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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.


Sat, 22 July 2006 03:04

My seun is 26 jaar oud en het homself gekwalifiseer as tekenaar deur twee
sertifikate te verwerf nl. MPOD (multidisciplinary draughting office
practice) en N3 (Engineering Science, Mathematics, Mechanotechnics,
Technical Drawing).

Nou soek hy werk as tekenaar, maar al die plekke vereis 3 jaar of meer
ervaring. Waar kry 'n mens ervaring?

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Ferdi se relaas oor JHB

Fri, 21 July 2006 16:07

As ek lees hoe 'n man back paddle oor sy eie denkwyse van die swartes
kan ek nie help om te se " for farkstakes ons het jou gesê nie"

Nou probeer Ferdi eers om die vorige "NP" as die varke af te maak
(nie asof hulle nie varke in my oe was) en nou sy heilige swartes wat
nie emosioneel verbind is tot JHB nie
te wil verkwalik vir die verval. Bygesê Ferdi is besig om WAKKER te
word uit sy slaap maar is te bang om te erken dat 1 man 1 stem in
Afrika net chaos veroorsaak.
Swartes moet eers volkome verwesters voordat hulle sa regkom , ander
Ferdi raak gewoond aan die Afrika standaarde waarvoor jy so I' groot
voorstaander is

Vir almal wat Ferdi se denkwyse en glo in sy "swart gode" neem 'n proza
en raak gewoond. Julle is die "goedpraters" en verdien niks beter nie.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Antwoord asseblief

Fri, 21 July 2006 12:57

Skielik is daar geen meer poste op ons google site nie,
en nou en dan kom daar 'n snaakse boodskap van
Google, maar nie elke keer nie. As iemand hierdie
boodskap kan lees, antwoord asseblief daarop sodat
ek kan sien of ek nog aktief gekonnekteer is met
die Afrikaanse nuusgroep.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 4 kommentare

White Economic Empowerment?

Tue, 18 July 2006 15:44
Indien u blank is en dink ons kan saamstaan en mekaar help vra
ons dat u asseblief registreer as 'n ondersteuner deur gebruik te maak
van die keuselys aan die linkerkant van die bladsy. Dit kos niks. U
besonderhede bly vertroulik en ons kan u op hoogte hou van gebeure
rondom die Alliansie. Ons sal nie u besderhede misbruik, of verkoop,

In 1990 nog het die blanke homself regeer. Nou moet ons die swart
regering vra om ons te beskerm; hulle doen dit nie, en om asseblief nie
ons plekname te verander nie; hulle verander eenvoudig, om ons
asseblief tog deel te maak van die samelewing; regstellende aksie en
SEB verstoot alle kennis, vaardighede, en tyd en geld wat die blanke
opgeoffer het om homself te probeer ophef.

Genoeg is genoeg. Ons kan ons eie padkaarte vervaardig met ons eie
name. Ons kan ons eie pleknaamborde oprig. Ons kan ons eie mense weer

Ons kan dit alles verrig vandag nog. Ons moet net eenvoudig besluit om
dit te doen.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Wie kan help?

Thu, 13 July 2006 09:47

Op 'n navraag van my het ek die volgende antwoord gekry:
The three academics are:

� Dr Sarita Maree;

� Prof. Willem Ferguson;

� Prof. Eugene Cloete.

Wie weet iets van bg brawes?
Hule is die drie wat ingestem het om met Hovind op 'n verhoog in debat te
Al die ander wetenskaplikes of andersdenkendes wat genader is, het geweier.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Mbeki en die ..............armsgate saga

Fri, 07 July 2006 11:59

Arms deal: Focus on Mbeki

Nic Dawes and Sam Sole

07 July 2006 07:23

President Thabo Mbeki faces an awkward trip to the World Cup this
weekend. The focus of questions about the 1999 arms deal has shifted
squarely onto him, with German investigators pursuing allegations that
massive kickbacks were paid to help secure the contract to supply
warships to the South African navy.

Prosecuting authorities in Dusseldorf are looking into about
R140-million in bribes allegedly paid by bidders in the German Frigate
Consortium, which has denied any wrongdoing.

German news magazine Der Spiegel broke the news of the investigation on

Monday, a fortnight after raids were conducted on offices of consortium

members Thyssen Rheinstaal Tecknik and Homwaldswerke-Deutsche Werft.

A part of the investigation, the Mail & Guardian understands, derives
from unsubstantiated allegations directed at Mbeki himself - in a
letter sent to German authorities in 2001.

The disclosures will add to pressure on the president regarding his own

role in the defence acquisition process, which up to now has hinged on
his amnesia about meetings he might have had with representatives of
the French defence company Thales during the bid negotiation process.

According to Der Spiegel, one strand of the German investigation flows
from "as yet unproven" claims that "a top South African
politician had received a payment in the high millions via a Swiss bank

account for his help in facilitating the deal".

The allegation was made in a letter from a South African citizen
received by the prosecutor's office in 2001.

A well-informed German source told the M&G the letter alleged a meeting

took place in Geneva in or around 1999, during which cash was handed
over by a middleman operating on behalf of Thyssen.

According to people in South Africa and Germany familiar with the
circumstances, the letter was sent by Nicholas Achterberg, a shadowy
Johannesburg businessman who has strong German connections. The
politician he supposedly implicated was Mbeki.

A former business partner, who asked not to be named, confirmed that he

knew about Achterberg's letter. He said the allegations made in the
letter stemmed from an alcohol­-fuelled conversation over lunch
between Achterberg, Philippe Muller, who headed a Thyssen subsidiary in

South Africa at the time, and an unidentified Frenchman.

It was not possible to trace Achterberg, who is said to be living on a
yacht in the Caribbean, but he did have a business relationship with
the Thyssen group.

A spokesperson for Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems in South Africa
confirmed that Muller had headed one of the conglomerate's companies
in South Africa, and that he had had dealings with Achterberg involving

metals trading. Thyssen now believes Achterberg owes it large sums of
money - raising the possibility that Achterberg's claims were
motivated by malice.

Thyssen Krupp "has substantial claims against Achterberg arising from
those deals", the spokesperson said, stressing that Muller had
"absolutely nothing to do with the Corvettes [the frigates]
whatsoever". Muller has since left the company.

Presidential communications boss Murphy Morobe said he knew nothing
about the letter or the investigation other than what had appeared in
Der Spiegel and on German television.

Of Achterberg's claims he said: "He should have gone to the police
in South Africa, there have been investigations into this issue for
some years." Mbeki would not be discussing the allegations with
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Morobe said, adding: "There is
nothing really new there."

But that claim is belied by the main allegations reported by Der

The magazine left little room for doubt over whether kickbacks were
paid: "The investigators know that certain so-called UEs were paid in
the course of the Corvette deal," it said. "UE is an abbreviation
for 'useful expenditure' and refers to bribes paid to foreign
companies and declared as tax deductible until the practice became
punishable under German law in February 1999."

Der Speigel says the investigation of the South African deal flowed
from an earlier investigation into "useful expenditure" claimed by
Thyssen on the sale of armoured vehicles to Saudi Arabia.

Tax investigators then also examined other Thyssen affiliates. In the
process they ascertained that the company had included similar payments

in the balance sheet for the Corvette deal.

Thyssen Krupp, however, said in a statement that it was confident that
"the investigations will not confirm the suspicions regarding the
illegal payment of commission".

But the German investigation is likely to prompt renewed scrutiny of
the Corvette deal and Mbeki's role during the bids.

In January 1995, then deputy president Mbeki visited Germany, a month
after Armscor had announced that it was considering buying warships
from either the Scottish shipyard Yarrow, or Spanish firm Bazan.

A German consortium involving Thyssen was out of the running. But Mbeki

told Klaus Kinkel, the German foreign minister, and members of the
consortium that the race was still open. This time the Germans were

That tender was ultimately abandoned in favour of a more comprehensive
package, and the Germans were once again among the bidders, ultimately
winning the R4,3-billion Corvette platform contract in 1998.

According to the auditor general's Joint Investigation Team's
report on the procurement process, however, they had failed to meet
tender specificiations: "With the exception of Bazan all the bidders
failed to comply with the minimum evaluation criteria in respect of
financing, technical requirements, and Defence Industrial
Participation," the report said.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

aardklop behuising

Wed, 05 July 2006 08:31


Behuising beskikbaar

Dinsdag 26 September tot Saterdag 30 September
a. Een slaapkamer met dubbelbed
b. Een slaapkamer met twee enkelbeddens

Skakel Ina by 018 290 6782 vir meer inligting.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Fr. Franz Claerhout

Tue, 04 July 2006 13:52

Die beroemde en beminde skilder en katolieke priester van Thaba N'chu is
vandag op 87 oorlede.
Hy sal dmv sy skilderwerk lank onthou word.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Universiteitskoshuise en lyfstraf

Tue, 04 July 2006 13:14

Ek is nou 'n eerstejaar by 'n Afrikaanse universiteit, en in 'n
koshuis. Alle interne disipline op ons gang is lyfstraf, maar dit word
sommer ligtelik as 'n grap gedoen. Daar is 'n plank met 'n handle in
die recroom, en as jy droogmaak, brand jou gat. Die reel is dat net
seniors regtig mag slaan, en dis jou eie keuse of jy wil pak kry of
eerder telefoondiens of skottelgoed of wasgoed wil doen. Ons moet dit
anyway doen, maar ons kies eerder die plank as om NOG meer te moet
doen. Die tradisie kom al van die 70's af, en almal is OK daarmee, maar
ek is nuuskierig oor hoeveel ander mans (ouer as ek), en van my
generasie dieselfde deurgemaak het.
Eerstejaars kry nie regtig hard pak nie, dis meer die humiliation om
voor die ander manne in die recroom te moet buk. Met gangpartytjies
dare die ouens mekaar en dit raak soms rof, veral as die broeke begin
waai, en blykbaar is die tweedejaarsontheffing 'n MOERSE pak slae op
jou kaal gat. Moet se ek het al 'n paar snaakse blou kolle in die store
gesien, so ek glo dis die waarheid. Enigiemand anders wat dieselfde ken

Ek het op Skopbeen afgekom op 'n Afrikaanse ou se website wat dieselfde
vrae vra, en toe ek so bietjie soek, sien ek die Amerikaners het ook 'n
sterk tradisie van lyfstraf as deel van ontgroening en mans se
universiteitslewe. Die eerste link is na die SA ou se site, die tweede
is na 'n foto van hoe dit soms in Amerika gaan.

Interessant, en nogals in Afrikaans :

Waarskuwing, die volgende link kan sensitiewe kykers ontstel, maar ek
voel tog dit is nodig, want ek het al in SA koshuise PRESIES dieselfde
gesien, en wil weet hoe algemeen dit is :

Het gedink dis net in my koshuis waar dit nog gebeur, maar blykbaar
nie. Laat weet wat julle dink !

Onderwys & opvoeding | 10 kommentare

The Da Vinci Code

Tue, 04 July 2006 12:49

Ek het toe nou die dag vir Da Vinci Code gaan kyk, amper
per abuis. Ons was eintlik van plan om The Devil wears
Prada te kyk, maar toe moet ons te lank daarvoor wag,
en Da Vinci Code speel vroeër. Ek geniet dit toe terdeë.
Goeie fotografie van goeie argitektuur. En solank mens
onthou dat dit 'n "thriller" is en nie "gebaseer" op enige
"waarheid" nie, werk dit goed. Ek kan dit aanbeveel as
lekker entertainment.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

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