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1054 resultate gevind
1 Forum: Musiek & liriek «» Gepos op: So, 09 Maart 1997 00:00 «» deur: Izak Bouwer
'n Lied vir BEGINNER-STUDENTE van Afrikaans
… used in certain expressions. Also in "Ek is gedaan" : I am exhausted When one looks at the family names of Afrikaners you must come to the conclusion that most of the surnames are not of Dutch origin. The names are from a wide spectrum of mostly European language groups. None is as widely represented as those of German origin. Germans came to the subcontinent in large numbers, even during the early days of the Dutch at the Cape. The Dutch East India Company used …
2 Forum: Afrikaans, ons taal «» Gepos op: Vr, 28 Februarie 1997 00:00 «» deur: Izak Bouwer
… water. However, nobody could be blamed for also finding it racially repulsive. Now in the original Dutch word "meid" there is no such racial connotation. The Dutch "meid" and the English "maid" come from the same Germanic root. It is a sad reflection on the racially structured class society that developed in South Africa over the centuries that the word "meid" came to have the meaning of "being non-white." Both in English, Dutch and …
3 Forum: Musiek & liriek «» Gepos op: Di, 25 Februarie 1997 00:00 «» deur: Izak Bouwer
Lied vir BEGINNER-STUDENTE van Afrikaans
… goat or buck. It is however also used as a lower class term of endearment for a (female) beloved. Etimology from bok ("buck"). Ondergaan : to go down, set huis toe : towards home Dolla : here used as pet name, probably from English "doll." lol : keep company with, have relations with loskop : a person that hasn't got it all together. los: loose kop: head There are probably two speakers in this song. I am not…
4 Forum: Musiek & liriek «» Gepos op: Wo, 19 Februarie 1997 00:00 «» deur: Izak Bouwer
'n Lied vir BEGINNER-STUDENTE van Afrikaans
… for the "Manchester Guardian." He became a medical doctor, but also practised journalism. He wrote short poems about the beauty of nature, but also longer very dark poems, describing the aftermath of the Anglo- Boer War. In the First World War he was physician to General Botha. Shortly before the Second World War he wrote a cycle of scathing anti-Nazi poems that has never appeared in book form. His most popular book in English is "The Bushveld Doctor" (1937). Gloudina …
5 Forum: Onderwys & opvoeding «» Gepos op: Wo, 12 Februarie 1997 00:00 «» deur: Reinier de Vos
Re: Onderwys
…apartheid a crime against humanity. It also agreed to the drawing up of an 'International Convention on the Suppression of the Crime of Apartheid'. Countries like the United Kingdom and the United States (US) voted against the resolution with the representative of the US stating: 'We cannot accept that apartheid can be made a crime against humanity. Crimes against humanity are so grave in nature that they must be meticulously elaborated and strictly construed under existing international law.'[26] The …
6 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Ma, 30 Desember 1996 00:00 «» deur: CraigVonKC[2]
Re: Can anyone help me learn Afrikaans
…am also currently studying Afrikaans. I have only found two tape sets to help with the pronunciation. The first one is Audio Forum's Language 30 Afrikaans Course (20 USD) and the second one is Conversaphone's Afrikaans Course (20 USD). There is also a book called Teach Yourself Afrikaans by National Textbook Company (15 USD). Hippocrene books has produced a small, but adequate bilingual dictionary (12 USD). But the best book I have found is Bruce Donaldson's Afrikaans Grammar. It covers everything. …
7 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Vr, 27 Desember 1996 00:00 «» deur: Zvi Halevy
Can anyone help me learn Afrikaans
Can anyone help me learn Afrikaans. I am a serious student and would like some direction to a good textbook or audio tapes. A good dictionary of course is also necessary. The name of a bookshop where I can buy the books and tapes I would also need.
8 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 20 Julie 1996 00:00 «» deur: Koos[1]
Re: DIe Afrikaner: SAKP identifiseer joernaliste as agente
…et's see how you do in Afrikaans. And the completion of that line of reason is obviously: If you also make spelling mistakes and such (which you do) and if you also sound a bit clumbsy (which you do) then......can you complete it yourself? That, incidently is what the first para indicate. Instead you accuse me of being a verkrampte taalstryder and you refer me to the insignificance of Afrikaans. Kom ons stel dit so: As jou brein dinamiet was, was nie eers genoeg om jou brille van jou neus af te skiet nie…
9 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 13 Mei 1996 00:00 «» deur: Jim Burke
Test on South Africa
…South African history all fourth quarter also in their advanced history class) what effect the changes of the last few years or even days have had on you as an individual and your society as a whole. In the past I haved used these responses force kids into group discussions which were used as the basis for their assessment of their understanding of the country's politics and culture. Also, some people's responses have been used a scripts for in-class monologues for a simulation in their history …
10 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: So, 12 Mei 1996 00:00 «» deur: Paul Reed Smith
Afrikaans Syntax
…'s a V2 language with an SOV D-structure. I also think it's an underlying Adv-V language. I think the headedness of CP, IP, VP is the same as Dutch. However, unlike Dutch, I don't think it requires a COMP filter rule. Can any of you help me with these issues or recommend good resources? I'd particularly like to see D- & S-structure trees of Afrikaans compared with other Germanic languages; especially Dutch. Also, I find the use of double negatives and reduplication are fascinating differences from…
11 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 14 Maart 1996 00:00 «» deur: Johan de Villiers
Re: Tolerantie
…not in order. What is done should also be morally justifiable. Hence the cry from the heart, affirming the rightness of what we do, passionately denying our despair... ...The messianic style of the post-Second World War Afrikaners finds no substantial antecedents in those countries from which they predominantly originated: the Netherlands, Germany, France. Strangely, as will appear, their spiritual kin are rather to be discovered in …
12 Forum: Woordeboek «» Gepos op: Wo, 15 November 2023 12:23 «» deur: Leksikograaf
… Betekenis: • Wat op dieselfde tyd gebeur; behalwe dit wat genoem is. Gebruik: • Die Fariseërs, en tewens die Jode oor die algemeen, eet immers nie as hulle nie eers hulle hande behoorlik gewas het nie. [Markus 7:3] Sinoniem: • behalwe • daarby • derhalwe • tegelykertyd • tog • voorts Vertaling: Engels: at the same time, also, besides Nederlands: tevens Nota: • Bywoord van hoedanigheid. Laat weet asb as die inskrywing foute bevat of verder verbeter kan word…
13 Forum: Woordeboek «» Gepos op: Do, 26 Oktober 2023 13:35 «» deur: Leksikograaf
oftewel Afbreking: of•te•wel Samestelling: of + te + wel Voegwoord: oftewel Betekenis: • Stel die voorafgaande op 'n duideliker manier. Gebruik: • Die prys is met 10%, oftewel R200, verhoog. Sinoniem: • anders gesê • anders gestel • met andere woorde Antoniem: • daarenteen Vertaling: Engels: or, also called Nederlands: oftewel Laat weet asb as die inskrywing foute bevat of verder verbeter kan word.
14 Forum: Woordeboek «» Gepos op: Wo, 04 November 2020 09:19 «» deur: Leksikograaf
… Afbreking: e•wen•eens Bywoord: eweneens Betekenis: • Op dieselfde manier/wyse. Gebruik: • Omdat die kleurstowwe in die druif se skil sit, is dit eweneens moontlik om witwyn van rooi druiwe te maak. Wisselvorm: • ewe-eens Sinoniem: • insgelyks • ook • soos • tewens Vertaling: Engels: also, likewise Nederlands: eveneens Nota: • "Eweneens" is 'n bywoord van modaliteit. Laat weet asb as die inskrywing foute bevat of verder verbeter kan word…
15 Forum: Woordeboek «» Gepos op: Wo, 01 Mei 2019 19:28 «» deur: Leksikograaf
asook Afbreking: as•ook Voegwoord: asook Betekenis: • En ook; daarby ook. Gebruik: • Dit sluit koffie, asook koek in. • Openbaring beskryf die oorwinning van die goeie oor die slegte, asook die einde van die huidige wêreld. Sinoniem: • en • ook • daarby • ewenas • asmede • plus • benewens • mitsgaders Vertaling: Engels: also, as well as Nederlands: alsook, alsmede Laat weet asb as die inskrywing foute bevat of verder verbeter kan word.
16 Forum: Woordeboek «» Gepos op: Do, 18 April 2019 18:04 «» deur: Leksikograaf
… • Dit gaan maar sleg! • Jy kan maar alles vertel. Maak maar soos jy wil. Vertaling: Engels: also, still; just, quite, really Nederlands: maar Selfstandige naamwoord: maar Meervoud: maars, mare Betekenis: • (ongewoon) Dui teëstelling aan. Gebruik: • Dis 'n groot maar, behalwe as ons voldoende voorberei. • Daar is te veel mare in daai sin. Vertaling: Engels: but Nederlands: maar Laat weet asb as die inskrywing foute bevat of verder verbeter kan word…
17 Forum: Woordeboek «» Gepos op: Sa, 30 Maart 2019 20:29 «» deur: Leksikograaf
ook Afbreking: ook Uitspraak: /oːk/ Bywoord: ook Betekenis: • Daarnaas; verder; tewens. Gebruik: • Hier is jou koffie. Wil jy beskuit ook hê? • Wat ook al, ek stel nie belang nie! Vertaling: Engels: also, moreover Nederlands: ook Nota: • "Ook" word gebruik om iets by te voeg tot dit waaroor gepraat word. Laat weet asb as die inskrywing foute bevat of verder verbeter kan word.
18 Forum: Woordeboek «» Gepos op: Vr, 15 Maart 2019 06:19 «» deur: Inligting
Re: Afrikaanse Woorde: A
… alsemkruid alsiende alsiendheid also Alstroemeria Alstroemerias alsydig alsydige alsydigheid alt altaar altaardienaar altaardienaars altaardiens altaardoek altaardoeke altaarkelk altaarklede altaarkleed altaarskerm altaarskerms altaarskildery altaarskilderye altaarstuk altaarstukke altaartjie altamirakuns altans altare alte altemit altemits alterasie alterasies alteratief alteratiewe alterkasie alterkasies alternatief alternatiewe alternatiewelik alternatiewelike …
19 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Ma, 13 Maart 2017 20:16 «» deur: land...
Re: What means the following word?
…to the conclusion that > it originates from the African language. The only problem now is, > that I can't find the exact meaning of the word 'oubaas'. > Can anyone help me, it would mean a lot to me. > > Thanks in advance, > > Thijs Kromhout Baas means boss, Oubaas means the knowledgeable one, the one who oversees and looks after the welfare of his team. You also have "Kleinbaas" the one who follows in the footsteps of Oubaas,normally it would be a son of the oubaas…
20 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Do, 07 Februarie 2013 18:47 «» deur: MBruno[1]
Question about Dutch (and Afrikaans) Grammar
… repair my car (ii) I was able to repair my car (iii) I have been able to to repair my car (iv) I had been able to repair my car (v) I will be able to repair my car (vi) I would be able to repair my car (vi) I would have been able to repair my car Since I am aware that Afrikaans may possibly use different structures than Dutch for the examples above, I would appreciate if Afrikaans speakers on the group could also tell me how they would translate the aforementioned sentences. Thank you very much…
21 Forum: Nuus «» Gepos op: Vr, 24 Februarie 2012 06:54 «» deur: Etienne Marais
Glorious New South Africa - 78 year-old woman tortured with iron and beaten to death
…and on both arms. It seems her skull was also crushed with the same iron. The motive for the attack was supposedly theft (!) === Bejaarde vrou wreed vermoor 2012-02-24 08:08 Buks Viljoen Nelspruit – ’n Bejaarde vrou is in die nag met ’n warm strykyster gemartel voordat sy in die vakansiedorpie Dullstroom doodgeslaan is. Johanna (Jo) Moore (78) se lyk is Donderdagoggend in haar huis aangetref met erge brandwonde aan die gesig en albei arms. Volgens forensiese kenners lyk dit of haar aanvallers haar …
22 Forum: Nuus «» Gepos op: Do, 02 Februarie 2012 08:25 «» deur: Etienne Marais
Re: Ongoing Farm Attacks - Farm Attacks not a priority, 6 farmers killed in Jan. 2012
…at around 4 am in the morning. His wife also beaten, but survived. 2 16/01/2012 Koos Bisschoff,71 Mooihoek Avondale farm, between Rustenburg and Koster, North West Attacked at his home by five robbers. Hit over the head with a rifle, bound with plastic ties and locked in a room with a plastic bag over his head. Died later of his wounds. Bisschoff suffered from asbestosis. 3 22/01/2012 Michael Stenger, 30 Barbeton Road, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga Attacked by four robbers on his small holding. Used as a…
23 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 10 November 2010 17:50 «» deur: His Highness the Tibe[1]
Re: Is riding on sidewalk a sign of Banana Republic?
…of the lane that is. Riding on the edge is also a form of discrimination since you must share the same lane with a car, exposing your fragile life to brutish or negligent drivers. And then the humiliation. Some struggle over the lane --created by a stupid sign-- ended up in a driver spitting in my face. If they forbid it on the road it would be less of a teasing. We are not welcomed on the road) On Nov 10, 11:21 am, Gokudomatic wrote: > On 10 nov, 17:00, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the…
24 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 23 Mei 2010 16:43 «» deur: Etienne Marais
Safety is an illusion
… circumstances or in any way to interfere with our right and responsibility to defend property or ourselves crime will always be a major problem. Citizens have every right to subcontract their safety to such ineffective interventions and agencies but must also face the consequences of this choice and take the full responsibility for their own decisions. Source:News24 ( :// 0100521…
25 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 04 April 2010 11:37 «» deur: Albert
Re: Die boere is dood - Dubul-ibhunu = Skiet die boere
…ice. We call that pay back time. And we will also charge all the interest you made. > Nie eens te noem die verkragting > van kinders, babas en ou mense nie ! Probeer nou niet zielig te doen, alsof jullie witten geen zwarte kinders hebben verkrag, gemartel en vermoor. >> En nu voor jullie allen het nummer 1 lied. Nu nog de mp3 versie vinden om >> er >> een aardige remix van te maken. > > Die meeste boere is goeie Christen mense, hulle word > daagliks uitgemoor deur…
26 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 19 Maart 2010 14:19 «» deur: Etienne Marais
ANCYL stamps on farm attack list
…the legal system." AfriForum youth also said freedom of expression should be cherished, but that according to the law, hate speech was unacceptable and had to be prohibited. It said Malema had gone too far and this was the time to stop him. It asked Malema to apologise publicly for his actions, and refrain from any practises encouraging hate and violence in South Africa. Malema sang the song "shoot the boere" at his birthday celebration in Polokwane and at a student gathering in …
27 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 18 Maart 2010 17:00 «» deur: Etienne Marais
AfriForum stel skokbeeldmateriaal bekend van polisie menseregte skending
…members involved immediately. AfriForum also demands in the letter that these members should be suspended, or be withdrawn from active policing duties. If this does not happen, AfriForum will apply for a urgent court order to enforce these demands. Kelder once again encouraged members of the public to tell their stories about incidents of power abuse by police members at AfriForum will assist people with legal advice. In his opinion, these kinds of abuse are primarily due to a lack …
28 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 18 Maart 2010 16:49 «» deur: Etienne Marais
Sleeping farmer shot
…en." Police did not know the motive of the shooting, nor how many attackers there were. The man's father, who lives with him on the farm, was also in the house at the time of the shooting, but was not injured. ER24 spokesperson Vanessa Jackson said the man was taken to Potchefstroom Provincial Hospital. "He had multiple wounds on the right-hand side of his back. His wounds are deemed to be critical." A case of attempted murder was opened. - Sapa Source:IOL (…
29 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 03 Maart 2010 09:15 «» deur: Etienne Marais
Illegal immigrants are stretching police resources and manpower
…Mpembe, acting chief of police in Gauteng, also told the portfolio committee for police that there are up to three million illegal immigrants in Gauteng. "So there are more people to police, but we don't have enough officials to do the extra work. We can't say we won't police them because they come from another country," Mpembe later told Beeld. Thulani Ntobela, chief of police in Mpumalanga, said he hopes the SANDF can soon start helping with border security, "because in some places there…
30 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 06 Februarie 2010 14:54 «» deur: Etienne Marais
Re: Plaasmoorde: Optog
…abandoned. TLU SA chairperson, Ben Marais also read an open letter to President Jacob Zuma, protesting "the threat against farmers, their families and their employees". Farmers and relatives of murdered farmers laid flowers at empty coffins and white crosses, symbolising the victims On Jan 21, 10:32 am, Etienne Marais wrote: > (Geneem van > > Optog teen plaasgeweld beplan > 19/01/2010 > > Om teen plaasgeweld te …
31 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 26 Junie 2009 21:35 «» deur: Jim A
Michael Jackson
…to the Jackson family, but could i also remind you that collection day for recyclable plastics is Monday... Apparently, Michael Jackson’s last wish was to be melted down into little dildos so kids could still play with him... Confirmation just came through that Michael Jackson died of food poisoning. Apparently he choked on some 12 year old nuts... Out of respect, McDonalds have just released the McJack- son burger... 50 year old meat between 10 year old buns... Reports that Michael Jackson died of a …
32 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 05 Mei 2009 10:02 «» deur: Riaan
Sipho en die space invaders
…Law Society in Entebbe. "We must also go there and say: 'What are you people doing up here?' Museveni urged the assembly of Uganda's top lawyers to support East African integration, arguing that one of the region's goals should be to develop a space programme. "Uganda alone cannot go to the moon. We are too small. But East Africa united can. That is what East African integration is all about," he said. "Then we can say to the Americans: 'What are you doing here all alone?' …
33 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 07 Maart 2009 09:20 «» deur: Daun Johnson
Taxi driver slapped and spat at me - granny
…Road in Sunninghill. The taxi driver also died in the accident when his van went up in flames. In Davis's incident, she was driving with her two grandchildren in Edenvale last week when she got caught up in peak-hour traffic on Laurie Road. "The traffic was travelling in a northern direction and was at a gridlock. A taxi overtook the stationary traffic on a solid white line and came into my oncoming traffic lane, blocking it. I remained stationary facing the taxi. "Once the traffic travelling …
34 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 18 Februarie 2009 13:57 «» deur: Ferdi
… Turner's other daughter, Dr Kim Turner, was also with us. She watched her father die that night in 1978. She was nine years old. He took 20 minutes to bleed to death. Now she is 40, and she brought her own children from London to see their grandfather's name carved in stone on the Wall of Remembrance. We wished we had not gone. There was no one in reception and no guide to the park available, but there was a woman who asked us rudely what we were doing there. Kim said: "We have come …
35 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 14 Januarie 2009 12:22 «» deur: Ferdi
Re: Verwys na my vorige skrywes
…of 2.5m hectares. But Madagascar could also benefit from Daewoo's in­vest­ment in roads, irrigation and grain storage facilities. However, a European diplomat in southern Africa said: “We suspect there will be very limited direct benefits [for Madagascar]. Extractive projects have very little spill-over to a broader industrialisation.” Asian nations have increasingly looked to Africa to meet their resource needs in the past five years or so. China has been particularly aggressive in building up …
36 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 05 Desember 2008 18:56 «» deur: Daun Johnson
Re: Sommige joernaliste se dom vertalings
…on Wednesday in possession of a plasma TV also stolen during the robbery. Home owner Nick Gahagan has identified the TV as being his. In the days after the incident, police spokesperson Vincent Mdunge had suggested that the robbery had been fabricated, saying it was a "mockery". He said that police who responded to the robbery had been locked out of the yard and insulted by the victims. Mdunge threatened to charge Gahagan for making a false complaint. However, he said police would continue to…
37 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 26 November 2008 15:01 «» deur: Daun Johnson
toe boek hy afsiek weesn spanning - shame
…how he could help and save lives. He also condemned motorists who did not give way to blue light vehicles. "I am not condoning VIP drivers' behaviour, but I have experienced rude behaviour from motorists. They seldom give way and for no reason show us rude signs. "Others, when they see us coming, speed up and then brake unexpectedly. Our drivers are trained to protect us. "We are heading to elections and they need to ensure our safety. If a driver behaves like that, how do …
38 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 21 Oktober 2008 14:22 «» deur: Daun Johnson
State hospitals 'in crisis'
…they have to say no. "Management has also sent letters to the department of health, but it's like appealing to a rock." A source close to the Port Shepstone Hospital said morale was at an all-time low. "Doctors are at the end of their tether. The hospital has been losing people for all the usual reasons, but since April they haven't been able to hire replacements. By the end of the year only two specialists will be left in anaesthesia. "Incidents like that of the pregnant woman who …
39 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 08 Oktober 2008 19:14 «» deur: Apostle Keith Brown
Re: Get the Holy Spirit baptism.
…think that because a man is a preacher, he also has the Holy Spirit baptism. He has a job. He ought to go to people who have it, and say he wants it too. Apostle Keith Brown. "Gospel Man" skryf in boodskap > The tongues spoken at Pentecost were actual languages, not the gibberish > that you hear today. > "Apostle Keith Brown" skryf in boodskap news:5-idnbXgw-…
40 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 19 September 2008 16:56 «» deur: D@D
Die Wiel Draai... weer!
…shots were fired towards the door from inside the room," Mngomezulu said. Officers kicked open the door as the man continued to fire at them. Police returned fire and the man was shot dead. A second man hiding in the wardrobe then jumped out and began shooting. "Police also shot him," said Mngomezulu. Both died at the scene. Last month, safety and security MEC Bheki Cele urged the police to shoot criminals following the deaths of Chonco and another officer, Supt Frans Bothma. - Sapa…
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