuldig kan wees. Brown weier blykbaar om soos sy eertydse
Finansiële bestuurder 'n pleitooreenkoms aan te gaan en hou vol dat hy
onskuldig is. Na meer as 'n jaar is hy nog op geen klagte verhoor en/of
skuldig bevind nie. Ek het ook nog altyd verstaan dat 'n beskuldigde /
selfs veroordeelde misdadiger regte het en een van daardie regte is die reg
op beskerming.

Verlede Sondag se Rapport het vertel dat die eertydse grootbase van Saambou
Bank onskuldig bevind is - na baie jare se hofstryd en nadat een meer as R4m
moes opdok aan regskoste - sy wildsplaas - alles moes verkoop. Nie bedrog,
diefstal of roekelose bestuur het Saambou laat val nie, maar 'n
onverantwoorde(like) koerantberig!!!.

Is 'n aangehoudene wat nog deur geen hof skuldig bevind is nie, nou nie eens
meer agter in 'n vangwa veilig nie?

Waarom word witboordjie misdadigers / of beweerde witboordjiemisdadigers
hoegenaamd saam met geweldsmisdadigers in dieselfde tronk/sel/vangwa

Koeitjies & kalfies | 24 kommentare

Kyk net wat het ons hier

Mon, 19 May 2008 08:21

Die volgende is geneem van my gunsteling blog af
( Gaan besoek die blog gerus en sien
die skokkende fotos van die man wat aan die brand gesteek is. Begin dan
wonder of jy nie dalk die volgende ou is wat aan die brand gesteek gaan word

White South Africans older than 30 will today experience a sense of deja vu
as so-called "xenophobic" violence, the latest code word for the same old,
same old black savagery spreads from Alexandra and Diepsloot to Tokoza,
Actonville, Mayabuye, Tembisa, Kanana, Kopanong, Klipfontein View, Vusimusi,
Mashimong on the East Rand, Cleveland, Jeppe, Berea in Johannesburg and the
Zandspruit squatter camp on the West Rand.

During the White-ruled years, TNB (Typical Nigger Behaviour) was blamed on
"Apartheid", or "Police Brutality", or "The Pass Laws" or as was the case in
1976, the fallacy that the Nat government tried to force flat noses to speak
Afrikaans. Anyone with an IQ greater than their shoe size has realised that
the Azanian simian's capacity for "chimping out" knows no bounds, with the
lapdog media eagerly standing by to neatly label, justify and excuse the
stone age behaviour of these wild, uncivilised jungle bunnies. A few months
ago they chimped out over supposed lack of "service delivery". What White
people see is that these unwashed savages will go on the rampage at the drop
of a hat, killing, burning, looting and destroying property as only wild
black apes can do. As with crime, "chimping out" is a "black thing" that
whiteys will never comprehend.

Nor is this a phenomenon limited to South Afica, or even continental Africa.
In the piece below, G Rockwell wrote a chilling fictional account in the
early 1960's which was inspired by American negros chimping out all over the
United States. Rockwell's scenario describes how rioting spreads across
America, with the outcome being a coup d'etat and a full-blown race war.

While the sight of slope headed coons killing one another admittedly fills
me with great joy and a edifying sense of schadenfreude, it is never far
from my mind that the current black on black troubles can quickly turn into
a full scale anti-White race war. Rampaging hordes of blacks attacking the
"Makwerekwere" (foreigners) in Alexandra can easily be incited to venture a
mere 2 km into the White residential areas of Sandton or Randburg. What or
who is to stop them - the fat, corrupt black ape cops, or the AIDS-ravaged
sick joke otherwise known as the National Defence Force? Not likely.

There are a few angles one needs to consider when analysing the present
turmoil. Already, some are calling this the "ANC's 1976 Soweto Riots".
Others are blaming the Zulus for fomenting the anti-foreigner violence,
darkly hinting that this thing might have much to do with the two supposed
centres of power occupied by Mbeggi & Zuma respectively. Interestingly,
calls are being made to bring next year's general elections forward, a move
which will eminently suit Zuma as his trial dates are mysteriously being
postponed and party apparatchiks are hinting that special dispensation will
be decreed to grant a sitting president immunity from criminal prosecution.

Recent statements made by the pro-Zuma camp, consisting largely of the trade
unions, the SA Communist Party and the loony left fringe, make clear their
displeasure at the "black on black" violence, and are calling for "black
anger" to be re-channelled to "legitimate enemy" targets, such as "the
capitalists" (code for Whites). Strange & seemingly irrelevant statements
are being made, like the one where a group called the Anarchist Communist
Front pointed out this weekend that there are more illegal immigrants now in
Azania than there are Whites, but that "Africans must unite against
colonialist settler forces" and "not mobilise against their African brothers
& sisters." ANC Regime ministers are hinting darkly at a "Third Force" being
at work in the so-called xenophobic violence and some are implying that the
Zuma camp is employing "struggle tactics" in order to seize power from the
Tarboy gang. Even that opportunistic murdering criminal bitch Winnie Mandela
is in on the act - like a hyena drawn by the stench of rotting carrion she
recently high-tailed it to Alex to milk the situation for its worth.

Whatever the case may be, and at the risk of sounding alarmist, the fact is
that these are extremely dangerous times for White people. The crazed black
hordes can easily be incited to target Whites instead of the "makwerekwere"
and we need to be ready for such an eventuality. We need to be armed and
vigilant, and we need to realise that if the pinkfoot hordes decide to
invade White areas in the fashion they are rampaging in black townships, it
is war! Are you ready for war, White man?

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

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