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Finansiële skommelings

Sat, 25 October 2008 20:00

Ek lees gereeld elke oggend die Beeld se Internet-edisie. Ek sien
baie min nuus van die finasiële gedoentes wat nou reg om die wêreld
aangaan. Ek neem aan dis omdat daar nie dramatiese verskuiwings
in die land se finansiële sektor plaasvind nie. Ek neem wel kennis
van die feit dat die rand skerp teen die Amerikaanse dollar daal. Maar
so daal die Kanadese dollar ook dramaties teenoor die Amerikaanse
dollar. Wat 'n ironie. Ons dollar daal, ons wat in 'n land bly waar
nie die stupid eksesse toelaat wat die VSA banke so in die slag laat
het nie. Ons sal getref word deur die resessie in die VSA, maar geen
bank hier is in die moeilikheid nie. En ons dollar daal. Seker omdat
spekuleerders die Amerikaanse dollar opkoop terwyl dit goedkoop


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

State hospitals 'in crisis'

Tue, 21 October 2008 14:22

State hospitals 'in crisis'
21 October 2008, 11:55
Related ArticlesOver expenditure cripples hospitals
Minister pledges to fight for better health
By Vivian Attwood

State hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal are on the verge of collapse and it
is only a matter of time before more patients die as a result.

This is the fear of senior doctors who say they are at the end of
their tether, and have revealed that staff at hospitals are working
under intolerable conditions, and have patients who are dying when
they should not.

The KwaZulu-Natal department of health has disputed claims that a
moratorium on vacancies at provincial hospitals is in place. But the
doctors refute this, saying that hospitals are effectively prevented
from filling open posts.

Six doctors, who requested anonymity, say that staff shortages and a
lack of equipment were damaging health care, and were caused by the
KZN department's attempt to recoup a budgetary overspend of
R1,2-billion in the past financial year by freezing posts and not
ordering much-needed equipment.

On Monday the Daily News carried an open letter to the new national
Minister of Health, Barbara Hogan, which set out paediatricians'
despair at the sagging standard of medicine.

According to a paediatrician at Addington Hospital, premature babies
are already dying because vital machinery that was ordered years ago
has not been sanctioned by the department of health.

A doctor who formerly worked at Port Shepstone General Hospital
revealed that a woman with an ectopic pregnancy had to be rushed to
Prince Mshiyeni Hospital in Durban because there was no anaesthetist
available at Port Shepstone. The ICU there was staffed by interns,
rather than qualified doctors. The woman narrowly escaped death.

At Addington Hospital a woman died in a waiting room without seeing a
doctor as her unsuspecting husband waited nearby - a death reported by
the Daily News on October 10.

KZN Department of Health spokesperson Leon Mbangwa denied that posts
had been frozen.

"We definitely don't have a moratorium on clinical staff," he said.
"That would include critical posts like paediatric and anaesthetic
doctors. We have, however, embarked on a process of trying to control
over-expenditure. Hospital managers must motivate for critical posts
to be filled, and fill out the necessary documentation. Some civil
servants are too lazy to follow the right channels."

A specialist at Addington Hospital claimed the Department of Health
was all too aware of the shortage of staff around the province. He
said the moratorium was no figment of their imaginations, but a
pressing reality.

"Come January, when interns leave, we will have just four doctors to
deal with the 3 000 paediatric patients we treat each month. Our goose
will be well and truly cooked.

"We keep inundating the human resources department to ask whether the
moratorium has been lifted. Each week they have to say no.

"Management has also sent letters to the department of health, but
it's like appealing to a rock."

A source close to the Port Shepstone Hospital said morale was at an
all-time low. "Doctors are at the end of their tether. The hospital
has been losing people for all the usual reasons, but since April they
haven't been able to hire replacements. By the end of the year only
two specialists will be left in anaesthesia.

"Incidents like that of the pregnant woman who nearly died are common.
There have been a number of near disasters."

At Addington, staff said they were "running on empty". Along with
staff shortages they have to contend with a lack of potentially
life-saving equipment, and the frequent absence of basic hygiene tools
like antiseptic soap, towels, scrubs and even cotton wool.

"The Department of Health justifies the moratorium by claiming a lack
of funds, but what is money if babies are dying at this hospital?"
said a paediatrician.

"We don't have a fully functional ventilator for premature babies.
Inevitably, there are infants who don't make it as a result. You can't
apply business principles to medicine."

The crisis is every bit as acute at Grey's Hospital in
Pietermaritzburg. A source revealed that the hospital had not received
new equipment for several years.

"We are faced with repeated failure of essential equipment like
anaesthetic machines and ventilators," she said.

"There is talk of shutting down the paediatric department because of
staff shortages. Most of the specialists I have spoken to are planning
to leave the country.

"Matters have simply gone too far. We can't condone what's happening
any longer."

Mbangwa said he was completely unaware of a critical shortage of staff
in the anaesthetic department at Port Shepstone Hospital.

"It is the first time I have heard about this."

•This article was originally published on page 1 of The Daily News on
October 21, 2008

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare


Mon, 20 October 2008 07:54

Hoop die Bulle gee die Sharks 'n moerse pak Saterdag

Bulle: 32

Sharks: 17

Sport & ontspanning | 1 kommentaar

Wat kla julle Jo'burgers?

Sat, 18 October 2008 07:11

Joburg SA's best city 81017153805894C431382

Kla julle met 'n wit brood onder die arm, terwyl Johannesburg beter is
as ál die ander stede? Of is die ander stede nóg swakker as Jo'burg?
Ek meen, dis mos die stad van goud..:-)

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Joburg SA's best city

Sat, 18 October 2008 06:59

Wat kla julle Jo'burgers? Ons lees mos die koerante en sien hoe goed
dit daar gaan. Kla julle met 'n wit brood onder die arm, m.a.w. is
Johannesburg nòg beter as al die ander stede? Of is al die ander stede
nòg swakker as Johannesburg? Ek meen, die stad van goud...:-)

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Baie waar

Tue, 14 October 2008 06:59

Van die Internet af gelaai:

Jy loop by my in die straat verby en jy skel my uit as Withond, White boy,
Famma, Maboeroe, Lekoa, Whitey, Settler, White Trash . en dit is heeltemal
in orde.
Een van jou omroepers op radio 5fm verwys na my as Afrikanerk.
(Afrikaneruitwerpsel) en die Uitsaaiklagtekommissie van SA sê dis
toelaatbaar en glad nie haatspraak nie.
Maar wanneer ek jou noem Kaffer, Neger, piksteel, houtkop, draadnek, muntu
of Gook, dan tamboer Mandelas, Tutu's, Mbeki's en selfs die Antjie Krogs op
hul hulle kollektiewe borskas en gil: "Withond! Rassis!"

Jy sê dat ons blankes baie geweld teen julle gepleeg het, maar sê my, waarom
is Midde- en Donker Afrika dan die gevaarlikste plekke om te bly? Waarom
vlug selfs jou swart elite uit julle donker hole na die blanke gebiede, en
hoekom vermy ons blankes en ook jul brawe wit ikoon, Antjie Krog, julle
lokasies en plakkerkampe soos die pes? Waarom wil sy nie daar tussen haar
agtergeblewe boeties en sussies loop nesskrop nie?
Julle het beurse vir 'voorheen veronregtes'. Julle het Vryheidsdag. Julle
het Jeugdag, Sowetodag. Julle het Vrouedag. Julle het Mandela en Thabo
Mbeki. Julle het regstellende aksie en swart bemagtiging. Julle het
arbeidswette om julle regte te beskerm. Julle het BCM, PAC en Azapo en julle
sing "Kill the Famma! Kill the Boer!".
As ons 'n eie BVT (Blanke Vermaak Televisie) sou probeer oprig, sal julle
dit dadelik bestorm en in puin lê. As ons 'n Blanke Gedenkdag gehad het, was
julle daar om te toi-toi, betoog en wraak te sweer. As ons 'n 'blanke
geskiedenis maand' (soos julle) sou hê, sou geen klaskamer julle daardie
hele maand sien nie, sou julle die skool afbreek en ons onderwysers met
messe en panga's bydam.

As ons 'n organisasie gehad het net vir blankes om ons 'blanke' lewes te
verbeter, sou dit tot in die raadsale van die VN weergalm het. As daar 'n
kollegefonds was wat net aan blanke studente beurse sou gee, sou Amerika en
Engeland ons summier saam met Iran en Noord-Korea tot 'axis of evil'
verklaar. Daar is 100% swart kolleges en universiteite in Suid-Afrika (en
ook in Amerika), maar as ons net 'n "Afrikaanse Universiteit" wil hê waar
daar in óns taal ondrerrig gegee word, dan breek julle die geboue af, steek
die boeke aan die brand, bestook ons voertuie met klippe en boikot die
Julle mag optogte hou vir julle regte, ons mag nie.
Julle besteel ons, vermoor ons, verkrag ons, kaap ons en skiet ons. Maar as
'n blanke man dit net durf waag om vir 'n swart barbaar, moordenaar of
inbreker wat 'n rooi lig ignoreer, toeter te druk, word hy deur 'n horde
barbare omsingel, sy voertuig verwoes en en hy tien teen een doodgeslaan.
Maar nou moet jy goed luister, mnr. Barbaar ? al hierdie uitbuiting, onreg,
smaad, verguising en openlike haat waarmee ek daagliks moet saamleef; al
hierdie bedreigings, kapings, berowings, verkragtings en regstellende
aksies, sal niks kan verander aan wie en wat ek is nie ? 'n suiwer blanke en
iets waarop ek baie trots is ? ja, in teenstelling met jou wat so hard
probeer om "wit" te wees, is ek trots op my blanke vel, trots op op my
herkoms, trots op my voorvaders, my Europese afkoms, my intellek, my taal,
my sin vir reg en geregtigheid; en, o ja, as blanke het ek respek vir ander
se besittings, liefde vir my gesin, my volksgenote; maar boweal is ek trots
op my God, trots daarop dat Hy 'n enige enige God is, en dat ek bevoorreg is
om Hom te eer, te dien en lief te hê. Ek is trots daarop dat Hy my sy kind
noem. As 'n besorgde Vader het Hy my lank gelede reeds gewaarsku dat jy
'slegte invloed' is, dat ek nie met jou mag 'speel' nie, nie met jou
kroeshaar-suster mag 'kys' of trou nie, ook het Hy my verbied om saam met
jou te werk, en Hy wil ook nie hê dat ek jou enige vrede of geluk mag
toewens nie.

Dus, mnr. Barbaar, ek gun jou jou kleinlike rasissme, jou magtelose woede,
jou haat en bitterheid jeens my, want jy sien, my God se Verklarende
Woordboek sê dat toe Hy my ras geskape het, het hy gesien dat dit goed was,
baie goed, en Hy het my deur die mond van sy profeet, Esra in hoofstuk 10,
bevel gegee om my ras en alles waarvoor dit staan, te beskerm.
En met dieselfde jaloesie wat jy koester omdat jy nie met 'n witvel geseën
is nie, vertroetel en bewaar ek dit soos 'n kosbare kleinood en sal ek dit
met my lewe verdedig.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Luke Watson

Mon, 13 October 2008 12:39

Ek en Luke watson het iets in gemeen. Hy wou op sy sprinbok trui puke, en ek
wou puke toe hy die ding aantrek. Wat 'n poepol.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Nuwe embleem vir die Springbokke

Thu, 09 October 2008 17:21

As die Springbok uitgedien is as embleem
sou ek voorstel dat dit vervang word
met 'n tokkelossie. Beslis sal dìt aanklank
vind by die teenstanders van die oorspronklike.
Oorweeg om dit voor te stel by jou blog, Ferdi.

Sport & ontspanning | 0 kommentare

Lewe in Johannesburg Deel 66754

Thu, 09 October 2008 11:31

Die krag was lank laas af. Dit is seker weer aan die kom.
Maar die water was die week vir 2 dae af. 'n Pyp het iewers gebars.
Toe sny die stadraad die water af sonder om vir iemand in te lig hulle
gaan dit doen.
Toe ek uiteindelik Dinsdag deurkom na die inbelsentrum toe se die gek
aan die ander kant maar hulle kon ons nie laat weet het nie (dit was
so 7 woonbuurte, insluitende Hillbrow met sy high rises) want die pyp
het daardie dag (Dinsdag) eers gebars.
Dit was wat die idooit SONDAG ook gese het toe hulle die water Sondag
vir 'n paar uur afgesny het. En die pyp WAS Sondag gebars want ek het
daar verbygery en dit gesien.
Op City Water se webblad se hulle weer die pyp het Maandag gebars.
Intussen berig The Star oor die 70 jarige tannie van Hillbrow wat
uiteindelik deurgekom het na die inbelsentrum en gevra het waar kan sy
water kry?
Hulle se toe aan haar daar staan 'n tenkwa met water in Parkview en
een in bedfordview. Hulle se sy moet "containers" vat, Parkview of
Bedfordview toe stap en gaan water haal.
Gister het die water by ons darem weer aangekom.
Maar gister het die rioolpyp bo in die straat weer gebreek. Nou stroom
rou riool al vir twee dae in die pad af en vergader onder by
Kitchener-weg in 'n poel waardeur die karre ry.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Re: Get the Holy Spirit baptism.

Wed, 08 October 2008 19:14

God does the real, live, actual languages with us
today too, just like in the Bible. Yes.
A colored sister, Bady, was speaking in tongues with
the Holy Spirit; and a man who was German heard her.
He told her what she speaking German had said. The
Holy Spirit of God works the same ways today,
as in the Bible.
I feel sorrow for a certain famous preacher who made
the word "gibberish" famous on television.
God will punish him for it.
He does not have it; and he arrogantly judged it.
He ought to repent of his hatred, and pray to God
for forgiveness. When God has forgiven him,
then God can baptize him with the Holy Spirit baptism.
Never think that because a man is a preacher, he also
has the Holy Spirit baptism. He has a job.
He ought to go to people who have it, and say he
wants it too.
Apostle Keith Brown.

"Gospel Man" skryf in boodskap
> The tongues spoken at Pentecost were actual languages, not the gibberish
> that you hear today.

"Apostle Keith Brown" skryf in boodskap
> Hello, this is Apostle Keith Brown, by the grace of God
> and His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
> On Sunday, October 5, 2008, churches will talk about
> Acts chapter 2, and the Holy Spirit Baptism; and that
> they were united.
> It pleases God to see that more people of the old
> churches who have fought against the speaking in tongues
> experience, are coming around to getting the Holy Spirit
> Baptism with the first evidence of speaking in tongues
> while the Holy Spirit moves the mouth of the speaker.
> God ordained that the first evidence of the Holy Spirit
> baptism should be the speaking in tongues as the
> Holy Spirit moves the mouth of the speaker.
> One day when I was speaking about "tongues"
> being the common sign everyone gets at the moment
> when you get the Holy Spirit baptism, I saw
> the Lord Jesus walking in (not His Great Advent yet).
> Then He said, "Yes! Tongues is the first evidence of
> the Holy Spirit baptism". Then He said, "First evidence!
> First evidence!"
> I thank God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
> Yes, and from that moment forward, the Holy Spirit
> stays inside you and shares His powers and fruit with
> you.
> Beware that you do not learn all about it without
> getting it yourself. Knowing about it and believing
> about it alone can't put you in Heaven; you must
> get it yourself. Find some charismatic Pentecostal
> and say that you want it too. Please do not settle
> for less.
> God has done great miracles for people when I
> prayed and ministered. Be encouraged toward God.
> I pray that God save you and baptize you with the
> Holy Spirit with the first evidence of "tongues".
> Apostle Keith Brown.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

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