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Koos Kombuis "Verlaat die Afrikanerdom" - Koos Kombuis --- Dankie , baie dankie Koos

Ma, 19 Februarie 2007 12:11

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Kombuis "Verlaat die Afrikanerdom"
Koos kombuis het onlangs sy "uittrede uit die afrikanerdom"
aangekondig. Dan Roodt van Praag beskuldig hom van die "verghwarring"
van die Afrikaner. Lees die volledige artikels hiernaas. Wat dink jy?
Is Koos Kombuis n Afrikaner ikoon of maar net n ghwar? Stel gerus jou
standpunt op die sokkie forums.

Koos Kombuis "Verlaat die Afrikanerdom" - Koos Kombuis

Wie was Generaal Koos de la Rey werklik? Was hy wel 'n man van vrede,
soos Bok beweer, of was hy net een van daardie larger-than-life
oorloghelde wat later in die annale van die FAK en die Calvinistiese
skoolboeke in brons

gegiet is en tot ridder geslaan is? Waar pas hy in in die nuwe
geskiedenis van Afrikaanse musiek, en waarom het Else, Vorster en Van
Blerk juis hom gekies? Omdat hy vaagweg trek op Haile Selassi? Omdat
sy van rym met al

daai lekker maklike "y"-woorde waaruit die liedjie bestaan?

Terug in die Kaap, klaar met my konserte, gaan soek ek hierdie
misterieuse man op die Internet. Soos ek belowe het, Google ek hom.

En 'n nuwe reeks moontlikhede en denkpatrone gaan voor my oop.

Skielik besef ek Sunette Bridges is dalk reg: dis tyd vir introspeksie
(nie omdat ek deesdae lee sale trek nie -allermins - maar omdat ek
stupid genoeg was om te dink alle Afrikaner-ikone uit die ou tyd was
so vervelig, en so hardkoppig, en so eendimensioneel soos Bles en

Feit nommer een: Koos de la Rey was die laaste Boere-generaal wat
oorlog toe gegaan het; hy het tot op die einde probeer werk vir 'n
vreedsame oplossing.

Feit nommer twee: Koos de la Rey het, saam met generaal Piet Joubert,
Paul Kruger se anti-uitlander-beleid teengestaan uit vrees dat dit tot
'n gewapende stryd sou lei.

Feit nommer drie: Koos de la Rey was, ten spyte van sy hoop op 'n
diplomatieke oplossing, nie bang vir oorlog nie. Toe oorlog eindelik
onafwendbaar word, het hy hom hart en siel in die stryd gewerp. Van al
die Boere-generaals het hy die hoogste slaagsyfer gehad en ook die
langste staande gebly.

Feit nommer vier: Koos de la Rey het guerrilla-oorlogvoering ontdek en
hy was die eerste ou wat ontdek het wat die waarde is van loopgrawe.
Hy was 'n taktiese genie.

Feit nommer vyf: Anders as die Engelse, het De la Rey sy
krygsgevangenes met respek en deernis behandel. Toe hy die gewonde
Britse bevelvoerder Methuen in hegtenis neem, het hy hom dadelik
teruggestuur na die Kakie-linies toe in die hoop dat hy daar beter
mediese hulp sou kon kry.

Feit nommer ses: Na afloop van die oorlog het De la Rey hom tot die
politiek gewend, waar hy, in kontras met die meeste van sy ou
oorlogskamerade, Louis Botha se pogings gesteun het om vrede te maak
tussen Boer en Brit.

Feit nommer sewe: Koos de la Rey was 'n teenstander van Hertzog. Hy
was nie 'n Afrikaner-Nasionalis nie. Hy was 'n ware Suid-Afrikaanse
leier, met 'n groter visie as die eng, etniese en rassistiese
ideologiee van ander Afrikaner-leiers.

Feit nommer agt: Ergste van alles, De la Rey het gesterf op 'n eg Suid-
Afrikaanse manier: hy is getref deur 'n dwaalkoeel by 'n padblokkade.
Die victim van 'n drive-by shooting. Soos Brett Kebble.

Feit nommer nege: Dit is 'n feit soos 'n koei, en Bok van Blerk is reg
as hy daarvan sing: ons het vandag, meer as ooit, leiers soos Koos de
la Rey nodig. Of hulle wit of swart is. Of hulle Afrikaans of Engels
of Xhosa of Zoeloe is. Want De la Rey was die perfekte Afrika-takhaar-
ghoeroe. Hy was

die ideale sintese tussen PW en FW.

Feit nommer tien: Hy was ons Steve Biko.

En dis van hierdie ou wat Bok van Blerk sing wanneer julle hom hoor
wanneer julle braai-partytjies hou van Malmesbury tot Mpumalanga. Hy
sing nie van Eugene Terre'Blanche nie. Hy sing nie van Marthinus van
Schalkwyk nie. Hy sing nie eers van Adriaan Vlok of Jake White of
Hannes Nel of Trompie nie.

Hy sing van 'n man van durf en daad, 'n man van aksie, 'n man met
gewete, 'n ware leier wat, indien hy vandag gelewe het, nie net ons
volk nie, maar die ganse Suid-Afrikaanse nasiedom sou help vorder het
tot by daardie wonderlike land wat die Nuwe Suid-Afrika nog altyd
veronderstel was om te wees.

Dit is waaroor hierdie veelbesproke lied gaan.

En dit, vermoed ek, is waarom daar so 'n diep hartseer agter Bok van
Blerk se oë le.

Want, jonk soos wat hy is, dra hy, net soos ek, net soos alle denkende
Afrikaanse mense, net soos die ganse Suid-Afrika, baie swaar aan die
pyn en die bagasie van die afgelope veertig jaar."

Koos Kombuis

Artikel en foto soos verskyn in

Koos Kombuis en die verghwarring van die Afrikaner - Dan Roodt

'n Verkorte weergawe van dié rubriek het reeds op LitNet verskyn.
Hierdie is egter die eerste publikasie van die volledige weergawe.

Daar is seker min openbare figure in dié land wat so deur die media op
die hande gedra word soos Koos Kombuis. Onder andere skryf Kombuis 'n
weeklikse rubriek in Rapport, die grootste Afrikaanse koerant, waarin
hy so pas sy "bedanking uit die Afrikanerdom" aangekondig het.

Daar is seker min openbare figure in dié land wat so deur die media op
die hande gedra word soos Koos Kombuis. Onder andere skryf Kombuis 'n
weeklikse rubriek in Rapport, die grootste Afrikaanse koerant, waarin
hy so pas sy "bedanking uit die Afrikanerdom" aangekondig het.

"Want," sê die Koos in sy anglisistiese Afrikaans, "die konsep (van
Afrikaner) is obsoleet." Dus oudmodies, uitgedien, oorbodig.

Wie en wat is Koos Kombuis nou eintlik dat hy hom kan aanmatig om sy
uittrede uit die volk aan te kondig, amper asof hy ons staatspresident
was wat nou iewers aan die kus gaan woon om sy mémoires op te teken?

Myns insiens is die Koos 'n soort Bertolt Brecht vir die swaksinniges,
die dronkes, die bedwelmdes, die skorriemorrie, die
lumpenproletariaat. Soos Bertolt Brecht wat ná die Tweede Wêreldoorlog
deur die Oos-Duitse Kommunistiese Party toegelaat is om sy Berliner
Ensemble in Oos-Berlyn te vestig, tree Kombuis as Afrikaanse
gelukbringer vir die ANC-regime op. As Marthinus van Schalkwyk
liedjies kon skryf, sou hy en Koos 'n PK-Groep Twee op die been kon
gebring het.

Naas André Brink wat hom self in sy romans aan groteske politiekery en
selfs Afrikanerhaat skuldig maak, is die Koos 'n soort vlagskipskrywer
vir die Nasionale Persgroep en word sy pueriele boeke en infantiele
politiek aggressief aan die volk afgesmeer. Brecht was 'n kommunis en
het homself in die eerste plek nie as 'n skrywer nie, maar as 'n
politikus beskou. Die Koos verteenwoordig insgelyks 'n buite-
parlementêre politikus wat soms letterlik verdwaal, net om homself
weer te vind en ons met sy kleinlike prekies in geradbraakte Afrikaans
te vergas.

Terloops verneem ek onlangs dat Nasionale Pers se vlagskiptydskrif
waarin politiek korrekte idees onder die dekmantel van "leefstyl"
aangebied word, Insig, intense sirkulasieprobleme ondervind. Blykbaar
sou Insig se omset van 20 000 na 7 000 gedaal het. Die volk waaroor
die Koos en sy marionetmeesters so neerhalend is, is dus nie dom
genoeg om die ANC en Naspers se ideologie wat in kleurfoto's verpak
word, huidjie en muidjie te sluk nie.

Daar is egter 'n ander sy aan Koos Kombuis wat my interesseer, en dit
is juis sy status as ghwar. Insig, KykNet, Rapport en ander
Naspersmedia is nie soseer besig om die Afrikaner soos in Oos-
Duitsland met Marxistiese ideologie te voer nie, maar poog om hom
onherroepelik te verghwar. Onder die vele metodes waarmee ons tans
ondergrawe en afgetakel word, hetsy fisies deur plaasaanvalle en
misdaad, hetsy sielkundig deur manipulasie van ons godsdiens of
geskiedenis, tel ook verghwarring.

Pleks van Karl Marx se Das Kapital te moet lees, word ons gevoer met
Die Son en die skryfsels van Kombuis. Of die nihilistiese liefjies van

In die vyftiger- en sestigjare was Mimi Coertse een van ons heldinne,
tesame met Gé Korsten, Min Shaw en ander. Mimi Coertse was 'n
internasionaal beroemde operasangeres en gekultiveerd op die Europese
manier. Sy het 'n keurige Afrikaans gepraat, maar ook Duits en
Italiaans. In populêre taal was sy vir baie Afrikaners 'n "rolmodel"
tydens die Afrikaner se fase van opwaartse mobiliteit.

In die jaar 2006, met die Afrikaner op pad na armoede weens
uitsluiting op grond van ras en taal, het ons nuwe rolmodelle nodig.
Pleks van Mozart-operas en eurosentriese sofistikasie, moet ons tans
geïndoktrineer word met 'n soort jolliehotnothedonisme soos deur die
Koos verpersoonlik word. Hy drink homself poepdronk en spog agterna
oor sy babelaas in Rapport. Drank is koning en dwelms is koel.

Tereg noem die Koos aan die einde van sy rubriek in Rapport dat sy
kinders as nie-Afrikaners "...ten minste nooit hoef uit te draai soos
die Waterkloof-Vier nie."

In die Nuwe Suid-Afrika is die ideaal dus nie meer Waterkloof waar 'n
seder soms geval het nie (met apologie aan PG du Plessis), maar
Mitchellsplein waar die messe blink en die dagga- en Mandraxwalms uit
gebreekte bottels opstyg.

Die wêreld sonder reëls van Mitchellsplein se jeugbendes
verteenwoordig die nuwe ideaal waarheen die verghwarde Afrikaner moet
aspireer. Vanuit die direksiekamer van Naspers se gebou in
Heerengracht word hierdie grootse kultuurtransformasie met kille oë op
Die Son en Die Huisgenoot se verkoopsyfers beplan.

Vergeet van boeke lees; luister liewer "songs". Wees vry en
nihilisties. Maak 'n dop, wees vrolik, want môre is jy landuit, gekaap
of vermoor. Carpe diem. As Omar Kajam vandag in Suid-Afrika geleef
het, sou hy gesing het van "bier, gekleurde vroue en songs".

Selfs 'n Hervormde predikant van Naboomspruit het lyk my voor die
aanslag geswig en vir hom 'n swart courtisane of twee by die plaaslike
Truckstop gaan oplaai. Of die man vooraf deur Koos Kombuis beïnvloed
is, weet mens nie.

Dis altyd makliker om af te breek as op te bou. Dis insgelyks
geriefliker om te verghwar as om te veredel. Sowel die ANC as Naspers
het hierdie natuurwet goed ter harte geneem en is daarom besig om ons
al dieper in die modder in te druk.

Arnold Toynbee skryf iewers in sy Study of History dat dit vir die
ordentlike en patriotiese mens besonder pynlik is om tye van
dekadensie te moet beleef. Deur die eeue heen was satire en spot egter
die gekose wapen van die patrisiër wat moet ly onder die geweld, die
swak smaak, die malle rumoer van die gepeupel wat fuif asof daar geen
dag van môre is nie.

Omdat die Afrikaner deur sy godsdiens en verbintenis tot die grond
geleer is om hoogmoed te verafsku, kan ons nie maklik snobisties wees
nie. Anders as die Britte of die Franse byvoorbeeld wat elke teken van
swak smaak, 'n swak gekose kledingstuk of "'n aksent wat gly" met
vernietigende minagting behandel.

Onder die huidige aanslag vanuit die ANC-beheerde of ANC-gesinde media
wat ten doel het om 'n eens trotse volk kombuiswaardes aan te leer,
kan 'n bietjie hoogmoed en snobisme ons egter net goed doen.

Soos een ontstoke leser van Rapport dit prontuit aan Koos Kombuis
gestel het, "jy is 'n vark". Hy kon bygevoeg het: Meng jou met die

Dan Roodt

Artikel en foto soos verskyn in

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Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Justin Nurse se nuwe boek

Ma, 19 Februarie 2007 08:54

Iemand van julle die artikel daaroor gister in Rapport gesien?
Hy spot blykbaar daarin met al wat geloof is, en wil sy eie kerk stig, iets
te doen met humorisme:))

Boeke, tydskrifte & koerante | 4 kommentare

Die ANC het die 1994-ooreenkoms verbreek. Flip Buys: Gevra: vryheid en ruimte vir álmal

So, 18 Februarie 2007 12:39

Dit het hom lank gevat maar nou is hy daar:

17/02/2007 15:13 - (SA),7718,752-823_2070 917,00.html

Druk artikel
E-pos storie aan 'n vriend

Die droom van 1994 is vir verreweg die meeste Afrikaners verby. Die
euforie van 'n nuwe begin in 'n nuwe demokrasie onder 'n ikoniese
leier is vervang deur 'n gevoel van ontnugtering met die nuwe

Afrikaners was in 1994 onseker oor die toekoms, maar het vrywillig hul
mag nie net oor die land nie, maar ook oor hulself prysgegee. Die
mense het uitgesien na die nuwe demokratiese orde, wat eenheid, vrede
en voorspoed vir almal sou bring. Dis gesien as 'n skikking op die
grondslag van versoening tussen voormalige vyande waarin almal wenners
in die nuwe demokrasie sou wees. Hierdie droom het in die Mandela-era
voortgeduur omdat hy ondanks groot omwentelings inklusief geregeer het
en as almal se president gesien is. Maar in die Mbeki-era het daar 'n
verandering ingetree namate die ANC sy mag op alle vlakke en terreine
gekonsolideer het. Die ANC was nie meer tevrede net met die afskaffing
van apartheid nie, maar wou nou alles onder sy mag en beheer bring.
Dieselfde Afrikaners wat vrywillig die mag oor die land afgestaan het,
word nou nie eens 'n Afrikaanse skool of 'n historiese pleknaam gegun

Die historiese skikking van 1994 is prakties vervang deur 'n "wenner-
vat-alles" benadering, met 'n groeiende gaping tussen die mooi
grondwetlike teorie en die harde praktyk.

My persoonlike keerpunt het die afgelope week gekom met die minister
van onderwys se inmenging in die Hoërskool Ermelo- saak en die
daaropvolgende hofuitspraak teen die Afrikaanse beheerraad. Die
toppunt was een van die rolspelers se stelling dat mense wat
Afrikaanse skole wil hê, dit met hul eie geld kan bou. Dit terwyl
Afrikaners wat getrou die leeue-aandeel van persoonlike belasting
betaal, byna niks daarvoor kry nie, geen inspraak in die besteding
daarvan het nie, én moedertaal-onderwys in die Grondwet verskans word.
Dit is sulke dinge wat besig is om selfs die mees gematigde mens te

Die verklaring vir die ANC se optrede staan verbasend duidelik in 'n
Februarie 2007-ANC-dokument getiteld Strategy and Tactics of the ANC,
wat dit duidelik stel dat die ANC steeds 'n revolusionêre beweging is,
en tans besig is met " 'n nasionaal- demokratiese revolusie" met die
doel om swart mense oor die algemeen en Afrikane in die besonder te
bevry. Die verkrying van staatsmag in 1994 was " 'n nuwe instrument in
die struggle", en o ja, die stryd duur nog voort ook. Verskeie
liberale terme soos demokrasie word kwistig in die dokument gebruik,
maar die betekenis daarvan is dat hulle "revolusionêre demokrate" is.
Dit blyk dus dat die ANC nie die demokrasie omhels het omdat hulle
liberale demokrate geword het nie, maar omdat dit om demografiese
redes die maklikste manier was om die mag te kry - mét wêreldsteun.
Hulle het baie wat die NP wou hê in die Grondwet gesit, maar in die
wete dat hulle ná magsoorname hul oorspronklike doelwitte met
staatsmag sou kon opdwing.

My gevolgtrekking is dat die ANC met 'n reeks besluite die afgelope
jaar of drie die 1994-ooreenkoms verbreek het.

Oudmin. Pik Botha het die afgelope week in 'n koerantartikel gesê
"daar is in 1994 'n ooreenkoms bereik op grond van ons gesamentlike
belange", en hy versoek die ANC om "terug te keer na hierdie
verstandhouding met mekaar".

Daar is nie maklike oplossings as 'n dominante party magsbehep raak
nie. Die geskiedenis noord van ons het genoeg voorbeelde van partye
wat verbete aan die mag bly vasklou. Dit beteken nie dat Suid-Afrika
al naby die Zimbabwe-situasie is nie. Ons is nog 'n demokrasie, al is
dit 'n spesiale soort.

Maar 'n demokrasie word nie aan sy formele aspekte soos gereelde
verkiesings, 'n veelpartystelsel en 'n parlement gemeet nie. Die toets
vir 'n ware demokrasie lê in die uiteindes van sy demokratiese

Gaan dit net oor die mag van die meerderheid of oor die vryheid en
ruimte vir almal, ook van minderhede?

Afrikaners wil nie die verlede terughê nie, maar wil deel van die
toekoms wees. Dis tyd dat AfriForum 'n konferensie op hoë vlak oor die
Grondwet en die regte van alle burgers hou.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 12 kommentare

Hierdie kom van die ANCYL:

Sa, 17 Februarie 2007 16:46

School admission saga a tip of racist iceberg was: Ermelo

"...School admission saga a tip of racist iceberg

"Therefore, the contention that the Afrikaner people have a right
of self determination is nothing but an attempt to further the
delusional dreams of a "Volkstaat" a consolation prize for those
who banked on the vision of apartheid that nonetheless crumbled in
1994, something that will however never happen on South African soil
in a billion years!"

STUDENTS IN AFRIKANER SCHOOLS is reminiscent of the failed grand
apartheid agenda. As such it is a last kick of a dying horse at
salvaging whatever is left of the privileges of apartheid, by a
community that has failed to grasp or adapt to the realities of the
changing times.

Since the advent of racism, the supremacist regime that oppressed
our people in the 300 years of colonialism and nearly five decades
of apartheid sought to deprive our people of knowledge as basis to
further consolidate their oppression on the masses of our people.

It was for this reason that the apartheid architects sought to
marginalize blacks in general and Africans in particular, by giving
them inferior education, one that would in the words of the founders
of our revolutionary movement, reduce them to hewers of wood and
water for their masters. It was apartheid education that ensured
that the majority of our people were left out in the economic and
industrial development of our country.

As a result, the notorious "Bantu education" was introduced at
primary and secondary schools, with correspondingly under-resourced
universities built and reserved for black people.

This apartheid agenda was part of a broader agenda to resolve the so
called "poor white men's problem". In their ascendancy to power, the
Afrikaner community saw our country as a big "Volkstaat", a lost
part of Europe at the southern tip of the African continent.

It was within this context that the Afrikaner community went about
creating what became known as "Bantustans", basically alienating the
majority of Africans from their motherland and confining them
effectively to what were glorified reserves which were economically
non-viable entities, going by the name of "independents States",
otherwise better known as "banana republics".

While nationalism is good as an assertion by a people of their
nationhood, what was wrong with Afrikaner nationalism was its riding
on the crest of oppressing Africans. It sought to legitimize its
viability on the comprehensive underdevelopment of the African

South Africa is a nation consisting of various tribes, races and
cultures, and these are protected by the constitution. Therefore
none has a right to undermine an expression by any person of these
rights. Equally, the expression of one right by any person or people
cannot be at the expense of other people's rights as it were under

Therefore, the contention that the Afrikaner people have a right of
self determination is nothing but an attempt to further the
delusional dreams of a "Volkstaat" a consolation prize for those who
banked on the vision of apartheid that nonetheless crumbled in 1994,
something that will however never happen on South African soil in a
billion years!

The dream for a "Volkstaat" is not a shared Afrikaner dream, many
are democrats who appreciate our democratic dispensation and who
therefore knows that they have to live with the reality that ours is
a rainbow nation.

Our conclusion is that the dream and desire to protect the interests
of the Afrikaner as though these were endangered by democracy is
nothing but the imagination of a few right wing conservatives who
still views other races and cultures as inferior, and that theirs
must not be polluted by these inferior races and cultures. They
therefore imagine a situation where some "immorality act" would
forbid their offsprings to have marital relations with the offspring
of what they at heart believe is an inferior race. And they want to
start teaching their "own kind" at a tender age what it is to be
exclusively Afrikaner. In other words, they still fantasise of
practicing the principles of apartheid in our democratic

By so doing, they are not only violating the rights of other people
to enjoy the whole of South Africa's development without prejudice
because of the colour of their skins, culture or language, they are
also poisoning their little children about a vice that we have hoped
to burry since the advent of democracy in 1994. There is nothing in
our constitution that prescribes reserves for a particular language,
culture or race. Here language is clearly used as façade to advance
the racist agenda of these Afrikaner right wingers.

Thus these parents who seek to create racist castles for their
little ones at schools, cannot help but seek to perpetuate a racism
demon that tortured their own souls in their own lifetime as well as
those of their forefathers who founded apartheid, whose results had
even greater consequences on their victims who were struggling
simply to assert their natural rights as citizens of this country.

We therefore boldly say no to any attempt to take us back to the
horror of the apartheid days when one's culture, language and skin
colour were determinant in the opportunities one would have in
entering certain academic institutions. Our bold statement is a big
no to apartheid education even when language is used as excuse to
advance these.

Our people speak many languages hence we have eleven official
languages in South Africa. As a result, many of our people have to
live with the reality that the space that is South Africa is not
exclusively for their language or culture or race, for that matter.
Many of our people take it upon themselves to learn other languages
as a result. Not only that, they also learn to do with the reality
that they will be amongst other languages and cultures at school, at
the work place and at various public places.

But behold, our Afrikaner compatriots, a few right wing
conservatives to be precise, seek to create racist castles because
they believe their young kin must have exclusive space to reflect
the privileges that they and their forefathers enjoyed.

What this means is that we have a lot of work to do, to ensure that
those who still hold the ill-fated vision of apartheid do not
continue to poison our young people at schools, even if these are
their biological children. We must teach our little ones
irrespective of their race or language or culture, tolerance at a
tender age, despite the difficulties that comes with it, at
accepting that there are other people other than those defined by
one's own race, culture or language.

It is our insistence that this is what we will fight for, informed
by the Freedom Charter stipulation that "the doors of learning and
culture shall be open to all". Any discrimination undermines our
constitutional democracy.

We know that this noise about exclusive Afrikaner schools is but a
tip of an iceberg in as far as racism is concerned. It represents
the general nostalgia about apartheid and how good those days were
to a few, at the expense of the masses of our people. We will never
allow racism in our lifetime or even in a billion years! Let
children be! Let their innocence not be defiled by the baggage of a
heavy conscience by elderly people who have found themselves in the
crossroads of change and cannot adapt.

Fikile Mbalula

Bron: ml#1

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Reeds hiervan vertel

Sa, 17 Februarie 2007 10:07

Ek het reeds vertel van die ongeluk wat
die vlieënier van die uShaka helikopter
se lewe gekos het.

Vroeg vanoggend is 'n gedenk-seremonie gehou.
Ek pos daarvan 'n paar fotos, so die mense wat
dit nie wil oopmaak nie, ter wille van bandbreedte,
moet nie die opvolg hiervan oopmaak nie.

Die foto's is klein (6 fotos met 'n totaal van
ietwat meer as 1¼ MB maar, daar is mense wie
se bandwydte beperk is, soos almal weet.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 8 kommentare


Vr, 16 Februarie 2007 13:36


Praag, in samewerking met TLU-Veiligheid, hou op Saterdagoggend 10 Maart
2007 om 10.00 in die kerksaal van die Lynnwood-gemeente 'n openbare
vergadering om die misdaadkrisis te bespreek. Die sanger Steve Hofmeyr
en ander bekende persoonlikhede sal ook daaraan deelneem en elkeen 'n
kort spreekbeurt waarneem.

Tydens die vergadering sal 'n omvattende misdaadplan wat buurtwagte,
plaaswagte en kommunikasiestelsels insluit aan die publiek voorgelê
word. Veral lede van bestaande buurtwagte en
gemeenskapsveiligheidstelsels word uitgenooi om aan die vergadering deel
te neem.

Praag is reeds geruime tyd uiters bekommerd oor die verval in wet en
orde in Suid-Afrika. Tydens sy toespraak op Randfontein by geleentheid
van die anti-misdaadbetoging rondom die moord op die vyfjarige Danielle
Esterhuizen, het dr. Dan Roodt gesê dat "daar geen verskil is tussen
hierdie koelbloedige moord op 'n onskuldige kind en die tipe gruweldade
wat elders in Afrika soos in die Ituri-provinsie van die Kongo of
Darfoer in die Soedan gepleeg word nie". Dr. Roodt het in sy rubriek op
die herontwerpte Praagwebblad reeds op 16 Januarie vanjaar 'n oproep om
'n "volksaksie teen misdaad" gedoen.

Soos dr. Bertie du Plessis enkele dae gelede in /Beeld/ geskryf het,
gaan nóg die polisie, nóg die bestaande weermag enigiets doen om die
veiligheid van gewone Afrikaners te verseker. Die vergadering op 10
Maart is bedoel om die begin van so 'n volksaksie teen misdaad in te lui
wat moet uitloop op die gekoördineerde beveiliging van alle gebiede waar
Afrikaners woon. Alle belanghebbende Afrikaanse organisasies word
uitgenooi om ook die vergadering by te woon en met Praag in verbinding
te tree by inlig@... ten einde die
sakelys vir die oggend te finaliseer.

Mnr. Anton Barnard van Praag is tans besig om 'n sms-kommunikasiestelsel
te toets waarmee lede van die publiek in Gauteng 'n sms sal kan stuur om
blitssnel tydens 'n aanval hulp te ontbied van ander lede van 'n
burgerlike reaksiemag in die omgewing. Meer besonderhede sal binnekort
op aangekondig word, asook op die
nuwe webwerf . Die naam
"burgerwag" is gekies weens die historiese gebruik daarvan toe Kaapse
burgers aan die einde van die agtiende eeu so 'n wag moes vorm om hulle
teen straataanvalle ná donker te beskerm.

Oor die volgende weke sal die vergadering deur middel van die internet,
sms, pamflette en plakkate geadverteer word. Onderhoude en artikels sal
op geplaas word in aanloop tot die
vergadering om perspektief te verskaf. Die Praagwebwerf word reeds vanaf
begin Januarie deurlopend met intydse nuusartikels, rubrieke en
kommentaar bygewerk.

Eerskomende naweek hou die Praag-bestuur tesame met afgevaardigdes van
TLU-Veiligheid 'n bosberaad om die vergadering van 10 Maart en verwante
aksies te beplan. Die doelwit is om 'n landwye netwerk van buurtwagte en
plaaswagte te organiseer wat 'n omvattende burgerlike
veiligheidsnetwerk sal uitmaak.

"Hoewel Praag nie afwysend staan teenoor die groot aantal petisies en
briefveldtogte wat gevoer word om die ANC-bewind aan sy
verantwoordelikhede te herinner nie, beskou ons enige vertoë aan Mbeki of
Nqakula as 'n futiele oefening. Laasgenoemde het immers gesê dat as ons
nie met misdaad tevrede is nie, behoort ons te emigreer terwyl Mbeki
self misdaad as 'n blote 'persepsie' afgemaak het. Ons enigste hoop op
oorlewing is om beheer oor ons eie veiligheid te verkry," het dr. Roodt

Kontakpersoon: Dan Roodt 0824901036

Veiligheid & wapens | 3 kommentare

Blood Diamond

Do, 15 Februarie 2007 06:33

Het gisteraand vir Blood Diamond gekyk, is nogal bly om te hoor Arnold
Vosloo gee sy troepe sulke lekker orders in Afrikaans, ou Boetie beweeg op
in die range. Ek wonder of die bespiegelinge dat hy en Charlize 'n
Afrikaanse fliek gaan maak, ooit gaan waar word? Leonardo Dicaprio se
Afrikaanse Engelse aksent is 'n bietjie Australies maar sy "Howzit Broe" en
"Howzit China" klink nogal lekker op die oor.

De Beers is vervang met Van de Kaap, met Marius Weyers as grootbaas.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Wat is die storie....

Do, 15 Februarie 2007 06:16

rondom De La Rey van Bok van Blerk?

Soos ek hoor is dit die nuwe "Vokslied" vir die Afrikaner, Wit Afrikaner.
As die lied speel dan staan die manne op aandag rondom die braaivuur met
Klippies in die ander hand. Soos nou die dag op "Se Wie met Niekie van den
Bergh" is daar bleikbaar groot aanklank onder die wit 20 tot 30 jariges
terwyl die ouens ouer as 30 Leeuloop manne is? Ek het gister se program met
Elna Boesak gemis waarop 'n klomp menings gelig was oor die liedm het iemand
dalk geluister?

Die musiek video:

Die Lirieke la-rey-339618.html;

De La Rey

Op 'n berg in die nag
lê ons in die donker en wag
in die modder en bloed lê ek koud,
streepsak en reën kleef teen my

en my huis en my plaas tot kole verbrand sodat hulle ons kan vang,
maar daai vlamme en vuur brand nou diep, diep binne my.

De La Rey, De La Rey sal jy die Boere kom lei?
De La Rey, De La Rey
Generaal, generaal soos een man, sal ons om jou val.
Generaal De La Rey.

Oor die Kakies wat lag,
'n handjie van ons teen 'n hele groot mag
en die kranse lê hier teen ons rug,
hulle dink dis verby.

Maar die hart van 'n Boer lê dieper en wyer, hulle gaan dit nog sien.
Op 'n perd kom hy aan, die Leeu van die Wes Transvaal.

De La Rey, De La Rey sal jy die Boere kom lei?
De La Rey, De La Rey
Generaal, generaal soos een man, sal ons om jou val.
Generaal De La Rey.

Want my vrou en my kind lê in 'n kamp en vergaan,
en die Kakies se murg loop oor 'n nasie wat weer op sal staan.

De La Rey, De La Rey sal jy die Boere kom lei?
De La Rey, De La Rey
Generaal, generaal soos een man, sal ons om jou val.
Generaal De La Rey.

Musiek & liriek | 52 kommentare


Wo, 14 Februarie 2007 22:51



Why is the term "White Man" an abomination, forbidden, a curse
or a sin ? When did the responsibility for the 'evolution', help, pro-
vision and development of the native African people (and the other
primitive races) become the responsibility of the First World, and
the Whites in particular ? Anyone who knows of the disparity that
existed when the first settlers landed in Africa, or other primitive
areas, will realize that this disadvantage is not the result of colo-
nization, or anything else, other than difference in creation and
the genetic make-up (identity), meaning radical difference in
race or (sub)species.

Their lack of intelligence, progress, innovation and inventiveness
since the dawn of mankind is proof enough of that. Their stunted
(by Western, European standards) 'evolutionary' path is now bla-
med on the Whites, and a concerted attempt is being made to in-
still a guilt complex on the Whites, under the pretext the natives
would be on a par if it were not for colonization and slavery.


When in truth, while left undisturbed by White colonists for mil-
lions of years, their rate of progress or change was insignificant.
The wheel was unknown to them, they had no written language
nor any agricultural or scientific processes. Primitive methods
which they stumbled across, such as limited ore extraction, we-
re never refined or improved. In contrast, since Adam (created
only six thousand years ago) appeared on the earth, the White,
Civilized Western World also suddenly appeared and progressed
in leaps and bounds.

Even these earthly native's primitive shelter construction techni-
ques were borrowed from the nest building methods of the local
birds without ever improving on the design. They just do not ha-
ve enquiring, inventive or innovative characteristics. Nor do they
have an industrious or charitable bone in their bodies. Before they
met the White Man they also never heard of the Bible or the Ten
Commandments, not to mention civilized morals and


It is alleged by liberal-minded 'scientists' that the cradle of the
early hominids is in Southern Africa, and it is no coincidence that
the further away you move from Africa, the more progress took
place. It is because the genetically and intellectually more ad-
vanced and hence more inventive, inquisitive, and industrious
members of mankind [the Adamites or Whites] originated, ex-
plored and migrated not from Africa, but from central Asia and
Europe. While the dormant native races [Pre-Adamic Hominids,
created long before Adam] remained where they were, sudden
civilizations were built by the Adamic Race in the north, (six
thousand years ago) who continued onwards from there.

The current Pre-Adamic (native) inhabitants are merely nomads
who stumbled across remnants of these civilizations - they are
nothing more than squatters claiming credit for White Adamic
achievements. The well-known biological fact that any species
(kind / identity) only reproduce identically, destroys the liberal
fallacy that all the (different) races originated with Adam.

Adam's identity could only have been of one race - which inclu-
des his pure descendants. The word "Adam" also means "to blush"
(Strong's O.T. # 119) and only one race can blush. Only Adam was
the pinnacle of creation (created last), created in the image of God,
making only him and his kind the most intelligent and civilized
on earth.


The Pyramids : The current inhabitants of Egypt had nothing to
do with the creation of its constructions (mathematical wonders).
Which is why they have no knowledge of their creation and con-
struction. In fact it is Western (White) Man who has provided the
most insight into their mysteries, including the ancient languages.
Do you think that their 'ancestors' just forgot to mention an
achievement of that scale and significance ?

Did they forget to write down the details and mathematics, des-
pite also having invented some of the first known written langua-
ges ? If it were not for the White colonists, the natives of Africa
would still be ignorant of the technological and scientific achieve-
ments of the First World, which they now envy, but fail to under-
stand and are generally unable to achieve. Primitive (animal) in-
stincts of reproduction, lack of sexual control, intolerance, vio-
lence, brutality, and self-interest, are natural for their position
on the (Pre-Adamic) timeline of creation.


In the environment that would prevail in Africa, if it were not for
Western influence / interference, they would be attributes essen-
tial to survival. The time and nature of their creation has made
them more adapted to survival and related physical activities.
Their natural attrition from famine, plague etc which nature uses
to maintain a balance, has been disrupted by Western technology
and influence, and even throughout this modern period of time, the
control of their natural reproductive rate could not be achieved.

It is by means of western medicine, agriculture, peacekeeping ef-
forts, aid, etc coupled with their inability to overcome primitive re-
productive instincts, that they have multiplied to the point that
the continent can no longer support their massive numbers, but
still our white liberal, humanist traitors are treating their count-
less native brethren in such a manner that is way superior to
that of endangered (or extinct) species or game !


This is not to say that one path of development is better than
the other. However, the path taken by the White and Eastern
races has resulted in them establishing an environment and cul-
ture tailored to their own development, and the African races for
theirs. Thousands of years of progress and technological advan-
cement was thrust on them in the blink of an eye.

This has resulted in the 'Fish Out Of Water' syndrome, which we
see today with respect to Africa, the African people and other
tribes of primitive and native origin, when they are trying to im-
personate and adapt to the Western way of life.

The more advanced along the developmental curve a native race
or tribe was when the western world arrived on their doorstep, -
the better they are able to assimilate into our environment and
culture. It is also the reason that, as soon as the environment
shifts / deteriorates back to what is more suitable to the skills,
characteristics and 'morals' of the indigenous people, the Whites
/ settlers become the 'Fish Out Of Water', and are unable to sur-
vive, and generally migrate to environments more compatible with
their culture and concept of morals and ethics. This then results
in a faster regression (also meaning the return to normality and
suitability for the indigenous people).


The difference between their concept of morals and ours is vast.
We have Western Governments trying to force 'democracy' on
them, regardless of the fact that they do not understand, and
cannot adopt to this principle, as can be seen by the civil wars
which erupt after every (usually rigged) election. Why would
they embrace democracy ? - When naturally and historically
their lives and cultures have been controlled by autocratic kings
and chiefs - and still are, regardless of the veil of 'democracy'
put in place only to appease the West.

This superficial 'democracy' is only tolerated because it is seen
as a requirement to access the aid, wealth and trappings of the
western cultures. When combined with the rampant bribery, cor-
ruption and incompetence of their elected officials (usually elec-
ted through intimidation and vote rigging, - easily accomplished
with this underlying structure) it is farcical. The quality of a de-
mocracy is proportional to the collective intelligence of the elec-
torate. 'Democracy' in Africa is the election of the incompetent
and corrupt by the ignorant, illiterate and barbaric.

We prop up, enforce and subsidize systems which are foreign to
them, just because it offends our civilized 'White' principles and
morals. Recent native tradition was / is such that if you wanted
/ needed something, which another chief / tribe had, you simply
gathered your army and conducted a raid.

The cattle, women, food, etc. were then yours. (These being
the prized possessions of their 'evolutionary' period - and gene-
rally still are). Savagery, selfishness, brutality, murder, violence,
theft, corruption etc, (these are our 'White', civilized definitions)
are not faults or wrongs in their natural indigenous environment,
but are essential components of the survival skills that they have
evolved in order to cope in their harsh and unforgiving natural en-
vironment, which existed when they were discovered by the Wes-
tern world. Ignorant Whites who still believe that they can 'pro-
tect' their future by voting [for 'the (white) opposition'] will soon
face the hard facts of barbaric, native Africa.


Why do we have more concern for their suffering than their own
people do ? The images of starving or homeless children etc, are
paraded in front of our eyes (by the liberal media) as a means to
access our eager (gullible, naïve) generosity - while they them-
selves care very little. Somehow there is always an abundance
of money and aid [provided by white liberal, humanist traitors]
for food, medicine, arms, corruption and bribery etc, to ensure
that they stay in power, because the natives of Africa cannot
govern, or look after their own people in these modern times.

Most of their children have been abandoned or orphaned as a
result of their primitive characteristics (brutality, self-interest,
violence, etc,). Any aid received is usually stolen, sold on the
black market, wasted or misappropriated. They constantly wail
and moan about human rights, equality, discrimination, apart-
heid etc, when they themselves rule through savagery, bruta-
lity, violence, intimidation and corruption. They are so intole-
rant that it extends down to deadly tribal clashes - even exis-
ting today between many tribes. They do not share the gene-
rosity or charity of the Whites, especially in times of shortages
(a permanent feature of Africa now, due to overpopulation).


They have however become masters at the art of manipulating
the weaknesses (naïve, eager generosity) of the Whites by ma-
king full use of our charitable 'religious principles' and the much-
misunderstood notion of 'equality'. Any notion of the equality of
man, race, species or anything else in nature is absurd. Not even
identical twins are born equal. If equality were a reality, then
God would not have created different races, kinds and species.

Even more absurd is the misconception that this 'equality be-
tween races can be achieved through education. If education
could override unique progressed creation, then anyone could
be 'taught' to become a Da Vinci, Newton, Einstein, Von Braun,
Mozart or Beethoven etc, - or one could 'teach' a Donkey to
eventually become a Racehorse. Impossible !

Education will never be the 'remedy' or 'substitute' for less
intelligent races ! The (false) concept of 'religious equality'
has been subverted, distorted and (mis)used as a successful
tool mainly by Freemasonry, Communists and Liberals (who al-
so completely infiltrated and influenced the churches), to de-
stabilize the colonies and mixed societies (the so-called free-
dom struggles etc) so they themselves could secretly gain a
strategic advantage in order to attain power in government
(conquer by division, subversion and revolution).

This misconstrued and unbiblical version of 'equality' was eager-
ly embraced by the indoctrinated populace, namely : by the ig-
norant, the gullible, the naïve, by humanists, by liberals, the sel-
fish and the greedy. Pre-Adamites (created before Adam) and
Adamites were not created equal by God. No Pre-Adamites will
be judged - but only Adam's pure descendants.


Another misconstrued and abused concept created by Commu-
nists and Liberals is the term 'Racism'. It is natural for groups,
with similar backgrounds, cultures and interests, to have an
affinity for each other and to congregate and associate along
these lines.

Natural separation occurs as much amongst a group of mixed
nationality or mixed interest White group as it does amongst a
mixed native or White / native group. However, when separa-
tion happens between Whites and other races, - then suddenly
it is no longer natural, but racist !

Why are there no quotas, affirmative action etc, for Whites or
for the other nationalities, races and ethnic groups ? Why only
for blacks ? A joke may be made about the Irish, Australian,
French, etc, - in fact anyone other than a black race or na-
tionality - this is then suddenly racist !

This is just another component of the concerted effort to instill
a guilt complex on the Western / White race, to disguise the in-
ability of the primitive native races to cope in the developed
western environment and to force us to alter our environment
so that they can cope, or to give them the benefits regardless
of whether they cope or contribute, or not.

Why is it acceptable to have black unions, black business asso-
ciations, black quota's etc, - or for blacks to dominate certain
sports such as basketball ? (Rightly so, since they have the best
attributes and skills for these activities - just as it is right for
other groups with different attributes and skills to dominate
their fields which suit them).

What happened to OUR rights to freedom of association ? Just
as the disabled person requires a permit / sticker to get prefer-
ential parking, access etc, - So should anyone else, requiring
preferential treatment in the modern educated Western world,
admit that they cannot cope with the normal western environ-
ment - and fairly also wear the badge of their disability (inferior
intelligence). If they were truly equal then this would not be


At first, slavery / racism was to blame for an inability to cope
and/or achieve in the technologically advanced environment of
the Western world. When 'racism' was substituted and they
were granted 'equal access' or 'equal opportunity' (the only
right anyone naturally should have) and still could not cope,
the cry suddenly changed to 'affirmative action'.

Now, those that have equal access, affirmative action and edu-
cation, but still fail to achieve, demand that they be given the
qualifications / positions / benefits etc, regardless (quota's etc),
or that the standards suddenly be revised / reduced, resorting
to violence, arson and destruction etc, (animal instinct) to en-
force their absurd demands, or simply obtain the 'credentials' /
'certificates' through fraudulent means.

The proliferation of fraudulent certificates, degrees, diplomas,
driver's licenses and now even pilots licenses is ample proof,
while in S.A. our honest White matriculants cannot find any
jobs because our white liberal traitors (incl. big business) will
see to it that their 'disadvantaged' (dumb) fellow primates
get the jobs first by any means possible !


The quality of government is a reflection of the collective
intelligence of the electorate. - Just a cursory look around
Africa will explain what you are dealing with. After deman-
ding 'freedom', they destroy their own country, kill some
Whites and then flood illegally into other countries - to
screw them up as well (usually Western countries run by
the Whites which they despise and so eagerly call 'racist').

I may have equal access and rights to the Arctic, but I will
never be an Eskimo. If I should try, and not be able to cope
with the demands of the arctic environment - do I have the
right to demand that the environment be changed to com-
pensate for my inabilities ? Or, that other competent Eski-
mos be excluded so that I may appear to be excelling. - If
this is not done - to claim that I am then the victim of ra-
cism, discrimination or otherwise been unfairly disadvan-


Should I contract AIDS through my inability to control my
sexual urges, or when I am a drug addict - do I then have
the right to demand free medication and treatment - paid
for with hard earned tax money ? What about those with
other illnesses, which are not self-inflicted - will this bene-
fit be extended to them as well, or are they now happy to
again blatantly discriminate, as long as it benefits them ?

Are the pharmaceutical companies going to give the same
consideration to all the ill people of the world, or do they
consider the lives and health of non-Aids sufferers to be
of lesser value ? Aids is a self-inflicted and self eradica-
ting disease. Nature is cleansing the planet of deviants,
evolutionary retards and parasites by restoring the balan-
ce which we have disturbed. Just let nature run its course !

Yet we still find a pile of loathsome (white) liberals who in-
sist to continually save as many as possible of their beloved
infected native brethren - even if their numbers run far into
the hundreds of millions, while the Whites in Africa are only
a few million.

A growing population of 60 Million blacks (2007) in S.A. is ap-
parently not enough for the typical white liberal ! Liberals sim-
ply wouldn't rest until they've helped their native brethren to
multiply and double their numbers to 80 Million or more !

While many White children are becoming poorer each day, our
typical white liberal traitor only chooses to adopt and feed yet
another Aids-Infected native infant ! Liberals are quick to lec-
ture about your 'moral duties' - about giving your money to
their 'valid cause' !

Why are our spineless liberal 'Aids activists' not instructing their
('equals' / 'beloved') Aids-Infected native women ('endangered
game') not to become pregnant, instead of demanding that mil-
lions more of our tax money are wasted on free Aids treatment?!


If I insisted on working in a nuclear physics research environ-
ment but understood little of nuclear physics - should I then
demand that they revise their entrance requirements or may-
be restrict all research only to the basic elements ? Why then,
when certain groups fail to score as high as other groups, on
the tests designed to access suitability for the technological
Western environment, such as I.Q. etc, - do they claim that
these tests are discriminatory and racist, or simply demand
that they be revised ?!

The same applies to Western educational institutions designed
to prepare one for the demands of an advanced technological
age. The list of examples of these anomalies is endless, yet we
accept them daily without question. Just imagine your life in the
(incompetent) hands of a so-called 'qualified' black (HIV+) pa-
ramedic or even a pilot.

It is amazing how frequently the term 'DEMAND' is used by the
groups that have contributed little to, - or even hindered the
progress of Modern Civilization. Even more unbelievable is how
willing we are to consent to such demands, no matter how lu-
dicrous ! Thereby hindering our own progress even further.

Instead of moving forward with our own culture and develop-
ment, our time and efforts are being consumed by efforts to
alter our society / environment to accommodate those who
are foreign to it, and who do not contribute to it. Is this an
attempt to slow down our progress, in the hope that primitive
(less 'evolved' / less intelligent) races can catch up ? Any en-
vironment or group, to which they are not suited, or are un-
able to achieve in, is simply and conveniently branded as dis-
criminatory and racist.


Consider the following scenario : A genetically similar, but tech-
nologically superior alien race arrives on our planet and promptly
replaces all our familiar technology with theirs, and alter our en-
vironment with new transport, construction and farming techni-
ques etc. Our language and written communication is replaced
with telepathy.

This technology works on principles which we are not yet able
to conceptualize. All control is achieved by means of mental
telepathy, and a careless thought results in damage or cata-
strophe. They also replace all the familiar laws, rules and re-
ligious principles with their own, - the transgression of which
results in swift retribution.

All the necessary educational institutions are provided - where
all lectures are presented telepathically on the assumption that
we have developed sufficiently to grasp their concepts. They
then unanimously decide that we are their 'equals' and charge
us with the responsibility for this new environment.

If anyone of them suddenly protests that we are not prepared
(developed) for the task, - the complainants are then told that
they are simply 'racist'. How competent would we actually be in
such a new and advanced environment ? How frustrated ? ---
- 'Fish Out Of Water' perhaps ? - Such is the equivalent expe-
rience of the primitive native groups within a demanding Wes-
tern environment.


Unless we accept that we are naturally created different, (even
genetically - hence the easy identification of race by forensics)
that we have different needs and that we are not all comforta-
ble, suited to, or able to cope in the same environment - thus
we cannot hope to avoid conflict. We need to stop forcing a
foreign environment on others and above all stop trying to a-
dopt a culture which is unnatural, and then complain that they
are disadvantaged.

All the valid genetic, physiological and psychological studies that
have been done which highlight and prove the differences be-
tween the races have been covered up as 'discriminatory' and
'racist' by our (white) liberal 'educators'. How much longer are
we going to paint over hard facts (and the truth) with the fil-
thy brush of liberalism, humanism and 'political correctness' ?!


There will always be 'exceptions' in any ethnic group. Usually
these are paraded as proof of 'equality' without focusing at-
tention on the amount of hidden white (intelligent) blood al-
ready secretly flowing through the veins of these so-called
'pure black achievers'.

Most of them are in fact not so 'pure black' as they claim to
be. However, neither nature, race, species nor 'evolution' is
governed by exceptions. Which exception or oddball's char-
acteristics would determine the environment for the rest of
us ? The Whites do not hold up Da Vinci, Newton, Einstein,
Mozart nor Beethoven as examples of Joe Average ! - Who
can the native races hold up as equal great achievers of
their time ? - Ziltch !


Any suitable environment will always be governed by, and
evolve to the average requirements of a particular group or
species. Forced adaptation of our environment in an attempt
to accommodate these primitive native races will simply retard
western progress. Just consider the contribution to western
progress and lifestyle the trillions of dollars (all squandered in
Africa in the futile attempts to drag them into the modern era)
could have made, - these were our Western tax dollars !

Any attempt to create a single environment for everyone will
of necessity be a retrograde step, - and result in it not being
ideally suited to anyone - resulting in feelings of discrimination
and eventually conflict. Only a fool defies the laws of nature.

If they insist on trying to impersonate the western culture,
then it must simply be a case of 'swim or sink' or 'fit in or
F.O.' We must not sacrifice our identity or allow our race
/ identity, - to be swamped by foreign entities because of
our generosity ! We must not allow our unique race / iden-
tity to become extinct/hybridized by means of interbreeding
with other races. History proves hybridization to be one of
the most abominable trespasses against one's own race.

The integration of race is always eagerly glorified by our liberal
(mis)leaders. We must now apply our efforts to cultivate our in-
born White Nationalism so that we may re-claim our own land,
improve our own environment and culture for ourselves and not
allow our progress and future to be hijacked by filthy, shrewd
humanistic (white) liberals who are in fact the hidden power
source behind their beloved primitive sub-human, parasitic

How much longer are we going to tolerate the loathsome (white)
humanist liberal scum amongst us ?! The concept of 'racism' was
created to avoid the myth of 'equality' being exposed. Remember
this document the next time you see a strike / march or demon-
stration by a (parasitic) 'disadvantaged' group, trying to force
their demands and opinions on you, or demanding that you hand
over your resources for them to squander, while they refuse to
pay for basic services - dragging municipal councils into millions
rands of debt.

It is Western exploration, science and conquest that have revea-
led the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of western
power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disap-
peared. The charge of racism puzzles Whites who feel not hos-
tility, but only baffled good will, because they don't grasp what
it really means, namely humiliation. The White Man presents an
natural image of superiority even when he isn't conscious of it
- and superiority excites envy, which is exploited behind the
scenes by satanic liberal forces.


Slowly destroying White (Christian) Civilization [by promoting
'equality' (interbreeding), 'freedom' (moral decay - the degra-
dation of the White Race) and the secret incitement of Blacks
against Whites (conquer by revolution)] is the innermost de-
sire of the satanic league of the Illuminati [the secret One-
World Government], by making use of all their Freemasons
and planted (selected) liberal agents (white race-traitors)
in every level of our society [namely : politicians and law
makers, churches and ministers, bankers and businessmen,
entertainers and musicians, television and radio, the media,
editors, universities and lecturers, schools, headmasters
and teachers, cultural and religious groups, social and re-
ligious leaders] - to create, install, promote and indoctri-
nate the Universal Fallacy (liberal motto) into every mind
(including our children), namely : "Freedom, Equality, Bro-
therhood and Democracy" - This became one of the major
universal (satanic) slogans of our age.


Liberals are/cause the rot in society by eagerly preaching the
concepts of Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood, a One (rainbow)
Nation, 'One in Christ', shamelessly glorifying race-mixing even
in the churches - done 'in the name of Jesus', while Christ Him-
self hates the teaching of Balaam (race-mixing) in Rev. 2:14,
referring to Num. 25:1-8 and Num. 31:9-17.

Liberals are very eager to help, support, sponsor, feed and care
for any other race except poor Whites which they despise. A li-
beral will nail you when you injure or kill a black criminal by ac-
cusing you of assaulting his/her 'fellow man' without just cause.
Liberals will see to it that you spend your time and money on all
their 'valid' causes. - The amount of time and money that the
Churches spend to 'uplift' the natives is ample proof of this.

Liberals are the secret source of financing, power, intellect, or-
ganization and invention behind Communism, Humanism, Corrupt
Laws, Liberal Politics, Black 'Struggles', Black Empowerment, Af-
firmative Action, 'Human Rights', Riots, Anti-Aids (save-the-ba-
boon) Campaigns, Liberal Propaganda in the Media and Adverti-
sing, Liberal Education, Liberal 'Freedom' (moral decay) and the
(liberal) Christian Churches [who they influenced, infiltrated and
conquered long-ago] preaching Liberal Theology (Unity Doctrine
= "All Equal / One in Christ"), being bigots by refusing to preach
and act (actively campaign) against the rampant moral decay.

Being a direct cause of all the crime it is now our spineless, two-
faced liberals (who also voted "YES" twice in the old S.A.) who
legally practice 'apartheid' by suddenly developing and buying
closed-off security residential villages, living inside their secure
castles, surrounded by walls, pallisades, barbed wire and elec-
trical fences, - bigots suddenly trying to keep out their beloved
barbaric black 'fellows'.


We, the White Colonists wish to make a confession : We confess
our sins against the black people of Africa (and those of our fore-
fathers), which are outlined in detail below :

1. We apologize for introducing civilization to them, for giving them
doctors, hospitals, medical services, immunization and modern medi-
cine that enabled them to survive famine, plagues, disasters and
caused them to multiply into uncountable numbers.

2. We apologize for teaching them to read and write an European
language and even for putting their own languages down in writing
for them. We even taught them science and mathematics (we tried),
and built hundreds (if not thousands) of schools for them, even re-
building and repairing same again and again, when they burnt them
down or vandalized them too many times.

3. We apologize for designing and building factories and shops, which
gave them work. We apologize for taking them into our homes to work,
giving them food and even paying, helping, providing and accommoda-
ting them and their families.

4. We apologize for building farms out of barren bush and vegetable
gardens from which we fed them - things they never had before.

5. We apologize for giving them decent clothes and shoes instead of
leaving them in their animal skins they wore before we found them
wandering aimlessly around the plains, mountains and valleys not ha-
ving evolved / developed sufficiently to invent even the wheel or the
written language or money or how to cultivate the soil.

6. We apologize for (providing the knowledge of) extracting minerals
from below the earth, minerals which had always been there but were
unknown to these native inhabitants. We apologize for creating
jobs and for paying them to work in these mines.

7. We apologize for those among us who established charities to feed
and clothe them while they themselves never knew, and still not know,
the meaning of charity, not forgetting the Bible and the Ten Command-
ments which we tried to teach them (all in vain).

8. We apologize for designing and building a network of modern roads
all over the country which they now (mis)use to give Africa one of
highest road accident rates in the world. We also apologize for the
tomobile which we introduced to them.

9. We apologize for designing and building huge dams which keep them
supplied with fresh water, even in times of drought.

10. We apologize for introducing them to modern construction techni-
ques which enabled them to move out of the mud and grass structures
which they copied from bird's nests, not forgetting radio, television
modern communication which we gave them too.

11. We apologize for paying the lion's greatest share of our
tax burden while spending the least of it upon ourselves.

For all these above 'evil sins' we most humbly beg forgiveness, and
they will only accept our apologies, we will gladly take back all of
abovementioned 'evil gifts' and leave these 'clever', dark races
and as we found them ages ago !

One last thought :

We pray that all liberals and humanists disappear instantly !

Koeitjies & kalfies | 8 kommentare

Oom Paul

Wo, 14 Februarie 2007 08:20

> Oom Paul was 'n diep gelowige volgeling van Jesus Christus.

Twak, heeltemal twak!
Hy was nie - hy het self gesê dat Jesus 'n towenaar was, lees dit self in
"Stephanus Johannes Paul Kruger, Die Man 1825 - 1904" gepubliseer deur Neuwoult & Reiner 1915.

Jy moet jou fyte reg kry voerdat jy met jou bybel nonsense voert gaan pellie, ne?

Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare

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