Dit klink my of jy glo Suid-Afrika het sommer 'n blink toekoms. Hoekom kom
jy nie terug nie? Blameer jy mense wat voel hulle het nie meer 'n toekoms
hier, en wil liewer 'n ander heenkome soek (is dit nie wat jy gedoen het
> Dit klink my of jy glo Suid-Afrika het sommer 'n blink toekoms. Hoekom kom
> jy nie terug nie? Blameer jy mense wat voel hulle het nie meer 'n toekoms
> hier, en wil liewer 'n ander heenkome soek (is dit nie wat jy gedoen het
> nie)?
> Groete
> Hans
Og, hier kom nog een met dieselfde holruggeryde
vraag. Nee, ek dink nie Suid-Afrika het in die
onmiddellike toekoms 'n blink toekoms nie. (Wanneer
het dit laas 'n blink toekoms gehad?) Dis in die
middel van die gevolge van 'n periode van wan-
administrasie deur 'n vorige totalitere staat,
en op die oomblik is die heersende party die
erfenaar van 'n vryheisvegter-groep. Ek neem
egter aan dat die 80 persent van die SA bevolking
wat nou vir die eerste keer stemreg gekry het en
hier en daar beter leef, nie teveel kla nie. Ek
neem aan dat jy wit is. As jy nie gelukkig is in
SA nie, gaan terug na die auld country of erens
Ek is 'n redelik ervare rekenaar gebruiker wat 'n posisie in die IT bedryf
soek. My huidige werk is geensins IT verwant. Ek het myself geleer om
reknaars te bewerk. Ek is dan seker 'n "nerd". Ek eet, slaap en drink
My CV is aangeheg. Ek verlang verkieslik 'n betrekking in Gauteng area.
Aangeheg my CV, oorspronklik in Lotus Wordpro96 gedoen. Eik is byna dadelik
beskikbaar en kan binne twee tot drie weke na kennis in diens gaan.
My CV is in Engels, die Afrikaanse weergawe is nog nie voltooi.
Grove Erasmus
Posbus 40
Ellisras, 0555
Sud-Afrika / Afrique d'Sud / Zuid-Afrika / South Africa
Tel/Fax: +27-014-763-5690
Mobile: +27-083-654-6546
Mobile's email: 08365...@sms.co.za (PLAIN TEXT ONLY, MAX 50 CHARCTERS)
Iemand stuur onlangs vir ons uit Suid-Afrika die
volgende grap:
'n Oom en tante ry vir 'n vakansie na Durban toe.
So 'n ruk voordat hulle die stad bereik, hou die oom
stil en beduie na 'n piet-my-vrou. Hy sê vir sy vrou:
"Luister na daardie voël. Dis die laaste keer dat jy vir
'n lang ruk Afrikaans sal hoor."
My man sê dat die piet-my-vrou en Noord-Amerika
se "whippoorwill" nie dieselfde is nie.
Ek dink die meeste mense sit met hierdie probleem...
THE fate of a political party that breaks one too many promises, has been
demonstrated in many a country of the old Communist bloc as well as in
Political party rhetoric, especially in Africa, of blaming everyone else
but itself for failure after failure, is fast becoming a disqualification
rather than, like in the past, added justification for a cause long lost.
The analogy of the situation in South Africa appears laughable at first
glance. South Africans sit secure in a multi-party system, comfortable
with a government of national unity that seems set to hold for ever, and a
presidency that the ANC is likely to win again next year.
Yet they should fear for their stability. They are witnessing too many
spectacles. When principle is gone, permanence cannot guarantee
South Africans can wake up one morning and realise that the emperor has no
clothes on!
True democratic institutions are less vulnerable to this process than the
Marxist ones that toppled everywhere. Free societies are not immune. A
seismic shift in the South African political landscape, bigger than
anything since 1994, may be closer that we think.
South Africa's economy is living on borrowed time, and the social fabric
is fraying. In consequence, legitimacy could destroy all of the established
political parties, equal stockholders in the mounting crisis -- even before
the year 2000.
One broken promise can finish a party, or a cartel of parties.
South Africans have been promised safety in the streets, equality without
favoritism, foreign investments, hundreds of thousands of homes and
hundreds of thousands of jobs, own schools, protection of their numerous
languages and cultures, a sound economy, in fact: they were promised that
SA would be a model for Africa.
Responsibility for the whole string of failures falls evenly on
politicians from all sides of the political spectrum, yes, even the
Freedom Front who had promised its "Volkstaat"-mandate of 640 000
supporters a Volkstaat and who had failed to produce.
If is so that all of a sudden the Freedom Front is blowing down the ANC's
neck as regards its Volkstaat, but this could prove to be nothing more
that political rhetoric as the election campaign for the 1999 elections is
already underway.
In SA there is a government who claims to be democratic while walking
hand in hand with Communists and Socialists. Even if the ANC should sever
its ties with the latter, there is too much doubt whether the ANC would be
capable on running what is in effect a First World country.
Value lies in the future. To ensure that it realizes, a country, a people,
needs tomorrow-men and tomorrow-women. Without such there can be no
The Boervolk in South Africa wants no part in the endeavours of the
For the Boervolk, the clock could be turned back sooner than anticipated --
to its date of birth at the Battle of Blood River when party politics was
shunned and the Volk stood together in unison, proclaiming their Boer
Republics as a Volk.
Party politics, which divides, rather than unifies, would be replaced by
a "Volk's" movement. Various Boer organisations are involved in intensive
behind the scenes deliberations. Its aim is a confederation, equal rights
and self-government to all indigenous peoples.
The ultimate goal is the regaining of the old Boer Republics, the Oranje
Free State, Transvaal and Northern Natal.
The vehicle to achieve this goal, is definitely not a party-political one.
Slowly but surely the Boers are realising that a "Volk's" movement based
on Boer consciousness, Boer identity, their faith and their aspirations to
rule themselves in total sovereignty, is the only vehicle to ultimate
glory and triumph! -- The Confederalist.
THE enormous damage caused by the ANC-Communist alliance under the command
of its Western Cape leader, Ebrahim Rasool - through defamatory allegations
concerning the gaming industry and a number of public figures in the
province - has already started to boomerang against the ANC and to blow up
in its face.
It has thrown the whole alliance - saddled with a series of struggling,
incompetent Western Cape leaders ever since the scandal around Alan Boesak
erupted - into a crisis the final results of which cannot be foreseen.
The ANC - and Rasool in his official and his personal capacities - are
facing defamation claims of millions of rands. Litigation, which will
result from the whole debacle would seem to be a legal representative's
dream. On top of which, the affair will have international repercussions
due the globalisation of the gaming industry.
A further irony is that the ANC was part of the process whereby the
Western Cape received an autonomous Gaming Board which has to follow a
transparent process in awarding casino licenses. At the time Rasool himself
was a member of the Western Cape cabinet.
The ANC began backpedaling after Rasool, surrounded by a flock of
adjutants, made defamatory allegations at a media conference last week. The
supposed defamation was widely publicised before Rasool took fright and
withdrew his false accusation against Western Cape director-general, Dr
Niel Barnard.
Barnard, who regards Rasool's public apology as insufficient, is,
however, going ahead with his defamation action. Former premier Hernus
Kriel has indicated he is to lay a substantial claim for defamation; so are
other senior office bearers.
Whatever possessed the ANC and Rasool apparently has something to do
with feverish election politicking to win back its lost esteem in the
Western Cape. Also, the ANC is assiduously hunting people under beds
because it has itself been caught in one corruption scandal after another,
as revealed in Mpumalanga and by the Heath inquiries.
The Rasool clique's motives are, however, less important than the fact
that he has cast a stain on public life, one which will be erased with
difficulty. His false accusations against Barnard alone are of such a
nature that any politician with the slightest sense of honour would have
summarily resigned. He should disappear from public life.
Wie se program skryf jy so sedig
smeer jy met nerveglue
soldeer jy so fyntjies
sorteer jy die variables en conditionals---
'n denkende miershoop?
Wie se knoppies druk jy so tydsaam
watter afmetings teken jy so vyfsyfer op
watter technical drawings draft jy
lettertjies pyltjies strepies dik en dun---
planne en wishful thinking en skelmstreke?
Wil jy kaart word, route map en byways,
kontoere vir heuwels en riviere droog soos ink?
Wil hy netjies vou en in 'n plastic pocket pas?
Fotokopieë kan maak van jouself?
Watter stom oë agter watter bril,
watter vatlose vingers berei jy jou voor
om mee deursoek te word
kennis te lewer vir woorde en aksie
Is daar nou nog regdenkinde mense hier en in die Buiteland wat saamstem dat
hierdie regering normaal en regverdig optree.
In the African tribes it might be an accepted practice to gain
possessions by taking it from another by force. In South Africa
however, lives a white tribe that does not take kindly to this.
We say this without fear, because there is no more place for
The government is busy stealing from whites in general, and the
Afrikaner in particular. He is doing this with the power
available to the state as a specific form of violence. Even when
this happens by means of legislation, it remains robbery and does
not differ in outcome from any other crime.
The government's behaviour is not even always legal. A blatant
example of this is the way the government took possession of all
moving and unmoving assets owned by the former Model C schools,
without compensation. This clearly in contradiction to article
25 of the constitution. The fact is that these schools were
almost without exception the property of Afrikaner communities,
making it another transgression against our people.
Article 25 is about the right to property. Among others it
prevents arbitrary deprivation. Where property is dispossessed
in public interest, the Constitution states:
The amount of compensation as well as the time and way of payment
must be just and fair and must show a balance between public
interest and the interests of those involved.
According to "Mondstuk", newspaper of the Afrikaner Teachers
Association, the government ignored all claims by model C schools
to be compensated. The department merely decided not to pay any
compensation. According to "Mondstuk" the reasons the department
gives for this step is contrary to article 25.
By doing this, the government lay claim to 11 000 schools which
do not belong to it, but is in reality private property. The fact
that the Department of Education is so crippled by mismanagement,
nepotism and all but bankrupt does not make this action less
This is clear human rights violations by the state. The
honourable thing to do would have been to leave the schools in
private ownership. The schools can be used by Afrikaner
communities who are forced by government to provide for the
private education of their children.
The taking of schools and other property is of course a part of
the ANC/SACP's policy of affirmative action which, according to
article 9(2) of the Constitution allows discrimination.
The confiscation of model C schools is not the only example of
the government robbing the private sector. The government took
possession of water and mineral rights, and the new law on land
reform gives the state the power to take possession of farms.
Affirmative action and transformation are only pleasing words for
white injustice and deprivation. It robs whites of their work,
their earnings, as well as services they pay for in tax. It robs
the Afrikaner of his language, his culture and Christian and
nationalist education.
It is a crime to force a decline in social and other services,
while Mandela earns R665 230 and almost illiterate workers earn
between R20 000 and R35 000 per month in positions for which they
are not qualified.
The Afrikaner has had enough! He is busy mobilising and fighting
back with all the constitutional means possible. If he cannot
find justice this way, he will be forced to reconsider his
kan iemand net asb vir my bevestig dat daardie salonblad van die afrikaner, de
kat, nie 'n net teenwoordigheid het nie, of anders is ananzi, altavista en
yahoo nie up to date nie.
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