Wil ook net graag vir Sipho krediet gee vir sy vermoe om die eens magtige
Poskantoor tot 'n val te gebring het. Is daar enige iets op God sw
wonderlike aarde wat jy NIE kan breek nie.
Every day in Arsezania, our half devil, half child brethren work towards
making our lives a living hell. Ranging from the Big 5 (Murder, Rape,
Robbery, Hijacking & House Invasions) to the innumerable petty ways in which
they poison & pollute our existence - from the complete anarchy on our
roads, to the jaw-dropping filth & squalor, to the endless pilfering, theft
& looting at the airports and everywhere else. Not one single facet of what
can be considered "normal life" is left unscathed by these unprincipled,
amoral jungle apes.
Take for example our postal services - once an efficiently functioning
system, it has now been reduced to nothing more than sheltered employment
for a gang of thieves and criminals. Not even our own government in the form
of SARS uses the SA Post Office for sending tax refund cheques anymore.
Pilfering, looting & stealing is the order of the day, so much so that the
world's biggest online mail order company Amazon.com, has now completely
blacklisted the SAPO, refusing to accept the insane losses it has suffered
through theft.
Several years ago, Amazon wisely stopped using the SAPO when shipping
expensive electronic goods, limiting it to books, CD's & DVD's only. Now
even these low ticket items cannot be entrusted to the Post Office,
compelling Amazon to impose a blanket ban.
With immediate effect, Amazon will use only (mostly White-owned)
privately-run courier companies, adding R 420 to the cost of each CD and DVD
purchase made. Just another small way in which those stupid enough to reside
in this coon-infested hell hole are being punished for living here.
From Businessday:
Amazon halts SA Post Office deliveries
RAMPANT theft by Post Office workers has infuriated the internet retailing
giant Amazon so much that it will no longer send goods to SA by post.
Anyone wanting to order directly from the US-based website must now pay for
a private courier service - adding about R420 to the price of a DVD.
SA's postal status makes the country the pariah of Africa, since no other
country has had postal deliveries scrapped. The only other African country
that cannot use the cheapest standard postal service is Nigeria, although
Amazon still trusts Nigeria's post office if buyers pay a slightly higher
expedited shipping rate.
The new restriction came in at the weekend, with customers being told the
theft rate was so high that goods would no longer be delivered unless they
paid a priority shipping rate of $39,99 per order and an incremental $9,99
for each extra item.
Amazon has long distrusted SA's postal service, and already refuses to
deliver high-priced goods such as electronic items or perfumes, restricting
shipments to CDs, DVDs and books. Private scamsters have also aggravated the
crime rate, as people ordered and received goods but claimed not to have
received them, forcing Amazon to send replacement items at its own expense.
The clampdown will benefit Wantitall, a local website that thrives on Amazon's
wariness. Wantitall collates orders for all type of goods and orders them
from Amazon, but has them delivered to a warehouse in the US. They are then
repacked and sent in bulk via courier to SA.
Amazon's action is bad for consumers but good news for Wantitall, said its
founder Justin Drennan. "Because of the fraud, they have stopped shipping
via the standard postal service. Everything is being stolen at the Post
Office," he said.
Drennan said Amazon deliveries were easily targeted because of their
distinctive packaging. "Ask how many people have had stuff stolen from
Amazon and it's massive. Amazon was reshipping things at its own cost but it's
had enough," he said. "People were also ordering DVDs and telling Amazon
they hadn't received them. They are saying we are as crooked as they thought
we were."
Wantitall mainly handles the high-priced items that Amazon does not deliver
to SA.
No one from the Post Office would comment yesterday. Its executives have
been trying to clean up its image by improving systems, and reported a 69%
reduction in theft last year.
Sorry ek het so bietjie verdwyn - Ek was op 'n ITIL kursus gewees, en dit is
gelukkig nou agter die rug.
Ek sien mal Bob het die pad nou heeltemal byster geraak (Ek en Jim en so
paar ander het dit al laasjaar voorspel) tot groot ontsteltenis van die
liberale linkses.
Ek het ook die naweek goeie nuus gekry (dit is nou as jy regs en rassisties
is soos Gloudina jou sal vertel) is dat die wereld ikoon, terroris, en
bomplanter Nelson Mandela by die dag agteruit gaan. Dit kan met redelike
sekerheid gese / gehoop word dat die doos nie meer baie lank gaan lewe nie.
My bron is bogemiddeld betroubaar, en soos 'n wafferse koerantman sal ek uit
die aard van die saak nie se wie dit is nie.
Vir die van julle wat nie glo in Siener van Rensburg se Uhuru voorspelling
nie, net die volgende. Nie ek Dave, of Jim maak aanspraak daarop dat ons
profete is nie, maar dit is nogal interessant om so te sit ek sien hoe dit
wat ons maar geraai het so paar maande terug nou feit geword het. Dieselfde
goed waarvan ons liberale linkse vriende hier niks wou gehoor het van toe
ons daaroor gepraat het nie.
Waar is ons liberale linkse vriende nou op die oomblik. Hoop nie julle is in
die Pick n Pay besig om voorraad aan te koop nie. Julle hoef dit mos nie te
doen nie, want niks gaan mos gebeur volgens julle nie.
Ek sien ook party van ons nie amptelike landsburgers wil in die see inloop
en hulle self verdrink. Nie gedink so iets is moontlik nie, jou natuurlike
reaksie sal tog wees om "op te kom" en die golwe sal jou uitspoel. Moet ons
nie eerder vir hulle die adress gee van die naaste munsipale swembad, en dan
vir hulle wys waar is die diep kant nie.
Toe ek die eerste keer Breyten Breytenbach se titel
van sy eerste bundel lees, toe dink ek watter moderne
radikale titel dit tog nie was nie. Dit het my dus grootliks
verbaas toe ek nou die dag deur 'n versameling ou
Chinese sêgoed lees en die woorde daar in 'n Engelse
vertaling lees. Dis 'n versameling van taoistiese twee-
relige strofes, wat Zen monnike in Japan meer as
'n duisend jaar gelede bestudeer het. Breyten is al
vir baie lank 'n Buddhis, en dis dus nie verbasend
dat hy hierdie pad geloop het nie.
Ferdi, as jy net miskien kontak het met Virginia Keppler,
moet jy asseblief my komplimente met die skryf van hierdie berig
aan haar oordra. Sy noem die bliksems 'rowers' en slegs in die
voorlaaste paragraaf word, eenmaal, van 'verdagtes' gepraat.
Sy skryf 'n lekkerlees berig. As jy kan, sê dit vir haar asseblief.
3 rowers met publiek se hulp aangekeer
Jun 13 2008 08:51:38:033PM - (SA)
Die rower kreun van pyn terwyl 'n polisielede sy wond behandel wat hy
opgedoen het toe hy oor 'n pallisadeheining probeer vlug het. Foto:
Leon Botha
Virginia Keppler
Inwoners van Pierre van Ryneveld in Centurion het die polisie gister
gehelp om strate in hul woonbuurt af te sper om drie rowers vas te
Die rowers is onder meer gesoek nadat hulle verlede Saterdag op 'n
dominee van die buurt geskiet het. Hulle is gister in Blanestraat
aangekeer ná 'n wilde jaagtog en skietgeveg met die polisie en 'n
Die eerste rower is in albei bene gewond en 'n tweede het sy hand erg
beseer toe hy oor 'n palissadeheining probeer spring het. Die derde
rower was ongedeerd.
Dir. André Wiese, stasiebevelvoerder van die Lyttelton-polisiekantoor,
het gesê die rowers vorm deel van 'n bende van sowat tien wat
Brooklyn, Lyttelton, Pierre van Ryneveld en Garsfontein die afgelope
twee weke teister.
Dr. Sampie Niemand (67) van die NG-gemeente Pierre van Ryneveld het
die rowers uitgewys as dié wat vroeër op hom en sy seun, Ferdi (43),
geskiet het. Hy het saam met ander inwoners die polisie gehelp deur
die woonbuurt se strate af te sper.
Niemand, voorsitter van die gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum (GPF), het
gesê dié rowers het 'n Âterroriste-geesÂ.
ÂHulle het geen respek vir die lewe nie en sal jou op die plek
Wiese het gesê die rowers is gister omstreeks 10:00 deur polisielede
op patrollie in Daan Pienaarstraat in Pierre van Ryneveld opgemerk.
Hulle het in 'n rooi Volkswagen Jetta gery. ÂDie polisie het hulle van
die pad probeer trek, maar toe jaag hulle weg. Die polisie is agterna
en daar het 'n skietgeveg uitgebreek waartydens die polisie hul
motorbande stukkend geskiet het.Â
Hy het gesê die drie rowers het op die hoek van Verwoerdlaan en
Blanestraat uit die motor gespring en probeer weghardloop. ÂDie een is
in die bene geskiet en die ander een is ongedeerd aangekeer, het
Wiese gesê.
Mnr. Martin Siebert van die Monitor Net-veiligheidsmaatskappy, wat by
die soektog aangesluit het, het die derde rower by 'n nabygeleë
vulstasie aangekeer.
ÂDie bliksem het op die gras tussen die plante probeer wegkruip, maar
ek het gesien sy hemp is vol bloed en daar was 'n besering aan sy
regterarm en toe weet ek dis een van hulle (die rowers), het Siebert
Die beseerde rowers het in pyn uitgeroep terwyl 'n polisiebeampte op
die toneel hul wonde behandel het.
ÂToe jy op ons geskiet het, het jy nie jô, jô geskreeu nie, jou m**r.
Jy het Saterdag byna my dominee doodgeskiet, het mnr. Frans
Esterhuyse, 'n inwoner, die rower wat in die bene geskiet is,
Wiese het gesê gister se sukses sluit aan by verlede Donderdag se
sukses toe drie van dié rowers se ander makkers in Elarduspark
aangekeer is terwyl hulle by 'n huis ingebreek het.
Volgens hom word die ses verdagtes met sowat 24 sake van gewapende
roof, huisbraak, huisroof, poging tot moord, diefstal van 'n
motorvoertuig, besit van ongelisensieerde vuurwapens en die rig van 'n
vuurwapen verbind.
Die polisie het beslag gelê op die Jetta en 'n .357 Magnum-rewolwer.
Sent: 13 Junie 2008 12:07 nm
Subject: FOKUS Program op SAUK 2
Geagte vriende,
Sondag aand 15 Junie word op die program FOKUS die bedrywighede van
Sannieshof, met Carin Visser as ons eie Charlize Theron as hoofstêr,
dokumentêr uigesaai.
Hantie Schrader wat die opname gemaak het, het my laat weet dat die hoof
regisseur van die SAUK die program geweldig verkort het. Ons sal dus maar
sien wat werklik vertoon gaan word.
Op 6 Julie word daar op dieselfde program ‘n opname oor Ventersburg
vertoon. Die program handel blykbaar meer oor die omstandighede van die
swart mense en hulle probleme op Ventersburg maar Maxie Badenhorst, die
voorsitter van die lokale belasting betalers vereniging, speel daar ook
‘n rol indien nie die hoofrol nie.
Burgers ( www.bravoland.co.za/forum ).
Ons het nou al vir meer as 2 jaar 'n blanke dame van Pta wes wat elke
week minstens een keer ons meenthuis kom skoonmaak het en in die
laaste jaar 2 maal per week.
Ons het in die tussentyd vir ons 'n groter huis gekoop en ons gaan
minstens vir die eerste jaar geen ekstra fondse hê om hierdie
luuksheid te bekostig nie. (Deels danksy Tito).
Ons moes haar dit meedeel en sy was maar baie hartseer, omdat buiten
'n baie klein pensioen, van haar man ge-erf, het sy nie ander inkomste
Van ons kant af, as ons dit weer eendag kan bekostig ,sal ons haar
definitief weer gebruik, sy was eerlik en ons het nooit iets uit die
huis vermis nie. Natuurlik het jy te doen met al haar daaglikse
probleempies en verskoninkies maar met 'n ferm hand doen sy haar werk
Volkseie arbeid is uit die aard van die saak nogal duurder as
agtergeblewe arbeid, maar ons het dit ook as deel van ons maatskaplike/
barmhartigheids verpligtinge beskou...
Indien enige van julle daarin sou belangstel om met my verder oor haar
agtergrond te gesels en/of meer detail verlang laat my asb weet dan
kan ons verder gesels.
Ons het wel vir haar gesê dat ons haar sal aanbeveel by ander en dit
is wat ek nou doen.
Hoop julle verstaan.
kontak my gerus: smaa...@gmail.com
Riaan en ek sal nie weet waaroor dit gaan nie
maar Oom Torreke en oom Ferdi sal beslis weet
waarvan gepraat word wanneer gesê word:
Welcome back, Springbok Radio
13 June 2008, 14:36
Click here!
South Africans nostalgic for entertainment from an era when radio was
known to many as the "wireless", can get their hearing aids ready.
The popular programmes of Springbok Radio, one of the most beloved and
successful commercial radio stations in South African history, will
shortly be back "on air".
'Gauteng needs billions for energy'
13 June 2008, 14:49
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About R7,5-billion is needed for energy distribution and refurbishment
needs in Gauteng, MEC for local government Qedani Dorothy Mahlangu
said on Friday.
"The figure, based on the latest assessment, indicates a funding
requirement of R7,5-billion to address the distribution asset
maintenance, refurbishment and strengthening," she said in her budget
vote speech in the legislative assembly.
The local government also supported the 10 percent energy saving
target set by national government and the use of alternative energy
"In the medium term, we will roll-out solar geysers, solar powered
traffic lights, replace high mast lights with street lights and
install energy efficient lighting," said Mahlangu.
"We are working with the Central Energy Fund to ensure that street and
traffic lights are powered with solar, batteries and the usage of
light emitting diodes (LED). The master plan will ensure that all
traffic lights are synchronised."
A further R22-million would be dedicated towards effective disaster
risk reduction and management strategies for the 2010 World Cup and
The intention was to have a Disaster Management Mobile Unit by the end
of this financial year, she said.
Gauteng government also established the Provincial Disaster Management
"The recent violent attacks on foreign nationals put the centre to
test. "However tragic, this presented us with an opportunity to
improve certain things and to re-look at how effective can we
co-ordinate with municipalities," said Mahlangu.
About R10,9-million would be spent on implementing HIV and Aids
Municipal support programmes focusing on organisational business
re-engineering, human resources development strategies and performance
management systems was allocated R25-million.
"In continuing with government's hands-on support to municipalities,
we signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Development Bank of
Southern Africa.
"The partnership forms part of the Siyenza Manje programme, and an
amount of R134-million had been committed over the next two years,"
the MEC said.
Provincial Treasury has allocated an additional amount of R80-million
to the Randfontein, West Rand, Kungwini, Mogale City, Nokeng Tsa
Taemane and Emfuleni municipalities to assist with completing
infrastructure business plans.
"We are in the process of developing the Sanitation Strategy to ensure
that we meet the 2010 Millenium Development Goal target for
"We have started collecting data on the sanitation backlog, that is,
pit latrines and any other form of sanitation. This will assist us to
know the extent of the backlog and it will inform our strategy."
The Community Development Worker's Programme (CDW) which forms a major
role in ensuring that communities are informed of government
programmes was allocated R70-million.
The focus would be on enhancing the effectiveness of CDWs, including
the implementation of an early-warning system that would assist
government to respond to community service delivery concerns, she
"The electronic hand-held devices given to all CDWs would be used as a
tool for recording, referring and tracking community referrals."
The ANC adopted a policy of 50/50 gender representation in political
positions and R1,5-million was budgeted towards this cause.
"We deemed it important to ensure that we also empower women
councillors to address the challenges they face as leaders.
"Women councillors have been paired with mentors who are assisting and
supporting them in their working environment and helping them to deal
with the challenges they face while conducting their work and
fulfilling their roles as councillors," said Mahlangu.
About R4,6 -million would be committed to the Traditional Leaders
Framework and Bill. - Sapa