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1054 resultate gevind
1 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Do, 12 Julie 2007 10:21 «» deur: umfo...
Re: Comparative Afrikaans / Dutch / Low Saxon translation
…your version, the better I like it. Thanks also for the implicit corrections. One thing: "This side of the truth, / You may not see, my son" you render as "Hierdie kant van die waarheid / mag jy dalk nie sien nie, my seun". I understand that "mag" here indicates possibility, rather than (a lack of) permission? I.e., "perhaps you cannot see this side of the truth", rather than "you had better not see this side of the truth". In Dutch, by contrast, "…
2 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 14 Junie 2007 03:53 «» deur: Dino
Re: Jesus.
…you call me a sinner you sinfull person you! I call you a sinner because that is exactly what you are. Look at the things you write, for heaven's sake. I'm also a sinner, we all fall short of the Grace of God (I'm not sure how it goes in the Scriptures, anyway, it's something like that). > Ja Boet! Nee Boet, maar jy aanhou. Dis reg. Ek is niks, maar die Bybel lieg nie, dis al. Lees jou Bybel. Hoekom wil jy vir God kwaad maak? Jy het baaie "guts," ek moet dit vir jou se. Totsiens, D…
3 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 28 Mei 2007 22:53 «» deur: Jim Again
Re: Die Jode : Die Feite !
… Jews, namely Richard Goldstone, Arthur Chaskalson, and Albert Sachs, - all sit on the bench of the South African Supreme Court (and Constitutional Court). What has happened in South Africa (under the name of so-called "democracy" and "diversity"), has been the Je- wish takeover of that country. ...And as with all African governments, South Africa is now a failed nation. It is poor, it is crime ridden, and it is not safe to walk the streets. - A typical third world Jewish Ghetto. The…
4 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 26 Mei 2007 21:48 «» deur: http://www.jahtruth.n
Re: Hoe veilig is Suid Afrika vir die Israeliet Bevolking wat daar woon?
…by the 2 new Laws that Jesus brought and also the Law that came before that (except for the ceremonial laws, which have been replaced by daily 'self' sacrifice.) Together, this is called 'The New Song' - > If you love your neighbour like yourself, you will not steal from him > because you will not steal from yourself. You will not murder him as you > will not murder yourself. Do you get the picture???? But then of course you > must love God above all else…
5 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 14 Mei 2007 21:41 «» deur: http://www.jahtruth.n
Hoe veilig is Suid Afrika vir die Israeliet Bevolking wat daar woon?
…let); and that will mean the 144,000 "Elect" recognising the returned Messiah/Christ/Mahdi, inside his new body, as not only their (your?) but also Gibraltar's; the entire Brit-ish People's; the U.S.A.'s; their historical allies' and the Commonwealth's and Ireland's True and Rightful King - JAH (Ezekiel 21:26-27). P.S. In the meantime please read my Books and Booklets; open your spiritual "eyes"; learn the "New Song" and remember to watch this space ( …
6 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 18 April 2007 09:49 «» deur: Vuur
Re: Sien julle dit al
…we are living in a dynamic world and it is also painful and hard to accept to those who oppose it because of their relation and beneficial status to such system which may require change. mphahlele Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:00 AM Transformation of the judiciary should not be treated as a special matter. There is an understanding among all south africans that all institutions should be transformed, so why should the judiciary be treated differently.We have other institutions that are transforming and their …
7 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 18 April 2007 09:41 «» deur: Vuur
Re: Sien julle dit al
…se: No Sunset Clause on BEE "We must also sound alarm and disgust at those who amass wealth as beneficiaries of black economic empowerment at the expense of the people. They exploit their political connections to negotiate for themselves lucrative deals with unscrupulous companies desperate to be seen as advancing BEE, while their actions amount to nothing more than transparent window dressing." ...Read More Names Not Changed, But Rightful Names Restored "The names such as Tshwane were in …
8 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 17 April 2007 09:12 «» deur: Riaan
Re: Ry of Bly
… use of certain words or catch-phrases. Note also how certain profanities once wholly unacceptable in polite company have now become commonplace in the mass media and, as a result, in everyday social intercourse. . Word disapproval - Whereby certain words or phrases expose the user to disagreeable social reactions like personal abuse, loss of preferment and even of employment, and other forms of victimisation. The offender is put under more or less punishing pressure to 'mind your language' and conform; …
9 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 01 Maart 2007 14:44 «» deur: Daun Johnson
Re: De la Rey geslag
…no substitute for re-reading your posts before hitting send my local newspaper editors must be dependent upon it though because I see fare used for fair, their for there, and other frequent errors that would be, or should be, caught by human proofreaders we also have a lot of English as Second language citizens, so maybe that's another reason it's hard enought to learn to speak another language wthout having to spell it too! English is crazy language for spelling anyway, the rules have many exceptions…
10 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 01 Maart 2007 07:47 «» deur: Koot
De la Rey geslag
… ice) since 9am. The De la Rey generation is also lost. Its members left the church they grew up in, went overseas for a gap year, used cocaine and had unprotected sex with foreign partners the guys now unashamedly call slette (sluts). They became part of a grey world where right and wrong became liquidised. When they came back from a world without parent and rules, they found cushy jobs in companies their fathers and uncles had built up during the apartheid years. They bought double cab bakkies, hired …
11 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 21 Februarie 2007 11:13 «» deur: Vuur
Easy Slow and Komfatable al weer:
… the current heatwave. In addition there has also been a number of unplanned outages of generating units, Eskom said in a statement. It warned that if there are any further unplanned outages or a further increase in demand, the possibility of load shedding increases. "We appeal to the South African consumers to switch off non-essential electrical equipment such as air-conditioning, geysers and swimming pool pumps in order to reduce the demand of electricity and to assist in minimising load shedding…
12 Forum: Geloof & kerksake «» Gepos op: Di, 20 Februarie 2007 17:24 «» deur: Waaierstertmuis
Bybelse Uitverkiesing - giftige artikel oor Kalvinisme
…geskryf: "If this being is omnipotent, then every occurrence, including every human action, every human thought, and every human feeling and aspiration is also His work; how is it possible to think of holding men responsible for their deeds and thoughts before such an almighty Being? In giving out punishment and rewards He would to a certain extent be passing judgement on Himself. How can this be combined with the goodness and righteousness ascribed to him?" -Albert Einstein Out of My Later …
13 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 20 Februarie 2007 05:27 «» deur: Vuur
Die ANC het die 1994-ooreenkoms verbreek. Flip Buys: Gevra: vryheid en ruimte vir álmal
…some of them. Oh ja, > and there was also Colin a.k.a The Foreskin Bandit, a squinted-eyed > Xhosa youngster who was also part of the crew of lighteys that hung > out there. > > But anyway, back to Alan and I yakking away as the mighty ocean > pounded away on the beaches. So I asked him, "Alan what does umlungu > mean?" > > Alan pointed to the foaming froth on the sands that the Indian Ocean > spewed forth with all its debris and replied, "…
14 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 15 Februarie 2007 11:44 «» deur: FreeSpirit_uk
Re: Good advice...
…gt; the dour mood on the Afrikaans group and the combatative mood on the >> English >> group. > If the joke had at least been new/funny/original it might have worked.. > >> Dude, you should lighten up. > You are the one criticising posters here, I was being supportive.. :-/ > Please take your own advice.. > And I was also being supportive. :-/ What happened to all the excellent and ongoing Afrikaans jokes I used to hear in South Africa? Have they all dried up…
15 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 13 Februarie 2007 04:37 «» deur: Daun Johnson
Re: Good advice...
…this newsgroup. Being free to post should also mean being responsible for what you post. All articles posted should have 'something' to do with southern Africa, Afrikaans or Afrikaans-speaking people, *however remotely. Insults, "flames" or unnecessary criticism of a group or a person is strongly discouraged. Please read the netiquette rules in news.announce.newusers before posting your first article to any newsgroup, and try to stick to them whenever posting articles. * RE"ELS ----- Soc.…
16 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 08 Februarie 2007 12:32 «» deur: Vuur
…, alleged bias, and racism, but the book has also been used as a source of IQ data and hypotheses in several peer- reviewed studies.[1] Lynn argues the surveyed studies have high reliability in the sense that different studies give similar results, and high validity in the sense that they correlate highly with performance in international studies of achievement in mathematics and science and with national economic development. Some of Lynn's research has been funded by the Pioneer Fund. The book was not …
17 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 01 Februarie 2007 08:56 «» deur: Vuur
Re: Die leier van SA
…to Saudi Arabia. Tax investigators then also examined other Thyssen affiliates. In the process they ascertained that the company had included similar payments in the balance sheet for the Corvette deal. Thyssen Krupp, however, said in a statement that it was confident that "the investigations will not confirm the suspicions regarding the illegal payment of commission". But the German investigation is likely to prompt renewed scrutiny of the Corvette deal and Mbeki's role during the bids. In …
18 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 01 Februarie 2007 08:30 «» deur: Riaan
Die leier van SA
…be taken implies he was asking Blair to also halt the South African investigation. "I sincerely hope that is not the case and that he was instead merely saying the Saudis should be investigated as well as South Africa." Allan said PSAM was one of more than 130 nongovernmental organisations that appealed to Blair to reinstate the Saudi probe. *** (no worries Thabo, this is nothing! ~ wait until The Genocide Tribunals start at The Hague then you'll really be shitting yerself, you dirty ol' …
19 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 31 Januarie 2007 13:52 «» deur: Vuur
…mischief, you, my grandchildren, won't also experience it, but the third stock, that will easily experience it." [He says the "third stock", or his great-grandchildren, would experience it. He died in 1820; three more generations at 70 years per generation would put the end of his great-grandchildren's expected lifespan sometime before 2030.] On the scope & details of WW3: "A third universal conflagration will come, so that it will determine everything. There will be weapons …
20 Forum: TV, flieks & vermaak «» Gepos op: Sa, 20 Januarie 2007 07:34 «» deur: Bodie[2]
Re: The Weakest Link
… > Net jammer jy's so agter die tyd. Die Boere het al almal daai grappie > gehoor en daaroor gegiggel. SO gaan kruip asseblief terug in jou gat en > slaap verder. Now why are you being SO rude ?? I thought it was funny and had not heard it before. Also, who exactly are these "Die Boere" you mention? Bodie .. -- "A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." ("General Introduction to Psychoanalysis," S. Freud…
21 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 17 Januarie 2007 17:26 «» deur: Daun Johnson
Re: Afrikaner Kalvinisme
…gold and uranium supplies. There was also a fear that South Africa might take more direct action against Bechuanaland, through economic sanctions or a military incursion. [1] [2] The British government therefore launched a parliamentary enquiry into Khama's fitness for the chieftainship. Though the investigation reported that he was in fact eminently fit for the rule of Bechuanaland, "but for his unfortunate marriage",[3] the government ordered the report suppressed (it would remain so for thirty…
22 Forum: Wiele «» Gepos op: Ma, 08 Januarie 2007 19:19 «» deur: DD
Toyota creating alcohol detection system
…if sensors pick up signs of excessive alcohol consumption, a news report said Wednesday. Cars fitted with the detection system will not start if sweat sensors in the driving wheel detect high levels of alcohol in the driver's bloodstream, according to a report carried by the mass-circulation daily, Asahi Shimbun. The system could also kick in if the sensors detect abnormal steering, or if a special camera shows that the driver's pupils are not in focus. The car is then slowed to a halt, the report said…
23 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 08 Januarie 2007 05:56 «» deur: Torreke
Re: The Politics of Progress
…majority? - English speaking voters! You also forget that a lot of the racial laws and policies the respective white governements, including Botha and Smuts, inherited from the British colonialists. The irony of the history is in fact that, after the Afrikaners had fought colialism for more than a century, they took over the reigns of a British colony and became "colonialists of a special kind" - as the ANC refers to the indigenous white population. "Suidwester" skryf in boodskap …
24 Forum: Gesondheid & boereraat «» Gepos op: Do, 05 Oktober 2006 15:08 «» deur: Noddy
Zuid Afrikaanse Hospitale is puik
…is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears to be depressed. 9. The patient has been depressed since she began seeing me in 1993. 10. Discharge status: Alive but without my permission. 11. Healthy appearing decrepit 69-year old male, mentlly alert but forgetful. 12. Patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch. 13. She is numb from her toes down. 14. While in ER, she was examined, x-rated and sent home. 15. The skin was moist and dry. 16. Occasional, constant infrequent headaches…
25 Forum: TV, flieks & vermaak «» Gepos op: Wo, 04 Oktober 2006 16:59 «» deur: Francois Human
Re: Multichoice
…of other races. Usually, this attitude also involves the belief that one's own race is superior to other races. People who believe in or practice racism are called racists. They claim that members of their own race are mentally, physically, morally, or culturally superior to those of other races. Because racists assume they are superior, they believe they deserve special rights and privileges. "Ferdi Greyling" skryf in boodskap > On Mon, 2 …
26 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Di, 19 September 2006 05:17 «» deur: Z.O.Z.
Re: Question about Afrikaans
…17th Century Southern-Dutch. It therefore also has very > close links with Flemish. The double negative is not unique to Afrikaans, > it inherited from 17th Centrury Southern-Dutch. > > From the very early days Germans came in significant numbers to SA. The > Afrikaners in fact have more German (+-26%) than French (+-17%) ancestors. > The pronunciation of Afrikaans is much closer to German than to Dutch. I have to disagree, I am dutch, I speak German and Dutch(ofcourse;o…
27 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Ma, 18 September 2006 08:54 «» deur: Torreke
Re: Question about Afrikaans
…quot; with the intention to create a medium of commuication that would eliminate misintepretation. I had friends at varsity who studied Esperanto in their own time and established an Esperanto Association. I don't know if they ever spoke Esperanto. I also cannot comment whether Esperanto's grammer is as simple as that of Afrikaans. When I referred to Afrikaans as "the simplest language ever designed" I was thinking of languages that originated in the normal way of communication between people…
28 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: So, 17 September 2006 16:32 «» deur: Liewe Lulu
Re: Question about Afrikaans
…17th Century Southern-Dutch. It therefore also has very close links with Flemish. The double negative is not unique to Afrikaans, it inherited from 17th Centrury Southern-Dutch. From the very early days Germans came in significant numbers to SA. The Afrikaners in fact have more German (+-26%) than French (+-17%) ancestors. The pronunciation of Afrikaans is much closer to German than to Dutch. Some words and expressions were taken over as is from German, i.e. "die" and "eier". I am…
29 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 15 September 2006 21:15 «» deur: ovvpr...
Re: Openbare versoek ? Ondersteuning aan (Inter-godsdienstige) Aangename uitkomste (Inisiatiewe), om te verhoog ? (Vorentoe vernuwe-bou-groei-verstaal ... (inisiatief) )
… that were flying there into. - Before, during and/or after, the receiving of a hint, to renew-build-grow-steel, Enjoyable outcome (negotiations), from and/or to, (Cosmic), Astral and/or Pro-dimentional, (combined) level(s). - And it will be highly appreciated, if it can at all be confirmed, (to be confirmed), (if at all required, (if at all), ) (before, during and/or after, the giving of sufficient information). ) (Also available in Afrikaans. ) ( (Support) final placement, and/or (under construction…
30 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 24 Julie 2006 18:02 «» deur: Vuur
Similarities between the Nazi regime compared to the ANC government in SA
…Socialist German Workers Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, commonly called the NSDAP or Nazi Party). The word Nazism is most often used in connection with the government of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945, also known as the "Third Reich". In terms of ideology, Nazism combines racialism, nationalism, anti-Semitism and anti-communism, and draws from a variety of other sources. Currently, Nazism is outlawed as a political ideology in modern Germany, as are forms of iconography …
31 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 14 Julie 2006 13:50 «» deur: Jonas
Re: Geweld in SA.
…ransacked his home. Dalene Pieterse also suffered two wounds to her left leg, believed to have been inflicted with a knife, and the couple's son, Gideon had scratched to his face. The exact nature of the assaults on them is not known. Gideon's little sister, Anuschka, 3, was not harmed. Swartruggens police were alerted to the murder shortly after midnight, said Captain Elsabe Augoustides of the Marico area police. While they were at the Pieterses' house a call came through about three suspicious characters…
32 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 07 Julie 2006 11:59 «» deur: Vuur
Mbeki en die ..............armsgate saga
…to Saudi Arabia. Tax investigators then also examined other Thyssen affiliates. In the process they ascertained that the company had included similar payments in the balance sheet for the Corvette deal. Thyssen Krupp, however, said in a statement that it was confident that "the investigations will not confirm the suspicions regarding the illegal payment of commission". But the German investigation is likely to prompt renewed scrutiny of the Corvette deal and Mbeki's role during the bids…
33 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 05 Julie 2006 13:35 «» deur: Vuur
Re: Hoe laag is die IK?
…t. They received fines of between R40 000 and R80 000 and received suspended jail sentences. They are Rhoda Joemat, Mildred Mpaka, Tseko Benedict Taabe, John Ncinani, Rodney Rhoda, Ruth Bhengu, Pamella Mnandi and Mavis Mgazi. Five of the MPs were later forced to resign. Travel boss Shamima Lamalia pleaded guilty to defrauding parliament of R650 000. She was fined R90 000 or five years in prison, as well as three years' correctional supervision. Lamalia has also agreed to testify on behalf of the …
34 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 05 Julie 2006 13:15 «» deur: Vuur
Re: Hoe laag is die IK?
…of his private parts. "There were also signs that he was severely beaten up," said Kupelo. Police are investigating charges of assault, running an illegal initiation school and illegally conducting circumcisions. No one has been arrested yet, but at least four traditional surgeons are sought in the Transkei. Initiates often die of infection, gangrene or sepsis. The boys stand in a queue to be circumcised, stealing chickens from villages to pay the surgeons. "Our worry is that apart from …
35 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 21 Junie 2006 09:52 «» deur: Ferdi Greyling
Re: Seer van Rensburg's Prohpechies Revealed on "Hello, Africa!"
…of my memory might be faulty there. I can also add here numerous discussion with a friend - maj John Keene, a military historian - but this cannot be offered as any objective proof. It is merely the memory of discussions. I do remember that the biography by Meintjies was readable, though not brilliant, and seems to be accepted academically as a decently researched biography. > 4.) I would readily admit that my statement that his successes as guerilla > leader could partly be attributed to the …
36 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 21 Junie 2006 08:48 «» deur: Torreke
Re: Seer van Rensburg's Prohpechies Revealed on "Hello, Africa!"
…same principle of Sola Scriptura. I have also read reliable sources and biographies about De La Rey. Not recently, though; so I will have to do some digging before I provide any references. And if I cannot find "proof", I will be the first person to admit that I was mistaken herein. Torreke "Ferdi Greyling" skryf in boodskap > On Tue, 20 Jun 2006 12:07:10 +0200, "Torreke" wrote: > > > the >> …
37 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 16 Junie 2006 08:22 «» deur: Vuur
Re: torrek , net vir jou!
…servants "lead by example". Also, she said her department was working and supporting municipalities in developing strategies to deal with local government debt. "A financial advisory committee has been set up to assist the department in dealing with the financial challenges facing municipalities. "I trust that this intervention will help support municipalities to comply with the Municipal Financial Management Act. This will help to turn around municipal finances." Upgrade local…
38 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 15 Junie 2006 17:27 «» deur: Vuur
Re: torrek , net vir jou!
…R300m in housing subsidies. "The DA also believes that provincial housing departments should account directly to their respective public accounts committees for the irregularities highlighted by the Auditor General, and report on: whether any investigations are occurring in relation to the matter; the status of those investigations; and the steps taken to recoup losses." Granted fraudulently The Auditor-General's report, released in January this year, found that as at March 2004, 53 426 …
39 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 14 Junie 2006 17:24 «» deur: Vuur
Re: torrek , net vir jou!
…ta, had started a war with the Europeans. He also sent a message to Chief Nyoniyezwe Ngubane. We crossed the Tugela River and went to Nkandhla where all the Chiefs and their Impis were to meet him. On the way we caught another horse which was to be ridden by Chakijana Sithole the Chief's main Induna. When we were crossing the Tugela river it was about full. Chakijana fired a shot in the air and then we heard that were going to Zululand. We arrived at the kraal of Induna Mangari Ndlela who took us to Induna…
40 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 09 Junie 2006 10:11 «» deur: Vuur
Re: torrek , net vir jou!
…uot; Soine said some of the other equipment also was not working and not one of the 12 firemen at the house took the lead or knew what to do. Told to get out his guns "I started giving instructions and one of the people started giving training to his colleagues on how to operate the single hose that was working. All my things were going up in flames." Soine said one of the officials told him to go with him into the burning house to remove firearms from the safe. "I was barefoot and I …
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