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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

Re: Namibië se grense

Fri, 30 August 2002 11:22

Ai, maar jy praat net soveel strooi soos ou Gloudina. Kan ek aanneem daar
is 'n verbintenis? Miskien moet jy leer meet. Die verskil tussen die
twee grense is 'n verhouding van 3,5:1...........3,5x langer grens sou SWA
oop wees. Kom by! Wat jy dalk nie verstaan nie, is dat Botswana
geïsoleer was met SWA wat onder SA beheer is......wys jou net, as paloekas
hulle in gebiede plaas waar hulle niks van weet nie. Ploeter in Kanada

"Wouter Plaasvark" skryf in boodskap
> Suidwester
> Vat tog net vir jou 'n landkaart en kyk die grense mooi.....uh,
> die Egiptekant is die bokant daarvan, hoor! Dan meet jy met
> 'n liniaaltjie sommer so op gewone 1:100....uh, dis nou in mm,
> en dan kyk jy die verskil in grenslengte.
> Wouter
> Ek maak dit vir jou makliker. Ek heg 'n kaart aan, as jy dit nie
> kan oopmaak nie, sal ek dit vir jou direk stuur. Ook vir enige
> iemand anders wat belangstel, dis ongeveer 90K groot.
> Die noordelike grens, van die see tot anderkant Katima Mulilo,
> is ongeveer 900 myl lank, die suidelike en oostelike grens met
> SA saam ongeveer 550 myl.
> En as 'n mens in ag neem dat dit nodig kon word om die
> oostelike grens met Botswana ook te verdedig, dan kom daar
> nog ongeveer 750 myl by. Die grens met Angola en Botswana
> was is dus net mooi drie maal so lank as die grens met SA.
> Druk gerus die kaart uit en meet hom. En dit was nooit eers deel
> van my argument nie, ek verstaan nie hoekom jy elke slag leuens
> ingooi om jou vorige leuens mee te probeer verdoesel nie, is jou
> kop en verstand so dun dat jy dink dis nie kontroleerbaar nie?
> En dink jy regtig iemand sal jou glo bo wat die generaals se
> navorsing en intelligensie gewys het? En hulle was ook nie
> al wat dié insig gehad het nie, dit was n baie eksterne
> analiste se publikasies gewees.
> En besef jy steeds nie dat jy met elke argument wat jy uit jou
> verbeelding gaan haal jy jou naam verder gat maak nie?
> Ek hoop ons het nou klaar oor die onderwerop gesels,
> ek het nie lus om nog nuwe leuens te weerlê nie.
> Immer vriendelik
> Wouter

Koeitjies & kalfies | 5 kommentare

Hare op die tande

Thu, 29 August 2002 14:44

Iemand wat hare op sy tande het, het baie deursettingsvermoë en durf.
Die herkoms van hierdie gesegde is duister. Een skoot in daardie
duister is dat die Switsers die eerste bekende huursoldate was en dat
hulle by enige leër sou aansluit as die besoldiging reg was. In
teenstelling met hul neutrale beeld van vandag as koekoekklokmakers,
was hulle kranige krygers wat vanweë hulle onverskrokkenheid gevrees
is. Om hierdie beeld verder te bevorder, het hulle woeste snorre
gekweek wat hul lippe grotendeels verberg het. Dit het die vyand laat
besluit dat iemand wat hare op sy tande het nie vir die duiwel sou
stuit nie.

En ek het soms hare op my tande nodig vir hierdie nuusgroep! ;-))

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Wat is...

Thu, 29 August 2002 09:42

... 'n wonderliKKe ding?

Koeitjies & kalfies | 14 kommentare


Thu, 29 August 2002 07:39

Ek hoor die mooies wil die kompetisie boikot omdat 'n dame skuldig bevind is
om gestenig te word omdat sy 'n kind buite die eg gebaar het.
Nou moes ek vanoggend hoor van 'n slim dame dat mens nie die mense moet
veroordeel nie, omdat dit hulle (nuwe) wet is., en ons moet onthou, sy gaan
eers gestenig word oor 3 jaar wanneer die kind groot genoeg is en nie meer
van haar afhanklik is nie!

Nou hoe op aarde moet iemand dit ooit is daardie malles en die slim dame se
dik koppe kry dat die man wat ook deel van die daad is ook gestenig moet
word ?
O nee!! Mans verkrag nooit vroue in Moslem - georienteerde gemeenskappe nie.
Die vrou is 30 - en ek is seker sy het nie die naaste man wat sy in die
hande kon kry gegryp en aangedring dat hy haar verkrag nie.
Klein treetjies, klein treetjies - tyd dat ek weer vir die Mullah hier onder
in distrik 6 gaan kuier en vir hom vra hoekom hulle nie vra hoekom nie.

Hoop net die skoonheidsorganisasie kanselleer die ding daar en kry klaar.
Die wêreld het nog 'n beraad nodig voordat aksies en uitsprake van
skoonheidskoninginne ernstig opgeneem sal word.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 7 kommentare

Re: The state of South African hospitals today. . .

Thu, 29 August 2002 06:10

Menslike ou foutjie Frikkie:))
Eergister in die koerant hier - hoe Tygerberg en Groote Schuur bedel om
toerusting te kan bekom.

"Frikkie Potgieter" skryf in boodskap
> The state of South African hospitals today. . .
> And this from the country that under "evil" apartheid had such a fine
> healthcare system that they were able to do the world's first heart
> transplant . . . how the fall has been great. . .
> - - - -
>,1113 ,2-7-836_124
> 8414,00.html
> 27/08/2002 22:18 - (SA)
> Heart patient dies while nurses 'catch some sleep'
> Anneline Muller
> Port Elizabeth - A heart patient died here in the Livingstone
> Hospital,
> while nursing staff were allegedly asleep in their chairs.
> Marie Syphus of Algoa Park in Port Elizabeth believes that the life of
> her life-long friend, Clive Desmond Hansen (48), could have been saved
> had personnel not been so "lax".
> Hansen was rushed to the Livingstone Hospital on Tuesday morning,
> August
> 13, after having had three minor heart attacks the previous couple of
> days and a massive one that morning.
> Syphus, who had lived with him for the past 20 years, said his family
> doctor had referred him to the intensive-care unit.
> Syphus said Hansen was only helped at the hospital at 15:00, and
> admitted to the ward for diabetic patients, without a heart monitor.
> "We did not see a doctor that entire day and night. The staff nurse
> gave
> him a sedative. They administered a Voltaren injection to him later
> that
> evening." He was treated for chest pains, she said.
> The next day, his medication was changed to half a Disprin a day and
> an
> injection that would help to dilute his blood.
> Syphus said the nurse handed Hansen an injection. She said it was
> expected of him to administer the injection himself.
> "There is an open refuse bin filled with used needles to one side. Any
> child who accompanies visitors can pick it up and be accidentally
> pricked."
> Syphus said plates of food were simply left next to patients and added
> that the staff did not want her to spend the night there.
> "Most of the patients cannot eat by themselves, they cannot even sit
> up
> straight on their own. There is nobody to help them."
> She apparently even fed other patients in the ward.
> "Plastic soft drink bottles are given to male patients for purposes of
> urination. One boy's bottle - still filled with urine - was handed to
> another man for use. Conditions are filthy," Syphus said.
> "A man (21) fell off his bed on the Wednesday night, he had had a
> stroke. They arrived only after Clive started banging against his
> bedside cabinet and shouted," she said.
> Syphus said they had pleaded with the hospital to transfer Hansen to
> the
> provincial hospital but their pleas fell on deaf ears.
> "I again pleaded with the hospital on Friday to spend the night. I
> offered to make beds and assist with anything else in the ward," she
> said. They consented. She said Hansen's bed was not made once while he
> was there.
> "A sister came to take Clive's blood pressure by 20:00. It was 80 over
> 60, which was dangerous, she said.
> "I was very worried. I kept asking: 'Darling, are you all right?' No
> doctor came to check on him," Syphus said.
> "By 03:00 on the Saturday, Clive started shaking and his eyes turned
> in
> his head. He was ice cold. I called, but no one came. I went to knock
> on
> the nurses' office window and then ran to the other side, where I
> found
> them asleep in chairs. A doctor was casually approaching after they
> had
> phoned her. Clive had in the meantime died.
> "I am certain that he would have lived had he received the correct
> attention and treatment. No one took any notice of our requests. Clive
> was a good person and would have done anything for his fellow human
> beings," Syphus related.
> She said she was not going to lay a charge.
> The hospital did not want to comment on Tuesday, as staff members
> feared
> that they would lose their jobs if they talked to the media.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare

Re: SA GOV wants to read your emails.

Wed, 28 August 2002 21:58

Ek dink hier is n slang in die gras.

Postmaster skryf in boodskap news:akj6mo$etq$
> The SA Government must seriously wake up.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 10 kommentare

Re: Vreemde woorde (Norbert die *TROL*)

Wed, 28 August 2002 20:13

Iets zinnigs?
Wel, loop jij eens naar de maan!


l&p schreef:

> NORBERT *die Trol* -
> Voeg eens iets zinnigs toe liefje,
> kusje
> Patrick
> In article , *Sterrenkijker*
> wrote:
>> Hallo, elkeen,

>> Vir my is die twee eerste woorde van die Afrikaanse uitdrukking "uit
>> wans uit", d.i. "uit wans" duidelik afkomstig van die Engelse
>> uitdrukking "at once" en dit beteken natuurlik dieselfde als wat julle
>> daar in Afrikaans onder verstaan, namelik "onmiddellik".
>> Ek verstaan julle nie. Is julle eintlik nie 'n soort lasposte wat na
>> die bekende waarheid vra nie?
>> Die Afrikaners, dit is 'n klomp lolbroeke tesaam, ja.

>> Die groete van

>> Norbert (uit Vlaanderen)

>> "" schreef:

>>> Arthur wrote:
>>>> >Ek het regtig geen idee nie, maar vir my klink dit amper as 'n (oulike)
>>>> >Anglisisme .... at once.
>>>> Hmm, te vinnig geantwoord ... Gloudina het dieselfde opmerking gemaak.
>>> Ek beskou dit nie as 'n anglisisme nie.
>>> Ek dink "wans" en "once" is twee verskillende
>>> spellinge vir dieselfde woord uit die ou
>>> Angel-Saksies of watookal die oorsprong
>>> was van die Engelse "once" en die dialek of
>>> taal op die Europese vasteland wat ook die
>>> woord gehad het maar dit as "wans" gespel
>>> het. Is jy seker dat dit nie in een of ander
>>> vorm van Nederlands verskyn nie? Het jy in
>>> jou van Dale gekyk?
>>> Gloudina


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare


Wed, 28 August 2002 19:12

Fellow NG enthusiasts

I made the point of posting this message to related NG's for the simple
reason that I think it is applicable to the NG's related to South Africa,
Zimbabwe, UK and USA. Why? For the simple reasons that the story relates to
South Africa and Zimbabwe because of the cultural / socio economic issues
manifesting in these countries (as well as other African countries) and the
influence the UK and the USA as power players have in this region.

The current issue in Zimbabwe (Mugabe and the eviction of white farmers) and
its effect on South Africa (where voices for the same actions are becoming
louder and louder by the minute) is creating a stir in the world political
and social development community. At least for those people interested in
the topics.

Leaders in Africa get their power to exercise their will on the continent
mainly via referral power from the UK and USA. Example. Apartheid in South
Africa was overthrown and brought down by die ANC getting sympathy from the
constituencies (voters) of political decision makers in the UK and the USA
during the struggle period. They did this by sending various intellectuals
to universities and other forums to tell the people how awful things were
under white rule.

The world (specifically UK and USA) identified with these carefully chosen
few and put pressure on their leaders to bring so called white rule in South
Africa to an end. What you (UK and USA) did not contend with was the fact
that Africa and its leaders are not the democratic, humanitarians you
thought they were. That image was a falsely projected one which you
unwittingly believed. Africa is now in turmoil as the leaders you trusted to
save things are now stabbing you in the back and leading Africa into
oblivion. Many things inspire this tyranny (mineral and monetary wealth the
main reasons) and I fear there is no turning back. Africa is in serious
trouble and you still make the mistake of thinking that Africa and its
leaders think and do the way you do! They don't! It is a culture problem
which is perfectly geared at extorting more and more aid from the rich west
and lining the pockets of the corrupt African leaders who have learned that
there are no bigger suckers than the humanitarian, democratic west. All they
do is send you pictures of hungry starving kids and you buckle and send
billions of dollars in aid to Africa. A small portion of that aid ends up in
the hands of the people who suffer the most and Mugabe, Mbeki, Nujoma and
friends get richer by the second.

Stop thinking of Africa as a continent filled with democratic, humanitarian
westernized people who simply want to go forward. This continent is filled
with people who still believe in tribal law, have no qualms about exploiting
their own people and spinning you all sorts of tragic stories in order to
get more money from you quilt stricken people up north. Wake up! Why is it
that you could develop your countries from nothing without anybody aiding
you and Africa not? I firmly believe it is an underlying cultural
ineptitude. I live in Africa. I promise you, all you hear on ground level is
that the Africans want to cling to their tribal beliefs (which include
wichcraft) and then still expect the wealth you guys have. It is very
difficult to explain, but if you place a reply to this message, I think I
may be able to elaborate a little more.

Nansen Passport

Koeitjies & kalfies | 7 kommentare


Wed, 28 August 2002 15:34

Finland is glo die land met die minste korrupsie.
NZ is glo die derde soetste land.
SA is die tweede soetste in Afrika, en slegs 36ste op die wêreldlys.
So waaroor almal so oor korrupsie gal afgaan sal ek nie nou weet nie;)))

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Misdaad in die RSA

Wed, 28 August 2002 12:41

Op hierdie nuusgroep onder "Heldedag" en "Afdraend?" is daar verskillende
menings oor misdaad in Suid-Afrika.
Is daar moontlik iemand wat vergelykbare statistieke het oor misdaad in die
RSA en hoe dit met ander lande sou vergelyk.
Ek is onder die indruk dat ons in die RSA vrede gemaak het met die
geweldmisdaad wat ons teister - tot so 'n mate dat ons dit nie eens meer as
ernstig beskou nie.
Wat my dan weer tot verhaal bring is die onlangse publisteit wat verleen is
aan die 2 dogtertjies in Engeland wat vermoor is (die Holly-geval). Dan
besef ek dat die saak in 'n plaaslike koerant moontlik bladsy 3 kon gemaak
het - maar slegs vir een publikasie?

Koeitjies & kalfies | 41 kommentare

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